Doom thread

Doom thread

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Other urls found in this thread:,1521.msg31827.html#msg31827

>three fucking murals
Jesus, I'm anticipating it too, but this kind of marketing reminds me of Anthem.

They're definitely going to reveal where all the angels fucks off to this entire time

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Why does that demon make me think of the Strogg from Quake?

Have we got previous years billboards? This building might be a E3 curse


I dont want them to add thks lore styl character shit. I just want to kill demons and mace like levels and nothing else.

That fucker needs to get back to Quake II.

Could you go back to wherever you came from? Every E3 they paint a mural on that hotel.

>inb4 Quake gets the DOOM treatment
I know the quakedads in this board would hate it, but a reskin of Quake 1 in the idtech6 engine would be neat.

2017 was Battlefront 2 IIRC
I know GTA 5 was on there too one year

>go to reinstall nu-doom
>70 fucking GB

I thought edgy atheists were supposed to be above tribal superstition?

Multiplayer shit.

>two identical Vault Boys
Fucking hell Bethesda

Uncompressed audio from every fucking language

Should the Cyberdemon go back too?

Someone with photoshop add one of the copies to the left and right.

God no. And besides DOOM 2016 already plays enough like Quake with the atmosphere and ambience from Doom.

>doom eternal
>not eternal doom
they missed a golden opportunity

I’m thinking more of Kelly from Doom 3.


>basic marketing reminds me of anthem
are you 9 years old?

Are they merging the Quake 2 universe with Dooms?

Yesterday they were just at the tip. Jesus how much are these guys getting paid, this is too fast.

Cyberdemon better be like his classic design.

All the monsters looked to be returning to their classic designs, so I think that's something you can rest easy with.

Except the Hellknight. Still keeping it's Doom 3 design.

Good on that one.

if we get barons of hell it makes sense as he would just be re-skin if you kept the doom 1 sprite design

NuDoom fucking sucked

the entire series just sucks

Dude you're so cool.


True that, Quake was way better. Doom had a mediocre first game with some impressive graphics, a garbage second game, a mediocre third game and a shit fourth game.
Each Quake installment on the other hand has been pretty good in their own right.

wait a minute
are they painting the whole thing? wtf
I thought it was just a bunch murals pasted together the same as an ad marquee

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Wonder if there'll be a boss fight with something that big

We know the Slayer has put down huge demons before

His name is Doomguy


It's Hotel Figueroa you mong. Any mural on that building is always split into three.

Attached: gta5-figueroahotel-banner.jpg (611x390, 47K)

I see Hell Keep has had some renovations done

The guy who criticized Rage 2 marketing touched a nerve didn't he?

I liked it

who, what and when?

I thought DOOM 2016 was great. Do we know enough about Eternal to know if it's basically going to be 2016 but with more demons, guns and levels? Because if that's the case I'd be happy. They aren't going to throw in some weird leveling system or some dumb shit are they?

This. Boomers are autistic
>Le fast shooty xD
>don't have to aim up or down, game is casual as shit
>damage floors that don't mean shit because you run at mach speed
>abundance of weapons
Doom as never challenging or run. Meanwhile Blood got re-released and all the doom fags nu and old cried it was too hard.

Quake has always been the better game.

>newer doom is literally just a slower, “power fantasizing” quake

I’d like to think you’d be able to make the two feel different enough, as that’s literally how new Doom plays. I hope they at least tried Arcane Dimensions to realize “hey here’s a bunch of fighting that’s NOT tied into arenas” but I’m not sure if the consoles could dig it.

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Doom-Slayer is metal though

They won't do anything like that, the upgrade system worked fine

Yes. They’re also bringing the multiplayer demons into the Doom Eternal campaign.

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If the game would be more or less a glorified level pack with some new enemies and weapons that continues the story along with a moddable and good multiplayer, I wouldn't have a single problem with it.
I just want Quake's tight and responsive gameplay back, NuDoom feels so fucking clunky in comparison.

It's a marketing thing. They're trying to make people accept Doom Slayer as the new term for him which is straight retarded. It'll always be Doomguy.

>slays demons

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Don’t forget about their Slayer Club.

>Guys demons

He’s a guy who dooms demons.

I kinda hope they get rid of the challenge bullshit of "get this specific glory kill x amount of times" It just slows you the fuck down for arbitrary bullshit. Just make it so secrets give you upgrade points or something.

Attached: Doomguy fights off shit fetishes.jpg (4000x2175, 1.79M)

It's just his ingame mythological title. Everyone still calls him Doomguy and I doubt 'they' have a problem with that.

Yet it's still being forced.


No shit the ingame characters aren't going to just call him 'Doomguy'

‘Doomguy’ undermines his true power level image that they’re trying hard af to push

It's a shame you never actually have this many enemies in-game

What’s that winged thing in the middle.


Doom Slayer is try hard as fuck though. Doomguy is understated, simple, and contrasts greatly with his achievements. "Doom Slayer" is something a 14yo who just discovered the colour black would come up with.

Wait a fucking minute, are they painting these?
That's actually impressive. I thought they were printing and pasting them like billboards

>Doom Slayer is try hard as fuck though
Agree entirely
>"Doom Slayer" is something a 14yo who just discovered the colour black would come up with.
Sadly I think that’s the idea; capitalizing not on ‘Doomduds’ but ‘BRUTAL Doomkids’.

No doubt but no matter how hard they try people will still be calling him Doomguy by the end of it all.

You're not coming out on top from a one-man war with the forces of Hell with a name including the word 'guy'. The setting IS trying to be mostly serious you know.

final boss leaked

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Tasty abs

No, as the last game demonstrated people just referred to as "him" as any other title would be meaningless included your shit Slayer term. Perhaps if you wanted to use an edgy title you shouldn't have used a series where the name of the character has been well established for the past 20+ years.

