NEET Attorney, Programmer here. Why am I hated?

I am a NEET attorney, and a programmer as well.

Half my (extended) family hates me and thinks I'm a "fucking idiot".

The educated side of the family does not hate me.

My programming for one project alone, which I brought up from 18 weapons to over 200 weapons, is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

(Not to mention the mapping, 3d modeling, textures, pixel art, and music I produce)
(A very small sample of the 100+ models I've made over the years: )

I also have marble floors in my domicile (because I cut and placed them down, with border vs 45 degree angle placement), finished 1/3rd of the house myself (the unfinished areas), I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!"). I'm also handy with the coping saw to make properly installed crown molding.

I reminded the LKML that non-exclusive free licenses are revocable since they are not supported by consideration (and obeying a pre-existing duty doesn't cut it), which triggered about 30 articles on the topic 6 months ago.

(and here's more recent:

You know why I'm hated? (Tell me)
I think it might be because I do whatever I want, and study what I want, while they work 1 job for a boss all their days, learn nothing, and want others to join their misery.

Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

Attached: xontemp20160405153509-00.jpg (620x349, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:, Attorney/

> >NEET attorney
>So you passed the bar... and then proceeded to not do a damn thing with it?
Correct. All pro-bono work, including PSA's such as:,

Just like my opensource work.

>My guess is that this is because your family has to pay for your life nesessities, while your meme "jobs"are a child's play IRL.
They do not. The extended family that hates me does not pay a dime for me.

>Live on your own dime, and noone will give a fuck about you.
Indifference is worse than hatred.
>For how smart you claim to be, you're pretty fucking stupid.
>NEET means "Not in Employment, Education, or Training"
>If you make money being an attorney and programmer, you are self employed and not a NEET.
I fit the definition of NEET; I don't make money. All my legal work contributes to the destruction of unstable (incorrectly executed) edifices. I don't get anything from it, other than satisfaction.
>You might have achieved good things, but that doesn't mean you aren't a fucking idiot. Have you never once asked any of the family that feels that way why they do, or considered that while skilled in your field, you might be painfully ignorant of another that common people are familiar with? Don't ever let your achievements blind yourself to your weaknesses.

My fields include Programming, Law, Construction, Music, and Art.
I particularly like Construction and Programming.
> >I am hated for this aswell ("trying to upstage us!")
>Answering your question quite nicely there.
>Not being another beer-swilling fat idiot overtaxed with even following the plot of a TV show makes them look pretty bad in comparison.

Is this the reason?

Attached: xontemp20171223135240-00.jpg (620x349, 14K)

Attached: floor0.jpg (1024x681, 339K)

Attached: floor4.jpg (1024x681, 254K)

Attached: floor3.jpg (1024x681, 274K)

Why did you post this again retard

Attached: 7C07D2DF-83DB-4D9E-821A-77836B73AFD1.png (742x742, 326K)

Attached: xontemp20181215135502-00.jpg (620x349, 81K)

What kind of autism is this?

>Why did you post this again retard

So you would post your marble floors too.

Attached: xontemp20180426054241-00.jpg (620x349, 74K)

Attached: floor2.jpg (1024x681, 265K)

>What kind of autism is this?

Whatever you call the actual will to realise something for yourself, rather than working for Bossman, begging for pennies on the dollar in surplus, and hiring someone else to do it 50 years later at long last when you "Retire" (still on call)

Attached: floor1.jpg (1024x681, 262K)

Attached: Untitled_.jpg (4064x2471, 1.48M)

Go to /agdg/

Attached: xontemp20171129062342-00.jpg (620x349, 61K)

Attached: xontemp20160403190601-00.jpg (620x349, 104K)

That does not exist on Yea Forums, and otherchan is dog slow and hosted in the USA.

/vg/ you dumdum.

Attached: xontemp20171017183435-00.jpg (620x349, 39K)

You keep making this stupid thread where you talk about your flooring and then you start losing your mind about how you hate white people. No one cares, dude. Not a single person on here, and not your own family.

