NDA just got lifted and no one is talking about it??? this is in no way a genral discussion. Lets talk tool tips...

NDA just got lifted and no one is talking about it??? this is in no way a genral discussion. Lets talk tool tips. Im hyped for next month.

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You've been visiting him, right?

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I really just wish Tornado Kick didn't become so useless. Unless every fight is like Rav EX we will use it like once per fight.

Sad about scholar but stocked to see warrior is just gonna be more warrior

Recitation is a new Scholar action that guarantees a crit heal on Adloquium, Succor, Indomitability or Excogitation. Adlo was amended to consolidate the bonus shield from crits into a second buff which is not spread by deployment tactics.

SCHbabbies will whine about it, but when you have stronger adlos now (125% shields) on top of guaranteeing crits, it's a necessary change going forward. You didn't think Yoshi-P would let you trivialize mechanics again, did you?

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You'll still use it every time PB comes off cooldown.

>Dropping from GL4 instead of 3
>Bootshine is 290 base potency with guaranteed crit.
It's dead, man.

Gunbreaker is nearly everything I wanted when we first saw it.

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Has anyone ever changed their entire keybind setups? Thinking about making my mouse 4 and 5 act as modifiers for other keybinds but that'd change literally everything that I have now.
I'm currently rocking 12345 QERTF M4 M5 with control and shift modifiers on all keys and most of my rotational stuff is on the mouse buttons.

Tanks lost convo tho. Minus warrior with 6 second window

I'll never understand people who can use their left hand for that many buttons. Maybe it's because I play melee dps?

I'm a melee main as well. It's just something that I came up with 4 years ago and have sticked to ever since. Now I'm trying to redesing my HUD and would like to change the keybinds to make more sense on a 3 X 12 hotbar setup

Are threads being deleted?

I think it's fine, only problem is it could use a couple potency buffs

In my setup I use 1234, QERF, M4 and M5. I don't like modifiers so I use R and F to swap my hotbars and keep using the same keys.
Sometimes I want to pick up a controller to play since this setup is basically trying to emulate the cross-bar, but first I need to free myself from the wonders of mouse control.

JP tooltips show they at least bumped sonic break's initial hit to 300. Only extra thing I really want is another cartridge and a reload you don't have to be in battle for.

>NIN lose dripping poison (20% melee damage)
>they also lose slashing debuff (so did everyone else to be fair)
>just for shits and giggles, they also lower suitons potency by EIGHTY
for what literal fucking purpose? dont come at me with that "oh but the duration is 20s now" who fucking cares that doesn't mean anything why would you ever need to hold suiton for that long

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How did it become useless ?

Yeah with convo and largesse gone, adlo spreading is already going to be much weaker. That coupled with the Catalyze change makes it arguably even worth using outside of specific comps that can still buff it

it also gives 40 ninki every 60s now

Can someone explain the purpose of meisui to me? I haven't watched any videos, but do you keep the suuton buff after using TA now?

It's so that going fuma raiton suiton in TCJ is worth more than placing doton, even if the trick is on cooldown

There is no point in complaining about potency when most of the tooltips are broken even in the japanese version. They also changed how calculation works and apparently there are hidden multipliers for each role/job.

plus potency has this tendancy to change between patches.

>tfw Gathering Yield +3~

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Still torn on whether I should play DNC or MCH

Why not both?

maybe later in the expansion but obviously I'm going to focus on one at the start

I was hoping for some more magic cartridge varieties to simulate spellstrike, but explosions are fine too. Might try it since I still haven't decided on a tank. Gonna wait and see what the weapons look like.

Yeah that's how it seemed but the cd made me think there was more to it

Aah fuck. Nothing coming out of this hotbar redesign.
I don't want to stack 4 hotbars anymore when we barely have any skills in ShB and yet with three, I can't make this work.

Also in the opener you might want to go suiton - meisui - ninki for shadow clone jutsu - tcj - trick or something like that.

>no one is talking about it???
there have been constant threads up literally since NDA dropped talking about the changes

the janny who deletes any obvious xiv thread he spots is about, OP was just being coy.

I have a similar set-up and I get along just fine. I just keep all my important buttons on 1-2-3-4-Q-E so I don't have to stretch my hand across the keyboard to do shit.
I've also been thinking of buying one of those MMO mice with the 12-button keypad on the side for this game, but I dunno if that's just a meme or not.

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it can be good or you can wind up like me where you just set up a couple modifiers on them and leave it at that, depends how deep your willing to go into the side button shit.

Serious question guys.
When the MT pulls in tank stance and stays in it for 24/7 but never uses the aggro combo you bet your ass a dps that doesn't diversion/lucid will steal boss aggro eventually.

Aggro combos and diversion/lucid will be removed, only "tank stance" aka aggro stance will remain.

With this in mind, will the MT also not just lose aggro eventually? Or will the combos the tanks still have generate the same amount of aggro as the old aggro combos while they are in tank stance?

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no job has more than 36 buttons, counting sprint and limit break. what are you doing?

