I really, really, really like this vidya

I really, really, really like this vidya

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I haven't played xcom2 yet.
Is it worth to start with war of the chosen installed or not?


>giving all you Soldiers Replica Fear voice pack
>2spooky for ayys

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i'd never go back to pre-wotc, it adds too much, although it makes the game even less sci-fiy and more blizzardy if you understand what i mean

it's fun the way having an abusive spouse is fun

I liked EW better and the same goes for LW 1 over LW 2.

>game punishes you for playing too slow and defensively
>but also punishes you for rushing in and being aggressive
How am i supposed to play this, then?

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Without, and then with. With all those changes and new stuff, you are basically playing 2 games.
Hunter bro didn't deserve it.

fast and defensively obviously

Normal xcom does some things wrong. WotC fixes them but adds a few more shit to keep track of and worry about that could make the game too complicated for your first playthrough. Id say start vanilla and use WotC on second playthrough
Or just do whatever, im not the boss of you now.

Balance aggression with carefully calculated risks, duh. Or just abuse reapers and motion sensor grenades.

Did this add mechs? I was honest to god waiting to get this when they added those in as I enjoyed them way to much in the previous game.

One of the DLCs adds sparks I think

Play it my friend, it's all yours

>Looking at the wiki for it no sign of the mecha punch

Ah god damn it. Well it's as close as it's probably going to get so it will have to do.

push it to the limit
walk along the razors edge

pretty sure sparks have a melee skill

Looked it up and it seems that way. I feel like adding that to wiki would be important but I guess some people just don't appreciate mecha punches enough.


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Yeah too many time missions. They could easily cut them by 2/3.

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>Played through XCOM several times on pc, and even a few times on a fucking tablet.
>XCOM 2: haven't completed a single playthough
They fucked up.

if there were no timers you literally couldnt fucking lose. Just play super safe until you pass out. If anything there should be MORE timed missions.

>meant to move a character
>send them on a glorious jihad instead
and this is why I turn off iron man mode

Play each xcom separately. I played xcom 2 vanilla as my first xcom and loved it. Then tried WotC and it blew my mind, even though I'm kind of sad that what this user says does happen with WotC Then I decided to give the previous Xcom a try, and boy was I surprised. I thought it would feel like a slightly outdated-ish version of vanilla, but if anything, it feels like a new expansion. They're all different enough to feel like their own game, and to be enjoyed in any order I think.

Was actually talking to Guess I missclicked

>tfw I have 85 hours in the game and not a single completed campaign
It's my fourth time starting and this time I don't have anything else I really want to play, so maybe this is the one I'll finish

The one in the middle had the best music

Sparks can run half way across the map and power fist a nigga with the right upgrades

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>good OST is locked behind DLC

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I am on my second playthrough (vanilly, not WOTC) and almost beat it after 30 hours, I just have to kill the 3 avatars

are they gonna anonce 3 on e3? would be cool

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Go watch how Beaglerush plays the game, the dude is a master tactician

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The aggro or however you wanna call it system is fucked up. For a game where tactics supposedly matter you can't flank and encircle enemies without pulling every patrol in the map, which has instant line of sight and gets an extra turn even if you are behind cover and didn't shoot near them. You basically want as much fog of war on the map as possible because somehow you share it with your enemies. It's bullshit, and makes the best course of action going fullspeed ahead, maxing aim, blowing up cover with explosives and just shooting every turn. Which is boring and anti-strategy.

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they're going to announce the last DLC

timers are just a bandaid over the real problem, overwatch and pods

pods allow you to slowly grind through the maps as you just trigger pod by pod, and mass overwatch allows you to gain a overwhelming defensive advantage against pods wandering into your guys

So, is war of the chose worth the 20 bucks its on steam right now?
I played vanilla and kinda dropped it after a while because I kept falling behind the curve

I think it was about the time I learned about that some loading screens were artificial that I quit playing.

>So, is war of the chose worth the 20 bucks its on steam right now?
It easily adds over 20 hours worth of content, so yes.


Kill yourself

>game adds a lot of content so it's worth buying
Do you just auto-respond or was there a point you're trying to make?

Measuring the value of a game in hours is cringe-worthy.

In general yes, but this is specifically about "how much shit does the expansion add", to which a general hours estimate is a completely fine answer.

>chosen wrecking my shit left and right
>dont have enough resources to upgrade weapons and armor
>only one engineer showed up since the beginning of the game
>months ends
>that guy from "honest trailers" calls me medriocre
>the chosen get even more powerful

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number one rule of XCOM 2 is rush alloys and magnetic weapons as soon as possible.

Don't stand with the shield.
Don't jump with the sword.
Run with the shield and stomp them.

