Is it good?

Is it good?

Attached: pathfinder.jpg (1280x720, 126K)

Other urls found in this thread:

the worst of the crpg revival

best of the crpg revival

Why do crpg fans hate crpgs?

Why do devs hate crpgs?

Because they're crpg fans?

Companions range from bad to average and the kingdom management minigame is horrible, rest is pretty good. Combat, character building, gear progression and non companion specific writing are all good.

Yes, so try it out and see for yourself.

the average of the crpg revival

have they fixed it with patches yet, or is it still a giant fucking mess 20% in

I've tried to like it
I really have
The devs seem to have misunderstood pointless time wasting and shitty side quests/side mechanics with 'interesting content'. The game is a fucking slog with the most predictable story you'll ever see. The world is uniteresting, the characters feel like they came out of a 17 year olds notebook.

Nothing and no one in this game is likable.
It's about as well optimized as a comatose double-amputee.
The combat is somehow even slower than other CRPGs
Side quests feel like chores
The main quest feels like a chore
Your kingdom feels like a chore
Your companions feel like chores
And even after months of bugfixing you can still crash pretty often (every 3-5 hours) during load screens
After the game crashes you then get to enjoy the 5 minutes initial load to get to the main menu coupled with the 1-2 minute long load into your save

This game will make you hate CRPGs

They fixed it.

It IS good! The Enhanced Edition IS coming soon! You SHOULD play it user! You SHOULD romance Valerie!

Attached: Valerie.jpg (702x700, 123K)

I liked it, I don't know if it was good exactly but I had a lot of fun with it. Give it a shot senpai

Who DID you romance user!

Yes. It's not as amazing as some peoiple claim and it does have some serious flaws (mostly in the bland, forgettable writing and the dumb as fuck kingdom management), but the core game is a great throwback to stuff like Baldur's Gate without feeling dated. Definitely a great game now that they've fixed all the bugs.

The brain dead AI is a huge turn off. Was hoping the enhanced edition would atleast include something like priority targeting.

Recommend me a build to steamroll through normal difficulty, I'm gonna be playing the beta so Aldori swordlord is an option
Melee is preferred, my last character was a dragon sorcerer with arcane trickster and it sucked ass

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no Linzi full nelsoning no buy!

Just use this.

You CAN full nelson Valerie BUT mating press IS best!

Attached: Cute Valerie.jpg (1000x760, 159K)

>just cheat
Why even bother playing then

Is the only gay option still the cuck orc?

Wish I could break her neck and fuck her corpse


If you're going to cheat might as well go whole hog.

I'm not going to cheat, I was asking for a legit build that's completely OP so even I can enjoy the game

>I'm not going to cheat, I'm just going to copy all my answers from the smart kids so I don't have to think
Uh-huh... and you don't see any problems with that?

>flanking is fucked
>AC levels on monsters are totally fucked
>first chapter is a slog
>kingdom management is annoying as fuck with all the loading screens
>story isn't good
>none of the characters are particularly appealing
>the best magic from the tabletop is missing
>combat UI is a total clusterfuck of overlapping text

I don't get people like you.

You claim that you can't enjoy the game unless it's braindead easy, yet when presented with several options to make the game braindead easy without missing any content (including cheating, or simply turning down the difficulty) you complain that you want a DIFFERENT way to accomplish exactly the same thing.

Attached: bitch.gif (398x208, 810K)

I just want to be outraged by something.

>AC levels
I thought that's only on difficulties above normal, and you still have the option of changing the "scale enemy stats upwards" choice in the difficulty menu.

no, even on normal you'll find wolves with 20+AC
And later on enemies with 60AC
In the tabletop 35AC is already elder-god-tier.

>this amount of autism
It's like you never read forums about what weapons are best in your favorite game

this, by far

the new one from the age of decadence devs might top it though

It varies from mediocre to bad.

why just one good build when you can roll with a full custom party of monsters.

There is a fairly large difference between hearing some people's opinions on which weapons they think are the best and just copying the most OP character build possible to "steamroll through normal difficulty".

Isn't there a tiefling romance option? That seems like the way to go.

Its kind of fun. The scope is definitely larger than in classic crpgs because they included some castle/domain management mechanics.

This IS a guide FROM /vg/ user! I have NOT tried it BUT /vg/ DOES like it!

two actually, with a secret based ending.

The tieflings ARE cute! They ARE cute BUT I prefer Valerie! She IS my wife! Here IS a picture OF tieflings!

Attached: Tieflings.jpg (1550x490, 177K)

Stop shilling this shitty game.

Why did Linzi have to die? ;_;

I liked it. The devs (mostly) understand what makes Infinity Engine games fun, which is more than I can say for PoE.

Nice semantics dude, it's literally the same thing, just different applications of the same concept
Fuck you and your shit dude I just wanna talk about video games and you just wanna argue

Can you ignore the kingdom management thing? I don't care for that at all

You can set it on automatic, yes.

There ARE difficulty levels to remove it BUT I have NOT tried them! I think you CAN user!

I kind of want to play this but I look at the comments and the type of 'people' who play this and change my mind. who the fuck is this sperg who keeps SPEAKING like a FAGGOT?

>it's literally the same thing
Well no, that is one facet of character building, where as you're asking to bypass it entirely. It's the difference between asking for help with one question and stealing the answer key for the entire test.

That doesn't remove it, it just makes all the decisions random and you can still lose

I am NOT gay BUT gay IS okay!

Does it actually stick to the Pathfinder rules?

please please please get AIDS and die. have lots of unprotected SEX with MEN and die a slow agonising DEATH you gross little fag.

>the best magic from the tabletop is missing
>when Cloudkill and Stinking Cloud work accurately per pnp

Yyyep. It doesn't have all the character options, but it's pretty faithful to the ruleset.

Here you go bro, just do this. Easiest way to make the entire game a brain-dead cakewalk.