PLD does.

The off tank simply doesn't activate his own tank stance.

I assume that MT should never lose aggro as long as they're in tank stance and pressing buttons.

Not in ShB.

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I have a cheap mouse with two side buttons, and I absolutely love these things. They are really useful for DRK (and GNB soon™) since I can have an easy access button for Dark Arts (darkside spells soon) without messing up with my main keys.
But those fat ass things with a whole numpad shoved on them looks too uncomfortable to me.

Tanks shouldn't have any issues with aggro maintenance. and even then, they did stuff like make provoke retard proof.

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>Serious question guys.
When the MT pulls in tank stance and stays in it for 24/7 but never uses the aggro combo you bet your ass a dps that doesn't diversion/lucid will steal boss aggro eventually.

I don't think this is true

Did this change from current provoke? I can't tell.

Nothing now and nothing in future will actually require critical Adlos to get through though. It's nice when it happens but content isn't designed around it.

The real loss is Deployed Succor.

I remember back when I needed to level gladiator to unlock provoke. Good times.

Tank stance is about 2.7x increase.
Tanks do 50-70% damage of what real DPS are capable of.
By multiplying lesser damage by tank stance multiplier, you easily end up ahead. Of course assuming you know how to press buttons.

Current provoke puts you at the top of the emnity list by making your aggro 1 point higher than the current lead. New Provoke does this and also generates additional aggro.

Who /fast/ here?
>no more TP restriction
>shifu buffed to 12%
>based Iai cast time reduced by 30% because reasons

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Depends how good the tank is, and how well the dps mastered his rotation. A bad tank that does shit dps and doesn't use his aggro combo piwill lose aggro to a tip top dps that doesn't use diversion or an enmity reducing skill. Even if the tank stays in tank stance.

I'd say it's mostly because of my untrained eyes. In this current setup I have the ctrl + QEFRT on the top right corner and my eyes just won't look at there.
I have some important cooldowns there on other jobs but here's paladin because of it's full bars. I used to have 4 stacked bars, so all of my 12345 QERTF skills were easily visible on the left side of the hotbars.

I've tried everything I can think of but it all just seems so wrong because I'm so used to short hotbars.

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Was meant for

Pretty sure a monk is still faster. Not that I care anyway I'll be doing more AoE than both.

oh, you mean right now. yeah it doesn't fit, that's why they're pruning shit.

All this mudra clipping

>True north-Ten-Chi-Jin-Suiton-Trick attack
wtf SE how am i supposed to six weave with 2gcd

This is my old setup. I feel like it's way more logical but it also takes way too much space after all of the pruning's done since most jobs will barely fill two bars.
Or maybe I'm just being autistic.

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I never understood the autism over clipping GCDs occasionally as if players are in a vacuum where they never ever have to stop attacking

it doesn't feel good
when you're used to never clipping the gcd ever (most jobs), suddenly pressing a gcd input and being forced to wait a fraction of a second feels clunky
i like NIN enough that I don't mind a bit of the ol clunk though

It's not so bad if you're used to playing casters, especially BLM and WHM, where you end up needing to clip frequently anyway.


Gunbreaker looks great. Shame about it being an off tank. That's a retarded way to do things

>10 runs of Syrcus and only Amon drop was belt

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all the tanks can main tank and off tank retard. it was one of the main points of the live letter.

>tfw waking up early on a saturday to beat daily reset because I didn't play yesterday
fuck these moogle tomes

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>asylum buff
>thrill has conva

I wish I could trade you all my Amon shit to get the damn casting chest to drop, I've seen like a dozen hats in as many runs

Ever since I switched to Elezen, I feel like I've been getting more commendations

If you aren't a full blown homosexual go for MCH.

I'd be up, I have 2 chests and 0 hats from when I tried to farm it unsynched before this event.

>People are now considering SKL SPD Gunbreaker as a possible OT Meta

WAR might be in the shed after all.

the fastest way for those is to speedrun sycrus tower or do the BLU tamtara method

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>for me? japanese subtitled only.

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WAR is the MT

>Lost Allagan Gunbreaker Blade
You think they'll do it?

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the acronym is SkS nigger

all the extra jobs got allagan weapons so yes.

First time I hear they actually went to court.

seeing the scholar and ast changes makes me so unbelievably glad i dropped this dumpsterfire of a game in SB

>just got lifted
It's been DAYS

>BLU tamtara
Boring and annoying. Not to mention a good chance of people just dropping if you don't go with friends (and even then they might drop after five runs).

Imagine being a guy irl and a healercuck in-game


>WOL about to get killed by the boss of the expansion
>Estinien senses it and jumps so hard he shatters dimensions to get to us

He will always protect us

>FC leader asks me to idle in the workshop for 10 mins so he can do ships or something
I told him to fuck off. I've been playing since 2014 and have no idea what the fuck he was talking about. ERP?