Attached: 1_DOD1x5f5yDa0UJhTulejkg.jpg (720x307, 46K)

>it makes the game even less sci-fiy and more blizzardy if you understand what i mean

Perfect. I've always struggled to put into words what's "off" about WOTC, but this is it. Blizzardy.

Attached: MEC punch Sectopod.webm (1920x1080, 2.56M)

Gitting gud has usually helped

xcom 2 will never be this cool

>this is specifically about "how much shit does the expansion add"
thats not what I asked but I think if the expansion were crap you would've said so. Might get it then

>but also punishes you for rushing in and being aggressive
Just learn to Alpha Strike.

It's no UFO Defense.

When is XCOM3?

>He didn't get it for free

Firaxis haven't released a full game in a good while, hopefully we'll have an e3 announcement.

base game is trash, play Xcom1 instead, 2 is too obnoxious

>announced at PC show on E3
>EGS exclusive

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Cool animation, a shame your MEC still gets exploded in the face by the Sectopod. Seriously, what was the point?

My first playthrough resulted in a fucking disaster because I kept delaying laser weapons.
Rushed them in second playthrough and that was obviously the right choice.

I just started Xcom 2 but I think I like the first nu-Xcom better. Xcom 2 just feels way too gimmicky, what with the Lost and Chosen showing up nearly every mission. They're kind of neat ideas, but they quickly just become annoying after dealing with them so much. I just wanted to play some Xcom, not deal with an invisible super ninja, yet AGAIN, and that for some reason is immune to overwatch, even though she's running in plain sight through my entire squad.

I also feel like Xcom 2 throws more bullshit at a first-time player than EU/EW did, by which I mean "things you didn't know about and had no reason to suspect might happen." Maybe I just forget what playing Xcom the first time was like, but I'm confident I didn't lose so many soldiers to unexpected new enemies, new enemy abilities, or just events triggering and turning my squads positioning from good to terrible.

>tfw all benis boint threads will be shitposted in

>implying there will be any threads
XCOM threads only go over 100 posts if someone bitches over RNG or if the usual autists bitch about it not being like the old games. PP won't get much attention here.

>war of the chosen

Can someone explain it to me, please? Because all I see is boring sewer levels, zombie hordes and kinda non-xcom looking villains and allies. How is that worth the price? It seems rather dull.
I'd rather replay the xcom1 expansion with all the Mechs and shit.

we've had plenty of threads since I played it last summer, and by then the game was like 2 years old

xcom2 difficulty is just way too artificial, enemies get a free action every time you encounter even if its on your turn, timers on everything, rng when researching gear.

it reachs a point where you just get tired of dealing with it, and on top of that the story is boring af, by the end youre not even immersed anymore.

git lucky

Seriously though, it's bad design philosophy at its core since by their very nature the timed missions ramp the RNG up to 11.

The main problem with this is that they still had to make the missions winnable reliably, so to counteract and balance all these retarded time limits, they've done things like make pods smaller or enemies weaker and less lethal than they otherwise should have been, which destroys the entire experience. Especially considering all the ridiculously OP and bullshit abilities both xcom and the aliens get, it turns into an turn-based ability spam simulator rather than a turn-based tactical game.

It's no coincidence that the missions people generally report enjoying the most are things with no time limits and higher enemy counts like the base assaults or the Shen DLC.

Really? Maybe I just wasn't around to see them then, I remember all the initial hype, and how much it died down as time went on. Now I only ever see it mentioned if it's to complain about the EGS

stop being bad, xcom 2 is too easy
>hurr free actions
it's just them throwing the AI a bone to compensate for slowly walking around in groups in the open field with a 20 meter sight radius and no radio, all they do is go from zero cover to cover.

WTOC-compatible Long War when?

No, I meant XCOM 2 and its threads. Hopefully PP will have a decent following (assuming the game is actually good), maybe it won't be as popular as XCOM 2 but it should be comparable just after release

>fanboy getting buthurt because his game is garbage

anyone can beat this game, doesnt change it being badly designed and boring.

That would make me download it without regrets.
Benis Boint seems already good.

>no steamwork shop
yeah nah

I fucking love the Commander guy, n-no homo

>enemies get a free action every time you encounter even if its on your turn,

Yes but to be fair it's not a free action, its a free yellow move. Also if they walk into and discover you on their turn, they don't get to shoot or attack, only that one yellow move. It's a reasonable compromise I think.

RNG when researching gear is pants on head retarded though, luckily there are mods to fix that

I still find it weird that I miss the shooting down UFOs part of Xcom 1
It was fuck all in terms of effort put in but damn was it immersive

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yes yes anyone can beat it which is why the first thing you did is complain about difficulty you little gay nigger baby

>b-but why do you want aliums xD human power!
Shut the FUCK up devs, I want traitor aliens who sympathize with the humans. Your shitty grapple hook guys sucks. Also why not human traitors or nihilists? Go full force with the craze and give us retard cultists who try to help the aliens.

