Games with god tier combat

Games with god tier combat.

Attached: Yakuza - Crazy combat.webm (640x360, 2.97M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Mortal-Kombat-Shaolin-Monks.jpg (340x340, 27K)

This looks retarded. The enemies are just standing there waiting for you to launch into them. Easiest shit I've ever seen.

>webm unrelated

>god tier combat
>not a single attack performed by any of the 5 enemies for the entire duration of the clip
Great game bro

You don't know anything about anything you friggen idiot retard.

>god tier combat
>enemies just stand there while a twink does le ebip million hit cutscene combo
How about you play a real action game with real god tier combat instead?

Attached: Ryu_Hayabusa.png (802x996, 481K)

Must suck to be such a retard and not be able to recognize true art because you are an idiot

You start OP

to be honest that running and rolling attack was shit and it just consumed lots of stamina for a few attack damage.

>le ebip million hit cutscene combo
>2 slashes and then literally kicks a knife into a dude


Attached: 1543203955214.webm (576x324, 2.78M)

>enemies counter attack every hit
>have to poke them with 1 pattern: hit didge hit doge
NG fags are the worst. On par with Kamiya purists

and this is why yakuza 0 is the worst game in the entire franchise


He's right though. The combat was the worst part about any Yakuza. No depth to it, unbalanced attacks, shit AI

Attached: Max Payne vs Vanquish.jpg (2000x1689, 839K)


Unironically git gud


Based and redpilled

>thoughtful and skillful
>press slow mo to win
Just die

How do you get legend on Y0?

ya-"there are literally no rules to combat and enemies will break out of combos based on whether they feel like it or not, among other issues"-kuza does not qualify as a game with good combat

Ever consider gitting gud?

Attached: God Tier Yakuza Combat.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

you first lol

Based dolboeb

Getting gud will make the lazy enemies actually do something besides act as punching bags for cutscene attacks?

Attached: 1557188300471.webm (960x540, 2.9M)

what in the goddamn

Maybe you're just bad at the game.

This is so fucking industrial, why does it feel like operating a crane

Attached: 1557675682952.webm (640x360, 2.99M)

>this game has shit AI and is too easy because of it
>durr git gud
god I wish I could smash your redditor face in


What difficulty you play on? They're pretty easy on normal

>square square square square triangle
>repeat ad nauseam
Just no.
If you want a reasonably good beat em up - try arkham series

Yakuza is reddit repellent.

Attached: Yakuza - Black Umbrella.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

ah, a fellow agentchad I see

And why do you reply to such useless people? Everyone in this thread realized he's retarded

RE6I haven't played it yet. I saved it because it looks fun

Fuck that Mad Max (2015) is the best Arkham game

Excuse me?

This has the same problem as yakuza
The enemies are retarded and it makes all of this like playing with G. I. Joe

RE6 is a lot of things; fun is not one of them.

RE6's mercenaries mode was so fucking good. The game truly shines in that mode.

You rang?

Attached: header.jpg (460x215, 57K)

RE6 Mercenaries is the best Mercenaries mode in the entire series. No contest. The campaigns are trash, though. If you have to play through them, do it with a friend. You might go mad otherwise.

He's still just beating up dudes who aren't doing anything!

It's because they're goons going up against the Dragon of Dojima. Also they tried to punch he's just OL'd too hard real Yakuza play that difficulty where if you die you lose the game

You're still just beating up dudes who aren't doing anything though. How is that good combat?

I've been staring at this for the last 5 minutes. Is this one of those China/Japan only MH online games. I really don't know what is going on

How has no one posted Kino Souls?

Attached: Artorias.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

I wouldn't say it's the best or anything it's a beatem up, they hit you, these are just cherry picked examples

>limited mobility
g8 b8 m8

Attached: 1558769207126.gif (220x143, 178K)


gdgd fairies

But re has an excuse because the enemies are retarded zombies.
Yakuza is an easy game because it's made to be played by everyone from japanese teens to housewifes.
It's made to be a TV series in a game format.

wack wack wack
roll roll roll
wack heal roll roll
wait for stamina

Git gud.

Plus you can pause and drink health items.

That hitbox abuse

>yakuza combat is bad
i'm not playing yakuza for the elegant combat, i'm playing yakuza to feel like a combat god.

Attached: yakuzabkub.jpg (746x522, 55K)

>Everybody fell for this bait
I was already disappointed but come on guys

the yakuza series was specifically aimed at young adult males in Japan from the very beginning tho.

Women are the largest demographic for the Yakuza series. They're movie games, after all.

Mad Dog of Shimano is not even fun to use and Yakuza gameplay is fucking awful garbage.

>launch to uzuna drop.
KEK. Fucking garbage mate, just like yakuza

Fuck off, Yakuza is /OurSeries/

Of course it's a Japanese game they reward creative exploits

Talk me out of getting Judgement

Attached: download_20190521_144511.jpg (372x414, 59K)

They are total movie games but what makes Yakuza acceptable in place of TLoU is the Yakuza games are good movies and decent games. Naughty Dog can't do either, using guns in Yakuza is about as deep as shooting in TLoU

Fuck off weeb faggot.

>they reward creative exploits

Attached: 1557508481934.png (1000x432, 165K)

>Yakuza games are good movies
Yakuza "games" are mediocre TV soaps and not movies.

>Bamham: honorabu japanesaru spiritaru edition


That's called Sekiro now.

Attached: 1553970647640.webm (700x394, 2.91M)

Well it's Ninja Gaiden Black of course.

Attached: Ninja Gaiden Black Ryu vs Clone.webm (640x480, 2.87M)

I wont do that. Judgment has some of the best combat that RGG has ever made.

Uncharted 4 has great combat. If only there were a level editor or something because there aren't enough combat sections. I don't really have any webms that show it off well but I do have this one

Attached: 1548676367425.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

I know this is meant to be a troll image but I actually agree with the second point against Vanquish. Why the fuck does the camera need to shake every single time I turn my head and why is there no option to turn it off when there are options for other similarly annoying things?

There isn't a game that's God-tier. Just a lot of mediocre trash, like Godhand, Ninja Gaiden, Sekiro, DMC, etc. Nothing out there comes close to fightan.

