Finish this sentence.
I would kill to play _____ for the first time again.
Finish this sentence
Julian Gomez
Nathaniel Barnes
ME trilogy
Dragon's Dogma
Easton Thomas
My dick
Gabriel James
Leo Richardson
Ace Combat Zero
Skies of Arcadia
Mirror’s Edge
John Ramirez
Asher Miller
with my dick
Benjamin Ross
Nothing. I'd have to get all significant memory of the game erased, meaning my first playthrough would just shift forward, robbing me of any sense of nostalgia I may have towards it now. And I'd have to rediscover the appreciation I've accumulated by other means than just playing it.
I'll just keep working on my backlog instead and hoping something else can give me a similar feeling. You never know.
Thomas Sanders
Sonic Adventure 2
Jonathan Gonzalez
It’s already finished. Can you imagine the feeling you had when first playing a video game, but as an adult?