Wake up refreshed

>wake up refreshed
>pour cup of coffee
>set blankets on favorite couch
>grab controller and play vidya all fucking day long
Saturday’s are so amazing.

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>drinking reddit bean water

ah yes, coffee, the most famous invention of the social news site known as "reddit"

We hating coffee now? Water still the only Yea Forums approved Beverage?

Based post

>coffee is reddit

spotted the 12 year old who can't handle bitterness

Preferring gay stick and leaf water


for me? it's the Monster Energy Zero Ultra with zero calories but all the energy boosting nutrients I need to fuel my gaming pleasure

>wake up like a trainwreck
>pour cup of coffee with bourbon
>sleep for another two hours on the couch
>grab beer and play vidya all fucking day long

>wake up refreshed
>pour cup of coffee
>open a dozen Yea Forums tabs
>shitpost until gone midnight
>feel like absolute shit and drag myself to bed at 2am even though I'm not tired
>wake up shattered on Sunday and do the same
>work on Monday

coffee is for low energy men

>reddit bean


Never realized that Yea Forums is full of such underage vermin

>reddit bean water
actually laughed out loud

you're still a faggot

Good shit user. What are you gonna play?
Good shit too
Ignore them

Water is good, but the patrician way of life is:
>coffee at breakfast
>water at noon
>tea at 4PM
>homemade kefir at 9PM as dessert

No I'm drinking coffee right now, but that post is based and true. It's about the most reddit drink I can think of.

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mudrunner and sniper elite 4

For me, it’s the double espresso made with this coffee maker I got for Christmas, no milk or sugar, and playing my PC backlog half of my Saturday.

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I stay alert on water, soft drinks, milk, anything but coffee which makes me sleepy every time. At nights where I can't find sleep I'll usually drink a cup and sink like a rock. What's the science behind that?

I like this. Though I’m partial to hot toddy’s at night

>wake up in a daze
>realize I passed out on the couch, drunk, watching John Wick
>oh good
>make coffee

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Coffee makes me sleepy too, love a late night cup. You shouldn’t drink soda

is there a coffee that isn't horribly bitter?
my man child taste buds cant handle it
tea is fine for me

if you drink a lot of soda you may already be pumped full of caffeine and the coffee just pushes you into the crash

It depends on the beans and how you brew it. Try researching some brands.
Drink it with milk/sugar at first and ease yourself to it.

Have you tried roasted coffee?

Go to a local coffee speciality store and ask for sample packets of single origins in varying strengths. They'll gladly provide you some.

imagine drinking anything other than water

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mix it dude, I personally put milk in it

>make own cold brew
>chill it
>mix with Yakult
>dont chill it, make it hot
>mix with condensed milk
enjoy fellow manchild

This is the most embarrassing post of the week. I've been here all week, btw.

Yes, lets make the drink that steals even more water from the body after the alcohol already completly dehydrated you.

>tfw only drink shitty keurig coffee
should I invest in better coffee equipment?

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If I spend my entire Saturday playing vidya I usually go to bed feeling like I've wasted the day away.
Anyone else?

Just use a fucking percolator or french press.
Coffee machines are bullshit.

I feel this in my bones

>using pods
Yes user. Get yourself at least a grinder or a pot at minimum, learn to brew coffee yourself.
Buying fresh ungrinded beans and making coffee that way is much tastier and will save you money in the long run.

>wake up refreshed
I do NOT know this feel.
I haven't experienced that feel since I was a kid.

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Nigger a french press is like $15 USD and is the best method. Also get an electric water boiler.

How can a post with only five words be so monumentally stupid?


>zero calories

>wake up slammed as fuck
>Take two busses and a train to uni
>I'm already an hour late to class
>Absolutely no friends in the class while my hometown friends are having fun
>Yesterday I dropped my rank on league
I can't do this anymore

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>He doesn't have a few cups of joe before lifting

Oh, you don't lift, do you?

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>depressed and can't enjoy anything


What are you playing?
Its pouring outside and Im planted at my desk with beers trying to solve a mystery in the outer wilds.

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French press and electric kettle is what I use. Also a filter for slow pours
Wash your sheets, take a shower and get a better pillow

fat people don't need sugar, just caffeine to burn what they already have in the liver.