Based FGChad

yakuza games have garbage combat you retarded weeb

yikes that looks awful

yakuza combat is only good when you ditch the normal movesets and make your own custom combos

Attached: god hand 2.webm (640x360, 2.92M)


>I know this is meant to be a troll image
It's not.

chill fag, it's just a funny little bug

Oh yeah cause you never cheated in a game nigga, all jap games are either piss easy or piss hard they either appeal to everyone or no one there

You mad bro?


You couldn't have picked a worse webm to showcase Yakuza's combat.

cope fag. your garbage looks like shit kek

Sleeping dogs. dont have webm

are you a bot? you speak like some sort of bot that was trained to try to fit in on Yea Forums

>Play the most boring way possible
>Huiuurr this game is shit duude
Also the AI is not retarded, they won't allow you to do Izuna drop so easily, nigger

one million modern shooters with actual low mobility and you pick Vanquish of all games to be the posterboy for limited movement

Attached: angery.png (556x430, 79K)

uncharted more like unsharted lmao step on ya like a bug boi

holy fucking based

Is this from the californication videoclip?

your ironic humor isn't funny teenager


It's not ironic Uncharted sucks, TLoU is even better becasue at least you get to fight mushroom zombies, and TLoU sucks
t. Guy who preordered TLoU on PS3 and don't get why people liked it

lol salty weeb

I literally rolled through through master nigga spamming izuna drop lol. Please fuck off with "they won't let you do it", because they do.

Which yakuza game are these? I love these jokes anime kill moves, Idgaf about combat being good or not I got other games for that. Which Yakuza game has the most over the top moments like these?

Attached: 1559238358210.jpg (468x598, 76K)

>Those long ass Kung Lao combos with hat setups

I miss this game so much. Still mad about the cancelation of the sequel

>post 2 second webm of a bug in a game
>lmao cope yikes garbage kek
fuck you underage. you're the cancer ruining this fucking board and the internet in general

Attached: playtribesrevengeance.jpg (1524x2153, 1.99M)

What? The slide? That's just ripping off the roadie run. Vanquish is not some super amazing special TPS. It's your standard mediocre TPS except with a coat of "Just like one of my Japanese animes" on top so the weebs massively overrate it.

>press the different combat buttons to make COOL things happen
>good combat
Fucking action-game plebs. Combat needs to be far more dynamic than that shit to be god tier.

Attached: 1536298584607.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

I love Yakuza but the combats shit and always has been. 0 is the most its been acceptable, but its still shit.

This is Yakuza 0, they all have the cool heat actions

seething westacuck mad his shitty western trash can't compare to japanese combat

>now its cancer
No people with shit taste killed this board

>this is what westaboos believe

Attached: Howdy+my+name+is+kenichi+smith+_e3d809d2c29de52faac3018d923c7bd0.jpg (500x400, 118K)

>That's just ripping off the roadie run
Showed your hand too soon.

Those dog things are some of the most vicious enemies I've ever seen, even to this day. They just tear through your fucking health. I hated that one map which had a bunch of hallways and a few these around each bend.

Every time I see quake I wanna boot it up, I'm booting it up right now actually

Dragon age origins

you start.

Did you not see the webm

They're pretty brutal if you're trying to dodge other shit, needing have to keep track of them and get their timing down and all. In a hallway you can usually just back up. Unless you mean those couple of levels in ep 3 where they keep spawning them behind you in a corridor, in which case yeah fuck that.

Attached: Yakuza Kiwami 2 2019.05.27 - (748x420, 2.92M)

Play the campaigns on a high difficulty. Enemies are more aggressive and often kill in one or two hits.
>b-but mercenaries is the only good mode!

m8, don't.

Attached: 1546484157313.gif (242x227, 1024K)

>He slides
>Not a superior animation canceling fast chad

Never gunna make it.

>god tier combat
The combat is fun and all but play more video games.


I know I shouldn't, but I want to

Bruh you crazy the game says at the start "Real Yakuza use a gamepad" you want to be real Yakuza no?

>games with god tier combat
>no Mountain Blade
>no E.Y.E

Attached: 1557623608122.jpg (418x420, 24K)


Attached: Yakuza Kiwami 2 2019.05.28 - (748x420, 2.81M)

The webm exposing the janky as fuck coding and iframes up the ass that is rife in Jap games? Yeah, I saw it. So what?

it was aimed at older adults actually. that's why the protagonists are often in their 30's/40's

I love both of those games but I wouldn't call their combat god tier. They're RPGs first and foremost, and the neat things you can do with them primarily come from that side rather than particularly good combat.

nice gimp suit, Hayabusa

ruskies are lower than niggers
begone, vodkaman

God this webm is hilarious

cringe "fightan" virgin

Why are so many retards replying to the most obvious false flag of all time

And why the fuck are you trying to make Yea Forums hate yakuza? The combat IS actually good if you aren't spamming heat moves.

shame Mercenaries only has the good gameplay. The gameplay of the campaign SUCKS

>RPG lets you do tank build
imagine being braindead

>sekiro is har-

Attached: game.webm (1280x720, 2.04M)

The combat is scripted af and literally handholds you with it's forced animations

Don't contest me - okay?

Shadow Warrior 2013


that's the older engine, you tard

I thought dragon engine was Y6 and YK2 engine?

so fucking easy

Attached: btfo.webm (1280x720, 2.85M)

>counter attack every hit
>t. never played the game



how are you moving so fast

Nobody said Absolver? You're all a bunch of braindead faggots.

>calling out fags which they are
>durr EdGy
gosh i wish i could cut you with one of my 27 knifes

i know how to kill someone with a knife so keep your mouth shit creep

>literally have to be bad at the game to unlock new moves

I use the analog sticks to move.

Probably a PC cheat engine.

I beat this thing my first try. The only hard enemies in sekiro are things with one shot grabs or terror.

this is what happens when you put points in dex

No cheats here, idiot.
So shut your fucking mouth - huh?!

Attached: 1558906051737.png (400x400, 159K)

>150 odd posts
>most of it is arguing
>like 20 games have actually been mentioned if that
Why don't you post a webm and show people the good combat instead of being a whiny faggot?

nothing personnel

I'm posting from a phone, idiot.

Kill yourself

RE6 felt like the build it around the Merc-mode (which is fantastic on it's own) but it didn´t work with a co-op-focused campaign at all.