>already seething

cope harder mongoloid

>artificial difficulty meme

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neck yourself subhuman failure who can't even beat a piss easy game like xcom 2

They'll be 98% epic store shitposts

There was a mod that lets you have aliens in your team for XCOM 2, I always had a snek in my party. Does it not work with WotC?

No. Creator abandoned it and never updated it for WOTC. I can't play Vanilla Xcom2 anymore though. WOTC just adds so much good shit and has all the good changes

Great fucking game but falls flat in the design department. With how fucking awesome the Vipers and nu-Sectopods look it's a shame that 97% of the enemies are just humanoids wearing icreasingly stupid gear.



>retard likes the mary sue ending

subhuman iq nigger

you are a pube slime born from a sphincter tumor and baptized in satans baby batter

if you like it so much why don't you marry it

>seethe so hard that is throwing christian insults

lol, american education system really showing up

stay mad kid

That's a nice Ironman run you have there, Commander. Be a shame if someone happened to it.

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concession accepted

I just play a pseudo iron man run. I save very sporatically and only revert if 100% absolute horseshit happens

>97% of the enemies are just humanoids wearing icreasingly stupid gear
>Viper King
>Berserker Queen
>Archon King

>Also if they walk into and discover you on their turn, they don't get to shoot or attack
They changed that in WOTC, now they (or just one of them if a pod discovers you) have a 50% chance to shoot the soldier that was discovered.

I think he means in the beginning. He's still retarded, but a bit less.

Also I love the Advent designs so he can fuck off completely anyways

12 to 15 man missions when

>DLC costs more than the base game

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Sneks only want to hug your soldiers, why would you deny them that pleasure?

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oh no, not you again

>All of that shit
>not humanoid

Literally just a hovering hoplite.

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Ah, your problem is that the aliens aren't all Cthulhu-tier masses of tentacles and nightmares.

EU/EW's aesthetic is superior to 2

i accept your concession

t. brainlet

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>ywn capture an Archon and make it your sex toy

EXALT did nothing wrong

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Yes. This is Xcom, not jagged alliance. You're supposed to fight beakbrains and lobsters, not a really really shiny guy.

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I kinda hate how I can't go back to EW now. Randomly generated maps have spoiled me.

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XCom 2 isn't Terror of the Deep.

I'd even take some Star Control at this point. There's no reason for all the ayys to be so human-like, especially after you find out that the only ones derived from humans are the chosen. Which is a dumb plot point too but whatever.

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Don't play xcom 2 without Wotc.

Didn't eggsalt basically turn into advent?

>no exalt faction that fights both the humans and the advent
A shame

>gets this upset over aliens having a humanoid form
You must be fun to watch sci-fi shows with.

I swear out of all the enemy mods the soldier ones are the most bullshit. Also how do I deal with fagchon blazing pinions? I have yellow alert plus force level pdo size increase and these faggots are my bane since mec are easy now.

Time for the real important question:
How do you color code your units?
>rangers = black
>grenadier = green
>specialist (medic) = white
>specialist (hacker) = blue
>sniper = grey

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Just so long as it's not another Frungy remake...

UFO defense is better

alot of them were, the scientist literally points this out to you

>There's no reason for all the ayys to be so human-like
There's no reason for them to not have humanoid like features either. This complaint sounds like it's entirely based on your personal preference for designs which is pretty irrelevant because just as you like some designs, people will like other designs.

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>That theme with that situation.
Ace X-combat when?

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Similar to you, but yellow rangers and black snipers.

I'm too lazy to colour every soldier, except to make sure everyone gets a full-faced helmet

Except the said that most of the aliens like sectoids and mutons had been spliced with human dna to enhance them.

post troopers
>My new partner, JC Denton. Don't tell me you're going to wear those sunglasses during a night operation.

Attached: Screenshot_265.png (522x950, 649K)

>My vision is augmented.

Attached: Screenshot_266.png (488x887, 566K)

Except psi-ops of course ?
Non-bald/helmeted psi operatives are heresy

WotC is great but starting with it might not be the best idea. It adds so much stuff and difficulty that you're probably going to be overwhelmed by it.

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Anyone else make every soldier into friends, family members or famous people?

Everyone gets a helmet


>that gap and hips

What gameplay mods do you guys usually run with? I like running with bigass squads so I use squad size upgrades/increased enemy pod sizes, and playable aliens.

Attached: computer games.jpg (547x713, 251K)

>Better to look good zan to haff disstarctions of anozer agent who needs backup.

