Pirate game

>pirate game
>needs admin privileges to run

Attached: 1_1.png (292x307, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>pirate game
>good electro starts playing

Attached: 1507237143367.jpg (721x960, 73K)

tfw no brynn gf

Attached: 1538566031774.png (348x529, 62K)

>run with admin privileges
>see this

Attached: 1546024774956.png (600x453, 229K)

>pirating games when Steam exists
You deserve the virus and rootkit attached to it. Just be glad crackers like fitgirl are open about it.

How many of you would fuck that girl if there were no consequences?

has this actually happened to anyone?

What are the "free events" if you can't pay them?

>wanting to fuck 3d women
Yikes. Cringe and bluepilled.


Quite a lot of people, actually. I've seen it at work.


>pirate game
>oh wait I can't because scenefags still can't consistently crack Denuvo

The guys are actually pretty chill. I heard someone from a very poor country contacted them begging them to help because 300 bux was equivalent to 6 months of salary in their country. The devs apologized and gave them their decryption key for FREE. Imagine how nice they are.

Who pirates on their workstation? I have 0 important files on my gaming PC, and my user folder is synced to the cloud. If these things happen I would be more than happy to format my PC.

>revert windows to an earlier state through backups
>problem solved

>The guys are actually pretty chill.
Fuck off North Korea

Yes but not from piracy.
People who fall for ransomware are so technologically illiterate that they wouldn't even know how to pirate a game.

Depends, would she be into it?

yeah fuck of normalfag

>Pirated forza 3
>found crack on YT
>run admin
>rr PC
>Some notepad on dekstop everything deleted
>every file got decrypted with GJB (pic related)
>even my favorite porn
>fuck it
>disable iternet
>run AVGN, spyware software, ccleaner
>spyware gone same with some anti viruses
>everything gone
>fuck youtube niggers
>if i ever met one il ass fuck him to death
pic related.

Attached: asdasd.png (614x450, 42K)

>run AVGN
Hes the angry video game nerd

>Wanna play Yu-Gi-Oh online
>Find YGOPro
>Decide am gonna use it for my phone
>It's made by some chink
>It also needs access to my contacts and media files
I just wanna fucking DUEL!!!!

Attached: 1558311361248.gif (614x426, 3.32M)

post youtube link of video

>pirate game
>runs bitcoin miner in the background

i forgot what game but cpu spiking to 100% randomly got me spooked

Yeah the only real YGOPro mobile stopped being updated unless you use this sketchy Spic one, Link era stuff "needed too much of the dev team's focus".

>he doesn't have a completely separate PC for gaming on a different VLAN

if you've ever installed a Fitgirl release from the past few years, you've mined crypto

Why the fuck do you follow YouTube videos to pirate games?


uh so that's why he has a page on his site made to mine for him I see

the only games i pirate are the ones that are so big in filesize it's just too much effort for spmeone to put malware into

I don't think it works that way

Just use private trackers

No shit retard, how else do you bypass anti piracy measures running in memory?

Dumb zoomer

>pirate game
>go to hell

Attached: the 8th commandment.png (720x720, 752K)

>Registration closed
>must provide at least 5 years worth of at least 20.00 ratios to be considered eligible for an interview and penis inspection
>we require that you participate in our discord community for at least 1 year in order to prove your worth to this community before you become eligible to register an account

>pays 50 bucks + tip to not run games as administrator

Attached: 1554125401186.png (550x563, 151K)

>supposedly 'divine' commandments
>just reads like a laundry list of the personal annoyances and autism triggers of ancient priests and kings
All religious texts have this common flaw, every single supposedly divine law or commandment is just some incredibly flawed individual's personal dislikes codified into 'law'.

Well Jesus took bread and fish and made free copies for everybody so I don't think pirating is as bad as everyone thinks it is.

>steal bread and fish over and over again until you have 10 times more than you brought
>be hailed as the most moral person after Buddha
Moral of the story: seed

Attached: 1503175528716507505.png (178x180, 56K)

Jesus literally pirated bread and fish. And he isn't in hell.

It's literally not stealing.