Lucky fuck, it’s hot and sunny with clear skies right now. Playing ffxv

>reddit bean water

>drink black coffee
>in 5 minutes want to take a shit

Is it just me?

more like wakes you up so you can function after said drunk night

Yeah, just you. No one else I’m the world has that issue.

for some reason i just can't do this with console games anymore. after getting a PC, comfyness is being on the PC and playing games on it and using the web. its hard for me to actually sit down at a console and play it for a long time

coffee makes you shit just as much as cigarettes do

On a related note, what's the best kind of thermos? I use the glass and silver interior ones normally but last night I heard am explosion while I was sleeping, flask blew apart and there was glass and tea all over the fucking floor. Gonna avoid that kind.

>having friends at all
You're already ahead

That's what coffee does you turkey

its not supposed to be bitter, you know

Literally the reason I wake up early and drink it before work.

>summer coming
>cant enjoy warm drinks until autumn

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How many cups per day are you lads drinking? I think my average amount is 8-9 cups.

Just looked that up real quick and it appears it's not the coffee itself but the fact you drink something warm when you start the day and your bowels are starting to activate.

>Wake up refreshed
>Pour cup of coffee
>Spend 2 hours with my kitten I’m raising before work
>Baby falls asleep on me while I browse Yea Forums

Ahhhhh life is good...

this has been how half the world regulates their shits for hundreds of years

I took a 2 hour walk before I went to sleep, took a warm shower, have fresh sheets and an expensive memory foam pillow, and I still felt like absolute shit when I woke up this morning.


>set ac to 70
>drink warm drinks
Also, drinking hot tea or coffee in hot weather is goat. When I visited Istanbul I learned how great it is for cooling down

Why? Don’t you have AC?

Warm drinks actually cool you down, if you are hot drink hot tea to cool off.
Cool drinks heat you up.

fucking fatfucks and their flavors and calories
I'll have half a celery stalk with nothing on it please

>reddit bean water
fuck you, you made me choke on my morning coffee

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Just one big cup, sometimes two.
Any more than that and I get jittery

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>consuming anything at all

How do I delete someone else’s post or remove their yous?

Am jelly.


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Okay faggot, the user is just trying to make a conversation. I know it's an image board, but I'm sure you act this way or feel this way towards people asking shit in reality. Don't be a fucking faggot because you have no social skills. Here's your (you).

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>not drinking your piss from the last time your mother fed you and becoming a perpetual self sustaining machine.
>on my Yea Forums


>constant guilt playing vidya during semester when I could be studying or exercising
God I fucking hate college. Much preferred when I was working full time and my free time was MINE.

become a janny

wee reddit

tea is way better than coffee

If it's horribly bitter you've either got bad coffee or you brewed it wrong. Get freshly, lightly roasted beans, only grind some immediately before use, use filtered water, and if you're using a drip brew automatic coffee pot make sure it's immaculately clean all throughout.

College is a scam. I did jack shit during university and got a BSc by writing my thesis in 2 days.
You learn more on the internet than on any school now, I'm sure you'll be fine.

uhmmm but that would be power abuse, no good person would do that kind of stuff

Might as well

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Don't give in. Tea is fantastic

Is getting a coffee machine worth it?
I'm getting really tired of making drip coffee.
Preparing teas depending on their type, I can still deal with but the coffee, goddamn.

If it's worth it, how good is a Delonghi?

Also, tea is the superior drink anyway, easier to make and has a lighter flavor that doesn't encroach on the pallette

Ive been cleaning my flat and watching yt but can agree
its saturdays are really comfy

This is--excuse me--a DAMN FINE cup of reddit bean water

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French press. Machines are not fun, one of the main attractions of coffee is the hands-on experience.

That's the issue; the effort I put in is never relative to the grades I get
>pour heart and soul into subject
>get a 60%

>do jack shit the whole semester
>top the class

Neither one is better than the other, stop being an elitist.
This is a Sri Lankan tea given to me on a trip to Bangkok. Goddamn amazing.

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No, water it reddit too now because of the waterniggas controversy.

>Why yes, I drink my reddit bean water BLACK. How could you tell?

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saturdays are better spent sleeping in until 5pm and then shitposting until 5am sunday morning desu

What is Yea Forums approved reddit bean water?
For me, its jacobskrönung without sugar and milk

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>reddit bean water

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I just buy beans and never the same brand, always excited to taste new ones.

I chuckled


Shit that's some classic stuff.
Used to drink the non-instant before leaving europe.
Jacobs -> Lavazza -> now getting ground coffee from the local store, usually columbian.
I like my coffee tasting like 100% chocolate.