Attached: Screenshot_267.png (490x855, 579K)

>Go around the galaxy liberating planets under the etheral's yolk
>Your starting units are 4 Sectoids

Attached: fDUs9x0.png (598x888, 443K)

All of my soldiers are other game characters, with a few real people.

Dump it, Commander.

Yeah, have my own whole character pool with like 40 people in it including some people from the first game

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>"But it will be!"


Attached: I don't even like videogames.png (790x889, 819K)

If you’ve played number 1 then yeah do it

i dont have enought friends for that

>the last three on the fucking list
>implying humanoid=human
>implying the advent troopers are completely human to begin with
i have to read this multiple times just to get at what the fuck are you saying

They're older pics and some of the mods they use have been updated, but I'll dump my usual squad members.

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I get it, you're upset because the twenty+ enemy units aren't all random abominations of twisted limbs and tentacles and random mouths and multiple eyes.

XCOM 2 is currently 75% off. Should I buy it now or wait for the Summer Sale, hoping that it will be at a bigger discount/bundled with some DLC?

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So are the Kings/Queens story mission tied? I got the bezerker to like two health and murdered the archon. But now neither the snek or wounded bezerker show up anymore, I did sort of ignore the story quests till I murdered the chosen. Did my first shadow chamber research after killing the last one.

Get the 100% off instead

I much preferred 1. 2 is definitely a big ambitious attempt to improve upon 1 and in some ways it does, but it also repeatedly creates new problems for itself in the process. I still found 2 to be enjoyable enough to finish once, but I wasn't hugely impressed by any of the WOTC stuff so my second playthrough petered out. I think that's a shame because I replayed 1 several times and really enjoyed myself with it. I would have liked if I could have had the same experience with 2.

However, epic sword dudes instead of assaults is Bad and I will stand by that.

I don't have any friends
I've beaten the game on legendary ironman btw

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I'm waiting because I want all the DLC and god knows I ain't paying for a full priced DLC that was free for everyone else

Also have Shiro from the latest Voltron series, sexy gay leader man. Unfortunately mods that let you have mechanical limbs on your soldiers don't work with XSoldier.

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They doing the Terror from the Deep game/expansion this year?

WOTC was never free.

mother fucker im not the same guy you are talking to im just autistic about your fucking logical mind also
>sectoid isnt on the other side cause by your logic its technically human cause it has human genes

>Highest difficulty 3rd retaliation
>Nothing but melee enemies
>5 Berserker queens running around completely unstoppable


Is any of the dlc worth buying?

He must mean TLP

Are these the bara cult dudes who inject silicon into their testicles and die from it?

Definitely wotc, maybe alien hunters

They're augmented with Berserker genes.

Attached: Poster_017.png (720x1080, 879K)

Legacy Pack was free for everyone during a small time period

I've got wotc, i see the reinforcement pack which has the rest of the dlc is 50% off, is it worth $15 dollarydoos?

Is it Anarchy's Children, Shen's Last Gift, and Alien Hunters all together? Then yes it's very worth 15 bucks. A lot more cosmetics, two special missions, a new soldier class, and special armors and weapons along with three boss-level enemies is great.

Shen's Last Gift and Alien Rulers, yeah
Anarchy's Children is literally just cosmetics so I wouldn't buy it. If you don't have it get the Tactical Legacy Pack instead, that has extra missions and a pretty gud alternate OST to use in the main game

Shen's last gift is one new unit (a kind of mech) and a scripted mission introducing it
Alien hunters is 3 new roaming bosses, new gear and a scripted mission introducing them
If you play these with wotc it's recommended that you play them in a "integrated dlc mode", which I think removes the scripted missions, or else the game becomes overwhelming. But you can activate the missions if you want
Tactical legacy pack adds some new music inspired by the old games (which is really good) and cosmetic gear from the old games, along with 3 more scripted campaigns. The campaigns are set inbetween the first game and the second, and basically cuts the strategic layer stuff out. At the end of each mission you will get to choose between two options of what upgrades to take for your team but that's it.

So yeah it depends on how much you liked the game. I'm a huge fan so I bought all of it, I'd say alien hunters is best if just want one

that would be based, but i don't think they're going to announce anything xcom-related this year

>If you play these with wotc it's recommended that you play them in a "integrated dlc mode", which I think removes the scripted missions, or else the game becomes overwhelming.
Integrated makes the Rulers appear in normal missions early on starting with the first Advent building mission you do. You want overwhelming, face the Viper King while you're barely a month into the game.

that's only for vanilla. wotc makes it so they spawn on advent facilities first.

>it turns into an turn-based ability spam simulator rather than a turn-based tactical game
You put it better than I could have done.