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you should be playing with friends instead of randoms anyways in this MMO.

no you need four crafters of any level to sit in the FC workshop to do FC crafts

Waiting 30 mins in queue is more boring

How do I fix my uwu comp

can't really drop the blm since it's his only 70 job, I'm thinking of switching NIN to BRD just for refresh although I'm not too happy about losing TA

If you've been playing that long and dont know maybe you're the one who has been erping.

My friends who are never online

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The lvl50 ones no doubt, but was talking about the lvl70 Allag ones.

user you dumb as hell

Make people research the fight. That's it. Any comp can clear if they know what the fuck they're doing.

so make some more friends. it's not hard if you play on primal. sucks if you play on EU or crystal/aether though.

Buy his figure

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Ninja, Syrcus queues almost always pop after five minutes now.


so in trivial content 100% crit excog before a tankbuster negates that one completly if the tank survives with atleast 1hp? noice

>Verraise is still lv 64 instead of 50
They should've at least dropped it to 60 so it can be used in HW content while rouletting

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In trivial content a tank buster wouldn't even trigger excog.

You can also join a 1/3/20 PF.

Retard here, what the fuck game is this even about?

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no refresh is a rough but it could yeah

Sounds fun but retarded.

workshop = pooper
ships = cumming boatloads

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Don't forget DUDE CRYSTALS

>have a run where both healers actually dps'd as a roe tank
>give the commend to the elf over the cat
unpopular races unite

>shadowbringers in less than a month
>will literally fix machinist
>god tier main writer
>wow classic a month after
>get to experience the beginning days that I missed as a youngster and explore the pre-cata world

It's MMO time boys.

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It's a Final Fantasy game but with MMO tacked on.

Wow what a fucking faggot.

Who's gonna be laughing at Hrothmanlets and Vierwomanlets?

I got to spend 4 hours wiping in various HW dungeons because of shit healers I couldn't revive. Didn't even know it was possible for a group to spend 35 minutes wiping multiple times against normal Bismarck. Then there was almost an hour in the vault because the final boss is babies first aoe fight

trivial content = extreme primals
i remember in susano ex. excog beeing triggered rather frequently on the tank since they tanked in dps stance but i just remembered that this no longer will be the case so forced critlo will just deal with it i guess but with dissipation beeing buffed aetherflow wont be an issue anymore

>WoW classic

You know exactly how that's going to go down.

Why do I have the strong impression this post was made by a girl?

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FFXIV doesn't have big anime tiddies.
Shitty F2P asian MMOs do.
F2P MMOs win.

Fix this issue, Yoshi-P!

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Typical FF/JRPG plot in an MMO setting.

>Up and coming adventurer is actually the chosen one
>Has to assemble his gang of fellow adventurers (Scions) to save the world from primals being summoned who suck the life out of the world merely by existing
>But also the Garlean Empire not-Nazis who want to control the world under their one true race
>But also dragons because they don't get along well with humans and hold grudges over shit that happened thousands of years ago
>But also yourself/the Light because you find out that too much Light is actually just as bad as too much Dark/evil

My hands might be kind of small, then. I can't hit shift and use other modifiers comfortably.
With all of the GL tools we're getting there will probably almost never be situations where you want to burn your stacks. Especially since now we have GL4.
I use a g600. 90% of my ogcds are on my right hand and my gcds are on the left. It's maximum comfy since I rarely have to weave with the same hand.


I'm a Catababy. I'm looking forwards to at least giving it a solid go.

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Are they doing the same cycle as in SB? Don't really have interest in Ultimate but I enjoyed learning / clearing Delta and Sigamscape enough to give it another go.

I feel bad for keyboard players, looking at it like this there are a lot of fucking buttons to press

>queue for Syrcus Tower as sam
>less than 5min
>decide to go blm instead
>average 7min
>switch back to sam and requeue again
>less than 5min

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90% of people who play MMO's have a mouse with at least 5 buttons on it.

I hate this retarded game i did some dungeons and levemetes and now i'm 34 lvl when main quest is 20 and it gives me nothing

Light skinned Viera look weird, right?
It's not just me is it?

Dragoon rotation stays the exact same going into 5.0, or well, you're missing heavy thrust and get to hit aoe jump every 30 seconds. Went from my main to the last job I'll level.

yeah, savage every even patch, ultimate (maybe) every odd patch

It doesn't matter you gay idiot, the quests will eventually catch up with your level no matter what you do.

>need to level the most boring class in the game to 26 to unlock fucking provoke

I did not enjoy that, neither leveling LNC for that fucking blood4blood

it is since viera are traditionally darker skinned. Vienna sausage fags are stuck on their muh feol viera shit

>all those retards selling main stat materia on the marketboard for NPC VENDOR SELLING PRICES
You could at least try to make money, you goddamn children.

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>Squall and Seifer's limit breaks all accounted for
>"Danger Zone"
>cool trenchcoat

I'm looking forward to leveling it day one with an 80's action playlist in the background.

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based optimistic poster

>Sell things for less that what I could to an NPC

I'm still a good person.

yeah I think ranged and melee actually have different queus

When is early access?