>company you work for is going out of business
>working my ass off moving shit around from warehouse to warehouse for these assholes that ran the company into the ground
>worked every weekend for the past 3 months
>sending out applications and resumes left and right
>nobody responds to them
>not even a chance to embarrass myself in an interview, just no responses whatsoever
>last day will be this upcoming Tuesday
>can't enjoy vidya cause feel guilty that I'm playing instead of sending out more applications
E-enjoy your weekend anons

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You're going to eventually get a grinder right? Beans look nice though.

A coffee machine is essentially an automatic drip coffee maker so yeah, worth it imo if you find hand pouring a hassle. I recommend getting a Russel Hobbs Oxford coffee maker. Affordable, reliable, does what it's designed to do. Pour hot water on coffee.

That’s an electric grinder, working very well. What type do you recommend?

weed > coffee

>wake up tired as always
>no time to pour a cup of anything
>rush to work

Saturday’s are so amazing if you're not a wagecuck. Working 9 hours every day, including Sundays, and still barely making ends meet.

>wake up feeling like a piece of shit
>make some instant coffee
>dont have a couch
>sit at computer watching twitch and youtube videos
>once in a while check to see if i got any (you) or (1) on any place.

Just started drinking coffe recently again after 5+ years break. How much do you pay for that ground stuff as compared to normal coffee?

These things are fucking nice
Full of a shit ton of sugar but real nice.

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This type is amazing.

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Usually around 8$ for 200g here, not sure what a 'normal' price would be. Lasts a couple weeks.

>put coffee in a blender
>put some butter in there
>boil some water
>pour boiling water in it
>blend for a few seconds
there you go

Oh damn, that’s nice

Are you really refreshed if you still have coffee? Unless you're having decaf and are just used to the taste or something. Caffeine intake isn't exactly what refreshed people should be doing.

Why would you drink coffee on your free day? You know how bad it is for you?

>not harvesting energy from the fabric of existance

>wake up
>have coffee
>few hours later
>have monster
>feel like the world is coming down on me
>super tired

Sounds manageable
If i ever get tired of the current brand Ill make sure to check it out

Got two of them, they're decades old and even the hardest beans take no effort, the screw is full iron. They're pricey and you can probably only find that kind of grinder secondhand but they're worth it.

Cannibalism is illegal.

i agree

doing a bump of coke off my fightstick first thing in the morning is a much more refreshing way to start off the day

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Some one said try a variety pack that's your best bet. Cream/sugar/condensed milk depending where you live.

I personally love bitter, so I go with a dark roast with a french press until it glistens like motor oil in the cup. Long as you stay away from that hippie keurig meme you should be ok.

>reddit bean water

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Funny but also killyourselfpilled


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Gayest thread on Yea Forums

You know the rule user!

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fucking swadians, get out of my board

Enjoy it while it lasts, wagie.

Just try not to think about how you have to get up at 6:30am for Mr Noseberg in a couple of days.

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t. reddit

after multipled years of being a pro alcoholic i realized coffee makes me feel like even more shit, it amplifies the post-booze anxiety and general feeling shit. Its much better to eat chocolate and drink shitloads of water then later have only a few sips of coffee

>tfw get up at 05:00

are you underage? Most people wake up around 5am for work

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If you're truly hungover then yea, coffee is the worst

Am I the only one that takes caffeine pills instead? I don't like coffee but caffeine helps me at waking up completely.

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>mfw I get up at 7am to be at work for 7:45
>boss is really nice and it's a small company with very personal employees of 3-4

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Joke's on you, I actually wake up at 5am

Espresso is so passe. A stupid over-engineered and expensive way to drink disgusting mud coffee. Filter or bust. This cheeky plastic cone makes better coffee than any espresso machine.

Don't >> me.

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>little kid doesn't know adult work hours
poor child

>American forensing
If you need to start at 9 you wake up at 7.30.

Not quite. What you've got there is basically a tiny food processor which is going to give you a coffee with the consistency of everything from large gravel to fine dust which is going to make your coffee taste noticeably bitter. Functional, but not ideal.

A real grinder doesn't beat the coffee with high speed blades but rather crushes it between gear like teeth (like a pepper mill) and produces a far more consistent grind and a far more enjoyable cup of coffee.

I recommend getting a hario hand grinder. Probably the best and most affordable coffee grinder on the market. You'll have to experiment a bit with the grind size settings to find a grind that's right for you. Too fine and your coffee ends up being too bitter. Too coarse and you won't taste the coffee. Finding that sweet spot is part of the fun though.