Post yfw magnetic weapons [Inspired]

XCOM 3: Enemy from the Deep. Every mission is on a timer because lmao oxygen.

No joy here.

Pulled the trigger, thanks.

Now this was a good cutscene and a mission

I kinda like the chosen. I try to keep them around as long as possible before they get ready to assault the avenger just to fight them some more. The game just feels emptier to me when you kill all 3 of them

Gears tactics will be a better xcom than xcom 3

The way it transitioned from the geoscape to the cutscene really took me by surprise the first time. Made it all the more fun

gears tactics will never be released

seriously they've had that game in the works for a long time

Wait for E3 bro, they'll show full gameplay

There's a mod for that. MOCX, it's pretty fun.

>play X-Piratez for the first time
>Hey what's this Tiny drill and hull for ?
>sell it out
> MUCH later on realised, that I can check research topics by clicking on the middle mouse button.
>tfw when I check codex requirement.

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Well golly it's like there's a middle ground.

I need to do a run where I kill all six and use all of their gear just to see how broken it is.

haven't played it since it came out
are all the expansions good? Should I play with all of em?

Development halted on LW2 for WOTC. Some others are picking up the pieces to finish it. Haven't really looked too far into it.

I evacuated the alien dude to safety but since I didnt skulljack an officer. something that is optional, it said mission failed anyways. That's really fucking retarded. Does that mean I will fail every mission until I successfully skulljack?

What are some must have mods?

Prove it

I know everyone hates streamers, but this guy is good at Xcom 2 so I usually just pick and choose whatever sounds good steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1464860983

I only use a few quality-of-life mods: Gotcha again, Evac all, and Show health values.

Xcom 3 when? Any rumors?

Gotcha again is mandatory.

it's possible there won't be any xcom 3 for a while since firaxis wants to double its game franchises over the next five years and is currently working on at least 1 secret project

I don't like the artstyle for the games. The faces look fucking like sissy kiddie trash like I'm playing SWTOR or something.

what's gotcha again?

It crashes my game sometimes but after installing Idle Suppression I can't go back

Pls no

Massively improves the line of site indicator. Probably the biggest quality of life mod.

Do base game first, WOTC adds some new campaign mechanics that might be a bit overwhelming and could murder your whole campaign if you get mildly unlucky as you're not familiar with the base mechanics of the game. WOTC is great however, amazing expansion.

Q3 2020

unless you're braindead like some anons might fear I suggest playing with the expansion from the get go and not pointlessly play an inferior version with less content.

No, that should never happen
Are you sure you did the objective?

Cheap on steam, worth it if I enjoy similar games? Fire emblem, final fantasy tactics, divinity original sin 2.. ect ect

Start with WoTC, there's no reason to play the downgraded version.

Maybe an announcement this e3 :3

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I can't wait for XCOM 3: Apocalypse from the Deep

I remember playing the first xcom (recent ones) and feeling super stressed trying to save the countries and knowing there is a limited amount of turns you have for the entire game. I think this is the reason i never continued it.

Is xcom 2 or the war of chosen like this? I just want to enjoy the gameplay and campaign without stressing about a limited number of turns and campaign time.

Except for bringing back old turn based strategy games, do they even have other games? Inb4 Jagged Alliance remake now

Photobooth is literally the best feature they've ever added

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That stress is one of the most important part of all XCOM games. It also exist in 2 but not really an issue in normal difficulty

i'm pretty sure they're holding onto the rights of sid meier's pirates. so we might be in for something completely different.

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Feels like it's still incomplete though

There can always be more backgrounds and poses. The level of customization that already exists I wouldn't exactly call "incomplete" though.

To be fair, the whole point is that the AYY in 2 are deliberately keeping the fact they are monstrous under wraps, i do think they could thrown in some more monstrous designs for the blacksites and high security areas though so progression went something like:

ADVENT>PR-Approved Pretty Ayys>OG monstrous Ayys.

I think some did and some didn't, it is easy to forget, but EXALT wasn't on THAT good terms with the Ayys and they fought constantly right from the EXALT introduction mission in EW.

There are also other more minor ones that use EVIL KNOCK OFFS of the WOTC hero factions, it can get pretty funny when everyone tries to murder eachother with various gimmicks.

>3 years later
>Yea Forums is still butthurt they cant overwatch crawl through 2

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My nigga

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There's one doom ticker that ends the game when it finishes
It basically goes up over time and you reduce it by performing certain actions on the strategic layer. It's not too hard to keep it low if you focus on it (assuming your team is good enough to actually finish missions)
There's also an option in new game to double its size so you can worry about it less

Were Exalt really the guys from that Bureau game? I played that for a few hours but not finished it I think

My problem with the game is even with 200+ mods the early game is always the most fun and if you play your cards right and or get lucky you'll just end up steamrolling the aliens in engagements based on deleting pods before they can move, which is where I am currently in my legendary campaign and I'm quickly losing interest especially when it takes 20 minutes to load. There's barely any room for maneuverability either as you can never risk activating more pods, so the crux of the difficulty of nu-com seems to come from how well you can manage the shitty pod mechanic, rather than legitimate tactical smarts, though that's a bit reductionist and I still enjoy the games a lot.