REMINDER: 17 episodes left and you pieces of shit finally fucking die forever.
(remove the first period)

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how is this a pony
come on bronyfag

How is this idiot still going
Is it a bot or ortism or both

This better be what they're using for the cover art, it already looks rad as hell. A giant heavy metal collage of demons, a cyber-angel, and likely doomguy somewhere in the mix. Million times better than the offensively generic one they came up with for D44M.

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his name is John Stalvern you horse's ass.

>excited for this game even though my PC could barely run the first on lowest settings

I need a job.

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delet this

Your PC has to be a literal toaster because that shit runs silky smooth on ultra settings even on budget machines

>and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.

>while 90% of the game didn't refer to him as anything
You sure showed me. He's Doomguy, nothing is changing that.

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Will we also see the nu-cybermancubus, I liked it

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Remind me what the reason was that the UAC captured demons and stuck hi tech guns on them

>Vanilla tomboy

It's multiple people, the guy they pinned it on originally probably killed himself.

i really hope doomgirl makes it in

Because it looked cool.

Who produces all that technology for demons? They seem a bit stupid to do it themselves.

They better remove that 12 enemies limit. And make me faster god dammit.

Doom Slayer is not the Doom Guy.

It's another example of suits not knowing what audiences want.
>People won't buy our game unless it has space marine holding gun on it

The UAC captures demons and puts all that shit on them before they broke free

You mean Crash?

Not anymore.

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do you need a reason to put lasers on sharks?

They also made Revenants out of their own personnel.

That’s the point. They were working for Olivia’s demon cult.

Imagine being red keycard guy.

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What are some good wads?

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Pirate Doom.
Winter’s Fury.
Golden Souls.
Soundless Mound.

Broke: DOOM eternal
Woke: dusk episode 4, ion maiden, wrath-aeon of ruin and amid evil,all under the $60 mark.

Strange Aeons
Shadows of the Nightmare Realm
Umbra of Fate


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Revilution is pretty good.

>dusk episode 4

Is that actually confirmed?

I have 100+ hours in DOOM (multiplayer, snapmap, replays), couldnt stretch any of these to 100 hours unless I forced myself.

I think I'd feel more safe in a minefield.

I'd have soiled myself.

That spot is cursed ever since Fallout 76's marketing

One of the devs said on the Twitter that they were too busy working some dusk related levels so one can only hope that the devs weren't trolling. Also amid evil is still producing levels to this day,so I wouldn't be shocked if that was the case.

Think I remember seeing/hearing that the slayer had been locked away for millennia

Was the game actually the first time he'd seen modern technology? Had he not used guns before this? Is he just incredibly adaptive to new weapons? Did he only ignore Hayden's pleas to leave the filters intact because he had no concept of mankind's dependence on energy?

The last doom game i played was the first one when i was 6 years old. Should i get this one?

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>new thing bad

All the levels need to be more like the first half of Doom 2016.

>the Fallout 76 hype before it was confirmed online MP
i wonder if todd will mention it at all this year

Todd won't be there, but they'll definitely do some form of apology in order to save face and shill whatever upcoming updates they have for it to somewhat salvage things

DoomRL is fucking fantastic.

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Thank god for the added color.

God Doom 3 cacodemons look like shit

I'm unironically excited for this game. Hopefully we'll get a release date this E3.

Doom 3 has some real fucking nice imps and hellknights desu

I think the Doom Eternal logo looks shit, it looks like something from the 2000s.

The artwork for Doom (2016) was awesome, I think. Understated, stark, modern.

Attached: doom (2016).jpg (1161x1500, 414K)

I forgot that the Cacodemons have arms in Doom 4, and that you can shoot them off.

The only enemies that looked like shit in Doom 4 were the zombies and the imps. Now that they fixed them in DOOM 5 only the imps look retarded.

Alt cover on the back is better.

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Cyberdemon needs to go classic as well.

what does doomguy's armpit hair smell like

Has anyone ever noticed the slayer's eyes behind the helmet? Those are the most intimidating eyes I've ever seen on a video game character.

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I thought the Imps and former humans were pretty good in 4. Eternal just improves them even more.

Id be excited for Quake to get the attention doom has gotten. Honestly nu-doom was excellent, the hate is weird. I'd rather Quake just get a 5th game though and have gameplay very similar to its predecessors with some classic multiplayer.

>DOOM 2016 already plays enough like Quake

Alright buddy

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You got shitty taste.

It just looks like the face from DOOM 1.

great pic brother

Christ.. that's not blind rage anymore. He looks straight up 100% fucking done with Hell's shit.

Going Down, Ancient Aliens and Speed of Doom are all amazing.

Don't play Speed of Doom if you are "new" to Doom, though.

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Well thats bullshit because he was locked with his suit which was modern tech.

This is one killer Boomer.

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He's the same guy as in the original games, time just works differently in Hell.
>Did he only ignore Hayden's pleas to leave the filters intact because he had no concept of mankind's dependence on energy?
He's already lived through what happens when you try to take advantage of Hell. There's no point in leaving any trace of it behind.

Attached: doomartifact.png (583x467, 99K)

At least they're aware of the name Doomguy since in Quake Champions there's a Doomslayer varient called Doomguy

His Knight Sentinels are pretty technologically advanced, so probably not.

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Not the Doomguy.

doomguy has no interest in hell beyond eradicating its denizens

>Now that they fixed them in DOOM 5 only the imps look retarded.
The imps in Eternal just look like classic imps, though.

The Hell tablets tell you that it was made for him by the last member of another race that was destroyed by the demons, looking for vengeance
Perhaps he provided for the rest of the sentinels too

YO TELL ME ABOUT THAT CAR WASH. Is it touchless? I need to give my car a rinse while I wait for more detailing supplies.

I hope so but I doubt it

I prefer the new titles. "Unchained predator". "Hellwalker". And of course, "The Slayer". Those are names that really grew on me.