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>blade grinder
Can you not?

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Great, thanks! I’ll pass by today to pick up the hand grinder

>feel refreshed
>still need coffee


>I recommend getting a hario hand grinder.
Don't do this unless you're going to power it with a drill. Else it's just a great way to make yourself hate coffee.

Sorry that you've never had a good espresso before.

Darker and more bitter than Hell itself! That's coffee!

How many hours do you sleep?
I get like 5-7 hours on work mornings.


It makes a better cuppajoe but not a better espresso.
Why not enjoy different types of coffee?

if you drink properly then every hangover is a fucked hangover


Unfiltered coffee is absolutely base.

>there's people who drink his coffee without any milk at all
Terrible subhumans iwth no taste at all

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>seething caffeine addicts mass replying
unequivocally based

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Nonsense, it'll make your arms big and strong. Get yourself some pussy and great tasting coffee at the same time.

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>not drinking your first cup with cream and sugar and finishing the rest of the pot black

>tfw havnt woke up feeling energized in 15-20 years

I exclusively drink flavored coffee I prepare in a cezve mixed with half n half

Just add creamer
Ignore the idiots that say that isn't how you drink it

>dude just take your reddit beans make water the way you kill the bitter taste completely
onions and latte'd

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This. Ain't cheap but good things cost money.

no talky till i've had my reddit bean water

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>Wake up refreshed
What does this feel like?

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The samefagging going on in this thread, goddamn
171 / 41 / 77 / ?

Most people can't brew coffee for shit but it's very easy if you actually try. Get yourself an aeropress or v60 and a burr grinder, watch a few hipster youtube videos and you can make very good coffee in no time. If you're curious, most proper independent coffee shops will make aeropress coffee for you on request. They like talking about it too so you can get some tips.

Take a shower before bed, try to be in bed before 1AM. That does the trick for me.

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when is the last time you jumped out of bed after a good nights sleep and felt ready for the day?

>I don't know what conversations are
user you're kind of dumb.

>Take a shower before bed
I do that daily, I prefer to shower at night rather than in the morning
>Try to be in bed before 1 AM
Yep, do that too.

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virgin bean water vs chad leaf sweat

>people can't post more than once
based retard

Someone's trying to force the "reddit bean water" shit and samefagging like mad

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*tumblr leaf water

nope, but if you are a woman you can put sugar or milk into it

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Only "I'm an adult now" edgy boys drink his coffee alone

>coffee is too bitter for him

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>wake up early this morning
>finally have some freetime to game
>spend 5 hours shitposting on Yea Forums again. I can do this any time

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This morning, inmediately grabbed coffee and started working.

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this morning
woke up, grabbed some milk and playing ffxiv right now

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protip: by removing synthesizer from your desk you can make enough space for real keyboard

Coffee fucks up your adrenals. If you ever wondered why your health is shit, it's most likely daily coffee drinking.

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I moved my superior Windows machine with an actual keyboard to the office, I just use this one for weekend work and the occassional GOG game. Not worth it.
Also that's a midi controller.

Coffee is a soulless drink.

Leave it to idiots to force themselves to drink it necause they think it males them look mature.
Everybody at my workplace that drinks coffee only does it as an excuse.
>"Yzah user, I'll start working after my coffee pause :)"
You're literally the same as a starbucks bitch if you drink le black coffee without milk, you only do it for social points and/or because you're a caffeine addict that probably has weak boners.

I’ve been going to hos[ital daily for an injury. All bloodwork is great. But ok, internet man

This but for chocolate milk.

I stopped drinking coffee for two months as an experiment. I felt no different not drinking coffee as when I was drinking it.

You must be lucky. Coffee is no different than a drug. People are addicted to it and can't stop themselves from having it.

Choco milk is based and for chads only.

>Coffee is no different than a drug
You mean caffeine, and caffeine is literally a drug.

Look at this pathetic worker bee who is mad on the bossman's behalf that his colleagues know how to game the system.

Chocolate milk is sugar trash, real hot cocoa is where it's at.

>Coffee is no different than a drug.
What a dumb republitard thing to say. Sure, coffee is a drug but different drugs can, and mostly are, very unlike each other.

