Is it possible to buy this game without looking like a pervert?

Is it possible to buy this game without looking like a pervert?

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Its censored, whats the point?

>Buying SJW crap


not even worth pirating desu

It was censored do suit sjw's tastes. It's sjw crap now.

Imagine being this assblasted about one line being changed and Erica's name being changed in the credits.

make sure you cock is in your pants when you approach the store clerk.

No. Embrace it.
But the game is censored, so don't consider buying it in the first place.

Mcfucking kill yourself.

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>Better edit the dialogue so we don't offend trannies. We don't want people to be offended by our anime panty game

Good. I hope it bombs in the west.

someone explain

I'm probably going to regret asking this but what is censored? What's a 'deadname'?

you can always get the chink english version in playasia with no censorship

Nintendo hands typed this


Enjoy paying 40 dorrars extra for derivery and waiting 2 months

Does this even have gameplay?

the name that a tranny doesnt use anymore cause they unironically belive they actually changed

deadname is calling a transgendered individual by their previous name e.g. bob becomes mary but you call mary bob

why is it so offensive so as to need censoring though?
does a married woman get pissed if you acknowledge that she once had a maiden name?

example: Eric, Erica

That's how it starts user. That's ALWAYS HOW IT FUCKING STARTS. You give these fuckers a CENTIMETER and they take 2000 MILES. You'll look back at this post 5 years from now and wish you had listened.

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PC always wins bay bee!
It's a puzzle game where you climb a tower in your dreams by pushing blocks around.

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well, cause they are fucking crazy, trannies want to erase EVERYTHING about their past

It's literal relationship tester material.
Females love it.

There's nothing "pervy" about it. A typical GoT episode had way more explicit content.

[citation needed]

Getting outraged makes them do it even more. If you ignored this, they'll stop it.

Dialogues was changed to glorify mental illness.

>you give these fuckers a CENTIMETER and they take 2000 MILES
Nigga they’re the ones making the game to give it to you, if anything you’re taking 2000 centimeters of dick if you think shit like this actually matters in vidya

They only removed a line which was transphobic. Anti-SJWs are as bad as SJWs.

Tranny made sure no one will buy it. Import the JP version.

I really hope Full Body eventually gets a PC release too, someone patches the two lines back in and we can all forget any of this bullshit took place.

>implying atlus were the ones who demanded this censorship

That's still censorship by Atlus USA.
They censored the game, Atlus JP made it, Atlus USA changed it to pander to people.

Original treated the tranny in the game as a male. The SJW version in the west glorify and label the tranny as female since the trannies in the west sperged out. Now no one will buy it in the west. Not even the trannies, even though it was censored for them.

Nah, this is bullshit. They'll just keep doing it until they are stopped.

thats literally what he said, you mongoloid

damn that's a really good design for the text

and if they are stopped, they are going to push it even harder
there's no win anymore

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t. bob

This person was never going to purchase this game and doesn't care about anything besides controversy

>Customer demanding what was initially creators vision to be sold to them are just as shit as trannies not wanting to buy the game

It wasn't though, was it? A transphobic line would be "Hi Vincent I'm a fucking heshe now, time to dialate", the actual line (which people can barely even agree on the translation of) was absolutely nothing and the "deadname" argument is fucking ridiculous because it was used in the goddamn CREDITS. Y'know, the place where you reference the characters featured in the game, which Eric was one of? It was ResetEra losers swinging their big schlong around and getting shit changed purely because they can, and deep inside you know it.

The transphobic comments didn't contribute anything to the game. Your species tried to review-bomb Battletech because it OFFERED they/them as a pronoun. You started it..

They wouldn't have pushed Atlus USA so hard if you people hadn't cheered the deadnaming and called Atlus "based".

And as potential customers, not buying is the best course of action. If you really want to play it, pirate, if you want to support the devs, import JP version.

>Your species
Not him and not interested in a puzzle game like this, but review bombing is legit way to get customers heard. Trannies get free speech, and so should normal people, nerds or not.