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That's because you're either an edgy teenager or are a literal shill. Doomguy is his name and won't be replaced by your modern marketing titles as much as no one will ever change Mario's name.

I hope we get some lore why most of the demons are back to there old designs.

I think he’s also pissed at how many people died here, and listening to Hayden try to justify it is infuriating to him.

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I just think they're neat.

It doesnt make basic logical sense, it has human numbers, indents, and graphic design elements that theres no fucking way a non human could create.

honestly think its cool that he's got multiple names. Makes him more of an enigma

>Unchained Predator
What the fuck? Terrible
Something out of 40k or something
>The slayer
Doom Slayer is better. Also Doomguy is the GOAT.

I think I prefer the original, because it's more distinctive from the original Doom. That one you've posted is perhaps too similar to the old 1993 Doom cover. But your one is still very good, I think, and still looks much better than the Doom Eternal logo, in my opinion.

Attached: DoomEternalLogo.png (364x270, 125K)

What do you guys think about Doomslayer being voiced for Eternal?

No one THINKS it'll be replaced, the ingame characters just need a serious title to call him, and some people just think they sound better than 'guy'

Waaaaah Waaaaaaah Waaaaaaaaaah stop calling him that buhhuuuuhuuu



>it's that Guy
>it's him
That's all they need.

That kind of posting dosn't make me want to buy the game Mr. Shill.

What the fuck what?

>At least they're aware of the name Doomguy
They've always been aware of fans calling him Doomguy. His appearance in that Tony Hawk game called him "Doomguy". One of the collectable figures in 2016 is named "Doomguy". There's just no real reason for it to be his canon name, which was always Doom Marine anyway (even 2016 referred to him as this along with the title "Doom Slayer").

I don't understand why some people act like it's some kind of issue when he's officially referred to as Slayer. It doesn't matter. I think it's neat that the demons have their own name for Doomguy, honestly.

There’s also this one that got unused.

Attached: B9D84BB5-38EB-477A-8274-7ED5F968990A.jpg (960x517, 59K)

I feel great about it.

His in-game title has just really grown on fans. Dunno if that's good or not.
What's your problem?

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This seriously needs an update to include Eviternity and SIGIL

That can get awkward. Now and then you actually need to refer to people by name, and it sticks out hard if you're purposefully avoiding it
>literally Oofs like Roblox

They're just grunts. It's no different than in classic Doom.

Only if you're bad at writing and even if you are the humans could refer to him as Marine and the demons as slayer with his listed name as Doomguy. Easy.

All I want from Eternal is to get rid of glory kills and make your chainsaw and fists an actual weapon rather than QTEs

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I hope there's a choice to mute his voice, that feels kinda silly


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You don’t understand what QTE means.

>>"it's that Guy"
>Genuinely unironically thinking demons from hell would say that

Jesus christ just deal with the fact that he has a canon title now.

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That's really funny because Mario's name was LITERALLY changed by Nintendo. He was of course originally called "Jumpman", before Nintendo changed him to Mario. Same with the Doom Slayer - id decided to give him that name, when previously he had no official name.

You literally proved the opposite point to what you wanted to prove. Nice work, you dumb fuck.

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no because it'll be inferior to 1 and 2, only zoomers that never played the old games will tell you otherwise

Chainsaw in Eternal is no different than in 2016, unfortunately. A shame, really, since Shadow warrior 2 implemented chainsaw-weapons nicely.

>He was of course originally called "Jumpman", before Nintendo changed him to Mario
Somehow I knew some dumb faggot would bring that up and here you are. That was his original title but it was changed right at the start of his existence and has stayed that way to the point where changing it from Mario would be absurd, Doomguy was not created yesterday but 20+ years ago so changing his title now is equally absurd you dumb zoomer.

>Doomguy is his name
Doomguy was never his canon name, you dope. It was just Marine or Doom.

No, Doom Slayer. His name is the Doom Slayer.

The guy who hides behind his chair always cracks me up.

Attached: Doom Eternal.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

>if someone isn't an autistic weirdo like me who clings to the past then they must be paid to post here

Attached: brainlet4.jpg (550x543, 30K)

Why can’t we just have a good conversation about Doom?

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Doomguy was never EVER his canon name. End of story.

Ok, underage.


Attached: DOOM.jpg (618x558, 29K)

Because marketers and zoomers are retarded.

>caring about a less than 5mij download

>using the wikia

Boomers that are trapped in the past feel the need to shit on people who liked Doom '16.

I think he's just trying to keep it out the way

Because it's a hotly contested new vs old. setup

> You must be underage to have a laugh at something
Bottom text

Both of you are faggots. Just talk about Doom.

>i realised after i made that post that i made a mistake and mario was actually originally called something else

>muh arbitrary reasons for distinction
Doom Slayer never had an official name. "There was never a name for the DOOM marine because it's supposed to be YOU." - John Romero in 2002.,1521.msg31827.html#msg31827

And, regardless, Doom Slayer is what he's called in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal. So you can stay butthurt all you want but that IS his name in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal.

Attached: laugh2.jpg (1280x720, 105K)

>Doomguy was not created yesterday but 20+ years ago so changing his title now is equally absurd you dumb zoomer.
>calling someone else a dumb zoomer while thinking that "doomguy" was ever his canon name

Attached: doomarena.png (464x674, 564K)

Attached: Metalocalypse that guy.png (500x277, 169K)

Hey, don't worri about it.

Imagine being so autistic you're upset the developers won't call a character by their unofficial, community made nickname.

I still call him Doomguy and have no problems with him being referred to as the "Doom Slayer" ingame. Fucking get over it you whiny baby. What a stupid thing to bitch about.

>everyone who isn't stuck in 1993 is either a marketer or a "zoomer"
I'm 28, so definitely not a zoomer, and I think you're a fucking idiot.