Attached: 1435705543450.png (459x413, 429K)

You said agdg/ not /vg/

I notice your picture is of an idiot owned by some whore, and not a Ba'al with his child bride.

Show your flooring or videogame projects, white FUCK.


do you also make things in source

Attached: xontemp20161017131133-00.jpg (620x349, 54K)

>do you also make things in source
The source is in the /data/zzzzz....pk3 file.

If you mean in the commercial "Source" engine. No: why would I do that?

Your flooring and house looks like shit and your programming is also dogshit

Attached: A33F9901-CD01-48A6-BF3D-2258722AEC98.png (817x443, 34K)

Last thread

Attached: xontemp20180315095908-00.jpg (620x349, 66K)

>posing for a picture with someone who doesn't like you is 'owning' them
This is the level of intelligence we're dealing with, folks.
>Show your flooring
Jesus you're pathetic, holy shit. You must live the emptiest lift imaginable if you need to anonymously brag about your fucking floor tiles to people who just want to discuss video games, instead of your autistic WiP projects that you will never finish.
>or videogame projects
I have no interest in helping you with your project, critiquing it, or anything of the sort. I simply do not care about it, and you're no going to trick people into caring by throwing a shitfit tantrum about white people like a five year old who just learned that other races are a thing.

Attached: 1404661330444.png (250x250, 52K)

>Your flooring and house looks like shit and your programming is also dogshit

Quantify your opinion: Why does my flooring "look like shit"?

Show us your marble floors.
Show us your video game.

Oh, you don't have one.

So you're saying that you lack marble floors and you also lack a videogame to your name.

Gotcha. Worthless white wageslave fuck.
How's your day off?

>I made a flaming pile of feces
>But you haven't made anything so I'm better than you :^)
Nah, sometimes something is a complete waste of time and everyone would be better off focusing their attention on something more entertaining, like watching paint dry.


Have some actually decent wood flooring instead marble is tacky boomer shit

Attached: Untitled2_1.jpg (6016x4000, 2.57M)

Do you fuck your floor, or something? Are you pic related? What is with your fixation?

Attached: 1439169081360.jpg (1280x6800, 942K)

Flooring is made with incredibly low quality marble, and it looks like it was done by a amateur.
Most of been a white man golem who did this.

Get cancer already you're posting this trash cardboard unity game every couple hours on Yea Forums and /r9k/ off yourself already retard

>Have some actually decent wood flooring instead marble is tacky boomer shit

I have wood flooring on the first floor. Have some variety stupid fucking white piece of filth.

My game is great.

OP is based and I wish you the best

>White man thinks "hmm he actually has marble floor.... I KNOW: ILL SAY IT SUCKS!!! HAHAHHA!"

>My game is great.
And my cock is five feet long and wider than a doorframe.

Attached: 1421523.jpg (350x277, 17K)

Your game is a soulless representation of your own life

Maybe they hate you cause you're an unemployed fuck.

stop fucking posting this everyday

>Oh and because I accept and support YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

Attached: 1559188385820.jpg (750x556, 332K)


Based schizo.

>My game is great.
You are an empty person who is unloved by their own family, and your game will be just as soulless and unloved.

>Maybe they hate you cause you're an unemployed fuck.

Good. They banned child brides; I hope they hate their wageslave life.

My game has nothing but soul: that's why you do not appreciate it. You are a white soulless golem.

Is this dude sourcefam from /agdg/ or just a copycat?

>I accept and support YHWH

Attached: 1507447803170.png (400x240, 57K)

White man golem mad that he is not as good as me.


>You are an empty person who is unloved by their own family, and your game will be just as soulless and unloved.

Nope; I am not a wageslave fuck like yourself who is happy to work for a godlike Boss your whole life until the magical Retirement (when you'll do all the things you were saving up these last 5 decades right?), while PRUHVIDIN for a roastie whore who divorces you before you ever get that Retirement.

