Why don't you like video game remakes?

Why don't you like video game remakes?

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soul vs soulless

old school generic anime shit vs modern generic anime shit

Because its literally
and they end up sucking all the soul out of it. This is because remakes come from a place of obligation and not respect for the source material

>generic 90s style GOOD
>generic 2010s style BAD

If they gameplay is the same, why would I want the same content over again?

If the gameplay is different, it isn't the game I liked.

the old school stuff was done by a more talented artist though

Name 5 remakes that do this

>ignoring the obvious uguu in the old art style
Just look at older Kaori, Kanna and to some extend Mio.

If he's so talented then why does Kaori look like a bug person in her normal standing sprite?

Mitsuki and Kaori unironically look better in the remake. Everyone else looks worse.

Ayumi looks great on both. She would have been the best girl if she wasn't a dumb slut.

>of course I'm going to trust my smooth talking co-worker over my own son, why would I trust the person who cares about me the most over some guy who works with me?
>wait I was wrong all along, instead of apologizing I should just kill myself to cause my son even more grief
Is Ayumi, dare I say it, best girl?

She is a dumb girl.

Watch it kiddo, this lady managed to completely take over an ancient civilization completely by herself as a random outsider. Does that sound like something a "dumb" "girl" would be able to accomplish?

Right, that did happen. Though it was the first Ayumi we saw, not the same one on her route. Also it always weirded me out how business like she was on the other world. Like bitch, you get isekai'd to some desert planet and finally get to see your step son. She felt too cold when MC and her reunited. Though I guess MC was also pretty cold. I don't remember it in full detail.

Remakes are the definition of soulless. They're only making a remake purely for profit to ride off the recognition of the original while doing insanely minimal work.
The Baldurs Gate remakes are two.

They should've made it like the Monkey island remakes, where you can change between the old and the new style with a simple button press.

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>play game
>now play it again but with worse performance and a homogenized artstyle
Why not just make a new game?

>Though it was the first Ayumi we saw, not the same one on her route.
Same shit. That was just the game making a big deal out of the whole timeline hopping since it was a pretty novel idea at the time. The whole thing about people being different just means that when you jewel-load your way to a different branch the people there only have the experiences from that branch, not that they're different people with different personalities or abilities. The "first" Ayumi is exactly the same Ayumi as the one from the normal routes, the only difference is that she didn't go to Sword Cape and wasn't threatened by Ryuuzouji.

The original PC-98 one was a preorder bonus on PS consoles I believe. It has no voice acting but the older game is fully on there. Not the same thing but better than nothing for Japs I guess.

Hey guys, remember how we just spent 5 routes setting up a bunch of different mysteries with Ryuuzouji being at the root of all of them? He's the one who hired Kaori to get the Hypersense Stone and Ayumi's research, he's the one who got Mio's dad to allow Geo Technics to excavate the stones on the beach, he's the one who hired the detective to get Kanna to reveal the whereabouts of Takuya's dad, he's the one behind the curse, etc.

Wouldn't it be really, REALLY funny if in the true route it was revealed that he's just some dude who's completely unrelated to the actual main mystery and he just wants the shiny stones for "energy" or whatever? Haha I bet that would be an absolute riot!

i dont know who the characters are, but i assume thats the chick with her arms crossed. yea she looks p weird lol. but look at the pose in the remake lmao. imagine holding your arms like that for a full conversation.

overall, the original is still more talented. for the remake, if you play it safe, you cant go wrong or make mistakes. however, theres nothing special either. they look so on-model its like they were traced on 3D model reference.

you can also tell the old artist was a lot more confident in his technique. for example, look at the detailed way the cloth folds and wraps in the original vs. the generic dapples of clothing wrinkles in the remake. also note the much more detailed shading that reveals the original artists strong understanding of 3D forms and planes of the body. other details are is the use of mixed colors in the shading of the originals, vs the safe but very bland darker hue monotone shadows and lack of any highlights & the completely generic facial feature / head proportions in the remake. it even creeps into the unique heads; compare the cranial profiles of the suit gentleman.

I like the good remakes. I hate the bad ones. It's that simple.

Good remakes are usually ones that change nothing in the game except the purely technical aspects (support for better resolutions, shaders etc) and MAYBE the most egregious design errors such as lack of checkpoints and such. Bad remakes alter the game and make it fundamentally different, usually worse.