Attached: Kingmaker_2019_06_01_09_47_46_191.jpg (3840x2160, 3.08M)


>In the tabletop 35AC is already elder-god-tier.
Because the monster statblocks for pnp are based on an average garbage party who's still new to the entire system and also doesn't shower you with ToB tier enhanted gear as Kingmaker does, now with more ExoticsTM in Enhanced so you finally put those hooked gnome hammers to use

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As far as D&D goes, I guess.

Even one smillie is enough to trivialize it, though the same can be said about Leopard.
I recall how the final fight was basically me sending Ekun's dog charging at the feyshitter slut, she immediately got knocked down prone in the first round and then just died the next on Challenging.

Attached: pf casualmaker.jpg (1920x1080, 624K)

>Because the monster statblocks for pnp are based on an average garbage party who's still new to the entire system
what? this isn't true at all
>what is CR

It is true.
35 AC is humiliatingly bad, user.
A party of level ~10 or so already demolishes that with ease. So much for your elder gods

The statblocks are also based for a party of 4, not 6.

>Ever an accurate way ot measuring encounter difficulty


>crpg revival
Excuse me?

There ARE more CRPG games it IS good! CRPG games ARE the best wife games user!

If you didn't know there have been several high profile CRPGs released in the last 5 years after about a decade of the genre being dormant. People referred to this as the CRPG revival.

Because games like Divinity: OS2 and Pathfinder Kingmaker came out around the same time, people are calling it a revival of crpgs in general.

Its a game you don't want people to spoil for you. Its kind of bad, but not in gameplay itself, gameplay and rpg elements are amazing, but instead of how slowly everything is managed. And unity engine shows its worst in that game.

Deadfire COULD have been good BUT it betrayed wife anons! It IS bad!

You can try harder than this.

This. It's not perfect, but it's a damn enjoyable game.


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The only thing I disagree with is the final part. The devs understanding of alignments is 14yo first DM experience tier. Most dialog choices leave you in a situation of choosing the least bad of the responses which is terrible for a crpg.
The choices you're given are usually like
>Sorry, I kneel before you because you're so superior to me I have to drop my pants and expose my anus to you.
>I'm gonna kill everybody in this place, inocent or not, BECAUSE!
>I'll do what you ask if you give me gold.
And that's it.

Give me top right corner mommy!

All crpgs besides d:os have horrible fucking combat thats nothing more then a means to an end. Larian making BG3 just means it has a chance of actually being fun to play.

Is there a mod to remove the time limits yet?

Because they rightfully try to make their games appeal to the original crpg playerbase that want to relive the 'good old days'
Unfortunately this means ignoring two decades of game refinement, shitty interfaces, a bastardised combat system that combines the worst of two worlds and a focus on a story that ultimately is fucking boring

How is playing a mage in pathfinder?
I found it really boring in Pillars but great in divinity

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The game would be really boring without them.

It IS good! Spellcasting IS good! You CAN cast spells BEFORE battle! Give me fat butt mommy wife!

Yes. Lot of content

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I watched the romance recap on youtube. She sounds like a stuck up bitch.

Based randomly capitalizing poster

Yes but can you mindbreak her?

Do youself a favor and make arcane trickster. He gets his spells one level later, but has pretty good elemental sneak auto attack.

You can!

Attached: Pretty Valerie.jpg (719x720, 239K)

>playing isometric RPGs
Ummm modern PCs can handle first person cameras you know. What's the point of this genre in current year

doing this

Thank YOU user! You ARE a GOOD user!

Any opinions on this?

>want to romance valerie
>don't get the option to the entire game
did i get locked out of it because i tried to fix her armour?

Baroness isn't allowed to experience the worst romance in the game. Were you playing as a girl?

fuck if i waited just a few weeks icould have played with this

Great way to make a 2 minute encounter take 20 but it's good for people who aren't very good at multitasking.

>want to romance valerie
Why would you do this to yourself?

nope, male.

i ended going up with the tiefling girls but the ending slides bugged out

It's honestly a bad fucking game

I do NOT know user I have NOT played! Will you play again IN Enhanced Edition! Romance Enhanced Edition Valerie!

Attached: Shy Valerie.jpg (1000x707, 150K)

Would it be possible to use this to make a godly Dragon Sorcerer who disguises himself as a "mere" fighter?

Did you see Ineffect guide user! I have NOT used it BUT it IS recommended! (It is! It is!)

I did look over the guide I just don't think it would be possible with the base ruleset.

You CAN be Sorcerer with Sorcerer/Scaled Fist/Paladin/Dragon Disciple it IS good BUT not much Sorcerer!


what there is to enhance in a recent game like this?

the autism

Yeah but I wanted to be a really good Sorcerer Dragon who is also like a really good fighter and that fighter is his disguise so no one knows he's actually a really good sorcerer dragon!

You CAN try Eldritch Knight! With Arcane Armor feats you CAN wear armor AND cast spells!

Can I be evil?

yes, it gives you a lot of options regarding alignment choices in dialogue and in general.

What kind of evil choices can I expect?

Any downsides or upsides to being a villain?

But then how can I be a Dragon? I want to turn into a Dragon too.

The Fighter side is a mere disguise but cleverly the disguise is more than a disguise a double ruse to fool people into thinking I am one or the other but I'm actually both at the same time!

>Play on release but stop after a couple of hours because it's a buggy mess
>Check in every once in a while but don't really play because there's more patches coming
>Finally patched to a decent state, it seems
>Now the enhanced edition is on the horizon
I wonder how many months it will take them to patch the enhanced edition into a playable state.

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Based and Valeripilled

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You CAN be a Dragon WITH enough Sorcerer levels user! It IS temporary BUT you CAN do it again!

are the loading times still as bad as when it came out?

you can be sadistic evil, or pragmatic evil. i.e. wiping out a beast race just because you want to, or because you think it's safer to just get rid of them.

don't really recall anything specific regarding upsides or downsides, maybe making too many evil choices can cause a companion to leave the party but i'm not sure.

Thank YOU user!

Attached: Big Valerie.jpg (688x1000, 167K)

But then I'll never be a true dragon, just a fake! A Phony! An Imposter dragon!