What did you eat for breakfast today, Yea Forums?
>3 pancakes with maple syrup
>3 strips of bacon
>1 cup of orange juice
>3 cups of coffee

About to head out for a walk around town and a haircut, then I'm going to come back home, catch up on my airing anime, and play some Mordhau.

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Ask me how I know you've never had any.

Yeah, you just put milk, sugar and cream in there, and it's not bitter anymore! That's how coffee is supposed to be.

Ok Nutricia

how fat are you?

A cheese, cucumber and tomato sandwich and coffee.

Cocoa is bitter, not sweet. You’re talking about chocolate milk.

Two slices of homemade white bread toasted in a cast iron pan with olive oil with two eggs fried in olive oil.
I use too much olive oil.

>3 pancakes and strips of bacon
>a lot of food
How starved are you? To answer your question, I'm a skinnyfat lanklet.

leftover pizza from last night

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>quake cup peefreshed
>roar pup of cough wee
>pet lanklets on gayforite crouch
>brap cuntroller band clay peedya ball cucking shway shlong


bad (or ill-prepared) coffee is bitter

Exactly, chocolate milk is sweet trash.
It's not even a chocolate drink anymore.

You say that like it's a bad thing, but leftover pizza for breakfast on a saturday morning is really comfy

lifters are faggot, there's a billion other sports you could practice but you'd rather lift weights with a bunch of sweaty homos staring at each other.

I also drank heavily, so yea it's not ideal

I used to do it as a kid sometimes when my parents had bought pizza the night before. It was nice, but it sure felt like an unhealthy thing to be doing.

I bet you buy your chocolate milk from the store. Then obviously it's gonna taste like shit.

I'm talking baout putting the damn chocolate in the damn boiling milk yourself and then stir that bitch up.

Are you american by any chance?

Stop with this dumb meme. All coffee is bitter but it's not like bitterness is inherently bad. You just don't want it to be overly so.

same, can't find any job. My only goal in life is to have my own tiny comfy apartment and that's never even gonna happen.

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>Greasy as fuck food first thing in the morning
>Greasy as fuck to begin your day
Comfy faggots are the bane of existence because comfy is the buzziest of all buzzwords.
>Hey guys, DAE think that burning in the literal pits of hell is comfy!? :D

the true redpilled way

Jeanne Calment used shit tons of olive oil on everything, and she outlived her children who died of natural causes

No I'm Dutch and do it like that too, but I just call that hot cocoa because if you ask for chocolatemilk here you get something akin to that American yoohoo drink or whatever it's called.

A good espresso cup is not bitter. Sure, its not your sugary Starbucks crap americans seems to love but its not sour either

Coffee hydrates as well as water fag


por que no los dos

>Yea Forums isn't underag-

>not filling your first mug with half milk then topping off the coffee every time the mug reaches halfway empty

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>My only goal in life is to have my own tiny comfy apartment and that's never even gonna happen.

Same with me. It's kind of galling to realise that I won't be able to achieve even my meager ambitions.

>>Greasy as fuck food first thing in the morning
>>Greasy as fuck to begin your day
bacon is great in the morning though

Ah right, but what about cécémel

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That might actually be nice.


That's pretty cool user. Wish I had an espresso machine. Does it take much cleaning and stuff? Or hopefully it has a self-cleaning mechanism I presume?

Also that one in the picture looks like it might be a self grinding one? Even though it looks like it has a portafilter, but I see that hopper of beans at the top, which would indicate that it might be self grinding.

Filter is indeed awesome. I do like espresso too though.

That's called chocomel and it sucks.
Vlaams isn't a real language.

>wake up refreshed
I'll take things that never happen for 500, Alex.

Neuk jouw moeder, zot.

Wiekser, kom de rest van Limburg terug geven.

Sorry fren, I used to have 4/20 in dutch/vlaams at school, I didn't understand shit.

I love coffee, but it gives me heartburn sometimes and the crash after drinking it can be sort of deflating to have so early in the day.

Ceci n'est pas une problème, mein Freund.

>Started on new job early this month
>shit is so far fucking hellish and i dont ahve enough knowledge or experience to do what they want me to.
>have to spend this weekend figuring out a way to finish this project i wont be able to play vidya.

I thought things were gong to be a tad better but it is getting worse and worse. There's also a bunch of vidya i have yet to actually start playing and i havent even touched it yet. I just wanted to fucking relax a little.

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I have to make two wordcloud models in PS for a client but I just can't do it, it'll take 30 minutes tops but I don't wanna.
Teach me your ways.

we're not gonna make it...