>Good. They banned child brides; I hope they hate their wageslave life.
Good to know we found the heart of the issue. Your family hates your because you're a pedophilic would-be child rapist who's more concerned with appearing wealthy via flooring than you are with the protection and nurturing of human life. Sociopath.

Attached: 1523490632_idkc.jpg (666x640, 44K)

You say it like childbrides are good, and being a wage slave is bad. Quite the opposite.

Show your videogame, white wageslave.

you made this exact thread yesterday fuck off

Wait what does flooring relate to the videogame?

>>You say it like childbrides are good, and being a wage slave is bad. Quite the opposite.

>This is your mind on white.

YHWH allows child brides, white men are heretics.

Show anything of note with your featureless city """game""", incel pedocuck.

It is tetris IRL

>Wait what does flooring relate to the videogame?

It's another thing white wageslave fucks do not do:
They do not code videogames, they do not posess marble floors. They do have lots of beer though: they proud of that.

Why the hell do we have this autism thread every day? I've seen porn threads more related to video games than this

My only question is how do you fund yourself. How do you have a home or pay for anything if you don't earn any money?

>Show anything of note with your featureless city """game""", incel pedocuck.

Allready did. Show your game and marble floor, white man. Oh, sorry, you don't have such things, all your time is wasted on your boss while I am at home.

How's your day off? You should be sleeping in today.

Because OP is insane.
Legit insane.

Autists love repetition.

Reminder that this OP is highly autistic AND psychotic. You will get nowhere talking to them.

Attached: 1536868227225.png (280x373, 181K)

>My only question is how do you fund yourself. How do you have a home or pay for anything if you don't earn any money?

It's called not being a debt ridden white cattle.

You see there are things called "estates": something white men know nothing as they would rather get second and third morgages and then get tossed out on the street the second they miss a payment.

video games are meant to be fun or at least try new things

how many times you will make this thread schizo?

>YHWH allows child brides, white men are heretics.
Sucks to be you then, Achmed. We made the rules, you live in our world. Enjoy being denied what you want to do with children. I hope that flooring brings you great solace when you're angrily cranking your dick while wishing you were inside of a child.

>Because OP is insane.
>Legit insane.

Then how am I a licensed attorney and a programmer?

Oh yes
>Not agreeing with the white-man's "wonderful" social system is "insane"

I said something of note, and no, you haven't shown any such thing. Just PS1-tier blandness that wouldn't even make it past Steam Greenlight.

Attached: Sakurafish.jpg (600x600, 39K)

cool, and how did you get the estate? Where did that money come from. Or was it inherited? How do you pay your property taxes? Do you make money by renting out parts of your property to other people, using them for the same purpose that you are lecturing others in this thread against becoming?

>I said something of note, and no, you haven't shown any such thing. Just PS1-tier blandness that wouldn't even make it past Steam Greenlight.

The white man knows only satisfaction when a Boss-like figure approves of his labour.

>Sucks to be you then, Achmed. We made the rules, you live in our world.
I do hate you for that. Your race will be gone soon enough, however. I am very glad "your" politicians can't get enough of Muslim immigration. They're tired of your beliefs aswell.

Yeah, he's said in previous threads that he's some trustfund loser who's never earned anything in his life and looks down on people who work because their ancestors didn't get them a golden ticket like his did for him. He's the definition of a manchild.

>The white man knows only satisfaction when a Boss-like figure approves of his labour.
I know the satisfaction of a good video game. No one will ever feel that from anything you put your name on.

It's called being an heir, something you white men know nothing of. Always scratching at the dirt and backstabbing each-other for some coin.

You even charge your progeny rent! You wonder why you're always pennyless peasants.

>i'm a programmer
not the argument i would've chosen, personally

Attached: 1536518744710.jpg (350x350, 31K)

>I know the satisfaction of a good video game. No one will ever feel that from anything you put your name on.

Oh, but I feel that satisfaction. You see: because this game was made for me. Not you consumer piece of trash.

