Just got this, what am I in for?

Just got this, what am I in for?

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A good game that people will try to get you to dislike for no reason.

An outdated game. Because of SotFS and DS3 the MP is dead so you won't get to invade or being invaded.

the best or the worst souls game, depending on who you ask.

It's fun, got some cool areas, and really nice atmosphere. Feels much more like high fantasy than the other dark souls games.

Also this, unfortunately.

As long as you haven't played any other game in the series you will think this is good.

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A bad game that people will try to convince you is secretly amazing for no reason.

>for no reason
Except people who played the previous games have every right to hate it, for every thing 2 did right, it did 3 things terribly

Even though I don't like how it plays and I hate most of the areas, I still find it rather enjoyable with a good amount of replayability and the fashion is amazing. Overall, it's ok

Something that would've been panned to death if it didn't have Dark and Souls in its title.

I got ds2 over ds1 because I heard it was kinder to noobs, was this a mistake or nah?

It's a weird game. Immediately obvious it was made by a less talented team but there's still lots of cool ideas behind it. It's long as fuck though so you can get burnt out quickly.

Absolutely a mistake.
For one, DaS2 is in fact a harder game (but for the wrong reasons)
And two, its mediocrity will probably spoil the rest of the series moving forward.
You SHOULD play 2 at some point (if only to better appreciate what the other games did correctly) but it should never be your first Souls game.

It had major improvements to the combat that made ds1 worse, such as the latter's instant parries and backstabs and the lack of viable dual weilding.
No. One of the valid complaints of 2 is that it has artificial difficulty that you'd expect from a bad mod like daughters of ash for ds1.

you can say the same thing about DS3, yet people creamed their pants of it.
DS2 had the most fun online out of any souls game by far, even with the dumb SM mechanic.

A pretty good game! Some weird, janky stuff but it by far has the most content of any Souls game. The game is fucking huge and you really feel like you're on an epic quest. At the end of the game you'll think back on all of the areas you cleared and be like holy shit I've come a long way. It's also the most difficult Dark Souls game.

A real diamond in the rough.

Not as good as 1 but certainly better than Bloodborne.

Don't listen to this guy. DS2 is as good as DS1 and is far superior to 3. I played DS3 first and could not believe the hype around Dark Souls until I played 2 next.

>Actually good opinion / review
You need to go back to r/eddit, we don't tolerate quality here.

DS1 is in a weird limbo of being the easiest souls game but the most punishing for new players due to how many mechanics go unexplained, 2 is more straight-forward but suffers from a lot of awful design choices when it comes to stat management, soul memory, and enemy placement

did you get regular Dark Souls 2 or Scholar of the First Sin?

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pure kino

The rat fight with the trash mobs and the reskinned sif is still the worst fight in this game, complete RNG on if you can kill the trash before he runs you down or get toxic

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hard to say. Whichever game you play first in the series is probably the hardest because you have to learn the mechanics first.
DS2 has more crowd management, and some stats that influence dodging (agility), but you don't have to worry about going into the wrong direction and wasting your time as much.

Do DaS2 fanboys forget that DaS2 was one of the worst cases of trailer false-advertising in video game history?
Are you really so desperate to be an epik contrarian that you'd defend a game with such a flagrantly anti-consumerist development history?
>DS2 is as good as DS1
And by the way, you're gonna run into actual retards like this left and right. Play the games for yourself in release order and come to your own conclusion about them.

Dark Souls 2. The sequel to Dark Souls. A game developed by From Software and published by Bandai Namco Games

Just fight with toxicity bro but yeah you're right.

WHY AM I TOXIC *snort*

I got regular ds2 cut it was less then £5, and I figured now was a good a time as any to get into dark souls.

A superior combat system in lieu of better encounters is not a trade off I welcome in any case
People jerking off over how great PVP was can go suck a nut, invading was at its peak in DeS and it never recovered

*cuz, the fucking state of me.

Nah 1 is only the best when you're wearing nostalgia goggles. 2 builds on the mechanics without destroying the core feel of the game. DS3 on the other hand is fundamentally different from 1 and 2. It's a linear action game rather than a survival RPG.

>2 builds on the mechanics
>without destroying the core
>DaS1 and 2 are "survival RPGs"
OP get out of this thread right now before idiots like this spoil your impressions of the game.
Play the damn games in release order.

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>invading was at its peak in DeS
I hate false-flaggers like you. DeS literally had the worst invasions.

I have never read anything so retarded. Even the other DaS2 fags arent this bad.

>the only time invading had any meaning beyond just fucking other players in the ass
Just shut the fuck up

Worst Souls game, but still miles better than any copycat and pretty good on it's own.

QUALITY the Video Game

>99 healing item phantoms that run around the map to get you to aggro every mob while they try to destroy your equipment and lagstab you in the back: the game
>good thing
Cope with your ps3 purchase another way. Not this way.

oh man i got this too

Is it true that STR builds are inferior to DEX builds in DS2?

Most enemies are weak to strike damage so a mace or morningstar is essentially easymode.

try a no bonfire/no death run


It's a fun game but there are moments which will always be bullshit.

>dark souls 2 is good

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>worst enemy designs
>worst bosses
>worst lore
>worst npc quests
>worst level design

this game is a stain to the souls series, no wonder miyazaki just ignored it when making DS3

fucking trash game

God, what a faggot. The only thing that matters is the gameplay.

i liked it
i liked all the souls games
Yea Forums just likes to hate on shit

You're in for a massive disappointment if you played any other Soulsborne game. Just a mediocre game if you haven't.

What really gets me is the lack of an artistic vision, if it was on par with the rest of the series I wouldn't dislike it as much but seeing empty cubes with repeating textures instantly pulls me out and makes me wonder what the fuck they were thinking

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you're not even a souls fan, youre just a esports autist who dont care about the series

I didn't play Bloodbourne but it's my favorite Souls game, though I liked them all. Best to just go in with an open mind and form your own opinion.

Dex gets the Rapier, STR gets the Mace so they're pretty much equally as good, in 1 and 3 dex is definetly better for DPS though

A sequel that looks a lot nicer than the first one but is worse in pretty much every other way

a shitty overrated game.

Soulsborne is shit
Demon souls is shit
Dark souls is shit
Dark souls 2 is shit
Dark souls 3 is shit
Bloodborne is shit
Sekiro is shit
Cuck vein is shit
Any future games will be shit

I liked DaS II and DaS III the least out of the 5 soulsborne titles.

Sorry, Yea Forums.

Tough beginning. Great middle-to-end content.

I hope you got the SotFS edition.

You still sound like a faggot.

someone post some gifs of DS2's fucked up hitboxes

you responded like the basic bitch you are

You are a faggot.

Fuck Dark Souls 2 and fuck Dark Souls 3

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>trying this hard to fit in