Attached: 1559188065066.jpg (980x1470, 185K)

>Kill yourself
No, I don't feel like it.

Sent from my iPhone

I'm definitely coping RE6 next steam sale just to fuck about in mercenaries

All Yakuza games have mediocre braindead combat and they've become steadily more casual over the years. They focus way too much on being stylish and brutish. However since the game itself is not just the combat it's a nice balance of just smashing heads in between doing other things. But the combat itself is far from god tier and you'll just oust yourself as a fucking pleb saying such things, go play more games

>lunia chronicles
Probably my favorite game of all time, a shame there's only one good pserver now and it's full of subhuman brazilians
This game was so much fun when you had a good connection and some good opponents, the absolute pinnacle of competitive PVP with mechanics allowing you to utterly shit on anyone if you were good enough to do so, dumpster tier players weren't left behind either because spamming moves was quite deadly as well
The air combo system reduces your damage dealt in PVP the longer the combo goes on, in PVE it works the opposite way

Also I'd like to mention Vindictus, it's also got some of the most fine tuned combat I've seen in any game to date mechanically (at least for the first season content wise, I never got further than that)
Incredibly tight controls, hitboxes that would make Miyazaki blush and a satisfying feel to all attacks, great boss encounters with cool gimmicks like throwing rocks from the environment, chains where you need to work in tandem with your raid partners to keep a monster from moving while others attack

2008-2015 was literally the golden age of good combat in video games and it's a shame because most people dismiss these games due to their p2w nature, even though you can still have tons of fun if you just play for free

Attached: fwf.jpg (766x1000, 150K)

Do it. Play the main game as well if you´ve got someone to play with

I was being ironic, idiot

Yakuza combat is garbage.

I never liked this style of combat, with all the overdone swings, flashes and screen shake. People argue that it feels powerful, but I think it's actually the opposite. When I see something like that I expect opponents to die in one hit, and preferably turn into a fountain of blood, and if they blocked, their weapon should shatter into atoms. This is not the case so it means that the protag is the weakest creature in existence.


What ive gotten out of this thread
>Good Gameplay doesnt exist
>except for in my favorite games

>korean games
>good gameplay


Attached: dsda (2).png (281x286, 192K)

Stalker, Gothic, Arx Fatalis (magic), Deus Ex, Dark Messiah, Dishonored, EYE Divine Cybermancy

You're just saying that because your penis is small.
Don't take it out on Yakuza because your dick's small, guy.
You won't grow as a person, just like your stunted dick.

Have you played them?

Looks like the Arkham games...except you are not Batman so that makes it like 300% less cooler

Attached: dunthinkso.gif (220x162, 44K)


Are you for real? Unloading two buckshots at an unarmored guy and he survives is considered god tier combat to you?

Batman would beat the shit out this guy

Don't Jappost me!

Will his dick grow when he starts prentending that Yakuza combat is good?

Metal gear revengance also had this problem that the camera made the game fucking if the QTEs werent bad enough

MP in M&B is god tier tho, especially in napoleonic wars

Batman can beat the shit out of superman so yeah some rando ching chong doesnt stand a chance

no not a single one

thats how bad they are

they need to make a river city ransom game using the dragon engine

>enemies don't die instantly from starter weapons so it's bad

Attached: 1548611151801.jpg (500x500, 57K)


When I say combat in a shooter I don't only mean the sounds and animations (how shooting feels) but also the tension (god tier in Stalker) , tactical depth (okay tier), diversity of weapons and their uses etc.

Superheroes aren't real dorks

Attached: e35.jpg (3000x3000, 448K)


It's crack I tell ya.

Yakuza is fujo bait

God damn what a sad piece of shit image and what's worse is that someone decided to put effort into making it.

>Vanquish was fun
>Max Payne 1 and 2 was also fun

They're both good games

Oh, look at that, another stunted dicklet.
Go on; keep taking out your insecurities on Yakuza, makes you look real tough, big guy.

Is your small dick resting on your small balls?
Yeah, I thought so - how CUTE..!

And all the rest of you dumb faggots who replied to this obvious false flag-
OP is being a disingenuous faggot and intentionally posted a garbage webm of a heat move against low level grunts, no idea why, sad retard wants people to hate Yakuza.
Yakuza combat is not amazing, its hardly the focus, but the combat is a hell of a lot more competent than that. If you dont spam heat moves and abuse healing items in combat the games can be very challenging and fun. The combat also has a lot of depth to it, its just a shame that nobody ever tries to learn it because the games allow you to spam cheat moves.

Glad one person noticed

Attached: Majima No Damage.webm (640x360, 1.88M)

The Yakuza series is purest sample of "It's good because japan" in existence
If the game had american places/names and no other changes it would be considered utter shit

Nah there's zero homing to your punches and sliding around.

people would still like it

Haha you actually got mad. Jokes on you user, I was baiting you. I haven't even played Yakuza (though combat does look like shit in the webm)

both suck
max payne: jump in the room, slow mo, get headshots
vanquish: scoot around, slow mo, get headshots

What makes you so sad and bitter? Honestly dont understand this irrational hatred you faggots have for these games. When did zoomers start hating Yakuza?

Jap combat is all style and no substance, which is fine by me

Attached: ff15.png (1271x714, 1.08M)

No it would just switch fanbase to westaboos...there is always a group that will eat trash

Mount & Blade's combat is good, for what it is.
However, a glaring issue with it is how it looks (a necessary evil, in my opinion) since it may turn people off.

Vanquish is one of those games that isn't fun until you're S-tier. It's a punishing fucking slog while you're trying to learn the mechanics

Yeah? Well neither are Yakuza films

Why would you go against my orders?
And how many Japs do you have?

>runs in circle shooting guns at each other

I love combat like this. It's just corny fun. It's more fun than Dark Souls autistic hug the enemy or dodge dodge wack for 112 times.

Attached: 123234.gif (480x269, 1.36M)

>Yakuza aren't real

Attached: 1558095198117.jpg (500x500, 55K)

Too many to count

Attached: giphy-downsized.gif (500x359, 903K)

>Superheroes aren't real dorks
Hang on, there's no need to jump to conclusions so hastily.
I think with the right definition, I could be described as a superhero.

>Go through the game using Brawler only and using counters into blocks to slug it out with bosses.

It's not elegant but it looks kino as fuck.