How was your work week?
You were in misery all week, and all your surplus labour going to your betters.

I am so glad that you suffer, heretic filth.

ah, that makes sense then. Well, it would make sense if we all had the same opportunity and chances he did- it's not like we are willingly living the wage cuck lifestyle, we are just stuck in a shitty situation where we will literally die if we don't because we have no other way to buy necessities like food or shelter.

I wonder what his opinion on homeless are- they aren't wage slaves, but they are still getting owned by the system. Does he realize that this is what would happen to those of us without his circumstances if we didn't work?

Shut the fuck up faggot op

We need another one of these archived for history reasons

>I do hate you for that
>Your race will be gone soon enough, however. I am very glad "your" politicians can't get enough of Muslim immigration.
I couldn't care less one way or the other as someone who's never cared about race. When I was a kid I thought black people were white people who got a third degree sunburn and were darker for it for the rest of their lives. Simple as that, same species. Take your racebaiting to

Also a lawyer.

Reminder that you will never be as good as a black man OP. Black men will always be more successful than you.

>Does he realize that this is what would happen to those of us without his circumstances if we didn't work?
He does, he just thinks he's better than that despite having achieved nothing in his life other than tearing down edifices/ architectural projects for free with his attorney's silence, or whatever he claims he does for free.

cool thing bro. But I can't change the choices of my father or his ancestors. I'm stuck in this situation whether I like it or not, so have some sympathy.

your marble floor looks like you've pissed and/or jizzed on it for a while, this is fucking disgusting
and fuck off with your blogs already

>You see: because this game was made for me. Not you consumer piece of trash.
You wouldn't be seeking validation and praise so badly if you made it just for yourself, sociopath.
>I am so glad that you suffer, heretic filth.
That's some intense projection. I live a very fulfilled, happy life. I also get to fuck the people I want to fuck because I'm not a pedophile. Again, sucks to be you, Achmed.

You seem schizo tier insane
Also stop obsessing about what other people think. Especially family, they're biased

>ah, that makes sense then. Well, it would make sense if we all had the same opportunity and chances he did- it's not like we are willingly living the wage cuck lifestyle, we are just stuck in a shitty situation where we will literally die if we don't because we have no other way to buy necessities like food or shelter.

Most white men will wageslave even if they otherwise didn't have to: got to pay off that boat somehow. The white man is like air: he always expands to fill his container.

They also like to PRUVIDE for literal whores, and like to pay money to bomb any culture that allows child brides.

>I wonder what his opinion on homeless are- they aren't wage slaves, but they are still getting owned by the system. Does he realize that this is what would happen to those of us without his circumstances if we didn't work?

Noble rebels who refuse to be true white-men.

Autism mixed with schizophrenia or something like it. You should have seen the thread last night. It was a wild fucking ride.

OP you will never be understand here. Please register an account at Kiwi Farms and there will be a lot of people that want to talk to you I promise.

Attached: 1559159835842.gif (400x225, 1.96M)

Black men know the score on white whores. Also when they rule a land child brides are legal immediately.

They are not cucks nor wagecucks.

Show us your marble floor wagecuck white man.

The grapes on the vine are sour too, amirite?

>OP you will never be understand here. Please register an account at Kiwi Farms and there will be a lot of people that want to talk to you I promise.

Tried once, they ban all proxies so I am not going to bother.

>he makes these threads on /ic/, Yea Forums and /vg/ as well
Is this psychosis? Attorney/

'ate white people
'ate bossman
'ate half me family

luv marble floors
luv me 200 wehpahns
luv wee lassies
luv YHWH

simple as

make a post in the comments of your game's moddb page if you're legit

That you are happy with fucking whores shows that you are pathetic. Your brain is not your own.

You, like all white men, recoil at cuteness.

You want diseased old whores. You are an animal slave.

>Most white men will wageslave even if they otherwise didn't have to: got to pay off that boat somehow.
So you hate that people choose to live active lives and some people enjoy being workaholics? I'm not even one of those types, but I'm kind of baffled that you seem to hate people who are simply living their lives without bothering anyone else.