>Say "lmao sorry god" before death
>Go to heaven
Satan btfo again.

post ratios

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you have to be sorry and mean it.
And as the good book says "faith without works is dead"

>Pirate game
>Get to sail the seven seas with a most loyal crew as we chant sea shanties to the sound of waves crashing against the bow of our ship

Attached: 241210-conker.jpg (425x292, 26K)

Force tears and psych self up, like all good christians when they need to appear saintly.

>Against Video Game Piracy
>Pirate Porn, Anime, Music and Movies/TV.

Who else is a /based hypocrite/ here?

>sub 10 ratio
public tracker leechscum

>hating on best Korea
Get nuked.

Attached: best Korea.jpg (480x353, 56K)

That's retarded, you should pirate everything.

No you don't, you simply need to confess, expressing guilt or remorse has never mattered.

Only AAA games from the big devs.
Pirating indie games is just being a dick to the small team of devs.

>Run safemode from my admin account
>Purge the account and remove all traces from the registry
>Install old files from backup on new account
>problem solved

Never happened to me, but it did to a friend at work probably lookking for cheese pizza.

Don't watch anime
I usually download PC game, see if it's good. If it's bad I delete it; if it's good I buy it on Steam.
Other than that, I have PS3 and X360 (it's been a while since I used them) and Switch, and I buy games for all 3 consoles. So yeah, I guess I am like you.

I'm not. I buy everything legally available to me.

I pirate indie games all the time, since nowadays you can't trust anybody.
I buy their games if I find myself enjoying them

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>Cryptolocker had a link that the victim could use to infect other people. If the victim successfully infected 2 people, and they paid the ransom, the victim would get a free unlock. I dont know if there is something similar in wannacry
how generous


Holy shit that's fucking amazing

>don't pirate game
>shit's not worth playing for free
problem solved

It happened to me but that was like a decade ago when you actually had to use an anti-virus because windows didn't catch jackshit, also I was a teen and recklessly downloading everything.
I just simply reinstalled my OS since I had no important shit so meh, wasted 30 minutes of my life.

Sup, Agent Clark

>doesnt watch anime
>posts on anime website

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>having system restore enabled
That shit is broken as fuck, rather fresh install windows

It's even worse than that, user.
>doesn't watch anime
>loves Tales of series

>pirate game
>purchase the game later twice out of guilt and also respect for the developers
I literally did this and I felt a fulfilling feeling and now I enjoy going out and buying all my games and get an uncomfortable feeling in my stomach if i ever feel like jumping on thepiratebay to pirate a game now so i've stopped pirating.

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>being this much of a homosexual

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>I buy their games if I find myself enjoying them
Don't kid yourself, only 0.0001% of pirates actually do that.

I needed a latest crack and torrent sites and csbinru didnt provide the latest one. Forza 3 has only one crack that is stuck to windows 10 build 1678 (i think) that was the last place i came looking for a crack.
come back when you lurk more enough to knew better insults non contextual faggot.

Attached: Draked.jpg (550x403, 23K)

why are you posting pictures of little girls?

>you have to disable your antivirus to install the game

Attached: NhK.jpg (299x168, 5K)

>caring about business men in suits who make more in a month than you ever will in your life
I don't usually do this but I have to call you a cuck

Where do you think we are?

>download warcraft porn on my aldi laptop
>this screen pops up with russian text
lel so that is what that meant

Stealing means taking something away from somebody. "My non existant money from the potential sale of this non physically existant thing" is not an honest answer.

source? :)

>pirate game
>loot bananas instead of raping maiden's asshole all day long


I don't give a single fuck about what other pirates do, I know I do buy games I'd pirated all the fucking time. Suck a dick

Piracy is unironically okay, God approves of copy and paste exploits

>never worked as an administrator
>click Run As Administrator

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If you were computer literate, you'd really have to go out of your way to let shit like this happen to your pc.

>Google free games
>clicks on the first result
>gets a virus
Lmao, brainlets shouldn't pirate

cmd /min /C "set __COMPAT_LAYER=RUNASINVOKER && start "" %1" EXECUTABLEHERE.exe
save as bat in the same folder

Ask the UK NHS lol


>uses the word nigger
Everything checks out, officer.

Attached: 79ySeCR.jpg (1890x3939, 1.01M)

>try to run something as an administrator on gnu+linux
>"user is not in the sudoers file. This incident will be reported."