>batman use gun
>I use gun
Guys I might be a superhero

Attached: Detective405-07.jpg (668x696, 183K)

Oh great...
Another idiot...

Flutter away, idiot... go eat your cold baked bean from a can and play the latest CoD whilst complaining the older one were better...

Not to be an epic Yea Forums contrarian but a lot of the claims there are wrong. Regenerating health means that if you fuck up you're punished by a reset to before the fight, for example, instead of having to go into the next fight at 10% health. Closer camera when paired with the minimap gives you more situational awareness and better accuracy. The cover system allows you to "reset" your situation but the good games that use these systems (ie Gears of War) don't expect you to complete an entire wave with a single health bar and expect you to instead hide for a while to regen after taking out one or two. I know the meme logic is that old games were better because of their cartoony play style but if you can't see that modern, regenerative, cover based TPS games don't utilise their mechanics for vastly different gameplay loops then you are the very NPC that I'm sure you've posted memes of here (that you saved from Yea Forums instead of creating yourself, because you're a blithering retard who doesn't think for themselves and can't grasp the irony of your behaviour)

Ninja Gaiden Black


Attached: Majima VS Tiger Drop.webm (640x360, 2.54M)

I say its worth getting that good though. Its pretty much the only game I play when I have free time

No joke, Warframe has godtier combat.
It's also a massive timewaster and new weapons etc are timegated

That's your loss.

I fucking hate the rolling on the ground gimmick

well have you ever Yakuza?

>no E.Y.E

Is this bait?

shut the fuck up capeshitter

>mountain blade

Attached: 1553470676191.gif (205x223, 1.1M)


but non of you pc fatass nerds would know that because you cant play it lol

Attached: 7FA9436F-3A93-42B8-8152-788B22EB4021.jpg (294x294, 31K)

I played it and you must be baiting

Fucking retarded pleb.

proof, right now, time stamp and everything

i dont like liars

>you want a real combat system?
>come play Project M against me at the competitive meet I go to
>I'm kind of a big deal there

Attached: mp,650x642,gloss,f8f8f8,t-pad,750x1000,f8f8f8.jpg (750x1000, 65K)

No sorry I'm not starting up my paperweight 4 to take a screenshot for you
>GTA combat for the 10th time is "god tier"
What an absolute laugh, you r* drones need to play more games

For me, it’s TWEWY. It can be controversial due to the way it’s controls are but I fucking love how customizable the combat is thanks to the pins and I went into battles purely out of a combination of pure fun and finding new ways to set up Neku’s combos.

Attached: 205472E9-B399-4D85-AB01-0BD57798DA33.jpg (744x594, 154K)

I was lying for Yous.
I sincerely apologise and hope we all can move past this.

unironically this

What? Warframe combat is all about looking stylish while having zero depth. The enemy waves are so huge you'll always hit something even with the worst aim possible, and melee combat is just based around mashing the fuck out of one button. It is pretty enjoyable, but I'd absolutely never call it god tier combat

Lol u mad

>i only know the marvel movies

every single time

Attached: oooh.gif (250x252, 2.62M)

Seppuku is the only way of apologizing for a crime of this caliber

Anyone can reduce something to its basic elements to make it look bad.
Like you; you're a faggot.

Overgrowth is definitely great combat. Very cool and I wish more games would do it like that. Very fluid.

Attached: overgrowth-combat.gif (500x270, 1.85M)

TF2, enemies fight back and learn

Attached: scout.png (750x786, 168K)

I love throwing people in the river, literally did it at any given opportunity

True, but Warframe combat is really absolutely brainless. The PvP modes have some potential, but last time I checked nobody played them
>Like you; you're a faggot.
Well you look like a stupid

>Just mashing square, and occasionally switching styles
>Good combat
Look I can see the appeal of the game, but to claim it has god tier combat is just ridiculous.

Every one in this thread hates you and wants you to die.
I should take your head with one of my 34 katanas. Since you're not using it.

Grow a brain, you mighty idiot.

This looks terrible.

wtf I love source mods now

Is it finally out?

lmfao your so trash you think hes cheating? thats embarrassing.

I ate a jar of peanut butter, so that negates the seppuku.

>complains about square square square square triangle
>Recommends Arkham series
The fuck are you smoking?


You wouldn't even dare talk shit about Warframe again - YA HEAR?!?!

Starving african children could've eaten those katanas, you prick

>lmao just spam 1 attack and win
>good combat
No. On release you might've had a point, but now it's all kinds of broken.

That game is easy to cheese.
And I don't feel like, essentially, LARPing to play the game as intended.
That's the fault of the developers, cunt.

*grabs you by the throat*
back the fuck off???

Yeah I think they did a 1.0 like a year ago. Still felt incomplete but wasn't as buggy and you could actually play the story.

I'd like to see any of the people calling the combat shit try this

Attached: Mr Shakedown Shaken Down.webm (640x360, 2.16M)

I friggin' EARNED those katanas through BLOOD, SWEAT, and TEARS...!
I have MASTERED my CRAFT...!

Why would I given EVEN ONE to smelly BROWN "PEOPLE"...?!

Eh, it's "good" in the sense that it accomplishes it's goal, it's very easy while still looking and feeling satisfying. But it's kinda boring, and there isn't much depth to it. Good for one play through, but I doubt there are many people who will replay it regularly.



Then don't spam the same attack.

Good bait

Ayylmao nigger that's a fucking lie m8, show proof or GTFO

If not breaking the game requires avoiding the use of several attacks, it's not a good combat system

Motherfucking Alien Solider.

Attached: Alien Soldier bird.webm (640x480, 2.93M)

Okay then tell me a good combat system since you're such a goddamn pro. No attacks really break the game in Nioh. No, not even iai unless you're specifically using it to keep a human enemy permanently grounded. Only 1kat can really do that effectively anyways. SotC moves you too much to make it work as well.


feels godly in ninja gaiden 2 when you cover a sterile room with blood and body parts after a good fight

>tell me a good combat system
Ninja Gaiden
>No attacks really break the game
Wrong, wrong and wrong. Both iai and SotC asolutely break the game with even a little bit of work, also flowing shadow, backwave (which ties into iai), LW kusa in general.
Basically, all weapons have moves that, even if they don't break the game, you wanna spam as much as possible since they outdamage all other availble options (like Devastation on tonfa)

Yakuza combat doesn't translate well to video because if you're good it looks too easy. Shakedown looks like a pushover in that webm

What a nigger

Lmao that looks like utter shit

shakedown is really easy though.
people just get nervous and fuck up since he can do a gorillion damage.