I could probably do with upping enemy squad sizes for more of a challenge, but as much as I appreciate how well you can fine-tune your game with all the very nice mods people have made, it makes me wish long war of the chosen existed so I could have a vaguely balanced concise overhaul instead of trying to make some hodgepodge lite version.

LW1 is still the best nu-com experience imo.

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Any good mods to add more maps? All the ones I look at seem to be buggy and fuck up certain mission types on occasion. Maybe that's just the people who use steam workshop being retarded, but I dont want to fuck up my campaign.

Even more aggressively.

Why was LW2 so shit? Why isn't there a proper overhaul for WotC?

Does the game still take up like 60+ gigabytes because it literally installs itself twice?

>when it takes 20 minutes to load
Get a fucking SSD

left incomplete because they wanted to go and make their own game which will probably never come out/might already be dead

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Save scumming

yes, made installing wotc an absolute pain in the ass on my slow internet and clogged up hdd


That guy is a fucking faggot whose channel is steadily dying. Should have finished the funking ironman series instead of trying to appeal to zoomers with streaming.
Good riddance desu.

Nice. Do you have the mod for the Commander and YoRHa troops and navigators?

>savescum until I get hack/recover item guerilla missions with the +20 to hack stat reward
>my Specialist 9S has over 200 HACK and can 100% succeed at hacking everything

I had the same problem with you. Like 600 mods most of them being non gameplay or vanilla altering it was tough at the start even with 30+ enemies and yellow alert. Then the moment I hit mag/coil it became a breeze now suddenly after beam anything not my 8 man A team is getting their pussy crammed full of alien cock. That and some of the enemy mods had some retarded spawn weights/force levels where there was nothing between 15-19 then suddenly 20 they show up.

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>have the mod where all the ADVENT Troopers are female and nearly completely nude
If only someone would mod sex animations into the game.

Jane Kelly is my waifu

>have the mod where all the ADVENT Troopers are female and nearly completely nude
Tell me of this mod right now.

just be loose and tight at the same time

No commander but have the heavy troops and operators.

Once you kill all of them, it just isn't WOTC. Might as well be vanilla.

For this reason I always leave 1 alive. Last run it was Warlock, this run it's Assassin.

This. Do your Kegel exercises.

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Also adds female Archons.

base attacks though

they may not be as fun as Avenger Defense missions but sending 10 units to battle is kind of fun

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It really is a piece of shit.

Didn't know this could happen

How is it "less sci-fi and more Blizzard" solely because of the Chosen?

Is she smiling because she knows how ineffectual hold a fucking chosen hostage with a mere pistol is?

It's a piece of shit, I couldn't give less of a fuck about these snowflake OP characters, I've never played with it, I don't even like the concept.

Can yuo explain who you shit yourself into a rage over something other TBS games have done?

>snowflake OP characters
Congratulations, you just described ALL named video game characters to exist. Was there any point to this random word vomit?

At leas the common enemies aren't cringe compared to the ch*sen. Stop acting dumb.

Well I like them and I hope the next XCOM also has more character to it nigger

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>That guy is a fucking faggot whose channel is steadily dying.
What did he do exactly?

i like it too.

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But you just also proved yourself as a nigger animeposter, making your point moot and mine valid.

I have base game and it's good. Why is War of the Chosen necessary? it seems a bit expensive.

He was doing an ironman XCOM EW series that was fairly good and even had some nice production value details but he dropped it because he was clearly getting burned out on being surrounded with XCOM and having all of his community interactions be "WHERE'S XCOM?!!?". He then streamed other games and this made all the xcom babies mad. His latest XCOM 2 series gets consistent views on twitch and youtube though so I would say his channel is dying, Beagle always had a small but tight nit fan base

Ah, you're the faggot who plagued the Xcom general ever since WOTC was even announced.

How? Mods?

It pretty much triples the mission variety and adds a ton of new shit. If anything it adds too much

A lot more content plus the optimizations and bug fixes XCom 2 so desperately needed.

It's overwhelming at first but the only way I really fixed the difficulty curve was when I used one of the "all pods active" mods. It makes things a lot scarier and more dangerous but at least you can maneuver freely without worrying about activations. And since the high level aliens actually get chances to attack you, the end game is still dangerous as fuck. Andromedons hit really hard.