We ALL have REGRETS user! Pray FOR your next life!

Attached: Biggest Valerie.jpg (1280x1895, 276K)

terrible game

Can I make Valerie into my evil wife?

Can confirm that companions will stick with you even if you are evil, except only one guy in one specific quest related to one specific item. If you do the evil choice then, you lose him forever but you gain a mighty artifact.

You CAN user! Valerie IS compatible WITH Lawful Evil!

So I would corrupt her with my big evil dick?

It's ok.

He's our pet Valeriefag. He's a good boy, just overly enthusiastic. He's harmless, don't worry. We let him play outside of Kingmaker general sometimes.

How is the combat though?

Anything interesting about it?

It's a relatively faithful recreation of a Pathfinder system. If you played NWN or IWD 2 you kinda know what you are getting into. A lot of options to make or break your character, a lot of modulators and min-maxing. The combat can be punishing as fuck if you don't know the basics of D&D combat.
It's a really fun game if you are thirsty for some hardcore Baldur's Gate experience and though Pillars of Eternity is too casual.

greatest fireballs on the market

I get why people would be mad at the spell list but without that, it becomes wizard duels and whomever isn't a caster as impotent companion #4-6.

That IS right user! (That is! That is!)

funny that they can stick with you no matter how evil you are but if you disagree with them too many times they'll leave your council.

though only that orc faggot left my council (leaving me without a a marshal) even though i disagreed with him far less than the other council members.

I had Amiri as General, she made a big fucking army.

Can I romance non companions?

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there's only one iirc and it's really convoluted to do.

Not before I’ve actually played the game no.

yeah you can fuck the villain into submission

is this a good rpg if i like to get immersed and be autistic?

depends what you mean by that

You CAN immerse IN Valerie!

Attached: Long Valerie.png (702x700, 610K)

>I want to be really good at everything
user, no.

Nope, game is generic as fuck. There are choices but it's hardly immersive. Recommend a pirate before buying

>Won't bear you children
>Will bear a random farmer dozens
That's a nah from be dog.

I'm seeing conflicting information, does my MC need to pump charisma for the whole ruler thing. Some people say yes but you can also just go with big str and intimidate to compensate, others say companions can help with checks, others say it literally doesn't matter.

If charisma matters I'd pick something like paladin or sylvan sorceror. Maybe whatever druid it is that uses charisma, but man is the community split on druid. It goes from being called the ideal MC class to being outclassed in everything. If charisma doesn't matter I'm kind of interested in eldrich archer. I like the melee frontliners in this game but don't like the ranged attackers so I could fill the niche with the MC that way.

Charisma does matter, you get a lot of checks on your own based on diplomacy.

Explain why its generic?

The farmer does NOT exist! I romance Valerie there is NO farmer!

So you're saying my main dude should be a Charisma/Persuasion focused character and everyone else should fill out more combat orientated roles.

That's how leadership goes.

This. Disregard this homofaggot.

Because fucktard mcfagface here has played every single fantasy rpg, read every single medieval fantasy book and watched every single sword & sorcery movie that was ever produced so if something has dwarves, elves and dragons it's automatically boring and generic.

You CAN be combat AND Charisma user! (You can! You can!)

It doesn't matter what path the timeline takes, if she ends up with you she begrudgingly has sex with you but will not bear you any children, if she ended up with the farmer she willingly spreads her legs and lovingly conceives as many children as he wants.

So really if you love her you should let the Farmer have her, she's be way happier with him.


I mean every single race is a differently scaled human.

At least Divinity and PoE had nice unique races.




generally no
you can play first 30% of the game and enjoy it but nevermind playing further

You never really loved her then.

rank your top post revival crpgs
>Pillars of Eternity
>Wasteland 2
>Shadowrun Hong Kong
>Shittinity Original Shit 2

>tfw you wander into a first world portal on the map way before it comes into play in the story, and this bladerunner music starts playing

based and erastilpilled

Is there anything more arousing than a woman who begrudgingly spreads her legs because her sense of duty demands it of her? I say that's way better than a woman who's plainly into it and wants it eagerly.

How can people stand playing Divinity games? They are low IQ games with bad jokes every 10 seconds.

I do love Valerie! She IS my wife FOR Kingmaker! She IS my CURRENT favorite wife! I will CONVINCE her I am best! Punishment IS easy!

So? Do you know how much of a nightmare it would be if weapons and armor would have to be redesigned for every race, or worse, not every race could wear it? You loot best leather chest in the game off a dragon and it becomes worthless because only undead with 3 arms and 1 leg can wear it and you don't have a leather wearing class of that race in your roster.

Yep I feel like 'people' love them because they have pretty graphics and are more polished than other crpgs. Pillars has wayyy better story than either OS 1 or 2. And wasteland 2 has much better gameplay than them also.

at least they are self aware about it, pillars 2 was like divinity but unironic.

only wasteland 2 is good from that list

owlbears have 46 strength even with enemy stats reduced to "normal"

Original Sin 2 > Shadowrun Returns Trilogy > Pillars > Original Sin > Expeditions: Viking > Kingmaker > Age of Decadence > Deadfire > Wasteland 2 > Tyranny > Torment: Tides of Numenera

Is Wasteland 2 good now? I got it close to release and it was pretty bad.


Vulture's Cry IS a good wife!

Attached: Vulture's Cry.png (256x256, 70K)

>Divinity OS
Are people literally retarded?

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Cringe post (this post it is cringe)


Name a better crpg

nice pair of honkers

Is your intention to false flag and look like a shitter, or is this just some gay ass RP shit you only semi-ironically enjoy?

Who the fuck would want to bear the children of stalin, hitler or mao? In the game you end up killing thousands of critters and humanoids. You can't blame her for being sane.