Then say the N word in front of 30 niggers, post timestamp while you do it or you are a fucking faggot

>mfw it's literally impossible for Ninja Gaiden faggots to start their own threads and instead they have to resort to acting like hipster faggots in other Action game threads instead.

We get it, your franchise is dead.

Attached: 42334234234.jpg (200x300, 12K)

But is immortal

>So, I never really liked combat in Yakuza. Not really my thing. But hey, to each there own.

>Sekiro has shit comba-

Attached: Sekiro Duel.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)


wait you can throw them like that? ive been wasting heat all this time

I really love NG and all but you have to admit, it's intrinsically more boring than DMC or Platinum's games simply because high-level play essentially devolves into chaining UTs and abusing i-frames from stuff like ninpo cancelling. You CAN chain together combos and shit but it is fundamentally less optimal and efficient than in DMC.

Whoah user das raycis


it's a bit finnicky and context sensitive i guess but you can pull it off sometimes, i managed to throw out 2 people at the same time that way, one was the one i threw, the other was the one that got ragdolled by the person i threw at him


Attached: 1539123728612.webm (960x540, 2.88M)

that post you linked is an edited video

>sekirobabs are this delusional

>crazy combat
>enemies literally never attacked the player?

Sekiro has the best combat of any game ever.

Attached: Genichiro Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

Even Mount & Blade: Warband, a game that came out in 2011, is better than this fucking shit.

Filtered by Chained Ogre.

Attached: smilingWolf.png (631x710, 1003K)

>it's harder which means it's good
Yoikety Snoikes
Demon Bell'd Isshin btw

So definitely not that shit game?

>Playing with Kuro's charm
Git gud.

Attached: Sekiro Duel 2.webm (800x450, 2.94M)

Damn that looks absolutely awful. Is that webm supposed to prove the game is good or something? Animations are laughable and it looks so easy. Also this was supposed to be a counterpoint to 'the enemies just let you beat them up' so you posted a webm where the enemy uses the same attack over and over so you can parry it? LOL

>Games with god tier combat.
Severance, came out 2 decades ago and From is still incapable of surpassing it.

I would love to see you try to no damage Majima lol

Yakuza 0 has some of the best melee combat in any game.

Attached: Yakuza - Dojima Family.webm (960x540, 2.93M)

Based and Severancepilled.

Attached: Severance.webm (480x360, 644K)

Posting heat moves isnt really making your case
Post actual good webms

not him but demon bell is literally nothing, kuros hardship is the only worthwhile difficulty option in the game since it actually punishes blocking.

You type like a fag

>posting a webm that's literally impossible without modding
fromdrones might be the biggest cucks on the planet, even MGR was better than sekiro.

Keep coping that From have cemented themselves as the best developer of all time with Sekiro.

Attached: Genichiro Fight 2.webm (900x488, 2.93M)

>Wait for the Counter Prompt: The Game

Attached: 1559163032959.jpg (800x800, 150K)

Well, it's no coincidence that I like cock then.

Also, keep your unwanted assburger comments to yourself, you unrefined oaf.

Why did you post a clip of someone doing the same move over and over? Is this suppose to impress?

Why does 0 get the most love gameplay wise? You're not encouraged to switch styles like you are in Kiwami because of the shitty animations that play when you do. The motions and general options are limited and force you to just use overpowered abilities where as Kiwami encourages you to diversify and mesh other abilities together until you get the essense of torment skill.

>maybe if I keep posting babby's first parry mechanic it'll make my game look better.
It's not even as complex as royal guard, stop pretending otherwise.

Attached: 1349954017333.jpg (272x333, 41K)

i think that's one of those 'i edit out the pause menu so the video looks good' webms

>spam same move several times over
>then go into cutscene attack
This is just fucking Dynasty Warriors

this looks fun as heck. might have to pick up re6 just for this mode

>Yea Forums hates yakuza now
Sure smells like newfag in here

Because its fun unlike Kiwami.
Kiwami bosses are complete trash. I like some additions to the combat like fast switching styles but you can do that in 0 with an item equipped anyway.
Everything else they added just ruined the flow of the combat, it felt really rushed. Especially hate the healing mechanic.

Attached: 1557227585287.jpg (720x818, 92K)

Yea Forums has always hated movie games, newfag.

the hidden: source
the specialists + action half life (mods for hl)

Dont even get a (You)

Any old timers remember Die by the Sword? You used the numpad to control the position of the sword. So like pressing 9 then 1 would swing down and diagonally. It was fun and you could chop a nigga arm off.

Attached: 4543531.jpg (640x480, 52K)

At least the older Dynasty Warriors' combat were enjoyable (up until 6).

Seething weeb.
Movie games, regardless of their country of origin, have always been disliked on Yea Forums.

Attached: 1557671976785.png (928x287, 150K)


Attached: ngb.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

>mfw weebs butthurt over turkish man and his wife completely trashing combat in all nip games ever made

Attached: battletoads man.gif (214x124, 1.08M)

i played this game on the og xbox years ago, i think i got to the city streets and couldnt get much further when the enemies started throwing bombs and shit

played it again recently and got my ass well and truly flattened in the first level, in the dojo/temple thing. god damn.

>10 hours of cutscenes
>game easily has 50-60 hours of gameplay
>more if you want to 100% it

while western movie game is like 2 hours of cutscenes (including walk and talk bullshit) and like 2 hours of gameplay

It's hard as balls. My least favourite bit is always approaching the military base when the rocket launcher guys come out. Cannot handle it.

Yakuza combat is fucking dogshit, there are basically only TWO types of styles:

>style with a string so powerful that all you have to do is keep spamming that one string. If you do anything else you're gimping yourself and just get killed, but man that one string... just spam it and you stunlock the planet
>style with lots of gimmicks that sound cool on paper but you can never pull them off because they didn't design it for humans, so you end up dicking around with these weirder styles, getting almost killed, then you switch to the "stunlock string spam" style

It's fucking horribly designed. You literally have to police yourself.
If you use the OP broken style then the game becomes boring, but if you use the gimmicky style you don't get anywhere near as fast

>mfw the only game I like from this clown dev team is woefully unfinished

Take it to lad.