Attached: Sam-Hyde-tirador-disparado-nadie_EDIIMA20171127_0806_5.jpg (643x643, 74K)

I came into this thread because of the cute loli in the OP. Pretty disappointed guys

If I run this, is it going to set my computer on fire or something?

smack my bitch up


Your mom told me as I fucked her last night :)

Do you also donate to twitch streamers to they say your nickname out loud?

Attached: ....jpg (684x453, 25K)

>playing pirated sims 4 about a month ago
>5am so decide to call it a night and go to sleep
>for some reason feel like something is about to happen to my machine
>move mouse point all the way to the top left corner of monitor and go to bed
>wake up next morning
>mouse pointer has been moved and cmd window is open

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sup Mr. FBI, I long time no see

was just your mom checking your pc

You'd have to be a nigger tier of a brainlet to fall for it

No. I just disagree with stealing and it's much more fun to be able to have something in your hand to plop on your shelf and decorate. It also teaches me to be less lazy, as to be able to play a game I have to stand up and grab the disk and insert it.

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Fuck off, agent

god there really needs to be a proper pirate game with shittons of lore like super rare krackens, ghost pirates, skeleton crews, demon pirates, death whirl pools and cool shit.

ports to raid. treasure from coves to steal. option to not shave your beard so surviving longer grants you a big ass beard.

sea of thieves was the bare foundation of such a game then fardded and died.

and feed

chuck's feed & sneed


Sea of Theives only needed better things that you can loose, better ships, all your gold, and cosmetics that were tied to you being alive.
The PVP had such potential and it was squandered.

Can you stop fucking spamming that retaded ass fuck doll? You're fucking creepy you neckbeard.

I don't have a lot of pics on this computer. I am sorry.

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If you could escalate privileges so easy nobody would be employed.
This won't work anywhere but at home where it's worthless because you should be an administrator, if this doesn't get immediately stopped by endpoint security at your work it'll raise some alarms when it's logged in the SIEM and you'll get in trouble later.
Just do your work and browse the internet like a normal person, you don't need to install games.

>download game
>computer briefly opens up system 32

Attached: 1547165318546.png (480x540, 407K)

you know how i can tell someone is a consolefag and a macfag at the same time?
when they post shit like this?

everything you just suggested would absolutely kill that game. if we're talking some indie niche title that is expected to sell around 50-100k copies, that could work. but good luck convincing millions to take part in such a hardcore experience.

on the flip side, if rare decided to create pve servers that disable pvp interactions, while creating a hardcore mode w/ all your suggestions, exclusive cosmetics items and a bonus to gold and exp, I could see that working.

would be rad to actually pirate and risk it all each time I sail out.

the point is that, my pirated photoshop asks for admin rights for no apparent reason, it launches just fine without giving them it the program, so why should i give it admin rights when they are not needed

You mean the folder? Because System 32 isn't a program. Opening a folder is not something any program would do, even garbage viruses wouln't need to do that.

user probably meant the cmd, you get the idea.

a window named system 32 just opened then closed itself it was black and i could type on it but I didn't dare

They are so nice that i hope these kind of people will somehow end up in some nice torture prison or some mexican drug cartel type of visit in their home would be nice too.

My friend had this happen to him while trying to pirate one of the nu-Star Wars movies. How fucking clueless can you be. I think he ended up on some russian site and probably downloaded an .exe like a retard.

Just delete the system32 folder and viruses wont be able to access it.

you literally have to click some mindless shit like "you won a free iphone10, click to claim" or some shit to get a malware these days" that says something about the intelligence of people who say pirates get regular malware

How hard is it to just use skidrowreloaded and download all games from there? They're all scene release and 100% clean. If you're retarded you can always go for fatboy release, just wait couple days after a release is out if you're afraid they're not clean.

>Just shoot yourself and the cancer won't get to you

The joke
Your head

"Delete System 32 is one of the oldest (internet) memes.

Where is this girl from?