Eh well I had fun with it. That said I lost interest about 2/3 of the way through the game and dropped it. That was last year. Its not that bad but I don't understand the overwhelming praise it gets either.

pathfinder kingmaker

The game's alright but kinda disappointed that you don't actually get to explore for shit aside from generic plains/forests/caves/dungeons since most of them are copy pasted. Not being able to plant traps down (is it a Pathfinder thing?) and explore big cities (Pitax was literally just 3-4 maps, and they're all really small with very little places that you could actually interact with, and your city is pretty much has nothing to explore in or containing side quests that you could do) adds to the disappointment.

The major portion of the game are spent outside on the plains/forests so if you're into that, then it's not that bad because the combat is really good. The game drags itself on way too much with the amount of filler trash mobs in between though and the amount of WAITING that you need to do before the next chapter kicks in is awful. There was a time that I had literally spent 20-30 minutes just clicking in the kingdom management page because there was nothing else to be done and the next curse attack was in 200 days.

Also what's up with the devs adding timers in the beginning and at the end? These timers are so goddamn generous to the point that it might as well not exist. You could rest spam as much as you want and still have a lot of time left, which makes the encounters even more pointless.

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Kanerah seems quite willing to pump out your brood.

I don't usually say this shit but the studio is really fucking small, like, they released the game thanks to magic vodka and even with that it came out full of gamebreaking bugs. Maybe the next title they do is better if they get more people or if the studio is bought.

The problem I had with it is I play pathfinder with a group and I know they are fudging numbers to make the game harder. Motherfuckers with 24 AC against a level 1 party is absurd.

Why do you think guys like Breivik receive literally hundreds of letters from women every month? Same will be with Tarrant quite possibly and pretty much every single bigger mass shooter.

Risen 3 IS good! Patty IS a good sister mommy wife! I do NOT wife Imoen BUT I do wife Patty! Give me sister mommy wife!

Considering by that point she is romantically involved with Stalin, Hitler, or Mao, I would think she would.

I forgot to add that the companions are pretty goddamn great in that regard, way better than Deadfire and OS2, especially with their respective companion quests. Linzi is fucking adorable.

A pity that everything shits the bed at the house at the edge of time.


I'm going to hug Patty's funbags!!!

Attached: Risen3 2016-06-30 17-36-25-63.jpg (1920x1080, 197K)

Its certainly better than the dullest crpg of all time! Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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I will PROTECT Imoen BUT I will BREED Patty! (I will! I will!)

She is. She's the lawful neutral companion which is basically the stick up your ass alignment.

difficulty setting to check for a first timer?
i played baldur's gate 1&2 in the past but i consider myself very lucky to even finish those games, i literally feel lost when i started pathfinder and get my ass kicked by the bear treant at the temple

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Stop playing shitty kiddy games

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Any tips for someone who has a hard time getting into crpgs because of the camera perspective and annoying inventory management?

I play ON Challenging!


those letters are written by autistic incels larping as incel lovers to further that fantasy.

RTWP unfortunately, so no

Going back to call of duty.

Why isn't she romanceable bros.

Attached: Amiri.png (692x1024, 1.42M)

Fact: Deadfire is the only crpg in recent years with an immersive world
>kingmaker is copy pasted forests
>divinity feels like a cartoon game

Deadfire is fucking garbage my man.

She looks like she fucks trolls

I enjoy the slow gameplay and reading etc though

The shortest gameover timers are generally around 60-90 days if I remember correctly. The only way to run out of time through normal play is if you do a million of those Advisor improvement missions back to back.


Nah brah. You just have no idea about women.

cause she would rage and kill anyone in sex.

>you can kill strangers for saying hello
>you can slaughter living townspeople because infection
>you can pretend to come to an ally's aid and leave them to die
>you can execute people who visit you in your throne room, because you "expect them of being spies"

The devs wanted to make it but Paizo said no

it's one of the game rules to never allow a canon character to be romanceable
otherwise, she likely would have

i meant suspect

honestly guys its hard to play these yanky and low budgets crpgs after playing a masterpiece like divinity 2

there lot of older gay men out there that love roleplaying as women.

Deadfire IS poop! Excuse my language BUT I am ANGRY at Deadfire! Do NOT betray wife anons! Do NOT make Xoti leave! Do NOT remove Ydwin! That IS poop!

>Any downsides or upsides to being a villain?
Some spells are more potent with certain alignments
Certain buildings are alignment restricted
They're more likely to retain/gain money on issues
Kingdom reflects your character's attitudes, ie gallows in use and protection rackets if you are Lawful Evil, for example

Just finishing up my playthrough of deadfire after giving it up a year ago, I really enjoy all the little stories that pop up when you go island exploring, really makes shit feel alive

Well, Sand and Okku were also lawful neutral.

Why are you coping so bad? Stop being a virgin and embrace the fact that women do like this kind of men. Tarrant has a little psycho chick cult following him already and young female students from all over are praising him too. And he was not even convicted yet. Stalin and Hitler, both ugly manlets, had literal millions of women throwing at them every day. Or look at Charlie Manson, you can't say he was ever a good looking guy and still, he had pretty much a harem. I can continue like this for a long time. Thats just how it works since times immemorial.

>they lumped me with some fucking midget since min 1

I'm pretty sure that's a opinion

What do buildings even do?

I can't play first person games. I get severe motion sickness and vomit within 30 minutes of playing.

>Really have the urge to play a Rogue character and steal everything that's not nailed down

Is pickpocketing a thing in this? Can I jack people's shit and fence it for mad gold?

The kingdom building wouldve been great if it wasnt just text based TRASH

LOL dude, why do you even consider wierdo autistic girls that probably live with their parents at age 30+ as "women". Any woman that sends letter to a serial killer is straight up retarded trash dog. People you don't want to ever make eye contact with and ignore.

>this much of cope
>the amount of cherrypicking
Nigger stop. I already proved you you are obviously wrong, now you are starting to sound like some dumb-ass white knight.

Pickpocketing is a thing, but there are no big cities with lots of npcs with decent loot to steal. Most of your time is spent murder hoboing your way through the wilderness and dungeons.

is it ever going to go on sale? I wanted to give it a try now that it has turn based combat but god is dead and I'm not going to pay more than $20 for an obsidian game.