Did you miss Quake Champions? I mean, everyone else did, so I don't blame you.

No, just the first guy. The second guy is absolutely right.

Excellent posts.

Quake Champions doesn't run on idTech

It's very important that I get a sense of superiority over the people in the thread by contradicting whatever opinion seems to be the most popular at the time of me posting. How does everyone feel about the guns in Eternal? I really like having the plasma gun design back, it's pretty unique

>inb4 Quake gets the DOOM treatment
And it did, let's not get bogged down in the technicalities.

If he’s supposed to be the player, how come he has a story outside of the player, and how can he be related to B.J. Blazkowitz and Commander Keen?

This is probably my favorite Doomguy design. I just wish the shoulder pads didn't look so loose.

I'm happy with the way the pump looks. It was my bread and butter in 16 and it looks like it will be again in eternal.

I'm a little concerned about the super shotgun.
The hook thing looks silly.
Also the ballista just feels like another Gauss Cannon
It's a hybrid of idtech and Saber's home engine.

I like that the enemies explode into a blast radius that can damage others when you kill them with the Plasma Gun.

Considering where it originally came from, I don't mind them redesigning it a bit.

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>Implying bro-sis incest ins't the purest form of vanilla

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The Ballista is the Gauss Cannon.

Maybe in the deep south.

Are you retarded? Clearly in the OP there are lines for the painters to follow and one crew is only painting yellows. There's a big white gap for other colors.

Friendly reminder if Doom didn't exist, neither would Valve and games like COD and Half-Life.

>I'd rather Quake just get a 5th game...similar to its predecessors with some classic multiplayer
This, people say they want "classic multiplayer," but Quake Champions comes out and nobody fucking plays it. "Strafe jumping is too hard," "why is my stack important," "I keep getting killed in deathmatch, fuck this game." AFPS games with "classic" multiplayer aren't popular even among people who ask for them, that's why everything from Reflex to Xonotic has failed.

>some people just think they sound better than 'guy'

literally a trigger for "woke" people, those are the only people who can't accept Doomguy

That's fucking neat.


Ok no get out

You're retarded.

Maybe it's because those games have other problems? Quake Champions, for example has little map variety and awful map balance for CtF. It also has awful netcode, and hero abilities are controversial.


Why isn't yuri on one of those but yaoi is? Yuri is the enemy of tomboy.

Are you ripping and tearing, son?

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Yuri is alright. Yurifaggots though, are awful.

B.J. Blazkowicz is from Doom RPG. The protagonist in Doom (2016) and Doom Eternal is called Doom Slayer. That's all you need to know really.

Doomguy is a fan name that people came up with, but the official name by which he's referred to in Doom (2016), and probably will be in Doom Eternal it seems, is Doom Slayer.


doomguy refers to classic doom
Doom Slayer refers to nudoom
is it that fucking difficult?

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Do people want Doom slayer not to be Doomguy?

You underestimate the autism of faggots in desperate need to feel superior to someone else about something utterly pointless.

>B.J. Blazkowicz is from Doom RPG

Attached: 5AAE8F18-754B-4FA1-9961-4A2F24071EBC.png (648x405, 40K)

this, and bethesda have used these buildings for previous game ads

At some point boomers have to realize that beggars can't be choosers. If you complain about every nigling thing in every AFPS that comes out for your market segment of maybe 20k people at most, never stick around to actually build a community, and drive off everyone new, guess what fucking happens? Also Quake Champions massively toned down hero abilities and even added in no-ability modes like Holy Trinity, and guess what? Nobody fucking played them.

Doesn’t matter, they’re the same guy

Pretty much. I accepted it pretty quickly.

Attached: 38bbb4735f983079cf6ce3487d9e15cf.jpg (564x783, 75K)

QC is a lot of fun now, but the game's development has been a total clusterfuck. The map pool is tiny, performance has always been ass even on high end PCs, netcode sucks, and for a long time the devs were making absolutely retarded balance decisions.
They have only recently cleaned up their act a little, but it's too late. Bethesda has obviously slashed their budget because the development cycle has gone from a patch every month to a patch every 3 months.
Oh and it runs on a shitty Sabertech engine which is the reason why it suffers from some many issues. I can run Doom 2016 on ultra and I get a smooth and consistent framerate. When I run QC on low settings at 80% resolution scale I get slapped with random framedrops out of nowhere and it really makes it hard to enjoy the game.

Attached: qc.jpg (252x117, 13K)

>underage thinks this is the first game BJ Blazkowicz is from

Attached: CastleWolfensteinC64.png (320x200, 653)


There's a few stubborn retards who still deny that they're the same guy, even when Doom 2016 heavily hints at it and Quake Champions pretty much outright states it. It's going to be funny when Eternal blows them the fuck out even further.

Wolfenstein 3D is more recognizable though, and has a better sprite of B.J.

Imagine if Eternal brings up Daisy.

Attached: 06f.jpg (185x177, 8K)

>the map pool is tiny
I always hear this, but look at AFPS games that give people what they want with the ability to make their own maps: they still die. Reflex had a map maker. UT4 had a map maker. Xonotic, Warsow, Toxikk...fuck, even DOOM 2016 had snapmap, and how many people did you see in that community? It wasn't many.

This thread was doomed from the start

How does Doom 3 Marine fit in?

Needs to include Sonic Roboblast 2 and the Castlevania total conversion mod.

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Explain other AFPs games then. And if you say, "They're not popular because they're not Quake," you're a faggot and behind the times. It's 2019 and any AFPS game distributed digitally could get as popular as Quake, but nobody really wants to play those games anymore.

They're both shit, the original logo is way better.

>Slayersclub exclusive skin
>And Then John was a zombie

This is going to be the most ridiculous shooter ever and I am going to buy several copies.