>Or hopefully it has a self-cleaning mechanism I presume?
Mine doesn't. You gotta do some basic cleaning after every single use or you'll end up making things funky. It's not particularly time consuming, just run some water through on manual for one second and dry and dig around the edges for grinds.

His clearly does have a grinder built in, but all that does is take up less space, there's no advantage to a built in grinder over a seperate one, you'd still be measuring the grind manually and moving it from the grinder to the group head. A built in grinder is a very low priority feature, you're better off prioritising a twin heating block so you can extract and use the steam wand at the same time.

Reminds me of the last place I worked where I had to spend my weekends planning for the week and every evening doing work that I'd taken home. I had no time to do anything and was so stressed out about not doing things right or not being prepared enough for the day ahead that I couldn't sleep. I wound up leaving that job to do something that pays less but has a better work-life balance. Some of the people I worked with seemed to love the work and had no problem spending their weekends doing work at home, despite not being paid for it. I just couldn't bear working all week for money I couldn't even put towards hobbies because I had no time to enjoy them. That all seemed rather pointless.

nothing but that breakfast sounds good as fuck.

yep lots of processed starch, flower, and sugars

F fucking pbp

fuck, i want to finish university already!

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It can be bad if you use the wrong kind.
Better than the butter everyone else in this house uses though.

Why that early? Is that normal in America?

nigga i am a front end dev with only 6 months experience in teh field.

Got hired by another company and wanted a job similar to mine but they gave me a better but more demanding job.
However i am THE ONLY front end developer in teh team and these motherfuckers i requesting some really crazy shit. i spent a few days trying to pass information to a fucking Iframe because for whatever reason they dont want me using cookies so i have only local storage to work with.

Now taht i discovered iframe are fucking shit in general i wont work i am desperately trying to configure webpack into existing project to be able to run them in the same domain, however the local variables are already set in a certain way and i have no idea on what to do. i might have to restart both projects from scratch.

It is so much shit i am having anxiety attacks just thinking about it.

yeah, it pays well enough but i can already see this kinda of life ain't for me. i am probably going to keep working here for a while but i might change jobs in the beginning of the next year or so.

Americans love being slaves to their bosses

I start work at 8:00am
Wake up at 7:30
Snooze to 7:40
Dress, brush teeth and bike to work.

Hoi Henk

>>wake up refreshed
>>pour cup of coffee
pick ONE (1)
Also go to work you fucking retard.

>Dress, brush teeth and bike to work.

Talk to your boss about this, letting this build up is bad shit.

I work in IT, and I wake up at 8 AM and get to work at 9 AM.
Or I just work from home and wake up right before 9 AM.

>Can't cope so resorts to one word posts
Concession accepted American

Yea Forums's beverage of choice is none.
Demise is the only path we need for salvation.

Life itself is Reddit, and we are all part of it.

What's wrong with it? Not every country is car centric.

i already did, but the ones above the food chain there aren't so nice.

What's your favorite coffee Yea Forums? For me it's Nespresso

I have a brand new Tacoma and I still contemplate biking to work for the fitness aspect

Um it’s saturday sweetly. Adults don’t work Saturday

Pasion del cielo

i dont even want to imagine how horribly your breath smells and how fat you are. Typical for americans i guess

Just bought a car, but I still bike daily, but it made sense to me for I only live 1.5 miles away from work.

Ace Attorney 3, Deadly Premonition and Persona 5 are what made me start drinking coffee.
It took quite a bit of time to finally convince me.

Variety is the spice of life.
No wonder why Yea Forums is so full of joyless faggots.

kek I don't even have a driver's license, you and I must be so different

I only drink water as well.

>tfw when I like coffee but have abused that and tea for years so now it almost always destroys my stomach even with a single cup
At least I can still drink tea regularly I guess, but nothing can replace a proper Espresso.

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Sounds perfectly fine, albeit, not the most ideal choice to have as a regular.

How insecure are you about your weight?
Just go for a run, nig.

Sunny side eggs, toast, beans and coffee.

Gonna have a BBQ today, and will hopefully watch movies and play vidya with my homies once we're done.
I'm in a fighting game mood.

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This, i don't think i have ever woken up feeling refreshed in my life, like there has gotta be something wrong with me. Everyone else in the world seems to feel amazing after sleeping and jumps outta bed after opening their eyes and is ready to rock by like 8am.
I don't start to feel good until the afternoon no matter what.
I once read that some people were genetically predisposed to be the night watch in the old days, their sleep cycle is naturally off. I can't help but wonder if one of my ancestors were one of them.

there are three things I can't into, and won't into.

