Which tone is more appropriate for the Sonic series?

Which tone is more appropriate for the Sonic series?

>Shonen anime
>Monsters of the week
>Rock music in outer space
>Corny dialogue that's charming in its own right


>Saturday morning cartoon
>Villains that don't expect you to take them seriously
>Self-aware humor
>"Lighter" feel, but little to no sense of urgency

Attached: SC_Sonic.png (1920x1200, 2.11M)

Whichever isn't made by Sonic Team.

Whatever Sonic Mania was

All of them. Sonic is wild creative freedom. It can ping pong from one tone to another at the drop of the hat. The fact that this isn't capitalized on is a crime.

Unleashed has a little of both of those.

>Saturday morning cartoon
>Monster of the week
>corny but heartfelt dialogue
>villains expect to be taken seriously and are by every character that isn't Sonic because he's a cocky shithead
>"Lighter" feel but still has a sense of urgency because there's real stakes involved

It was pretty much perfect, tonally speaking. Yet for some reason Sonic Team keeps going from one extreme to the other.

>It can ping pong from one tone to another at the drop of the hat.
I can, but that doesn't mean it should. Inconsistency is one of the series biggest issues, and it has been for a long time. You might like Sonic being this weird amorphous blob of whatever Sonic Team thinks will appeal to the widest audience at the time, but I sure don't. And I imagine plenty of other people don't either.

Self aware shounen

SA1/2 tone.

Sonic OVA tone.

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I really don't get the "sonic shouldn't be serious crowd" people love when fucking mario does it, so why can't sonic?

Attached: 220px-Super_Paper_Mario_cover.jpg (220x309, 37K)

Because Sonic games are bad.

>>"Lighter" feel but still has a sense of urgency because there's real stakes involved
Yeah from the opening to final boss. Majority of the game rarely felt like the stakes were all that large at all, SA1 did a better job at this.

Mario stars humanish characters, Sonic is a bunch of cartoon rats.

I like sunday morning shonen Sonic best. I also have no hope for anything good coming in that vein.

Sonic 2006 and The CoD Wannabe game basically made people want the series to go the opposite direction

And now Sonic is in New Super Mario Bros territory of "play it safe and don't take risks"

Mario got away with it for obvious reason but with Sonic its hurting him as hes meant to be a dude with attitude not a guy who never takes risks

People don't know what they want, but they will vocalize their opinions anyway.
The Sonic franchise has suffered a lot because of this. People are unsure of what made Sonic good, and have even shown to be unable to properly play the early games, but will go on long diatribes about what they think is bad.

It's similar to watching e-celebs talk about roguelikes. It's clear they often have no clue what they're talking about and it hurts to know that people will take their word for it.

>And now Sonic is in New Super Mario Bros territory of "play it safe and don't take risks"
It's honestly pretty shameless that Lost World uses all of the NSMB world themes in the exact same order

Because that game is the exception, not the norm And even then, Galaxy did it better.
Heck, Super still had goofy shit like fitting a nerdy lizard obsessed with butterflies. After a dating sim minigame.
But overall this. It's more about execution more than anything else. And most recent Sonic games have been executed horribly.
Forces even had a plotline that the west used 2-3 times and still screwed it up.

Sonic Unleashed has a lot of gameplay issues but from a setting and story perspective it's as good as Sonic has ever been and probably ever will be.

Sonic Boom tv show was the best Sonic product until Mania, so...

Google "Sonic the Sissyhog"

Looking for ideas

At first I thought that the thumbnail was showing Sonic with a massive segmented dick.