Attached: SlayerClub_Skin.jpg (2000x2220, 1.28M)

Alternate timeline

>Another boring ass Doom game
I wish they would stop this shit already

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So there's Overwatch which is so autoaimed it might not even be called a shooter at that point and uh... Counterstrike, I guess, which is pretty much the same game we've been playing for 20 years lawl.

He’s just a random guy on Mars in another universe. Especially because the novels have a character, named General Hayden, that was supposed to be the secondary antagonist in the game.

Doom 3 marine is kind of weird. So far he doesn't fit anywhere and he could just be another guy who was hardcore enough to survive a demonic invasion.

It is theorized the sarcophagus you come across with the ancient martian hero in it was the original Doomguy's sarcophagus, but I don't really think Doom 3 is connected to the other games too much other than a few references.

Dude you sound like a fucking paid shill. Either fuck off or realize something about you.

Reminds me of the Fallout 76 marketing. God what a shitshow that was.

I wish you would stop being a humongous faggot, but we can't always get what we want, can we?

It's heavily implied that Doom 3 takes place during when the slayer was currently knocked out and in a tomb.

What's with the purple highlights? Did they forget to key them out?

You can't discuss video games or anything for that matter on Yea Forums anymore, this board is just flaseflagging, accusing others of flaseflagging, posting crying wojaks and the posting le ebin buzzawords of the month, onions, cuck, seething, cope, dilate etc.

This one's the best. At least on par with the original.

Pretty sure they're the same guy, but the point is that he's called Doom Slayer within Doom 2016, so it isn't incorrect to call him that.

I've always called him catastrophe lad and I'm not planning to stop now.

Snapmap is neat but it isn't a real mapmaking tool, it's really just a casual editing thing that you can fuck around in. Those other games flopped simply because they're not Quake*. The AFPS genre is niche and there really isn't a lot of room for other games.
Either way, we just don't have enough maps. The last time we got new maps was like 6 months ago and those were crappy asymmetrical edits of existing maps for CTF, and one new (also asymmetrical) CTF map that was shoehorned into a couple other gamemodes for some reason.

*UT4 never even became a proper beta before Epic dumped it. It may have seen some success if the game wasn't abandoned so early on.

>Forced to play Doom multiplayer just to get to the 9th level or whatever to unlock some armor piece for the final achievement I've yet to unlock
>like 8 people still left playing
>only play team games
>every other game some cheating retard running around the map at sonic speeds 1 shotting everyone on your team pops up
>all the other good players using aimbots and using the sniper rifle

I mean honestly, the Doom 2016 multiplayer is pretty fun, I just with they would deal with the people who cheat. They better have some in-game report system in Eternal if they're still having a multiplayer mode.

Also, I have to say the best thing about Doom's multiplayer was the armor customization. Other games should learn from them how to do armor customization right, there's so many options for each armor, as well as colors.

I'm one of them and I liked Doom 2016. Some anons here just really look like shills.

What is your fucking problem?

Overwatch isn't an AFPS and Counter-Strike definitely isn't, so I don't know what point you're trying to make. And people who make the, "CS hasn't changed its formula and it's still popular, so why did Quake add Champions?" argument are smooth brains. Unlike Quake, CS never stopped having millions of players, it was a popular game despite having 1999 graphics. (Since the community was split between 1.6 and CSS before everyone jumped on GO because $400 knives.) Meanwhile Quake Live has had like 500 concurrent players for years.

>*blaring djent music playing* DAD GET OUT OF MY ROOM
>*monster can crack* mm. don't like this new music. Now, a midi file of Big Gun? That's real music. *sip* Yep.

They’re for the invasion multiplayer, still that means you can play as an Archvile, Pain Elemental, Marauder, Mancubus, and Revenant so far.

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did you even play the game?

I have porn folder dedicated to bdsm bigger than that and that's barely half of it.

Is that supposed to be a reference to Civvie?

Counterstrike isn't an arena FPS but people have been playing it like one pretty much since inception. You don't need to rocket jump for it to be an arena FPS. At this point the multiplayer FPS scene is so dead those are the most popular examples, and arena shooters are dead and never coming back, ever.

I'm hyped for the game too but it's hard to sound as dumb as that guy.

Not so much a curse, as publishers overspending on advertisement after they find out a game is going to be less than stellar, to try to boost release sales.

The purple is intentional.

>live Archviles
motherfucker they'll be even more annoying

>Those other games flopped because they're not Quake, the AFPS genre is niche
See, there's the problem in your thinking. You think that zoomers of today 1) Give a shit what Quake is; and 2) AFPS is niche as a consequence of...what? What do you think the reason is? It's because the gameplay isn't compelling to audiences beyond aging late 30-year-olds trying to relive their halcyon days. If any of those AFPS games actually had gameplay people enjoyed, you think they wouldn't have succeeded just because they "aren't Quake?" You think that in an age when no name fucking games from indie studios become these massive hits, that a compelling AFPS couldn't happen because it "isn't Quake?" It's because no one else cares, despite how many people say they would love to play a classic AFPS game.

The only part about Doom I hate is how you have to go into the menu to disable the hud, but even when doing this the gun model is still visible.

So, the only way to take proper screenshots is to quickly switch between weapons in the brief few milliseconds you have, which is even worse if you upgrade your armor for faster weapon switching.

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Sure would love to know what the 25th Anniversary Slayer skin is.

>ugly bastards

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Doom slayer and quite frankly the edgier the better.

I wish there was more about the Elite Guard.

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Doom with Raytracing when?

It’s pure white.

They're a bunch of punk-ass jobbers who gives a shit about them?

"Our lord has brought upon us doom eternal!" They mean the same thing user one just sounds more flowery.

What's the point of advertising?

