So what the fuck is this thing's purpose in Death Stranding ? Kojimbo kept teasing him at the very beginning and then all we got was a statue at Kojima Productions HQ
So what the fuck is this thing's purpose in Death Stranding...
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Its just a mascot that will ultimately be in the game.
He's just a mascot
>trailer edited by Kojimbo
>Mama dies & cremated
Nah, I am on to you and your tricks Kojisan.
most overdesigned shit i've ever seen desu
>Fragile is wearing slut yoga pants
>"Guys you will feel bad for yourselves when you realize why she is 'fragile'."
I am not falling for that again.. She is just a slut candy.
his eyes look like Reedus'.
It could be the 'even the Moon' space suit or some shit.
Itll just be endgame gear for norman. The "even the moon" line at the end of the trailer was a dead giveaway
It was die hardman the whole time
lurk more, faggot
It is 100% Reedus. That's basically his final form. I assume the they want be able to save earth from the Death Stranding and they just colonise the moon.
he does have the Ludens mask.
Kojima 3 times in that pic alone. This what narcissism looks like. No wonder everyone is so brainwashed. When you keep plastering a name everywhere like a subliminal message people will begin to revere it. This is religion/cult tactics 101
How do you like your first week on the internet user?
Not even the most overdesigned kojima character
he's been doing that since MGS, retard.
No fucking shit. Why do you think he has such a huge following? Nobody ever talks about the games. They just talk about him.
>homo sapiens
>homo demens
>homo ludens
is this some ubermensch shit kojima
>Mads Mikkelsen is Reedus' father
>can't beat the DT
>leave earth
>colonize the moon
Looks like a spacesuit for going to space, but it could be for other inhospitable environments too.
it's common knowledge that he's an egotistical hack, but his name sells systems like hotcakes.
Ironically, the people that talk more about him are the people who hate him. People who appreciate his work simply talk about his games for the most part.
What's his name again?
Its sams phantom. They implanted his memories into a lowly medic and used him to distract attention away from the actual sam, whos building an outer bridges with child soldiers
He teams up with canister baby to defeat die hardman
Also killing bad, nukes bad
A mascot. I wonder if we'll get a scotformer with this character?
Die hardman. Try to pay attention.
>die hardman mask
>"LUDENS" label on his forehead
>homo ludens
>basiacally translates to "player"
>us, gamers
we're going to the moon, and back
>She is just a slut candy.
Nothing wrong with that.
Bridget is the one being cremated, the body bag has her scarf on it
>Die Hard-man.
What did he mean by this?
Die Hardman is Reedus and time and existence is non linear hence his name being a reference to Reedus having a hard time dying and dying a hard death at some point. The game deals with aspects of rebirth, souls and connection and Die hardmans skin tone is to throw you off. In fact the whole organization is linked to a lifespan of a person and ties to both the literal and spiritual journey of the protag and what means to truly live, die and interact with those around you and the barriers of the soul and how close we really are.
such as your mom
I see. Makes more sense for now.
No, she has huge breasts. Hopefully we will see some with all this rain in the game and tight suits.
What is the problem with DieHardman?
I don't understand the outrage.
>tfw will never grab Lindsay Wagner ass
Why is there no Death Stranding general on /vg/?
>ill keep cummin
Be the change
>time and existence is non linear
I don't know how to make a general. You ever see those things? There's like a wall of info required for the OP.
Lindsay Wagner is 97 years old though. I wouldn't want to tbqh senpai.
you only need a few links to start, it'll evolve over time with other anons' input
It'd end up as a completely autistic nightmare by the time the game comes out just like the Metal Gear general.
God, what a pile of pretentious garbage.
fuck thats sexy
Yeah. Good thing the threads on Yea Forums keep the autism out.
All I want is to see Heartman happy..
How autistic was Metal Gear general? Share some stories.
Its where caramel came from. That should be enough
/mgg/ was great, shut up. The fake dating profile was hilarious
the first two are okay
"die-hardman" is just fucking retarded
>yfw they're all essentially online aliases and they're taking part in a digital existence
>Kojima makes a teaser trailer, it's PRETENTIOUS
>Kojima names a character, it's PRETENTIOUS
>Kojima grows his beard, it's PRETENTIOUS
>Kojima takes pics of the food he eats, it's PRETENTIOUS
>Kojima breaths, it's PRETENTIOUS
Do you fuckers have any other words in your vocabulary besides "pretentious" or "hack"? If you absolutely must come to these threads to seethe at the most minute bullshit, at least put some effort into not repeating the same generic NPC "criticism".
>Hot Coldman
>Jim Houseman
>Peter Stillman
>Dial-up noise when he plugs in the BB
fuck off sjw
and the whole game is basically a game-version of the anime sword art online
the social strand thing is going to be interesting, I think it has to do with the cross-play that Sony and MS just recently decided on.
thank god
oh shit i never even noticed that, i was just going off the links to MGS2
>Die hardman
I give this a wheel chair accessible ramp out of ten.
I shall sing to you the song of my people,
doot-doot-doot dootdo doot.
John Madden
But will the maestro himself appear in the game?
I've always wanted to see a drawfag simplify this.
>Space suit
>you can go to the moon
Hes one of the black goo monsters. You can see him in the trailer from last year