Attached: Yakuza 0 QTEs.webm (640x360, 2.17M)

>make game about hardened japanese criminals and all the drama/action/betrayals etc
>make the combat arcadey as fuck with super powers and flashy effects
uhhhhh.... japan?

post more

That's just Batman combat lmao. Jesus you weebs are pathetic.

Forgot pic

Attached: latest[1].jpg (420x470, 195K)

that game sucked balls compared to the rest though

Shenmue my dear zoomer. Similar but distinctly different than Banham.

>when the enemies started throwing bombs
If you're talking about the incendiary shuriken, just block nigga.
A lot of people really underestimate how good the block in this game is

Attached: Severance 2.webm (1280x720, 1.07M)

No games have good combat now fuck off and everyil single one of you delete your posts and OP delete this thread.

I'm sure it does. It's not even a full game. It's like a shareware demo of a Yakuza style game with a different motif. Anyways, I enjoyed it despite it being terribly incomplete because I like the setting and characters.

unironically agree
the constant complaining about modern game mechanics while completely ignoring the positive aspects of them does get annoying
for example a lot of people here complain about weapon carrying limitiations when those limitations can make gameplay slightly more difficult and tense (for example making you use a weapon you are as not comfortable with or having to risk loosing cover when you run out of ammo and/or need to pick up a new weapon)

Attached: 1543426817872.gif (488x519, 400K)

I am still fucking mad that Severance requires black magic and a pure luck to run on modern systems.

looks fun and worth a pirate

barbarian or knight?

Attached: Urb-cover.jpg (265x375, 21K)

which got reduced to ability spam and exploiting stupid disbalanced design

knight for sword and board barbarian for 2hander

Unironically Sunset overdrive. I had a blast sliding and jumping around to rock music. Felt like I didn't have a care in the world again.

>climbs up and down a wall like a snake on coke
>360 shotguns you at 30 fps
nothing personnel kid

Barbarian > Knight > Dwarf > Amazon
All are fun, though.

cant wait to play through all the shitty driving sequences and qtes thanks

So this is what cope actually looks like...


automatically invalided your statement

I can't believe Kojima approved this

Looks cool

Wouldn't know, haven't actively played in a few years.
That sucks though

Attached: Capture.png (518x96, 30K)

>Kiwami bosses are complete trash

Kiwami was superior in so many regrds to 0.
Only Majimas story surpasses Kiwami

>Especially hate the healing mechanic
Save the heat an use the Kiwami dumb fag

Attached: ryu.png (1269x711, 1.5M)

I mean the core is still there and it works. The issue is that there are few things that are so obviously better than others there's kinda no point in using anything else. And while there's a case for collecting weapons / rivens / trying out new builds, when you've done this and see how 90% of the weapons are MR trash regardless of builds cause there's no fucking build variety in the game anymore without using a riven, you will most likely go with tried and tested combinations that work. The game is pretty much a solo experience, cause unless you're getting matched with an equally decent player, other retards won't do anything for you nor significantly contribute to completion of the mission. The game is fun to explore if you're a new player. The game is not that fun if you're a veteran, cause you're pretty much stuck doing the same activities new players do, except faster and more efficient.

>can't tell white people apart

They fix that in Shadow of War by making it hard to dodge.

to be fair I only looked at the video at a glance

so this is the guy that never killed anyone

This is dumbest complaint I've heard of Arkham combat. Counter does a lot less damage than punching so spamming it is counterproductive

both get boring later because the enemy health increases more than your possible dmg output
I think knight is better in those terms, but I am not sure, maybe it is barb..
the point is that you are going to spam one combo that does max dmg from half of the game anyway

other than this it is a great game, especially the early lvls when you are unfamiliar with stuff
iirc amazon is the easiest and strongest

arkham combat is better than yakuza combat and spider-man combat is better than both of them

That's dog shit combat
>B-but look he has dark energy radiating off of him :O

i think people who complaint about the counter are either just shitposting or are absolutely 100% mentally challenged

God of War

Attached: God of War.webm (768x432, 2.98M)

b-but GOW is a movie game

the old games? Yes
the reboot? Some of the most souless combat I have seen

Nothing groundbreaking but it does have its moments

Attached: Red Dead Redemption 2_20181207034742.webm (800x450, 2.7M)

Yakuza combat is cartoonish and that's why I enjoy it.

it's not a reboot and it's got more soul than any combat system since Demon's Souls. Old GOW just copied DMC


Attached: RDR2 - Shotgun to the legs.webm (1280x720, 1.08M)

Lol this game was so easy I didn't even know what the death screen looked like until I watched so shitty streamer play it.

My nigga

Attached: Ragna_approves.png (370x320, 26K)

>Old GOW just copied DMC

now this is bait

DeS' combat is soulless, though.

Good joke.


Attached: 1554204569646.png (837x610, 698K)


The biggest problem with action games is that because of their general lack of mod support, your exhaust their content before you can really excel at them Compared to like doom, where theres hundreds of high quality and challenging user mad maps, your left replaying the game over and over again.

Attached: Acerola-Orion.webm (896x504, 2.86M)

A good action game is infinitely harder to master than PVE quake. This shit had no frame perfect inputs or strict timing or really anything other than aim shoot and strafe.

I feel like doom is still unique among FPS games. You run around at like 60mph shooting tons of big, punchy projectiles that also move at 60mph

>Yakuza combat is not amazing
Thanks for agreeing with everyone else while also calling criticism of yakuza combat "bait"

Everything from Yakuza's design, from the VN "gameplay" to the repetitive unchallenging routine brawls to the melodramatic over the top storytelling is designed to appeal to autists.
It's a power fantasy for autistic people who would love to be able to beat up a bunch of guys with ease and have every single beautiful woman melt at the sight of you no matter how little interest you show them.

FUCK this game would be a real masterpiece if if wasn't built around auto-aim

>sony movie template game

I have been mocked in the past for not getting emotional during some of "the great" films and tv shows out there. (I'm a little autistic) But Yakuza and anime can make me emotional because the writing is melodramatic and it's always very clear what I should be feeling. The music helps, but mostly I like that the characters all say clearly how they are feeling and what they are thinking. This helps me understand them and I can feel myself getting emotional from the sad parts.

