Itt:characters you failed to protect
Itt:characters you failed to protect
bad characters
>wanting to protect that bitch
Gosetsu was a fuckin' idiot. Never stick your dick in crazy, even if they lose their memory.
Bitch turned crazy when she was shown her parents, fuck her.
Stop skipping cutscenes.
>Gosestsu's sacrifice literally ruined in a post credits scene
Should've been killed earlier. And Gosetsu should've died after Doma Castle.
is the j4nn!& gone?
>t. cutscene skippers
If you actually think he should have died at Doma Castle then you didn't understand a fucking thing.
Who the fuck is skipping cutscenes? I watch them all. Never trusted "Tsuyu" for a second. Once a spiteful bitch, always a spiteful bitch. She didn't deserve that attempt at a redemption arc.
It wasn't any attempt at a redemption arc you moron. It was entirely Gosetsu's arc, and Tsuyu was just the vehicle for it. You failed at following a pretty simple story.
>tfw we're literally at 4 stealth FFXIV threads right now
give up janny
>janny has a fit
>deletes xiv threads
>WeFall bros merge to WoW thread
>janny deletes WoW threads
>WeFall bros rise up with multiple stealth threads
>Going Home bros cant keep up
I can't find the other stealth threads bros...
cant believe "we fall /home/" is an actual alliance
nice try, janny
>It was entirely Gosetsu's arc
It wasn't, it was an arc for both of them, both had their closure, Yotsuyu by killing the people who made her what she is after realizing that her life could've been different if only she wasn't born in that family and Gosetsu by finding a call that isn't just to die on the battlefield protecting Hien (or Yotsuyu, I really expected him to die that way).
well one of them just got deleted
the bi-hourly healslut thread(which is still up) is usually an ffxiv containment thread
and then theres also the one that actually keeps getting deleted that has the same opening everytime
and then this thread isnt even a stealth thread
>mahjong thread
>the wow thread that is 70% ffxiv posts
look closer
>he hasnt listed the one thats paddled by for an hour now
damn nice thanks anons
i had actually written a post in one of the threads only for it to get deleted just before i hit post