>make a post in the comments of your game's moddb page if you're legit

Said the mentally diseased pedophile who wants prepubescent girls. I'll be over here having taste while you fantasize about your thirty virgins or whatever sandniggers believe in.

Attached: get down with the thiccness.webm (426x426, 920K)

he's projecting his anti work autism on the everyman

>So you hate that people choose to live active lives and some people enjoy being workaholics? I'm not even one of those types, but I'm kind of baffled that you seem to hate people who are simply living their lives without bothering anyone else.

They do bother everyone: they support and pay for their military to destroy every pro-marry-young-girl culture in existence. They are proud and open about this. see: >Sucks to be you then, Achmed. We made the rules, you live in our world. Enjoy being denied what you want to do with children. I hope that flooring brings you great solace when you're angrily cranking your dick while wishing you were inside of a child.

>It is really him
Need to talk more about how it can be played with friends

Attached: d8d.jpg (1280x720, 39K)

I encountered that thread when I was stoned and thought the thread making no sense was because of me initially.

>he's projecting his anti work autism on the everyman

The everyman hates every culture that allows men to marry cute young virgin girl. The everyman is proud to help destroy them. He helps by working everyday.

>Need to talk more about how it can be played with friends

What do you mean? Just buy a 10gb spf+ mellonox card or 10 off ebay for 20 dollars or less each, buy a 10gb SPF+ router, and you're good to go for a smooth lan party.

>They do bother everyone: they support and pay for their military to destroy every pro-marry-young-girl culture in existence

Attached: 1394924447729.jpg (311x309, 13K)

That pic is disgusting. White man likes fat hogg, so surprising. He'll dedicate his life wageslaving for her and think "I have it made".

Pay so little, and get so much (the white man wageslave's whole life of surpluss value)

If only Tilefucker was still around...

OP is white, he is aware that his own race are nothing more then a bunch of morons

/g/ too. Dozens of times.

YHWH's allowance that men may marry cute young girls (white men hate this: MUUUHH WHITE WUUMAN) (YHWH allows men to marry young girls: Devarim chapter 22 verse 28 (na'ar (hebrew masoretic text: child)) (padia (greek septuagint: child)) (puella (latin vulgate: young girl)))

You are a heretic. Very similar to the Cathars, which the Church destroyed years ago. The Church would destroy you too, if it could, white man.

>I want to fuck tiny children like a boy-loving faggot who hates womanly features like hips and tits

Attached: 1534876147113.gif (500x282, 65K)

Have empathy for girls achmed
We need them to be functional adults when they grow up, not traumatized baby makers. lack of maturity is part of the reason pedophilia is taboo

OP is 50% Irish, not sure what the other half is, but he uses the Irish bit to claim he isn't white, so I assume the other half is somehow even whiter.

Attached: index.jpg (210x240, 9K)

I'm sorry I'm a subhuman chimera:
50% dog (Irish)
25% Eastern Europe (Subhuman)
25% Central Europe (Barbarian).

Let's post "gross" images that turn off Achmed the Pedophile.

Attached: 1552408278776.jpg (1080x1080, 132K)



also op your floor looks disgusting, try cleaning it you dirty stinky jew freak

Your religion is a means of social control. If it helps you get through life, thats great. Apparently your beliefs are causing you strife because something in a book a person wrote told gave you an excuse to do shit that decent civilized society has determined to be illegal. In addition, maybe your family hates you because youre fucking autistic despite your accomplishments in your personal life.

Success in anything wont make people like you once they get to know you and find out youre an awful person to be around. They might pretend to like you to get something out of it, but i assume you wouldnt like leeches robbing you of sweet marble flooring, legal counsel, and next gen super HD future tech

Attached: DemiRose.jpg (1858x1116, 312K)

Attached: 1544625980649.jpg (2448x1836, 524K)

>he's proud of this depressing-looking rathole

Attached: 1430572569434.gif (360x270, 1.63M)

Stop making this thread

Tilefucker thread?

tilefucker would NEVER let his tiles get so dirty. this is a travesty of the highest order and tilefucker wouldnt stand for it.