Its on sale on gog :)

shit I checked just the other day and it was still $40. is it worth $24? I played the first game but got bored and never finished it.

Because she's more important than this campaign.

Attached: Amiri.jpg (846x1500, 141K)

Yeah it is, just don't expect much from the main story.

She has like a whole slew of canonical adventures so you can't have her stick around as your personal broodmare.

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Does Pathfinder have voice acting?
I usually prefer rpgs without it but the game looks good.

Only for a few story-important characters and only in important story related moments.

>next pathfinder is being made
>won't have kingdom building but instead some other gimmick like it
What will it be?

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Nothing, just pure old adventuring.


No! Do NOT give Amiri IN game IF you will NOT allow romance! I do NOT need Amiri I have Valerie BUT do NOT give wife IF you fear defilement! Pathetic Paizo I came here to laugh at you! (I did! I did!)

You want a bireme? Do it. You want a longship? Do it.
You want some weird shit? Want a boat that has a tower on it, and another tower on top of that tower and insist people that it's a boat and not a large ship? Do it.

It's Carrion Crown, takes place in notRavenloft and the gimmick is choosing between becoming a werewolf, lich or vampire

Breeding, homemaking and child rearing. You'll have to balance being an adventurer with cooking breakfast and getting your kids to school on time.

Can't I wrap myself in toilet paper and be a mummy?

>can explore islands and plunder villages if evil
yes pls

valerie is a dumb slut who went to gangbangs just to ruin her pussy. if you breed with her your children will just inherit her dumb slut genes.

how is the gameplay of risen 3? and can you romance this girl

>Ever not becoming a Lich

Can't imagine what it'd be like to be a massive fag

I love dnd, played a ton of pathfinder, and try not to be this guy, but I am convinced this game literally glorifies evil. I am convinced it is satanic.

So I hear you can romance both of them, how do you do this? Do they lolFarmer you too or do they actually give you kids? How is my barony supposed to last if none of the romance options want to secure the succession and prolong my dynasty?

Will we get a big spooky mansion with hot vampire servants?

She IS your sister BUT she chooses you OVER other men! That DOES include different protagonist FROM Risen AND Risen 2! She IS sister mommy wife!

nice thx

Only secret wife gives you children IN ending BUT you CAN imagine anything AFTER ending!

You ARE welcome user BUT remember to be GOOD to get GOOD ending with Patty! Do NOT be EVIL user!

This, really. I fucking wish for lich/necromancy game every day. Pathfinder did good with the option of playing necromancer and pushing it on your kingdom as well, but that is not enough.

Kalikke is pure virgin CG one (blue eyes) while Kanerah is "whatever it takes" stronk LE (red eyes). By doing good shit, you romance Kalikke, by doing powerful evil shit you romance Kanerah, by doing neutral shit you romance both. Be wary though, there is a slight interesting twist, with them being "two". To start a romance with Kalikke you need to start banging Kanerah anyways, so you'll get the taste (no pun intended) of both. I've only seen Kalikke's ending slide, and it is nice sweet one, no fuckery like with Valerie.

Attached: power lich.jpg (1000x750, 182K)

That is a terrible excuse. The cannon Baalspawn from Baldurs Gate is some fucking fighter that jobs to some's OC I think, not the elf-banging bad-ass I made. Similarly, if I want to romance the smelly barbarian let me.

Owlcats genuinely didn't think about your dynasty or even political marriages.

Viekang is NOT OC user!

Aka a campaign set in Hermea, the island-nation ruled by a Gold Dragon conducting a long-running eugenics experiment where he seeks to perfect Humanity by having them breed with the best and brightest.

So you're asking for Skulls and Shackles? Might be too close to PoE II to really try that piracy gimmick. Curse of the Crimson Throne could be fun, it's generally considered one of the greatest Pathfinder APs and has a solid political intrigue aspect.

Just think about it, do you really want your pregnant stinky barbarian wife going off on random and dangerous adventures? I wouldn't think so, but we know she does go on these adventures. Obviously any romance between you and her has to be non-canon or one of you must be infertile.

ultimately just flavor and kingdom stats

So does the Dragon create the Kwisatz Haderach or not?

Sounds dope where do I sign up?

Not that user but I would too love some tropics, piracy, lizard people and aztec gimmick stuff. I was hyped for PoE II solely because of this reason, but look how that crap turned out. There is a sore lack of worlds with this theme in gaming, all is either muh grimdark or tolkien-esque high fantasy.

I unironically enjoy managing organizations
Maybe a fleet, expedition force, or mercenary company

you posted this exact reply yesterday to me. take your meds.

>So does the Dragon create the Kwisatz Haderach or not?
Turns out it takes a long, long time to breed people into apex Humanity, he's been introducing Elves and Aasimar into the population to "inject" longevity and hardiness into the gene pool, but Hermean is still an ethnic group that doesn't have any special bonuses (unlike Azlanti, which get a +2 to all their ability scores.)

>Sounds dope where do I sign up?
You don't, the Dragon (his name is Mengkare) selects you and offers you a one-way ticket to Hermea - the selection process is incredibly detailed, and generally only 3/4 people each year get to settle in Hermea. You have to be *the best.*

Yes, and it's 60-80 hours of good.

Don't listen to retards that played it during its buggy release complaining about it.

>Can't only go for blue
A shame

My die has a 20 on every face but one, I'm pretty much perfect, 95% of the time.

You can, you just pick her later, Kalikke is generally late bloomer in game anyway. Other sister is not even mad, as you are just banging anyway. Maybe there is some other way, but I don't know it. Some user may correct me.

Can I play a ice focused wizard/mage?

You don't have characters hitting + 30 in multiple attributes in table top iirc, either, so of course AC is that high.

I don't know why they went that route but it balances out. NPCs aren't unhittable walls unless you are 1) somewhere you shouldn't be 2) harder difficulty 3) full retard on character making (8 str fighter, etc.)