>pirate game
>double click the exe
>hard reboots PC
Goddamn japanese porn game

Attached: 1557528156472.jpg (855x1050, 146K)

Looks like Hannah Hays


>installing your games in the Program Files folder

when i was 11, and had to reinstall windows on the family pc. you can't call yourself human if you're of voting age and can't pirate without getting a virus

Where do you guys grab your pirated games, goodolddownloads is dead and piratebay has miners

>Turn on computer
>cmd.exe pops for half a second

Attached: 1476624603000.jpg (250x236, 89K)

>install downloaded game
>desktop icons flash

Attached: 1557464085115.png (500x500, 292K)

I have friends like this.
I never fucking understood this and the worst part is that they moslty buy games on shit like G2A where most keys were purchased with stolen money.
Essentially, according to them it's fine to rob literally anyone except for few greedy fuckers at the top that are driving this industry downhill for some easy money.

Either stop pirating everything or stop complaining about vidya piracy you fuckers.

Attached: 1555606608086.gif (320x320, 3.13M)

Only thing I pirate is anime because of the terrible selection of shows on streaming sites in my region.

It fucking baffles me that ransomware hackers think people who are tech illiterate enough to let this happen to their computer will be able to buy bitcoins and send them

Why I have the feeling that most anons are just lying about Piracy, most of tge thibgs they say are Things that only happened in the early 2000s

They got 3 days to figure that shit out.

>run crack
>its a russian installer

Attached: 1544763702620.jpg (465x262, 95K)

>go into Yea Forums threads over the years
>people constantly posting about crazy tech issues and problems they have
>be middle class instead of an actual peasant
>buy games instead of pirating them
>never have any tech issues ever

Attached: 1558102120643.jpg (800x600, 72K)

check the
Skid marks found between the
Row of buildings, after you've
Reloaded your weapons.

>It's a chiptune arrangement of the theme from one of the Soviet cartoons you watched as a kid

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dont send your IP address to anyone
last night we had TORRENTial rain

You're retarded as well, it's not how things works.

1. Idiot get a ransomware
2. Contact some "data recovery" company or whatever IT security company they can find.
3. Data recovery Company tell them that they will be able to recover their data for [cost] which is typically the ransom cost + some fees.
4. Data recovery Company send the bitcoin, recover the data + sell their customer extra services for this shit not to happen anymore etc.

That's how things are currently working. Almost ALL the money sent came willingly from businesses who absolutely needed to recover their data ASAP and for whom spending couple thousands to pay a ransomware was still better than having their business halted for weeks. Or individuals willing to pay the price in order to recover their data, but almost always through some 'expert' in data recovery.

cool, I would burn these faggots alive if given the chance. I'd burn a lot of different people.

>Pirate music
>Don't have to deal with Sony rootkits

Attached: file.png (1586x43, 7K)

>download 40gb game with crack
>windows defender removes the crack without notice
>cant figure out wtf just happened
>remove everything and redownload
>crack nowhere to be found again
>redownload the 40gb game from another site like a retard
>same shit
>look up the problem on the internet
>just need to turn off windows defender
>redownload only the crack
>finally get to play
>play for 5 minutes and uninstall because the game is shit
>downloaded a total of 120gb with a 2MB/s connection for nothing
>feel like a retard

Attached: 1549960101254.png (300x300, 86K)

Well I got you to write out a long ass post explaining all the ins and outs to me so guess who's the retard now

no thanks, mr fbi agent sir

You'll go to bed slightly less retarded user, it's ok.

i think windows defender doesnt explicitly delete files unless you tell it to
it probably just moved it to a quarantine folder somewhere

If you don't turn off every single windows service you can, you deserve it.

One time i got a weird ass virus, that just dissabled my internet connection, i mean the whole 5 bars of internet were marked with red and even using an ethernet cable didn't worked tough.

>not checking the comments from other people who downloaded it
>not scanning the files
>not running it in a VM first

I would give my life for that rabbit

>Download game
>it barely works at all
>tomorrow receive email
>"we have blocked a third party app trying to use your email account in Thailand"
thanks IGGgames

Attached: 1520021749445.gif (640x480, 1001K)

>double click on game.exe
>cmd window pops up for a sec

Attached: 1467390830941.png (379x520, 48K)

>little girls
She's 23 bro I follow her insta

Do they actually release your files if you pay?