>people have been playing it like one pretty much since inception
I'd disagree with you here, unless you're taking the loosest definition of "arena shooter" possible, in that it's a FPS with people who have guns and shoot at each other in a map. But everything that makes AFPS a subgenre is missing from CS: you buy weapons instead of picking them up; you buy armor instead of picking it up (and no health); no item control; bhopping and movement in general are limited. Maps are traditionally flat with almost no verticality. And although there are Quake game modes that have a "last man standing" rule, all of CS is played like that. Most AFPS games allow you to instantly respawn, and then you need to go through building your stack again.
>arena shooters are dead and never coming back
This is entirely correct though. Grandpas just don't want to believe it.

You dont?

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But Eternal Doom already exists

>he doesn't know about photo mode
user, I...

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>keycard guy is todd howard
Screencap this

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kill yourself you alabaman yuppie, we never should have given you the vote back

Upload it to mega.

There's no photo mode in doom? I never recall seeing it when I was playing.

God tier boss design.

Now imagine that, but he has this retarded skin, almost like he’s mocking you.

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I'm not a greybeard and I only started playing Quake a year ago. There are plenty of people like me, and Quake's reputation is what brought them in. AFPS have difficult gameplay and they just don't really work well with the monetization schemes that today's popular FPS titles use. It doesn't help that Id also dropped the fucking ball there too. The game has no proper tutorials to explain shit like strafejumping and their attempts to monetize the game have all been very clumsy (announcing that you had to pay for the beta, but the full game would be free etc.).
If you don't believe me when I say that the Quake name draws people in then feel free to check out the Steamchart playercount history. QC hit 17k players last E3 because they had a free week, and the name is so well known. When those other games went free hardly anyone noticed or cared.

He looks more like Mick Gordon

Edge was the rad shit back in the day.
What the fuck has this world come to. Fuck off wannabe boomer zoomer.

I mean look at this dude. He's damn well earned the title of being referred to an unstoppable force of nature. He's basically God's personal janitor.

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>watching quakecon doom eternal reveal

the most cringe fanbase i've ever seen

Thanks for letting us know.

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Why is Yaoi in there? All the others are specific fetishes and then just randomly sexual preference.

It’s in the options, along with the classic weapons poses, hud options, and disabling the flashing staggered enemies.

>doomthreads are FINALLY rid of the obsessed faggot who called everyone who enjoyed the game a shill
thank the lord

He looks like fucking Predator. How aren't they sued even?

Tiny head

Because queers will burn in hell.

I go to AX every year and get to see the murals up close. Looking forward to seeing this.

Fucking barafags should all burn in hell.

Git gud pussy.

wouldn't run on my 650gt + dual core pentium
although that might have been because that card was about to shit the bed but idk

>nuDOOM artstyle still looks like a generic mmo dungeon
Why ?

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>Stop getting excited! Stop it!

I don't understand. If the crowd looks unamused/bored like Yea Forums most of the time, and Yea Forums bitches or laughs about it. If the crowd is hyped/enthusiastic, Yea Forums bitches and/or laughs about it.

The hell do you fags want.

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Doom started off by ripping off Aliens so they might as well go full circle

*Dick girls are for faggot

the amount of times I went into the options menu and never even saw it now pisses me off. I took a s hit ton of screenshots by just going into the menu, disabling the hud, and then weapon swapping...

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17k players is fucking nothing dude. Everyone has these ridiculously low ideas of what it takes to make a multiplayer game popular, and then they wonder why Quake Champions is now dead. It would've been dead even if it had kept 17k players. It had nothing to do with the name being "so well known," Bethesda gave away a free fucking game at E3 back before anyone knew what a fucking cluster Fallout 76 was going to be, so why wouldn't they go try it? And then nobody stuck around.
>The game has no proper tutorials to explain shit like strafejumping
Newsflash, the only reason under the age of 30 (probably like yourself) cares about strafejumping is because other people in the scene make a big fucking deal about it. Most gamers don't want to have to learn some bullshit glitch from 1996 in order to START having fun with a game. That's why Apex Legends players don't give a shit about Titanfall 2 and its wallrun autists, and why one of them has no players vs. the other one having millions (albeit declining) numbers of players.

Papa Nurgle is pleased

wat. Not at all. He looks like Schwarzenegger if anything. He's a caricature.

Nah I don't mean that, I mean the kind of people they are. They give unironic sign of the horns and dress like 16 year old heavy metal edgelords.

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they seem to went back to the retarded flesh hell in eternal tho

I wonder how the melee fighting will work for this. You use the sword right? That would be weird.

Does this mean we can expect a release this summer?


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Reminds me of the Thy Flesh Consumed cover, I like it. Better than man holding gun #5231

>he pulls out a fucking energy sword
Always gives me shivers.

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The exterior of that hotel always looks kinda lackluster but man the inside is nice, bitchin bar too

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>this is what slowshitters want you to believe
Just fucking off yourself random.

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>there will never be a mural like this for Orange Box 2
Fuck me for being a fan of Valve games.

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Yes he is.
He's been dimension hopping for twenty something years and has gone completely insane from all the wads. He thinks this reboot is just another fan map and doesn't give a fuck what people call him. He's been so many different people from batman to james bond and he is all out of fucks.

Attached: DOOM Eternal.webm (1280x720, 151K)

The hell knight design was so good, they kept it for 2016.

And it’s a completely different one from the Crucible in 4.

There is a gameplay reveal

Well to be fair Doom has always kinda pandered to that demographic since the 90's.

I said AFPS is pretty niche and you're just angrily agreeing with me. QC has a tiny playercount but it's still the most successful AFPS on the market at the moment, so the devs are either doing something right or they're getting carried by their namesake.

>because other people in the scene make a big fucking deal about it
You kinda have to care about it if you like playing Quake. You just get shit on by everyone else if your movement sucks, which is why the lack of tutorials is bad.

Its from the arena from demios or whatever it was. The alien planet with one map in multiplayer.

Easy. To make it all the more satisfying when you tear them a new asshole.