Oh? If that's what you're looking for, you'd want Serpent's Skull. Set in the steamy jungles of the Mwangi Expanse, Serpent's Skull is equal parts Heart of Darkness and Indiana Jones with lizard people and Aztec gimmicks galore. You're even racing against a rival adventuring party sent by a sinister trading conglomerate seeking the riches of the ruins for their own nefarious purposes.

Thank fren, this is perfect
>heart of darkness
can't get better than this.

To be completely fair, the videogame is pretty limited and weak compared to table top. Only bonus from videogame is probably flanking/stealth attack.
i wish i could play synthesist summoner on this shit.


>a bunch of drunk Russians put out a better pirate crpg than Obsid

Make it so

Obsidian should NOT have betrayed wife anons! Wife anons do NOT play games BUT buy them! I back games! I pay money! Give me wife!

Well, the other options are usually for non spellcasting fags


i think reign of winter can make a pretty nice video games its on rails enough to the point that they dont have to go so far out of their way to pad out an empty open world

This picture makes a LOT more sense now that I've been to Varnhold. Valerie and Regongar complement each other so well somehow

There are enough ice spells to have it be your flavor yeah. The level 1 Snowball scales really well if you get heighten metamagic since it has a fortitude save that staggers on failure. I think a lot of endgame enemies might be cold immune though so you'll want a backup element

Are there mods for this game?

Attached: 1559357549684.jpg (1488x1400, 159K)

Fuck wrong pic

Attached: 1558514530699.jpg (750x703, 91K)

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back to /lgbt/, fagget.

haha homosex

No seriously are there mods for this yet? I heard this game has events that are in real time, and I hate being in a hurry, so maybe something on that area.

Attached: 1555393242304.png (662x478, 22K)

Yes there are. Now back to your containment board.


Is there a Necromancy class? I want to summon an army of skeleies but that doesn't seem like a viable option in this game?

But do you mean /pol/ cause I posted a nazi, /lgbt/ cause I'm a fag or Yea Forums?

Yea Forums

Whatever homo shithole of your liking, just not Yea Forums. We have enough homosexuals here already.

Most likely adventure paths they will work on have the gimmicks of ship battle, caravans, rebellion leadership and vigilante action.

The other two likely paths are epic combat through hell and fighting A.Is with delusions of godhood, with less pronounced gimmicks

You did solo the final boss, right user?

Attached: solo.jpg (876x460, 71K)

Is it better than Tyranny?

Yes, you deal with less petulant manchildren

>become king
>still run around doing fetch quests


Fairly shit. Unless the Enhanced edition fixes the problem. 40% of the spells are just poor choices. Another 40% take a while to cast and only last for a few seconds and dissipate before they can even be properly used. Just make some rogue variant that can use sneak attack from flanking.

If you are a wizard, you can learn every spell (save for thassilonian forbiden schools).
Sorcerer has enough toys to play with.
Even with the limited spell list, there are quite a few noteworthy spells to dominate opponents with and some cool combos to pull off.

Absolutely not.

It's what, nearly a year later and the game is still a buggy glitchy broken mess. Some of the later acts are barely functional. Kingdom management is still horrible and literally requires you to follow a guide or reload 20 hour old saves.

Combat is terrible and nothing like the tabletop and nothing like other cRPGs, with enemies with INSANE stat allocations even at the lower difficulties, ie the infamous goblins with what is in the tabletop godlike dex.

Fights virtually always devolve into saving and reloading and hoping for lucky crits.

Devs are more focused on DLC and banning anyone who talks about problems than fixing the game.

Attached: appalled.jpg (269x187, 5K)

Not that user but can you do some really destructive shit like meteor showers etc? Also I've read that there is no summon limit, is that true? Because since Diablo 2, no game ever satisfied my need for hiding behind 7000 skeletons.

What changes are they making for the enhanced edition anyway? I'm waiting with buying the game until it's out.

>game is still a buggy glitchy broken mess
It is not though.
>Some of the later acts are barely functional
Since is the last time you played? This is just not true.
>and literally requires you to follow a guide
And this is just straight up retarded.
>combat bad
Combat is absolutely fine, don't know what you are sperging about.
>Fights virtually always devolve into saving and reloading and hoping for lucky crits.
Git gud.

From some article:
"Available for free to all Steam owners of Pathfinder: Kingmaker
Gameplay-enriching content including various additions and major QoL changes
Brand-new abilities and various ways to build on your character
Brand-new class: Slayer
New items, weaponry and other equipment
Improved gameplay balance, especially for the beginning part and the last two chapters of the game
An enhanced kingdom management system that expands upon balance as well as intuitiveness for player comfort
Increased variety of the random encounters found within the global map
Backlog of the thousands of fixes and improvements made to the game since release, all compiled within one title"

There is no meteor shower (lv 9 spells are limited), but there is Australian Blazing tornado that shreds and burns people, Mass Icy prisons, Wail of Banshee etc. You have toys.
And yes, no summon limits

Attached: 640820_screenshots_20190131033324_1.jpg (1920x1080, 582K)

>no actual counterpoints to anything said, just autism
Oh, that's another thing I should probably add, a good chunk of the people who continually shill this game are people who backed on kickstarter and have massive buyers remorse/have deluded themselves into thinking it's good.

The story actively manages to be worse than NN 1 too so that's hilariously bad.

I started playing the game today and have one big and important question:
Why doesn't Valerie wear a helmet to hide her "beauty".
I hate that there's no MC portraits with the face hidden

That's pretty huge, gonna be super buggy I bet.

Are GOGboys not getting the update for free?

>started a playthrough two days before EE

>>no actual counterpoints to anything said, just autism
It is a fact that most of the bugs have been fixed since winter and the game is perfectly playble from start to finish.
The release was shit, but they have been working on the game since September.

Probably. At least this launch has a test version for people to report bugs before the release.

You can summon skeliess by lv 5 as a cleric and lv7/8 as wizard/sorc. They're really good for a decent chunk of the game but you'll want to replace them with Summon Monster spells eventually. Necromancy's has some solid arcane options once you get around 4th level spells

There are plenty of AoE attacks but damage isn't really a wizard's thing outside Arcane Tricksters. There are some good ones that have status ailments though.