There was also a mod that just makes aliens activate out of yellow alert (like when they hear gunshots, see bodies, etc.) but you still have some activation risks with that

Is it really worth almost a full price game though?

It adds quite a fair bit of content and makes the campaign a lot more fun, it's a proper expansion only ever get it on sale because they tied down the optimization updates to the expansion like the jews they are

>snore of the chosen

>cant change back to pre-wotc squad loadout
what do you mean

I wish there was a “slow/longer chosen progression” mod to help keep them around longer without triggering the defense mission over and over again. Could add more traits/levels to make them more interesting overtime too. I can’t seem to find anything like it on the workshop

Snore of the boren by joke solomon lmao

>whore of the frozen

I really liked xcom 2 but havent tried war of the chosen, seems overpriced for what you get but mq

Yes, for the optimization and bug fixes alone. Game no longer takes forever to load anything, fps is far more consistent and smooth, very few bug and glitches.

I have both base nu-com but none of the expansions. Which one is better?

I just kill all but 1 so that I only have to deal with a defense mission every so often.

I have.
You become a god, and every mission from that point on is a joke. Kinda funny tbqh

In ufo defense and X-PIRATEZ

>not keeping all 3 alive for Waterworld

1's a better base game
Wait for steam sales before getting expansions

I'd recommend that you play 1 first
After 2 I can't go back to 1 because it just feels way smoother to play and there's tons of QoL mods

>PEGI 16

>PEGI 18

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The Skirmishers have a Resistance Order that reduces the amount of info they gain by 33%. Granted it's a bit random to get but it's extremely helpful at keeping them from assaulting the Avenger more often than barely.

>enemies get a free action every time you encounter even if its on your turn
Wasn't that a thing in the first nu-XCOM? I remember it being an even bigger complaint because there was no concealment then either

Thansk user. It's 50% off (still fucking expensive) but I went and grabbed it. It wants to download 30 fucking gigabytes so I won't be playing any timne soon.

He might mean the anti beaglerush maneuver thing

It's worth it. If you don't have Shen's Gift or Alien Rulers I'd recommend grabbing them too.

They found the humans. Now they must protect the humans from the ayy menace.

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What the FUCK did you do to 9s

Yeah I'm on the fence of increasing aba soldier stats to be in more line with lw2 since I'm using the lw2 weapon progression. AT least it allows me 8-10 soldiers depending on who I bring.

His previous body wasn't up to snuff, so he got upgraded.

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He made him better. Stronger. Sexier

Realized that I fucked up, meant to ask which of the expansions were better. I have of course played through each base game.

Wotc is definitely better, EW is sparse in comparison. Obviously EW is way cheaper though

war of the chosen's probably better overall since it adds a lot more variety
enemy within doesn't change things up as much but MECs are super fun

He got his hand on some of those ADVENT burgers

I find it hilarious how XCOM got mods for the faggots too. I fucking love modding.

Sauce for the goose, sauce for the gander.

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Reminder that every soldier should be using the EDF voice pack

Markiplier no

>CTRL+F Phoenix Point

Is anyone interested in it or has Epics involvement killed all discussion about it?

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They did lose control over the situation

I bought XCOM 1 and never played through it after being introduced the dozens of features in the main HUB
Should I go back to it?


I honestly thought it had been cancelled or something, I haven't seen or heard anything about it for a while.

No, that's the warcraft 3 expansion

The only time it was mentioned was to say that it won't have good threads because of epic store
Personally the exclusivity didn't lessen my interest in it, but I'm not expecting to like it as much as the new games because I don't really like the old ones

>Riker, Troi, Worf, Tasha Yar, and Q are all major characters in WOTC
I do love how the Star Trek TNG cast still enjoy working together doing VA stuff.

I agree. Plus of just random bullshit the game has sometimes. No I do not mean bs RNG, I mean literal bullshit. Like this one time I fucking missed using fuse, which is supposed to be a guaranteed hit. How the fuck do you even miss en exploding grande in the belt of your fucking enemy?

>sniper: black
>ranger: red
>grenadier (explosive heavy): green
>grenadier (gunner): blue
>medic: white
>hacker: yellow

No, that's The Hozen Bone.

I play on ironman but alt f4 a couple times each campaign lol

Accidently Killed my friend in hardcore Path Exile while he was AFK at Dorhedre's Cesspool. Wanted to surprise him with a quick and easy boss kill while he webt out to get some beer. I start fight and as soon as she spawn's she tp's right on top killing him.

Out of Guilt I end up buying him the complete edition of XCOM 2. I like to think that he's engrossed in that game and that's why he won't talk to me any more.

I am good boy right Yea Forums? I just i want my friend back. ;_;

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I color-code by character, which gets irritating when most game characters wear the same or similar colors.

