Daily Reminder that morrowind is the weakest...

Daily Reminder that morrowind is the weakest, most irrelevant nation in TES as of 4E 201 and there's nothing the dungmer can do about it :D

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>this is coming from a braindead tree slave

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Reminder that Morrowind is the only province with a cool ass volcano

how'd that work out for the dumbner?


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is there artwork or pelinal & argonians being bros? I feel there should be artwork of pelinal & argonians being bros.

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good thing I just care about adventuring and hauling legendary artifacts back to my modded house. Couldn't give less of a fuck about Tamriel politics and nation state bullshit.

he cute

LARP funposting is half the appeal of TES though, it's one of the few franchises you can really do it with because of how much lore there is to the game world.

But yeah it's pretty gud if you just wanna go on an adventure and do your own thing as well.

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Yeah. That's why Argonia went in an annexed a bunch of your land and you Dunmer couldn't do anything about it.

> Hit by asteroid
> Volcano goes off
> Rekt by lizzardniggers
Completely correct, even less relevant then that one with Nords in the middle of a civil war.

you forgot the bit were they got fucked by nords as well, then ended up having to bend over and ask for refuge in skyrim, kek

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>when the lizard niggers couldn't even beat one House's militia

I think Pelinal would mostly ignore them. And that's the best possibility for them, seeing how he went postal on the khajit.

Everyone in Tamriel outside of these races gets gassed:
- Nords
- Bretons
- Imperials
- Redguards
- Orcs
And why do I say to gas the others?
- Altmer=retarded "we wuz kangz" who will do anything to dominate the other races
- Bosmer=Literal fucking cannibals and tree slaves
- Argonians=Serve sithis and they are ALSO slaves to a tree
- Dunmer=Worship Daedra
- Khajiit=Stinky fucking thieves AND furries

>Oblivion Crisis
>Meteor hits Vvardenfell
>Volcano goes off
>They're attacked by lizards and slaves
Pretty bad turn of events.
Orcs are worshiping a daedra too.

Yeah but orcs are bro-tier and have a semblence of honor (besides, can their deity really be called a true Daedra that's objectively evil like most others outside of Azura and such)

>Orcs worship a Daedra

Not just a Daedra, but the great Elf warrior Trinimac who was turned into Malacath after Boethia ate and then shitted him out and then transformed all his loyal followers into the Orc. There's a reason Orcs are also called Orismer since they are of elven heritage.

This wouldn't be happening if the Nerevarine didn't fuck off to an alternate dimension.

only races with a functioning tower may reply to this post

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While the Nords, Bretons, Imperials and Redguards cowered in their castles during the Oblivion Crisis, the motherfucking Argonians brought the fight to the daedra so hard the demons had to close the portals at Black Marsh. Argonians are awesome. Fuck you.


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Daily reminder that the trash lizardniggers couldn't take a nation weakened by a literal asteroid, a supervolcano, and the Oblivion crisis.

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>tfw we'll never be able to join House Dres in the games

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Thankfully Tamriel Rebuilt is the best TES game.

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But you can't join them, can you? You can work for them, but I'm pretty sure only native Dunmer are allowed to join House Dres in the lore

You can say the same about the Daedras worshiped by the Dunmer.

I'm sure the Nerevarine is Dunmer enough.

>- Orcs

>finally get to meet nerevarine
>she's an argonian

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Not a native Dunmer, though. The Nerevarine is an outlander, that's a part of the prophecy


Some Daedra are ok to worship.

All Daedra are OK for worship. There is objectively no good or bad in TES, just narrative.

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Worshiping Molag Bal or Mehrunes Dagon is pretty evil.


It really doesn't matter, in the end the world gets destroyed by Numidium and remade anyway

Been portrayed as both.

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From a human perspective but "Evil" is not an objective thing though.

If you really look into the lore, it's just as justifiable to portray the Aedra as cunts depending on how you perceive the creation of Mundus

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Yeah I just said evil because I couldn't find any better words. Also some Aedra are cunts and some others are fine. Same shit for Daedra.