No summon limit but they last 6 secs a level so each summon batch lasts around a 1-4 depending on if you extend its duration with metamagic.

Since when is the last time you played? Because it was like this after launch (which was abysmal, yeah) but not after and definitely not now.

They are getting it for free too.

EE will have its own mountain of bugs anyway

*1-4 minutes

Pizepi is better

I last played two months ago and experienced a crash every 2 hours, and eventually a broken main quest that prevented progress in Act III.

>i-it's fixed
yeah nah

Valerie IS beautiful! If she HIDES her face I WILL punish her!

Fascinating anecdote, but the vast consensus of players who have seen the game's progress since release would disagree with you. A shame your playthrough was hampered, but a crash every 2 hours is nowhere near the common experience

is all the DLC out yet


I guess that's why all the recent reviews are mixed and the reviews as a whole are still hovering somewhere in the 5 or 6/10 range, right.

actually or am i being meme'd on

The kingdom management alone is enough to warrant the game a 0 out of 10

Funny how people say deadfire is worse than this when it has positive reviews

Overall reviews of the game (6.5 thousand of them) are mostly positive.
There are still people crying cause they cannot beat spider swarms or because they modded the game and new version broke their saves. Can't do much about that.

And better metacritic score too, those are always a good metric, right?

Post your characters

Attached: Kingmaker_2019_06_01_15_45_33_242.jpg (1920x1080, 1M)

>no cavalier
>no gunslinger
>no dreamscarred press psionic classes
physically incapable of being good

Attached: 1537976179186.jpg (2560x1440, 739K)

Unironically yes? Deadfire is a great game.

>99% of games life it was "mixed rating"
>just within like the past month or so managed to bump above the 51% threshold
>i-it's mostly positive guys

Just accept that a lot of people who like cRPGs hated this piece of junk, even when giving it a second chance when it was actually able to be played in the hour range without crashing.

There is so much shit in it that is either unfun, poorly done, buggy, or just bad still that I have no real expectations an enchanced edition will save it.

Ok this is based

Absolute trash

>Deadfire is a great game

still not buying a copy, mr. sawyer

Deadfire IS poop! Obsidian MADE wife Xoti leave IN ending! Obsidian MADE Ydwin NOT a wife! Deadfire IS poop AND Obsidian IS poop! (It is! It is!)

To be mostly positive on Steam, you need reviews to be 70% positive. Not 50%. So you are wrong about the overall impression from the games buyers.
And again, the vast majority of users do not crash constantly as you claim, ever since the 1.2 release specifically.

>not wanting to put down an orc warband with a line of musketeers
trash taste senpai

Mostly big damage and Intimidation, but worked.

Attached: 1544833897092.png (1920x1080, 3.49M)

hopefully not boat shit

building a merc army would be based

Why use a line of absolute trash instead of a single spellcaster?

It must help that a good chunk of the negative reviews were also mysteriously deleted about 4 months ago too :^)

Can I restore Nyrissa to her true self and then kill her immediately?

Of course they did, user.

You can betray her later

you can romance the villian

>Maybe there is some other way, but I don't know it. Some user may correct me.
There is not.

Is she hot?


She IS cute she LOOKS like a salad!

damn, I was hoping to surprise her twice in rapid succession

She is a nymph. So yeah.

>Skeletal Champion dies!
>Skeletal Champion dies!
>Skeletal Champion dies!
Do you just have your actual party members sit there and watch while the enemy gets swarmed?

is there some joke here I'm not getting?

>wasting wizards that take between 17-27 years to be useful vs throwing a bunch of 16-21 year olds with muskets at a problem
git gud at allocating your resources senpai

I have Kalikke cast Deadly Earth and my character throws fireballs or whatever (or Sciroccos/Grease, Icy prison when dangerous enemeis appear) while Linzi performs. Valerie does Dazzling displays.
Amiri stays useless like the useless whore she is.

>wasting wizards
A single wizard makes the 16-21 years olds more useful carrying shit out of my city.

>single wizard then gets swarmed by orcs who get into melee and spitroast his d6 hit dice or just turn him into an arrow/bolt/javelin porcupine
If you send a high enough level wizard to singlehandedly kill an entire warband there are better things you could be doing with his time than turning orcs into popcorn

You can fuck orc ass by default without the need for mods.

There is nothing better than killing a bunch of green abortions with a single spell

>There is nothing better than killing a bunch of green abortions with a single spell
ask me how I know you're a 3/4th bab semi caster instead of a full caster

Because you are a retard who makes retarded assumptions?

Horrible, buggy piece of shit. Couldn't finish it due to the fucking curse in the end becuase it would consume tons of time, I was soloing.

managing merc army would be awesome

>semi caster gets butthurt he is found to be a sword carrying martial wannabe and spazzes out
not surprising

I love you

yeah I know that, wanna fuck that fagboi looking cleric too, long haired men are my weakness

What the fuck are you even talking about? How someone expressing pleasure in frying mobs singlehandnely made you think they are not a full caster?
What is even the train of logic there?
Do you have anything to actually say instead of shit like

Tristian IS cute!

Attached: Tristian.jpg (639x1022, 116K)

Can I make him evil?

when's the EE coming?
will there be more paid content?
is there an edition i can buy that contains all future content?

6th june as Free update.
Same day, last DLC.
Yes. Also, piracy.

You have a hard bias towards Valerie. Fuck off.

It WOULD be EXTREMELY painful!

Not when I'm properly finished with him. Speaking of which Gods bless scandinavian men, only men to legitimately look as pretty in real life as they are in fantasy.

I have a hard bias IN Valerie!

Let me guess, you are one of the people that hate the game because you got assraped by the spider swarm in the beginning of the game.