Silence means "You are right!" They won't stop like this.

>creators vision
The developers had no idea what they were doing and were just clumsy. It's as embarrassing as the original design for Mr Popo and Jynx.

I've been following Full Body since the first snippets of info came out and this literally never happened. At all. Before news of censorship started spilling out out we were all shitting on the new Minion-like creatures and debating whether new Catherine was a trap or not. It was a simpler time.

girls play it too

just keep in mind that the 'people' who would make fun of you probably go out and take 50 cumloads on their faces every weekend or dip into 50 infested holes.

a videogame being a little lewd is literally nothing, it's only women getting mad that people like 2d instead of their disgusting selves.

>but review bombing is legit way to get customers heard
And if we legitimize review-bombing of games that offer "they/them", the anti-SJWs will move on to review-bombing games for offering the ability to make a non-White character. Give them an inch, they will try a mile.

no but they certainly pretend to be invested on twitter.

>it's only women getting mad that people like 2d instead of their disgusting selves.
This is like saying men lose out and get jealous because a couple of fat goth girls are more interested in playing bishi dating sims or fantasizing about Edward Cullen the sparkle-vampire. The average attractive, desirable woman doesn't even acknowledge the existence of the men turning to 2D.

>Yea Forums unironically supports tranny censorship now
What went wrong Yea Forumsros...

Dumb weeb

>was concerned about this very thing
>put on my flannel shirt, tucked it into my jeans, put on the biggest belt I could find
>walk into the gamestop
>"Welcome to G-"
>"HOWDY PARTNER" I shout in the most obnoxious southern accent I can muster
>second employee starts smiling, feel like my cover is immediately blown but I'm too deep now
>mosey my way on over to the PS4 games
>look absolutely and cartoonishly perplexed by the games, scratching my head, and saying hmMMMM repeatedly with increasing volume
>one of the employees bites and asks if theres "anything I can help you with?"
>"yeah, this'n right here" I grab Full Body "can you get with them girls on that there cover?"
>"uh, yeah, yo-"
>"now, Jesse, this question is important, so listen up: are them girls giants or regular people sized?"
>"I- sorry?"
>other employee is having a back-turned-to-this-shit full on laughing fit
>"These females, Jesse, on the cover, this cover right here, look massive. Look how small this man in they mammies look. Is that an accurate portrayal of how this game is supposing to pan out?"
>"Oh. No, they're regular, uh, average female size - I mean, height."
>"Alrighty then, now, Jesse, I know I already done mentioned that part being important, but this part even moreso."
>literally five seconds of silence
>"Is this one of them sad games if'n I don't pick the right path it's real depressing?"
>"Jesse, what I'm asking you is if this game could make a man's eyes water more than if he were slicing up some UN-YINS?"
>"I've never actually played it, sir."
>other employee: "I've seen some gameplay online, it can be a little sad at times."
>"Ah, hell. I don't think my boy can handle any more heartbreak. He just split with his chick a three years, not so sure a game like this would do his heart proper."
>"You can always return it."
>"You'd do right by me on that?"
>"Of course."
>"Alrighty then. You got yourself a deal."
>pay and leave the store with a big "YALL HAVE A GOODUN NOW!"

Resetera Trannies on the warpath again.

right, they just whinge about it constantly because they DONT care

Absolutely beautiful

If this game had anti-white male lines, you'd all want it to be censored. The only difference between sjws and antisjws is where they sit on the political scale.

I don't even give a fuck at this point, someone gonna go put back the original lines anyway once the game comes out so I'll just pirate it


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as a rural poster i just want you to know that you've reduced me to tears with your hurtful stereotypes and caused me to spit out all my chewing tobaccy on to my hay floor in the commotion

Why would they jump from metric to imperial? Goddamn lunatics.