>doing the same attack 5 times
>cinematic cuckshit
lmaooo fuck outta here

I'm just glad with more and more studios trying to make money from normies Yakuza stays true to the autistic audience. I mean, why wouldn't you? Look at how much Minecraft makes.

Normally when you get into a physical fight IRL with more than 2 people, you're usually the one that lands in the hospital bed, not the other way around.

I dun like dead-eye, or bullet-time even. They are crutches and slow down the gameplay.
Whenever I see someone playing Max Payne on Youtube they just activate bullet time and get easy headshots for pretty much every enemy that they see, and it's such a shame because the game is so much more fun when you try to use it as little as possible. It should still be there, but not so easy to just spam it

Attached: MP2 - no BT spam.webm (640x480, 2.97M)

You may be baiting, but in all honesty, Yakuza isn't any better than Arkham in the combat department, but Yea Forums likes it because it's japanese.

What's the ultimate autistic fantasy? Walking down a street and guys starting fights with you (you don't start fights with them because you're the good guy at the end of the day) and then they form a big group and you beat the shit out of all of them effortlessly. They barely get a punch in. You even do cinematic takedowns that make you look cool. Then they thank you for it, they bow down and WORSHIP you and give you gifts as an apology for what they've done.
Then you go to a hotel where 20 women, who all look like the most beautiful famous women there are, incidentally, all really want you to spend time with them. Why? Because you're just so great.

Izuna drop: the game.

Unfortunately a lot of people care more about "feeling badass" than actually good gameplay. Just look at the entire Yakuza fanbase.

And it’s satisfying every time

Is Yakuza combat the ultimate pleb filter?

Attached: Why the Yakuza games have good combat.png (593x1457, 600K)

>other action game threads
This isn’t a yakuza thread retard

You really make Ninja Gaiden fans look bad. Look user, I love Ninja Gaiden too but you can just spam FS and UT if you want. Developers can't force you to have fun. Pretty much any game can be played in a monotonous way if you choose. LW was actually fine if you didn't make a build to abuse it. You could easily get hit out of it and even paralyzed too. I used 2kat so I can't speak as much for 1kat but SotC was not broken. It's your strong burst damage that you definitely want to use a lot but as more of a combo ender. You don't just use it from neutral. It has a short charge time and there's plenty of bosses and enemies that won't stand for that if you just blindly walk up to them and try that. The true combo was a quick attack folowed by god of wind and then SotC. God of wind actually has a very specific timing thats much stricter than normal pause combos. Then you have the shrike for parrying, demon thrust to break out of guarding enemy attacks, water sword for stationary or cornered enemies, mortal flow for yokai horns, low stance for the extra i frames and elemental debuffs, and so on. But no, all of this is somehow negated by SotC. The combat in Nioh was very well done and I'm confident about that. I'm really getting sick of this "playing optimally" shit. I see this is in MH threads all the time and pretty much any action game. It always comes down to "spam your strongest move" and nothing else without taking the properties of the rest of your moveset into consideration.

I had a mod for this game that let bullets realistically penetrate through wooden walls / doors and other light obstacles. Every bullet in Max Payne 2 is already a projectile too, not hitscan. It was a little overpowered since enemies didn't do it to you too and you could often shoot them through their cover, but if you just turned the difficulty up and stopped using bullet time and it was perfect. That shit was incredibly cool, I would autistically reload my quicksaves like 1000 times to repeat the fights.

Is this supposed to be a parody of patrick bateman's monologue?

>the combat is actually good because if you do enough boring side content you unlock a back kick
Is this a joke?

but the game is so easy either way
using terms like "pleb filter" in this context is nothing other than pure, gritted-teeth, tears streaming COPE of the highest order

Plebs spotted.

Attached: Yakuza Fight.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)


when I used the cutscene move that removed half their health I clapped

but the game gives you absolutely no incentive to go "deeper"
if you can just mash the same buttons to beat braindead bad guys then that is shit combat, and the game doesn't have good combat just because I can potentially spend a lot of time unlocking moves that make it EVEN EASIER to beat the same braindead punching bags

the secret styles in 0 are both garbage. kiryu can destroy anything/everything with R1+O counter, majima's style is a one-note gimmick. the regular styles are more fun

lol, it really does feel like the kind of shit my autistic ass imagined when I was 14
I guess it's nice that yakuza fans have something to live out those fantasies. though they might want to consider moving on someday. I'd be worried if I was still playing something like this in my 30s

It is not "punishing" when the enemy AI is asleep 90% of the time and do considerably less damage than you do at all times to boot though? Does he even believe the shit he's saying?

I dont have a webm but superhot

Attached: lol.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

>stop looking at that webm! that's not what yakuza gameplay is like!
okay show us some real yakuza gameplay
>okay here is one boss fight in one game on the hardest difficulty also they have not taken healing items into the fight because in yakuza you have to limit yourself intentionally to make it challenging
user this gameplay is still terrible
>l-lol... guess this thread is full of... plebs!!! lol! lmao!

Serious question, are Yakuza fans the most delusional fanbase in videogames?

Cntrl+f godhand
One result
At least someone in this thread isn't retarded

You should've read his post first, user.

This is so fucking dumb it belongs in LOL threads

Wait a moment you nigger, I should have read your post before replying.
Or maybe your doing a reverse psychology to attract Yea Forumsirgins to actually good games?

I don't know how to read, idiot

Ever consider gitting gud?

Attached: Yakuza spin move.webm (1280x720, 409K)

Whenever I post on Yea Forums it's like my ability to notice things decrease dramatically

>are Yakuza fans the most delusional fanbase in videogames?
what do you think buying the exact same 100 hour game seven times does to a man? I think they refuse to accept criticism because acknowledging just how many literal hundreds of hours they've wasted on a mediocre VN with clucnky combat thrown in would kill them

>Do all of this goofy shit
>Its 10x faster to just block all of their attacks and fill their bar

While not me, a SS+ response

>enemies surround you and stand still waiting to get beat up

Hey! An enemy tried to hit the player in this webm! They didn't try very hard, but still, this is a first. God-tier combat confirmed.

