Thoughts on Sora?

Thoughts on Sora?

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i wish he had a happy ending in 3 so he could be retired
he is awful protagonist, kingdom hearts deserves better

He is very cute but has become increasingly dumber in each game. To the point where KH3 mocks him for it non-stop.

I only liked him in the first game, then he just becomes a plot device with nothing compelling about him

For me, it's Roxas

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>KH3 mocks him for it non-stop.
And then can't even follow through on that by making him the super special messiah boy that can't lose. There was such a disconnect between dialogue and actions in that game it was fucking stupid.

Probably not going to be in Smash, because it would be a bit difficult to balance his air combos.

I hope he's alone in the next installment. The Sora, Donald, Goofy routine has gotten old. Many aspects of the series has gotten old.

>he still fucks up Saix even on critical mode
truly based

He means very well. I personally always liked him as a protagonist because he’s the only normal person of the cast. He doesn’t know or care about all the stupid shit happening. He just wants people to be happy. He gets frustrated, annoyed, mad, sad, etc. He’s not some super intelligent, talented natural, just a young boy who wants to set things right.

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He's cute and genuinely funny in 3.

He's alright in 1, he's a dumb kid but he's supposed to be.

They're trying to make him too cool in 2 for him to actually be cool.

Never played his game
Only read hentai

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Chain of memories is peak sora. DDD is worst sora.

never, ever, ever going to be in Smash

I love shota

He's kind of a fag, but then it is a Disney property after all.

They said that about cloud and snake too and look at things now.

>SSB: PS All Stars edition
What the fuck universe are we living in?

They've made him too much of an Idiot Hero.

But imagine his crazy air combos

He's really cute and his butt was distracting in KH3

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The best one

CoM Sora is coolest Sora. His cutscene with Larxene where he gets fucking pissed is GOAT.

Literally fucking retarded. In 3, he's completely incapable of remembering what he's doing for more than 5 minutes. He is sent to Herc's world to train and immediately upon landing talks about how he wonders why they were brought to this world. He does this all throughout the game. Fuck Sora.

See they mocked him for it. But he wasn’t really dumb in 3 at all. My issue is that they were joking around calling him dumb mostly, but some cutscenes really treated him like a child despite him not being so much.

He unironically has better romantic chemistry with Riku than he does with Kairi and you don't have to be a fujoshi to see it.

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>He is sent to Herc's world to train and immediately upon landing talks about how he wonders why they were brought to this world
I'm wondering if the game didn't go through a bunch of rewrites and Nomura just forgot to rewrite half the lines.

Sounds like KH3 Sora is the most accurate representation of the average gamer than even MGS2 Raiden.

Has some really nice genderbend r34 lately.

Okay, i believe you

t. degenerate fujo that can't differentiate between friendship and homosexuality

He's the definition of Mary Sue - he has trials but no conflict, you know? He always makes the perfect, righteous decision and if he ever feels conflict or a bad thought for a single moment, he shakes it off. Riku would have been a better protagonist, to be honest.

All that being true, I still like Sora though. He's a happy dude and a good person... I just wish he were a better character.

To be fair a lot of those moments were related to technology, and him being tech-illiterate is both cute and makes sense since he's an islander.

>He is sent to Herc's world to train and immediately upon landing talks about how he wonders why they were brought to this world.
No he doesnt, he wonders about the fanfare.
If you're going to shitpost about the game at least dont just straight up lie about it.

Best redemption theme

I can. He's friends with Donald, Goofy, and most every other person in the series.

Ultra instinct roxas completely dominating saix will never not be hilarious.
If they ever patch the difficulty i hope they keep this.

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He would be a better protagonist than Sora.
>awesome light based moveset that emphasizes speed and overwhelming power. Overall, his moveset is cooler than Sora's despite being less flashy.
>Isn't stupid
>Is cool with exploring Disney worlds even when he was working with the Org
>can come across as very menacing without being edgy when shit needs to get done
>has shown more emotion than Sora in KH3
>has a nice and varied supporting cast in the form of Hayner, Pence, Olette, Xion, Axel and Saix

>kh hentai
So you're gay, frogfag?

t. has not played 358/2 days
his kit is only as fun as the person in the designers' chair allows it to be.

>has shown more emotion than Sora in KH3
He has literally one scene where he gets angry at Xemnas and then hugs Axel and Xion. Not exactly a breadth of personalty there.

He fucks black men

They did patch the difficulty, you brainlet.

more like zorra (spanish for bitch)

I liked him in KH1, CoM, 2 and I think that's about it. From DDD to KH3 his behaviour and dialogue became progressively more cringy.

Days was when Roxas was green. KH3 Roxas can turn into a beam of light and do all sorts of neat moves. If Roxas were playable in a future game, they'd make sure to emphasize his speed as KH2 (boss) and 3 did.

He was also happy to hang out with his friends in Twilight Town, and he was talking with Terra, Aqua, and Riku in Destiny Islands. He's an outgoing young lad like Sora, but unlike Sora he isn't too happy nor too stupid.

And Sora had a breakdown when all his friends died, he shat on Xehanort for his awful motivations and was distraught when Ven just let Vanitas be an edgelord. Sora shows far more emotion in 3 than just "happy go lucky".

He’s cute and dumb. Also, just finished KH2FM on Critical Mode and it was actually really fun.

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Did you do the data fights, son?

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Not yet since I just beat main campaign (Xemnas boss is kino but man that vehicle section was dumb, but going to try and tackle them today. I remember playing the shit out of KH2 as a kid and enjoying the combat but Critical Mode made me appreciate it even more.

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Crit Level 1 will make you appreciate the combat even further and also make you tear your hair out.

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KH had a chance to be brave and bold, but the chickened out and opted for a hetero romance instead of one between Sora and Riku as they originally penned.

Thing is there's so many scraps of that original gay story still in there that Kairi's shove in is even more awkward and jilted.

I used to like him until I learned he's a slave to black cock

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I can imagine. Definitely will check it out just to test myself later on. This and TWEWY have been some of my favorite games to play through.

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Thats just hipster enough for me to enjoy it!

As much as I love Roxas he doesn’t work as well as a protagonist from a game like Kingdom Hearts, as I feel Sora really demonstrates a great balence between square and Disney, and it feels really good when he does get shit done cause he has been constantly shit on since 2 but is perfectly fine with doing what he has to do. Doesn’t need to be edgy like everyone else and yet gets the most shit done

Based and BBCpilled

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ew, imagine PS1 kingdom hearts. it'd be like BBS but with worse framerates

haha I'm not aroused by this. That would be GAY which I am not haha

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