>implying I'm not a sane person

I can simply ignore it, here your reply

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>if you had a different set of beliefs, you'd have different views

are centrists literally the smartest people on the planet?

imagine being this mad over how somebody else feels about a videogame

brother I am literally cleaning one of my many guns while sobbing. he got us good.

I can’t wait to post this on r/greentext

>play Catherine for the first time
>"oh fuck yeah, a game about anime tiddies"

>it's actually a rather nuanced game about the complexities of adult life and relationships

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The version that matters it not censored.

Woman love this game
Relationships are still important to a lot of people

>Literally nobody:

>If this game had anti-white male lines, you'd all want it to be censored.
I wouldn't, I wouldn't buy it but I'd accept that the game was made for a different audience and I'd be fine with that.

oh god my sides

its hurts

fuck up faggot

People are pretty pissed on twitter about it, It's not exclusive to Yea Forums.

You're the one complaining.

>Atlus: *makes tranny game*
>Atlus: *censors game*
>Atlus: *goes bankrupt because all of the niche audience hate them for different reasons*

>Scared about dead naming
Go fuck yourself
It’s not dead naming it’s called your government name

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Lol nobody cares a name got censored. Litterally NO-ONE.

There are more autistic grand strategy customers than passerby trannies and their orbiters. But the autists got censored.

>Is it possible to buy this game without looking like a pervert?
You can do lot's of things without looking like a pervert. Buying a game is one of them.

Now if you look like a pervert in general, lack self confidence or for example stutter when speaking... I have bad news for you.

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Fuck censorship, would never buy a censored game and support that crap.

>Your species
I don’t consider Trans faggots human.
I like more niggers than I do transgender

>tfw not an EOP

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>tfw going to pirate the fixed version of the game on my vita with japanese audio

Thanks for the free game atlus.

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>alienating your actual audience by censoring and caving to a bunch of people who were never your audience anyway
companies who do this are retarded and deserve to fail

That’s because they literally can’t separate fiction from reality

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You can call me by my govmint name but not in the streets


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Both sides of pro-censorship are faggots

Anyone who demanding change to pantsu JRPG or to the last of us 2 can literally fuck off, leave people art alone

We don’t have to worry about that because I still have my balls you fucking Eunuch

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>Anyone who demanding change to the last of us 2
Literally name 1 person who does this. We just don't want to touch your dyke kike garbage, but you can go and make it for you and the other mentally ill degenerates, I don't mind.

Have sex, OAG incel.

Anybody who would actually genuinely care about something like this, isn't actually worth thinking about.

Catherine is an even dumber situation than usual pantsu JRPGs as it's already an incredibly progressive game, especially by the standards of Japan, and they still found enough meaningless shit to complain about that it got censored.
Does the Vita version have the English script like the PS4 chink version apparently does?

Have children and morals, tranny.

Who cares?, buy/play whatever the fuck you want.

l was here five years ago and the only thing that's gotten worse is "censorship" fags

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Even though I don't agree with her ideals, I like the way she thinks. If more sjws acted like this then we'd probably have less censorship.

>um excuse me BRADLEY is my SLAVE NAME it's B-RAD aight?
t. literally trannies

congrats on behaving like jamie kennedy circa 2003

have sex

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Yes, just walk up and buy it.
Why are sonyfags so insecure

Deadname change is fine, that's the same kind of stuff like Nintendo removing the feather in Smash because it was INSENSITIVE to the injuns. I'm convinced anyone that cares is just some anti-SJW faggot who just loves to be angry.

But when they start changing shit like dialogue because "this fictional character said a bad thing!" that's a real fucking problem. Vincent and his friends weren't the best people around so them saying something transphobic or whatever actually makes sense. I don't understand why you should force any localization team to change things like that.

>Getting outraged makes them do it even more
Yeah that must be why Nintendo stopped Treehouse when they didn't hear all of those complaints.

>Deadname change is fine
Trannies are not allowed on Yea Forums.