Yes it's automated and it's the entire point of these ransomware. People do pay because they know they'll get their files back. And that's also why all data recovery companies advise their customers to simply pay.

>pirate games for 20+ years now
>don't be a retard about it
>not ONE virus, trojan, cryptominer, randomware or anything else
huh... it's almost like... people are exaggerating the dangers... because they are mad at pirates....

>open keygen
>loud as fuck keygen music plays

Attached: ears.jpg (874x720, 103K)

I doubt it. They're not honest people to begin with. Would you trust someone who just stole your money?

The ideal world is a world in which no one goes without. As a society, we should endeavor to produce systems and technology that are capable of providing everyone with everything they need, whether it's food, shelter, access to the arts, or even video games. The arts provide inspiration and can have a profound effect on people, and if peak capitalism were to have its way, only those capable of affording the rights to access those works of art, whether it be a song or perhaps a book, would benefit from that inspiration. Luckily, that's not that case, and in time I think we'll see an evolution to make the arts and all media available for free to anyone, so that even the poor can be inspired by a great story, or find comfort in a song that speaks to their heart.

>really fucking sure I have a keylogger or RAT installed right now
>computer is so fucked I can't even restore it or format it

This, you can tell that this people are buthurted consolefags and corporate shills

Their goal is to collect money, if files wouldn't be decrypted then nobody would pay and security companies would advise against paying thus drastically lowering earnings of hackers. Ransomware are actually effective money maker because sums asked are "affordable" especially for businesses and because you do get your files back if you pay.

>downloading cracks from YT

Attached: 1548279588512.jpg (300x250, 32K)

Not being retarded isn't something your average person can do when it comes to computers.

I got ransomware once but it didn't actually "lock" my files or anything so I don't know what that was all about
just changed my wallpaper back to what it was the day before and that was the end of it

For a while not too long ago a bunch of the NSA's hacking tools and backdoors got leaked and everyone was pretty vulnerable because they were using exploits most software and hardware developers alike were unaware existed

besides the overtly religious "have no other gods before me" the ten commandments are useful rules for any general civilization. Don't steal, don't kill, don't covet, be good to your parents, these are all things that decent people in a society do anyway, with or without religion.

faith alone saves you

Attached: 1556936433003.jpg (1024x1001, 130K)

You know, there are keyloggers/RATs in the wild that act completely silently, and don't make themselves known by trying to mess up your computer in any way and are probably on several computers right now as we speak making some very immoral people very rich or richer than they already were. It's scary

Attached: hero.png (469x480, 205K)

I totally trust you, Raaj!

How can you take a screenshot if you're locked out?

you fucking nigger you dumb monkey NIGGER

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true faith alone saves you. "Faith with works" is referring to your actions after you have the faith. ie not going out and killing people and having no time for God

>"Faith without works"*

>he partakes in private tracker autism
Even nerds call you a nerd.

Attached: 1541045548069.jpg (300x468, 53K)

>call tech support
>Indian accent

Attached: adol2.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

>call tech support
>indian accent
>they tell you factually wrong information in broken english

Attached: cringe.png (300x400, 133K)

I always mute my whole PC before I open those.

Windows defender on current year is not even that bad

Hello, Satya!

Attached: latest[1].png (509x646, 77K)

I thought weaboos were nice people

Attached: hoppity.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Not even being ironic. Unless you go on and download/open dumb .exe files, it and your router fend off vast majority of the garbage out there

Atlas did most of that.. just really fucking awfully.

No consequences like what? Marriage?

Attached: muhammad.jpg (539x501, 35K)

whats to stop them from just leaving an infection to re-do it and make them pay again?

>pirate game
>Tsuki sayu Yoru - Fu rin Ka zan starts playing

FitGirl repacks have the admin flag for compatibility reason and because retards fuck up their folder permissions constantly. If you install the game properly you can unflag the admin thing on the game's exe and they will run just fine.

Attached: based girl.png (850x354, 19K)

>Pirate a game
>A shanty starts playing
>You hear: lift the sails!!!

>pirate game
>loading and menus work fine
>try to continue my save
>hard freezes my PC, have to unplug it
Wat is the course of action

Attached: 1496797778839.jpg (659x525, 68K)

Have sex with men