Coffee, alcohol and smoking

Although I have only drunk coffee a handful of times in my entire life, it was with a shit load of sugar, and milk, I really don't want my energy levels to depend on it.

>tfw cant get my day started unless i jack off first
>i will just sit at computer as long as necessary

Dude, nice.
I loved that shop, but it closed down after they put a Starbucks in the same mall

What's your sleep schedule like?

nescafe instant

>reddit bean water
I'm actually offfended with this. How the fuck you dare to insult the best drink with that you motherfucker?

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>2 eggs with a slice of toast
>half of a mango
>1 cup of coffee

And some vitamin pills because I'm getting old.

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>wake up refreshed
>still needs to consume coffee
Do you ever wonder why you need to consume coffee daily just to function normally?

because I've lost control of my life

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Coffee makes me poop

Varies depending on my job basically, as a kid I'd often stay up all night before school, and struggled falling asleep at normal times unless i was literally passing out of exhaustion.
Im almost 30 now and if i don't force myself to sleep somehow, i don't feel tired until like 5 am.
So these days i i usually sleep around 4-6am until about 8 or 9 when my kid wakes me up. On days that i have to work i start at 10 and on the other days i am back in school.
I also struggle with ever feeling hungry. I often don't eat for a day and don't really realize it until I've got a headache and my mouth is irreversibly dry

Because it tastes good and it is comforting to drink a hot beverage with my meal, you bitch.
>tfw woke up and felt like having some eggs for breakfast
Oh shruks, I guess I'm also an egg addict.

I wish I could still do this. These days I feel like a loser for gaming for like 3hrs.

I don't need it, I just like coffee. Though I now just have 1 cup a day, 2 maximum. Before I'd drink 4-5 cups. I found out that I feel exactly the same without drinking it.

You do realize that coffee actually IS very addictive and your body easily become dependent on it, right?
I'm sure that you've got it under control but your post makes you sound like an oblivious addict

>wake up refreshed
Not since insomnia hit lol. Sleep 5 hours no matter what pls kill me.

>sleep like shit
>decide to go ride bike for a few hours
>get some and clean up
>actually feel tired
>lay down in bed and stretch out
>neighbour starts blasting his music

Try going 1 week without any caffeine. Learn how much you depend on it.

Sure, why not, I like to see how much control I have over my addictions.

someone please post the comic

all these seething coffeecucks
every coffeecuck I've ever met is ravenously addicted to it
look at the fucking CIDF here
you're completely dependent

This post just convinced me to close up my shop for 15 minutes and go get a coffee

Idiot mass replier

I'm on the floor.

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Stopped reading there

>Owning a retail store
Close it, and sell the land to property developers, you aren't going to make it. There is nothing you're selling that I can't get from the internet from the comfort of holding my own ballsack inside.

I used to be heavily dependent on caffeine and it was a bitch to kick. I had headaches by the second day without it and could barely focus. People don't realize how they been groomed to think of coffee as a normal everyday thing instead of something that should be consumed to help when you really need it.

Personally i like capuccinos. I was like you and since i tasted a enveloped one ten days ago i have my morning cup of coffee everyday. I've just to warm the milk and then add it. That's it.

What is the best instant coffee?

I will buy a grinder and French press one day but right now am stuck with instant.

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drink tea, it's much healthier for you


Not everyone has to be a walking caricature that needs 5 cups a day to start the day.

But I do love receiving health advice from the same site that is riddled with self loathing incels.

>I had headaches by the second day without it and could barely focus
How addicted were you?
I can literally forget about drinking it for a week and nothing happens.

All of this sounds strangely similar to nofap broscience.

Earlier this year I had my wisdom teeth removed, all 4 of them, and the instructions they gave me where to avoid hot beverages for at least 5 days. I think I avoided coffee for 4 days, not sure, and I was feeling fine but with the urge of having a cup, not because I needed it to function normally, but because I like the taste. Never tried a week without it, so let's see how I do.

I dunno why, but my belly hurts when I have most teas.
I can only enjoy green, which I do drink often.

>Wake up extremely hungover
>Regret not throwing up so to be less hungover
>Can't handle loud noise so come to Yea Forums

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what am I looking at here?

Someone trying incredibly hard to be cool and interesting