>that's the same kind of stuff like Nintendo removing the feather in Smash because it was INSENSITIVE to the injuns
Not really, G&W's feather has been gone for years.


I'm literally on your side faggot, but you are far too blind due to rotting your brain on OAG and /pol/.

So I'll say it again, have sex incel.

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>Pretending the youtube outrage over the last of us 2 kiss scene doesn't exist

bro u just posted cringe

What the fuck is OAG? You retarded anime trannies come up with the dumbest non-words.

big oof! yikes! cringe!

I don't care, they could change the character's credit to "Sign up for a Premium Shemaletube account today!". It doesn't matter what the name is.

That's not the point. I meant it's something that japs don't understand is offensive so they change it, no harm done. I look at it as basically the same as fixing a typo.

>saying that lesbian kike dyke fart sniffeng scene is disgusting is the same as censoring whole dialog


Cry more /pol/

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>whole dialog
It's literally one line.

Dilate, resetera.

>muh pol boogeyman

>That's not the point. I meant it's something that japs don't understand is offensive so they change it, no harm done.
If you are playing a Japanese game then isn't it natural that it conforms to Japanese cultural norms and not western ones? Why do you have to change it according to western sensibilities? If I wanted to play western games I'd go play western games.

>saying that lesbian kike dyke fart sniffeng scene is disgusting is the same as censoring one line

>Actually associating me with retardera

Okay /pol/tard

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Have sex incel from /pol/

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Billy who runs online angry gamer actually bitches about shit like that and recent arthur episode, he literally a hypocrite despite being anti-censorship.

anyone who says have sex unironically is just projecting their own inceldom

normal people who actually have sexual relations regularly don't tell other people to have sex

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/pol/ s e e t h i n g

I love saying it now, It's fun pissing off SJW retards and /pol/fags.

Now go have sex user.

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This is the western localization, you're going to have to learn Japanese if you want to play your Japanese games untouched. Not just talking about Full Body either. Then again if adding a letter to the end of a character's name in the credits pisses you off this much you should have stopped playing localized games 30 years ago.

Oh BOY another thread where /pol/ bitches about a game they don't give a shit about now that it's been touched by those icky SJWs, I am shocked

>"DON'T BUY IT user"
Lmao go fuck yourselves, Catherine is my favorite puzzle game and I'm going to fuck Rin's boipussy.

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Source for any of these things


Cringe, but at least you aren't as cringe as /pol/fags.

That's the problem though. If I want to read a foreign novel I can buy a version that's just translated but otherwise changes nothing from the original. Same thing with foreign movies. There's no such thing as localization when talking about literature or cinema. So why do we have to put up with "localizations" instead of normal translations in video games and video games alone?

There is no asia/chinese English version
Why are you lying

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Recently finished this game. Anyone else found it retarded that they explain the meaning at the end like it wasn't painfully obvious

absolute cope

>pirate on the PS4

Xe does it for free.

>English script like the PS4 chink version apparently does?
The Asian version does not have a English translation

>There's no such thing as localization when talking about literature or cinema.
It's the opposite. Movies and books are regularly gutted, changed and censored to pieces depending on the region.
If you were from a country that had subtitled or dubbed content you would know just how retarded that shit can get.
By comparison video games have it pretty easy.

>One of the major criticisms those in the LGBT community had with the original was
>Said character regretting sleeping with Erica, almost as if he was 'tricked' and all of his friends making fun of him for doing so
you HAVE to fuck trannies otherwise you're a bigot

>buy it from PSN or amazon or something
Wow, that was hard.
Also nobody gives a shit about what you buy in general, OP.

The best part about what they edited out to please trannyera is called trans erasure by people on tmblr.

>just ignore them and they will ago away
Imagine being this naive

There wasn't any transphobic comment you retard, it was literally just a name listed in the credits.

kys kike tranny

>If you were from a country that had subtitled or dubbed content you would know just how retarded that shit can get.
I am, you retard. Movies aren't changed when they're translated.