How is PS4 console still going like a fucking train without losing momentum even all these years after release?

How is PS4 console still going like a fucking train without losing momentum even all these years after release?

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It never had much momentum to begin with. The Bloodborne machine meme is real. Even now the full list of PS4 exclusives worth anything has a single digit number of items.
Only reason Sony won the generation (and it did win, that's a fact) is that it had no competitors. Nintendo shot themselves in the head with WiiU being a joke nobody wanted and Microsoft did it even harder with Don Mattrick's brilliant moves.

>I only own a pc.

Yes. I can tell.

It isn't.
It's being outsold by the Switch month for month in the USA, Canada, Japan, France, Italy and some other places.

>Nintendo is doing their own thing. Doesn't effect Sony in anyway shape or form.
>Microsoft wants to be an imitation of Sony...but are badly performing at being their shadow. Only a hindrance in name only.
How is Sony gonna lose momentum when they aren't even playing the same game?

Why would it stop? Would developers suddenly just stop making games?

It's the only option

>make something good

>n-no they aren't "losing" they simply aren't competing with sony!

Get fucked my man, they all have one thing in common: fighting for your precious time with video games.

Why own anything else I owned all the consoles (WiiU not switch) and a PC at once this gen, enjoyed the xbox decently, played lots of shit with my bros played bloodborne (don't like souls games very much but got to that moon guy in the grave yard, was it the second to last boss? Idk) Played JStars Victory VS on PS4 that's a rad game. Never had any interest in it granted if I still had it I'd buy Yakuza 6 for it but I'll wait for the PC version. I didn't have a Wii U gamepad cause I bought it for 60$ off some crackhead on CL (the accounts on their was Joey and Daddy, so it was proabaly stolen) bought a pro controller and Mario kart 8 and Smash, had some fun with my bros but we got tired of smash pretty quickly. Sold all of them and bought Parts for my PC and never looked back will not be buying anymore consoles besides I will buy a used XB1X Next gen to play classic Xbox and 360 games upresed

great fans like you and me

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FF7R isn't PS4 exclusive, it's maybe still timed exclusive but Gamestop leaked it on Xbox recently

I dunno about momentum either, PS4 has like 1-2 AAA exclusives a year, 2017 had Horizon & 2018 had God of War & Spidey, 2019 has Days Gone & Death stranding
Compare that to just Q4 2001 PS2

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Because you retards suck Sony's 2 inch phallus no matter how abusive they are to you.

Yeah fifa sells more Playstations than Sony games do like 9million sales or whatever isn't insignificant or anything but it does seem bad when theres 100million units sold and I remember on the PS3 the only thing anyone talked about was it's cool exclusives so I guess that's what happens when the bros and kids of the 360 jump ship to PS

Most PS4 fanboys today are 15 years old, they don't know about the PS2 glory days & think PS4's handful of exclusives is amazing

>It never had much momentum to begin with.

>Compare that to just Q4 2001 PS2
How many of those games stayed exclusive? Like one or two.

>mfw PS4 will outlive Switch like PS3 outlived Wii U

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It's not even that, you just were gonna have a good time when getting your PS2 I know I did GTA3 and GT3 are radical, but I think 4 of those were exclusive for the main run of the PS2

>autism the post

PS4 lost a lot of exclusives too, Nier Automata, Dragon Quest 11, Detroit, Yakuza, soon probably Persona 5

>fighting for your precious time with video games.
If that was true Xbox would make games I give a shit for yet they don't.

It will because Nintendo moves on quickly while 3rd worlders work for years to afford a tariff riddled playstation, PS2 lived forever thanks to Brazil

That's my point nignog, games hardly stay exclusive these days. It's hardly what counts for most people. People buy consoles to play games, not to brag about their exclusive charts on 4chins.

More like Nintendo's underpowered toys have shit longevity. They can't keep a console alive worth shit. PS4 is getting games like Death Stranding and TLOU2 while Switch looks like a barren wasteland now.

Fuck you nigga 8th gen was a desert and I was trying to find some water to drink, playstation 4 is worthless unless it's your only console, then it's decent. I just personally don't like the controllers that's why I didn't try to many multiplats

Don't you get bored like waiting around for games to come out? Weren't both those games shown off in like 2015 or something? But yeah Nintendo consoles do suck

>PS2 was fucking shit PS4 is amazing
I don’t see any other fanboy trash their own legacy system
No one the GBA/ SNES shit because it’s old
Outside of Red ring of death a lot of people liked Xbox 360
Hell some people still bat for fucking Sega consoles


If the game wasn't exclusive you'd be calling it movie game garbage.

hip normalfags who buy a game and play them half way keep them alive and relevant. Sony is mostly family friendly mainstream garbage.

If the game wasn't exclusive, Yea Forums wouldn't be having daily fits over it.

Just like GameStop leaked Persona 5 Royal for the switch, right?

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