Attached: 1557195788294.webm (640x900, 1.66M)

Redirect for the uninformed:

It stops being funny when you repost the same thread 3 times a day. It retroactively makes the first one unfunny. Stop while you're ahead.

do you piss and jizz on your floor? why is it so dirty?

Attached: 1557196334761.webm (680x900, 1.82M)

Attached: 1557196413524.webm (680x900, 1.97M)

>this entire thread

Attached: baby grinch.png (304x366, 231K)

Attached: 1552408370624.webm (384x480, 621K)

I think the ass and titties actually scared OP off. What a loon.

Attached: 1531942128998.jpg (640x640, 74K)

>is worth 4 to 6 million dollars according to the source lines of code calculator that the linux devs use.

what in the flip-flying fuck am I reading

i wish that were me

Attached: 1535548317124.jpg (1152x2048, 199K)

keep reading, you're in for a treat

>have really nice bathroom with beautiful black marble floor and really nice walls with a nice countertop
>don't want to post because tilefucker might covet my tile-fus.


Attached: m4wm2olozs411.gif (728x466, 182K)

Attached: 1551913128073.webm (720x1280, 1.8M)

Attached: 1551913197735.webm (450x300, 670K)

What the fuck is this thread

rant of a schizo

Ass tiles and programming. What part confused you?

Attached: 1449347941088.jpg (640x640, 208K)

I wish we had an actual formal list of all the confirmed nutjobs on Yea Forums
>Evolve shill

Some autistic pedophile ranting about his life in the hopes that it will make him less miserable, largely on account of how mad he is that he can't fuck kids and how the white man is the devil for taking that from him

we call him Achmed

That's the whitest shit I've ever heard of.

I'm a mixture of polish, hungarian, irish, french, german, and some slavic.

Rate my whiteness senpai.

Attached: melisandre.webm (700x480, 1.59M)


Why am I not surprised that this looks like a pedophile's rape den

My uncle is white and has marble floor in his house

why am I posting in this

Attached: carl02.png (352x356, 249K)

Attached: 12592642.jpg (1080x1302, 282K)

Terry is that you?

Maybe you're hated because your autistic ass has been spamming /g/ for years, don't think so?
Kill yourself nigger

terry's spirit took over this guy

Caramel too

And can't forget ACFag.

Lanced jack

who was quentin?

He was the one who kept calling himself the king of Yea Forums (or other people called him that as a joke) while making threads about why anyone who plays video games was a loser, or some shit
I may have gotten this wrong, or I'm thinking of someone else

Is this some copypasta I'm not aware of?

No, but it might become one soon.

He's a tripfag who I don't think has posted here in years (someone could check the archives) but would advocate for not playing video games in public, and take a moral high ground against stoners. I don't know if the comics about him (and his "diamond dogs") were also made by him, but that's technically where the "bing bing wahoo" jokes came from

Doesn't take a chef to know the food tastes like shit

Yeah he'd mostly shit on Nintendo users in public and act like reading books makes you a turbochad
or at least those comics depicted him that way

Thought this was a board for video game discussion & not scuffed flooring jobs. Should've just saved yourself the embarassment & paid someone to do this.

they hate you because you are in a position of great opportunity but aren't using it to attain actual life goals

Possibly, but I don't think so. I legitimately think it's an actual autist with an extra helping of lunatic on top that keeps making the same thread.

Have sex

I encountered this no more than a few weeks ago. Could of been an impostor, but he definitely went hard on the fact the books were pretty much the only acceptable hobby if you were in public.

I could afford to deck every inch of flooring in my house with marble, but i don't, because 16th century flagstones and wood are better, thank you very much.

If you're ugly then people will require more from you, research the blackpill

People pretending to be him isn't unheard of at all at this point.