Same for me
I like that at all times there is never any question how I am supposed to be feeling or thinking during a scene

Love this game

Are you me?
This is probably why I also watch a lot of children's entertainment (anime, cartoons, comic book movies) instead of all the normie shit other people my age do
Children's media is just easier to understand emotionally
I'm also a big fan of Yakuza and Persona

Rubber road

I was showing a friend Yakuza because I'm a huge fan, but having someone else in the room made me hyper aware of how autistic it is. He wasn't being mean about it or anything, he indulged me, but suddenly I noticed JUST how much time is spent reading conversations or walking to conversations or doing the same kinda boring fights over and over again. I told him it opens up more later and there's minigames and stuff but I could tell he just thought I was an autist

Attached: file.png (1024x786, 245K)

Unironically this.

That isn't Kiryu.

This is hilarious, I felt the same way after talking about it with friends. Like when I first was playing it for days alone in my room I thought it was an awesome game but after explaining it to someone else I realized it's kinda retarded


Yakuza games help soothe my autism. Even if I'm not necessarily "having fun", it still feels good to go around doing all the small side content.

>tfw every multiplayer game with god tier combat is dead

Attached: strong arm.webm (852x480, 2.87M)

play mordhau.

This looks insane what game is this

You misspelled Chivalry.

>god tier

Attached: intense left clicking action.webm (600x375, 2.48M)

Rockshot It never even left beta ;_;

Attached: just as fun as it is janky.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

All the weapons except for the Dragon Sword sucked. It should have been the only weapon in the game, and have tons of combos in exchange for the extra weapons.

I think my favorite thing about Yakuza fans having a meltdown when forced to face reality is all the evidence they post to show how great the games are only make them look worse

that's now how mordhau works at all.

mordhau is insanely better version of chivalry with no 360 blender ballerinas and higher level mechanics

Behold, gentlemen. Cope in its purest form.

Attached: pure cope.jpg (1430x1023, 62K)

Fuck that's depressing; game looks badass

This is the funniest shit i've seen in my entire life, how is this a game.

man, Kiryu runs like a retard

>all of this jap shit
>no Mordhau
>no Mount and Blade Warband
>no Toribash
You console shitters leave the fucking thread.


git gud nigger

You want a knuckle up your ass, wise guy?

>proceed to homo-wrestle a guy while his buddies watch and wait for their turn
the amount of replies that praise this webm is just disturbing
this is shit tier combat

It's mostly one guy. Yea Forums hates RE6.

It's the exact same game as the previous ones

And that's bad because...?



Why are gook games so retarded holy fuck.



If you want to buy the same game 10 times that's your thing.

Attached: 1544820893569.jpg (423x408, 61K)

>Doesn't even have directional based blocking like M&B

Weak. The grip changes are the only thing unique about it.

You probably A) got filtered by EYE or B) never played it.

Attached: Magnetic technology.webm (1000x563, 2.52M)

>I think the game is shitty garbage but I'm also gonna pretend I beat it with the harder options

>stunlock enemies with square into triangle combos and do a cool cutscene
wow, amazing combat....

have sex



Attached: 2j.webm (1050x590, 1.26M)

When will NG's fanbase realize the reason Black was so good was because pancake face was just fucking crazy

>kamiya purists

You mean people who like competent enemy design?

This game was so much fucking better to play after it finally got a PC port. Shit is just too fast for analog sticks to go full crazy on.

>480 replies
>not a single DMC-related webm
not just 3,4,5 but DmC:DE and 1 also had a pretty decent combat




yikes oof and cringe

Is there a single person on the planet who knows what the fuck they're doing in toribash?

Based as fuck

Agree'd, it's the weapon I used for most of the game too aside from when you're pretty much forced to used the flails near the end

NG2 is much much better for weapon variety, love them claws

Attached: bloody.webm (852x480, 2.89M)


you even get achievements for completing the game using only one weapon which makes for some fun re playability

Attached: 1534996510482.webm (640x360, 2.83M)

did they take the Denuvo out of Yakuza 0 yet or do I need to get the pirated version?

Attached: 1470074724733.jpg (534x534, 116K)

Attached: 1.webm (800x450, 2.85M)

Attached: 1558622970879.jpg (648x484, 103K)

wut gaem

proxy blade zero

>people post batman webms
>people post yakuza webm
i dont get it

Vanquish wasn't very good.
If you wanted to style on your oponent you had to go out of you way to make it look good. The movement scheme was pretty convoluted to be practical.

Attached: scroll.png (261x547, 9K)

Uh they killed Yakuzas combat with the new ones...Its trash. I have crushed Ninja Gaiden Black, 2 and 3 on Ninja Master. Every DMC except 5 on Dante Must Die. ikaruga is my bitch.

So naturally I started Yakuza on hard. I literally turned the game off and uninstalled it because of the first time you fight Majima... I was whipping his ass with timing and rhythm his health bar was fucking MELTING. All of the sudden the games decides Im too good so it literally just regenerating Majimas health as Im beating his ass and hes doing zero dmg to me.

Yeah that shit is garbage.

Yakuza has good combat for a VN

thx pal

Bam the Ham is literally never hard. Yakuza actually has hard fights even though they are optional

It's not even the cutscenes that bother me (even though there are a lot and they're quite slow) it's the hours of conversations you have to sit through while character models stand around staring at each other blankly. There is literally hours of this, it's what you spend most your time doing. And by the time you're fighting the last boss, less than 0.00001% of them actually mattered. Sometimes I feel like Yakuza games are more like timesinks for people with absolutely nothing to do instead of games. They could all be great if they stripped back the tedium but it seems what most people want is 100 hours of "content" even if only 10 of them are enjoyable.

Jedi Academy+ Mod by Slider on PC still drops gargantuan, steaming pile of shit on anything and everything even to modern day. You had to play it to fully understand, but trust me.

I won't deny I don't have much going on in life so it's nice to have something that will distract me as long as a yakuza game. western games usually don't have more than 8 hours in them and I'm not a fan of rpgs. yakuza is ideal for avoiding life for a while. I only wish they'd confirm the rereleases of every game. I will replay all of them happily.

I know only 1 game with good combat

Attached: 1539442807609.webm (1280x720, 2.96M)

What's that foul odour...

can you post it?

One for you lads

Attached: Semi-Automatic.webm (852x480, 2.89M)

bait detected

is that fucking style switching?