You should give him a brojob as a peace offering

do you mean alien hunters? would it be better to just buy the 3 pack with anarchys children?

>Makes a really great xcom ironman series
>Season ends with a lose which is expected because lol ironman. So far so good.
>Starts next season
>Next season lasts for 9 episodes and just stops because ????
>Starts next season
>Season 3 lasts for 4(lol) episodes then stops abruptly again
>No updates on the channel nothing at all
>Then starts doing unedited livestream shit
>Complete garbage that is not even compatible with earlier work
>Starts streaming with a webcam
>Looks like a balding soiboi (which was honestly expected at this point)
>OG fans have unsubbed long ago
>New zoomer pandering shit is barely making 5k views a video
Honestly he's even more pathetic than DSP.

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If I'd buy the XCOM 2 Collection bundle should I install everything aside from War of the Chosen and install that DLC only after I finish the game?

You're jealous that he has a girlfriend while you are a pathetic KHHV incel

Depends if you think you'll be overwhelmed by tons of features
Ideally you'll want to play with wotc first

I really love all the additions from a gameplay aspect but I hate that they made the chosen into characters you have dialog with. Shoulda just given them an alien language.

Say what now?

I haven't played WotC since launch, and I've got the itch.

redpill me on mods.
> Essential gameplay mods
> Extra enemy content / rebalancing mods
> high quality LORE-APPROPRIATE armor and aesthetic mods.

>Whiteknighting some irrelevant Youtuber
Fucking lol

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Reminds me of my friend playing through XCOM 2. He made a character after me and i'd watch him playthrough it on steam. One day I see he gifted me the bundle with all the original games and the message was him sying my character had gotten killed. I still haven't played them

>punch a dude so hard his gun shatters into a million pieces
>not to mention the other stuff that's near the wall, or the wall itself

i playing xcom vanilla right now and i have no idea what i doing
>1° campaing i didn't build the lab first but focus in contacting people and guerrila tactic
>got out tech by the 2 week
>2° campaing i go full on science and base building because the odjectives need 2 (min conector and one i have no idea)
>1° mount and project gameover is just 2 block of completion and i barely just contact one of the 2 black building
>i spend too much intel in supplies and science
>also sold corpses so i can't unlock mid tier armor

what do i do in the early game lads?

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> Essential gameplay mods
Obligatory QoL collection, I've subbed to like 80% of these

> Extra enemy content / rebalancing mods
What specific thing are you looking for with re balance, if any? Generally speaking the only one I can think of off the top of my head is this psionic re balance mod that I've used. it's simple but it basically restricts psionic soldiers from learning high level psi skills until they actually go into the field and get kills while keeping it close to vanilla mechanics, so you can't leave psionic soldiers in the lab and have them become elder gods after some time. It also has some nerfs like making the gatekeeper immune to domination but you can configure those:

Can't recommend many enemy mods since I haven't used too many myself

> high quality LORE-APPROPRIATE armor and aesthetic mods.
CapnBubs collection is pretty nice, but there's like shitloads of armor mods on the workshop you can find too. Basically just search the steam workshop by most popular/all time collections and you're guaranteed to find a lot of armor packs and stuff

You guys think the bundle price for XCOM 2 might drop a bit more during the Summer Sale or should I bite the bullet right now?

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>what do i do in the early game lads?
The first building should be GTS so you can get the squad size upgrade asap. Then get resistance ring, and try and do the missions with promotions so you can rush one soldier to captain. When you get a captain you can get a squad size of six. Early game 2 grenadiers are pretty good, use them to destroy cover. Go for mag weapons first. Prioritise engineers then scientists. I don't think you ever need to build workshops or laboratories. Look up the corpse requirements for research and equipment and sell the excess.

Can't blame you.

wotc makes the game not run like dogshit
Most certainly worth it

I don't think it'll go any lower but the summer sale might bring some perks like 5 dollars off for 50 dollars or more in purchases, so I'd wait if I were you.In the mean time play KAO 2 which is free on steam right now.

> What specific thing are you looking for with re balance, if any?

Just the usual "Late game is a trivial cakewalk because your pussy slayer squad is GOTYAY"

Pretty much sums it up for me. I wanted to like Xcom2 far more than I actually ended up liking it. It definitely has more gimmicky bullshit than the first game and, as a result, it feels a lot more luck-based than a "tactical" turn-based game should be. In a game where the consequences for losing/gravely injuring a soldier are so severe, it's brutal that so much is left up to luck, especially for a first time player.

I still beat it (vanilla), and I would like to go back through a second run with WotC since I hear such great things about it. I would like to think that the DLC fixes some of these issues, but I don't see how it could since some problems seem ingrained in the game itself.