You know I'm fucking right. Nobody plays Titanfall. Nobody plays that fucking Tribes clone that came out. Surf servers aren't even a drop in the bucket in the CS server list. And even when the Quake Champions community tried to organize a Defrag competition, like 5 people joined.

Yea I'm not so much criticizing it as observing it. I guess it makes sense as it's ultra violent and satanic.

imagine having such shit taste

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Im not that user slowshitter im here to show you why your opinion has been discarded by that user.
Gtfo back to your fortnite.

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>games cost more to make now, guyz, trust me

I genuinely hope I never see Doomguy.

Because it means your universe is about to be fucked to death while he fights demons in it.
As much of a hero he is, he is only present if the end of the world is happening.
To witness him means your fate is sealed. Everything you know is doomed.

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Hell in DOOM just looks fucking generic, and most demons are stylized when compared with the realistic environment, revenant looks really good, hell should look like an edgy death metal cover.

>Generic looking bone carapace

Lacks open flesh

vanilla tomboy incest is the best combination

Pity the Cacos still don't look like the classics.

watersports are basically vanilla

>marauder is a playable demon
Excuse me what the actual fuck on the hellhole this thread is.

Huh, they changed the Marauder

oh no a comic surely that will make what I said untrue! You better check the steamcharts I bet there are millions of players on TF2 right now

Lazy shits on the left hand side.


Most people playing multiplayer Quake back in the day didn't have to care about strafe jumping (or bhopping in QW, or box jumping in Q2). It's just that the genre HAS become so niche as to only include people who stuck around for 20 years and know those things clog the matchmaker and the experience is stacked against new players. But you've only been playing Quake for a year; you don't remember anything different. In Quake 3, you could join a server where people weren't flying around the map and were still having a good time.
>the most successful AFPS on the market at the moment, so the devs are either doing something right
They're not. They did a lot of things...pretty much everything wrong. And the headstone that stands the straightest in a graveyard isn't the "most successful."

Its an action game. For what it does the arenas look great. Blood metal flesh rock some fucking bright shit all around. Sounds death metal to me. Besides if you want a walking game go play some ghost recon or gta.

That’s just an alternate skin.

43 thousand.
Picrelated is your game

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Be real with me: no matter how good it is, it stands no chance at GOTY, does it?

I wonder if they'll fix their retarded "door locks behind you, kill X demons that don't all appear at once cause consoles are shit and can't handle more than a few enemies at the same time to progress" bullshit

I told you he was playable. But you didn’t believe me.

>VR is about a robot trying to stop the demonic invasion
>gets CTD'd by Hayden after closing one portal
I'm sorry for ever doubting you folks. It's sad that Hayden is actually evil.

It's on the ps4/xbone still so the demon count is likely locked at 12 again.

The Doom Eternal gameplay seems like they fixed it.

Titanfall 2, not Team Fortress 2. Also only pros go fast in Team Fortress 2, which is a very small segment. Your average Demo doesn't know how to rollout to Badlands mid in 3 seconds; they just want to run around with the Charging Targe.

>insisting on designing DOOM of all fucking things with consoles in mind
It's baffling how those pieces of shit can boast about "DUDE LOOK AT RDR2 AND DEATH STRANDING GFX" but something like open combat causes them to have a seizure.

How much do those guys painting that make?

I'm probably only getting this if either arenas are confirmed to no longer be a thing, or the enemy count is confirmed to be way higher

Not a robot, a cyborg like Hayden.

probably not much. They're grunts for a specialized marketing company.

based tomboy poster

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DOOM art is child book compared to a death metal album cover.



our lives are suffering, it's nothing new.

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Lets assume you are right.
Do you see the cover art when listening to the music itself?
Do you stand still and slowly walk watching all the tiny little rocks on the ground?
Or maybe you actually do and then complain about glory kills slowing you down requiring you to stop and search for the rock you were watching moments before.

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And then he went on to fight multidimensional empire just to brighten people up.

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>damn three murals.... game must be shit

Is doom based off that movie coming out soon?

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Is it like a wrap they slap on the side of the building?

Have you ever heard death metal ?

more gameplay came out, some cool set pieces by the looks of it and good enemy variety

what are you even trying to say here? I've read this twice and I'm still confused.

That you are dumb.

>you will never be an artist having a cozy gig painting huge ass murals with some other artist-bros

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If I understood correctly.
>Who gives a shit about art, character design and environment in a FPS like doom

I see some weird demons there

They aren't painting them they are just using pre made design and just spray it over the wall.

How are those done? Is it like painting with a normal brush or what

>lol jojo references so ebin

Attached: Duck.jpg (797x719, 94K)

>called demons
>another dimension
>called hell
What did they mean by this?


Attached: REEEEEEEEE.jpg (1280x720, 91K)

>forced blowjob.jpg

the design was badass

Is this what PTSD feels like?

He looks like a psychopath

>ywn suck doomslayers berserk cock

Because it looks like Hell and they look like demons.

Yes. But just imagine if they bring back Chaingunners.

What, how?

Is that really an imp in the E3 reveal? Looks more like the Doom 3 Hellknight.

Doom's hell is a special kind of hell. The demons there want to spread terror to every dimension in the universe.

They don't look very sentient to me.

Cause they are just goons. Most of the story is hidden in codecs and actually its really fucking interesting.

it was cool when rockstar did it (on the same 3 buildings) for gta 5. Now this just looks like a rip off.


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You guys might not like the doomguy's face from this next doom game.

Just saying.

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Go away already.


The characters use in the MP are the Elite Guards.
I mean, look at their weapons there, those are MP weapons

What was the deal with the demons infighting in some parts of DOOM(2016)?

I remember a lot of fucked up cacodemons lying around as well.

