Unironically liking xenoblade 2

First playthrough I thought it was a parody and basically took the joseph anderson outlook on it, last few have been unironically compelling and I have started liking the story? anyone else or am I a freak

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the story is decent, it's just the faggot main characters ruining it, fuck rex

>playing through XB2 more than once
Ugh, there is no way I can stomach that.

So yeah, you are a freak for doing so and must love the game to death

>joseph anderson
of course it'd be one of these faggots

Story is good but doesn't get real good until after the mecha parody chapter on Mor Ardain.

Really enjoyed the way the game showcased the villains in particular. Some of them could've used more time to flesh out but the main ones are really well done.

yeah I dont like him, just using his opinion on the game as a refrence

It's well-known that XC2 is pretty mediocre till about midway through, where it picks up and actually becomes good aside from maybe the very end. Basically the opposite of the first game. This is partially due to the antagonists being quite decent, as Rex and Pyra are just kinda bland.

I'm only a few hours in and can't work out if I'm playing the game wrong, or if I'm just under leveled.
Whether or not I die to a fight seems like luck, and I don't think I'm doing anything different when I clear it.

That you know an ecelebs opinion at all speaks for itself. You have to go back

I really liked the story but the post credit scene was fucking bullshit and completely invalidated any feelings I mustered. I wish I had turned off the game after the credits started rolling. God, what a bunch of fucking shit.

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fuck that end credits scene man, I like to think thats just there for the pussies who need a nice happy ending and the real ending was pre-credits.

>Unironically JRPG of Generation

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Have you tried to time you arts after every third weapon attack animation / chaining your arts to use them at the end of each animation? You build your team gauge faster this way that let's you go into blade combos I believe they're called. Been awhile since I've played.

cant chain arts until a mid game upgrade in the skill tree. can cancel individual ones from an auto attack tho.

Also I should note that once you get more blades you'll be able to time switching between them as well in-between attack animations to build the gauge even faster and get appropriate blade combo triggers that you're looking for.

The game speeds up quite abit once you acquire 3 blades for your player characters.

Ah that's true isnt it. I forgot. The game really does open up when you get Mythra though for sure.

>the post credit scene was fucking bullshit

The combat is pretty fucking wonky until you can pull off driver combos (break, topple, launch, smash) and enough party members with blades of different elements to reliably pull off blade combos (chaining together special attacks) and it seemed to me like a lot of the earlier fights were far more dicey than they should have been compared to later on when I had more tools. Until you get to that point just keep upgrading your shit and leveling up at the inn.

There is nothing wrong with Rex whatsoever

You can't just invent a situation for a heartfelt sacrifice at the very end of the game, then instantly undo the sacrifice. Its just fucking with the viewer's feelings.
Either keep them dead, have the party work together to find another way and save them, or - more simply - don't have the space station catastrophically fall apart and just end the danger with the final boss.

Really though, I feel like the end scene just served to separate Pyra/Mythra for waifufags.
And the dual personality thing of theirs was already silly enough, plot could have done just fine with only Pyra or only Mythra.

You say that but it makes more sense than if she were dead.

While I really liked it (and I dropped both Xenoblade X and Xenoblade midway through), I think Torna is way better.

>And the dual personality thing of theirs was already silly enough
Play Torna

I think it's a pretty shit jRPG that does nothing new or interesting, I wanted more time with the giant robots rather than /ss/ garbage
Vapid trash like this becoming the norm for jRPGs is a future I dread, not only is Rex the most generic shonen protagonist one could imagine but his entire character arc revolves around which of his two swords he wants to fuck more
People unironically enjoying this for anything other than the gorgeous visual design for the environments and the good music is truly appalling to me

>plot could have done just fine with only Pyra or only Mythra
With Mythra maybe, but I can't imagine the events of Torna working with Pyra. Torna was very adamant in showing how flawed Mythra was and that she was capable of growth, two things that don't really apply to Pyra.

>don't like the voice acting
>except for Nia who inexplicably gets me rock hard

The villains in Xenoblade 2 are all unironically some of the best in recent JRPG memory.

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>Its just fucking with the viewer's feelings.
That what it's supposed to do, just like a surprise death. Not all twists need to be negative.
This being said, I agree that there is too little time between death and resurrection.

>strong elements of romance
Are you telling me the high school shoujo tier fumbling around is supposed to be romantic?

>Shulk sets off on an adventure for revenge because he thinks Fiora is dead
>everything that happens when she's back and the end
>not a romance subplot
Whoever made this is a fucking retard.

>Xenogears and Xenosaga
>primarily aimed at female audience
Not sure I buy this. Guys do like a good romance too, they just aren't so vocal about it, and otherwise the Xenogears is full of cute anime girls. Also KOS-MOS is sexualized as hell.

>strong elements of romance

To be fair, it was Soraya Saga's writing who made Xenogears and Xenosaga so good, and she's absent from the writing team in any of the Xenoblades.

Also note that for whatever reason, both Xenogears and especially Xenosaga have an abnormally large female following both in Japan and even in the West compared to most other JRPGs of the same period.

Why do you think he set out in the first place you fucking moron? Then like I said everything after he finds her.

Get a job

Yeah I was mad based pnuema died too

takahashi and soraya unironically had women in mind when he wrote xenogears and xenosaga
the chard's disingenuous to say the games are aimed at women though

>*What Takahashi was implying is basically synonymous with "character study" earlier in the chart as he believes women are more interested in the characters personalities and "mental parts." We must also not forget the strong elements of romance in Xenogears and Xenosaga. With 'Blade being more of a shonen story (shonen = boy) there is less focus on characters personalities and their depth. Instead, as Takahashi assessed about the preference of male audience, there is rather a focus on characters external appearance

blade games are strictly shounen while gears and saga have elements intentionally written for women, and then shion's specifically meant to be relateable to female players

Not one Niyah pic in the thread I can jack off over. Sad


>uses this guy as a reference
LOL, how retarded are you?

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