>How someone expressing pleasure in frying mobs singlehandnely made you think they are not a full caster?
because you specified that it was the best usage of a wizards time
>There is nothing better than killing a bunch of green abortions with a single spell
so what are you, eldritch knight? magus? No full caster believes the best use of their time is killing monstrous humanoids instead of learning more about the planes and magic itself

No. The difficult is brainlet style difficulty though, and not even bases in PnP stuff. As I said

>goblins with godlike stats and class levels
and various other absurd enemy imbalanced.

>sell game as being faithful to pnp
>change nearly everything about pnp combat

So your fucktarded headcanon about what any wizard finds pleasurable is the whole basis of the argument?
Holy fucking shit user, this is spergfaggotry on another level.

What the fuck are those builds.

>finds pleasurable
> best usage of a wizards time
>not understanding the difference between the two
so does your race have an int penalty or did you just dump stat it?

You are a guy playing a wizard however he likes you sperg, you don't go 'on all levels except physical, I am a wizard'.
Studying the secrets of the universe for 20 years will get you less levels than a year or hobo murdering.
Don't try to sound smart with your autistic interpretation of roleplaying

I do NOT know I have NOT tried them BUT /vg/ DOES like them!

Incredibly well researched and thought out minmax builds. About as optimal as you can get.

any crpgs where i make my entire party

This one, for starters.
You can buy mercs after the prologue.

Pathfinder: Kingmaker

do the mercs have personality?

What's the most braindead easy build to play?

No. Mercs are custom characters you create, no set personalities


Any pure martial class, I guess.
At most you trigger a couple abilities.
Granter, some builds are actually more complex than others, or work with specific combos or come alive at mid game and you need to baby them.

But that is if you choose to stray of the 'single class, maybe a single level dip' path

You play the whole party so you're going to have to know how to play everyone not just your main dude.

>not doing a solo run

>Studying the secrets of the universe for 20 years will get you less levels than a year or hobo murdering.
and yet a wizard's time is still better spent fighting ancient cults, delving into ancient ruins, crafting wondrous items, using any number of useful spells to secure areas against magical intrusion than running around blowing every spell slot on being a blaster caster to kill some bandits
>Don't try to sound smart with your autistic interpretation of roleplaying
try and stop me nigger faggot

are rogues any good? I was looking at their skills and honestly they don't seem to be a particularly good combat class compared to the rest

>buy the game at release
>game is full of bugs and doesn't run well
>don't want to finish playing until I have a new computer to play it well on
>finally get a new computer
>now I want to wait until the enhanced edition is out to start playing again

Damn devs constantly improving their game, I want to play it already.

Sneak attack is broken in this game because you only need to attack with two people to flank and trigger it.
Also,very, VERY few enemies resist sneak attack in pathfinder (undead are susceptible unlike dnd). So yeah, they work.
It's just that vivisectionists are better at it.

Yes, due to the combat system of the videogame, you will be doing sneak attack every they are great

thanks. I was worried I would realize the class was shit 30 hours into the game

Rogues get Dexterity to attack AT level 1 BUT no Dexterity to damage UNTIL Level 3! That IS still good BECAUSE Dexterity to damage IS rare! It IS good! Use Dexterity!

Unless you play Above challenging and pick like Sensei /Arcane bomber or do shit like Druid/Bard multiclass with focus on constitution, anything is viable

user recommended Arcane Bomber! It WAS bad!

I did that as a joke (yes, that was me) cause you were the autist who posted without playing the game 5 months after release.
Did not expect you'd try and then get stuck in Old Sycamore

I will SURPASS Old Sycamore IN Enhanced Edition!

>just upgraded pc
>Deadfire still runs like garbage whenever there's more than 6 enemies and loads of spells going on
A-at least the loading times aren't cancer tier on ssd..............................

Deadfire IS bad!

Should I pirate it now or pirate the enhanced edition?

Enhanced Edition WILL be better!

does kingmaker match deadfire for buildcrafting? i mean making a billion different builds and shit?
im not a big fan of the pathfinder aesthetic big heads and shit so i never tried it

Deadfire actually ran okay on my old machine, and Kingmaker actually doesn't run at a constant FPS even on my new beast of a machine.

Both games run like shit for the amount of actual graphics they have, and they're both astronomically CPU dependent anyway.

Risen 1 is best Risen 2 is shit Risen 3 is a bit better then 2 but nowhere close to 1. How could they fuck it up?

I do NOT know I do NOT play BUT Risen 3 DOES have best main character! He DOES stay with Patty! Give me Patty!

Yes. It's the best neo-crpg so far.

They both run significantly worse on a newer cpu due to how the unity engine handles threaded cpu's. If you artificially limit the games access to your threads (down to 4 or so) it can greatly improve performance. If you go into task manager and edit the pathfinder executibles cpu affinity to use only half of your new machines cores it should run much better, It's annoying that this is required however.

For reference my cpu has 16 threads and when I limit it to 4 I get 15 or 20 fps back.

Yes. There are viable 3-4 class builds to make

On my old machine I had a fx-8350 and the performance was shit no matter how i adjusted the settings or number of threads.
On my new machine it doesn't go below like 90fps, but that is with an i7 7700 and RTX 2080.
Maybe restricting threads could work there?

Man, i don't like saying this because I've worked in Unity but fuck Unity.

You can make a ton of different builds. Actually they kind if went all out in this to the point that it's intimidating to new players because of all the options. However there are a few early game things every character kind of needs, feat taxes like Power Attack.

What is slayer?

a band

A mix between ranger and rogue.

The game is easy enough as it is with bloated stats you fucking mongoloid. Why would you want it to be easier?

It was interesting but buggy as hell and the kingdom management was pure shit.
I hope they will make a sequel in the same game universe focusing on an adventuring party this time instead of kingdom sim.

Attached: pathf.jpg (283x119, 9K)

I want to like the twins but I just can't since they're way too much of a wish fulfillment for me. I kinda like Octavia more.

>making up shit after numerous posters call you out

Yeah, nah

Attached: 1455544627965.jpg (651x768, 72K)

No kidding. Crying about AC when your stats are in the 30s and your group is larger than the aventure path assumes. Of course it's higher.

>but it's not 100% true to pathfinder..

We dodged a bullet there.