Attached: dead_cacodemon_colored_by_natan77_d307llu-fullview.jpg (900x658, 81K)

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t.tranny marketing manager- zenimax.

gta5 doesn't have a soul retard

Because demons are real but we mislabeled them as supernatural and they want to piss off autistic atheists like you.

Also fuck you there is no purer enemy that fucking demons Literally no one advocates for demon rights. Although Doom Eternal is looking more and more prophetic as time goes on.
Just look at CERN. Wouldn't surprise me one bit if they are secretly trying to open a portal to a hostile alien dimension.

Because that was a thing every DOOM game and there was no reason to not have that in DOOM 4.

You mean sapient. They are very obviously sentient since they move and react to stuff.
Either way, some demons are sapient since you read a lot of demon lore and they have a whole society and something resembling civilization and religion and stuff.

Attached: Go away.gif (423x234, 1.69M)

>dat pic

That's the idea. He has the eyes of a man who has seen things mankind weren't meant to see. He has experienced things humans aren't capable of doing.


I just thought it was some kind of foreshadowing, but probably just demons being feral niggers when there's no doomslayer around.

I always just called him "Doom" and pretended it was his military codename. Like how in Call of Duty you have Soap, Ghost, etc.

t. Cheif transexualism officer- zenimax

And you're a dumb nigger, but there's no-one around that can fix that though.

didn't rockstars last game go all out on the 'yaaass queen slay' shit?

I hope we get some nods to Doom 64

>Posting 2016 and above chan
>Not posting original boards
Yea fuck off

Yeah, they changed a little bit aft that reveal game play.

Where are the millions of Apex players you claim to be playing the game right now? Can you provide numbers that prove it? You know, real numbers NOT fed to you by EA's marketing team?
>inb4 twitch viewership

He has been dimension hopping to fight demons for so long he has gone completely insane.
All he has left is wrathful conviction.

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DOOM 3 face isn't doomguy.

There’s a demon pecking order in in Hell, with the Lost Souls and Possesed/Unwilling at the bottom, and the god only knows what’s at the top.

>having a fucking 100+ foot goatse on a building
Their property value just plummeted

They already did. They used Doom 64 Zombieman as a reference. They used the Doom 64 Chainsaw for the new Doom Hunter.


>implying one of the most famous places for e3 murals is a bad thing

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>no bestiality
rightly so

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picture being the crew that paitned the fallout 76 poster and that's what you're known for

Why do Americans allow massive building-sized advertisements in their cities?



God, I am so fucking horny for the doom slayer right now. Mmm... I want him to put his meaty hands on my scrumptious cheeks and tear them apart like an imp’s head. Then he takes his giant cock (with the Slayers mark branded on it) and sticks it into my tight asshole. He then cums a giant, frothy load, which shoots through my digestive system and up my mouth. Now with my body bulging with the slayers cum, he throws me to the ground and jumps on my stomach. The cum shoots out of my mouth like a fleshy water gun. “Glory kill +25 points” flashes across my eyes as I fade away. He then grabs my lifeless body and wraps it around his cock, making a warm, protective sleeve. As I near death “+25 armor” and “new weapon acquired” appears on my vision. I then die, happily, and the slayer continues his rampage through hell with a new weapon: a giant human flail.

Video games aren't a big deal to people who actually work for a living, they probably don't give a shit, the same way you probably think about the game every single day because it was such a hot fucking meme.

The Quake 4 remake is looking interesting.

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Yuri is the armor of purity that keeps all things safe. It is the suit.

G-guise look
Its flying and gas a goon

How dare you speak to me like that!?

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How hard is it to just make a movie about a guy beating demon ass for like an hour and a half?
They can do it with shit like John Wick, why not with a series where the appeal is in violence?

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Because John Wick movies are literally carried by Keanu and his determination with all that gun-fu shit.

Both would be shit movies.

Just make a kaiju movie with doomguy and demons.

Doom Slayer needs to lose the Praetor suit and go back to his old clobber just to show he's still a fucking badass regardless of what he's wearing.

Because they need a stronk independent wahman who don’t need no man.
Who isn’t Crash, an already established character.

>They can do it with shit like John Wick
Come back when the lead actor works this hard for their action-movie role.

Terminator 2.

I'm talking about future movies, but yeah. Terminator 2 is a masterpiece.

The demons literally took it after they knocked him out. It's probably destroyed.

Remember when Arnold almost broke his hand when he tried to fire a shotgun with one hand?

No. I'm here to talk about DOOM 5.

It's shit

As opposed to figuratively taking it? And I'm guessing you don't see wearing the suit again in the gameplay demo and in the concept art, right?

Thank you your opinion will be noted.

>It is theorized the sarcophagus you come across with the ancient martian hero in it was the original Doomguy's sarcophagus
I've never understood people who thought this. The two sarcophagi don't even look the same. If that was id's intention, there was nothing keeping them from using the same sarcophagus design from 3.

3 just takes place in another universe that was invaded by the same Hell. That's why the hell knights have the same design as in 2016 and why you can find the soul cube in Olivia's office, since it stayed in Hell after 3's expansion and likely discovered during the Hell excavations performed by the UAC of 2016's universe.


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I never made that claim.
The eyes of the insane are still the eyes of the insane regardless.

Not an opinion. Fact. Be sure to note it down well.

Here you go. With a permanent marker.

Attached: 1554845458693.jpg (480x360, 18K)

Perfect. Your picture describes you well. You've done well, scribe.

I swear in that Stadia footage that there’s a “glory killable” enemy who was still moving and fighting, I think it was one of those new Gargoyle guys. I hope every demon does this instead of just sitting still, waiting for you to press X.

Hey buddy i think you got the wrong door. The kindergarden is two blocks down.

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Fuck you

Doom 3 Guy isn’t really insane. He doesn’t really emote much at all. Resurrection of Evil’s Combat Engineer is the one that seems a bit fucked in the head though.

Ah fuck you doomguy man.