>14 weapons
>none of them are fun to use
14 weapons
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Just like every MH game
putting monsters to sleep and bombing the shit out of them is pretty fun desu
sounds like a you problem
my fav weapon is the uninstall button
Gay game. Needs to be more like Dark Souls.
Insect Glaive is fun as fuck
Hammers the only one I enjoy using in any MH game.
Until you have to stop having fun ever 60 seconds to reload the buffs
t. didn't play charge blade
Bow and Kinsect are the only fun ones, because your character doesn't move like a mentally impaired autist
the fun comes from learning to use the weapon effectively, which takes time and practice. Picking it up and hoping something is fun right away and instantly intuitive is the wrong way to go about playing this game. It's more like a fighting game in that regard where you have to learn move sets or else you'll be completely ineffectual and not enjoy the game
>Good since X
But its fun!
get off of my website shitter
its take 3 seconds at most to get buffs and you can off set the timer if you wait to active all 3 buffs at once thus keeps your buffs up for double the length
How did they manage to fuck up almost every weapon? Most of them were fine in GU.
Rip hammer.
>How did they manage to fuck all the weaponz bros!?!?!?
>Posts Weapon Arts
Big yikes
That's not an art bro...
So world was my first MH, and I love the horn. I accept I'll do less damage than most people, but as long as its comparable I'm ok with it. I downloaded that mod so I can see damage done over the game and usually I'm around 20% so I think thats solid for a horn. But like every couple games or so you get one guy who is just fucking insane, either one of the ridiculous anime swords or the bow and they'll do like 80% of the damage and the hunts end in under 3 minutes. Like what in the fuck is going on
>Using a DPS meter
Go back to WoW retard.
I wanted to make sure I was helping!
How to spot a worldbaby.
Here we see a typical monster hunter player, reacting with anger when confronted with anything different than his specific brand of monster hunter he enjoyed most. This reaction is not only typical, but expected. In fact it will interject into conversations that are completely unrelated. This is the life, of a monster hunter fan.
Go back to Frontier.
>none of them are fun to use
as usual faggot op has never seen a hammer in his life, except his boyfriend'a I guess lmao
Great Sword is Great
>>none of them are fun to use
>what is Hammer
>what is Sword and Shield
>what is Switch Axe
>what is Heavy Bowgun
>what is Hunting Horn
Shit taste, commit triple cart
Jesus Christ. PC fags once AGAIN ruin a fanbase with their infinite autism
>Hunting Horn
>fun in World
They are straight up downgrades(in terms of fun) when compared to GU
>muh animu bullshit
>thinks hammer is fun
>thinks spamming ebin epin attack is fun and not anime
That's because you're playing NeonuHunter
Play real MH where everything is fun
also charge blade is fun
Post best monster.
>how bad they ruined SnS jump in attack
Used to be so precise and snappy, but in world its like this over complicated jump slide that feels about as satisfying as trying to masturbate with a limp dick. Why did they do it? Why?
The SnS in general is just cucked, they didn't even have the two braincells required to think of bringing over Oils.
>Yeah, I started with World. Honestly, the only weapon are like are the Charge Blade and Insect Glaive. Everything else is just too slow and icky. Plus, flying around and mounting monsters is just friggin' Epic!
>He doesn’t enjoy the raw defensive power of Lance.
Forget evade lancing. I want to use the giant shied it comes with.
>fun to use in world
God damn i hope you get your testicles ran over by an obese clown on a tractor go FUCK yourself you absolute nigger
isn't that exact move in world too?
Dark Souls is absolute trash compared to even the worst MHs, though.
I like old monster hunter and new monster hunter
Me too. But I like old Monster Hunter more.
I miss the gunner blademaster separation
Playing GU for the first time.
I'm a Aerial Longsword player, just hit 7star Low Rank and thinking about a secondary. Any suggestions?
Just play every weapon you like? Makes the game a hell of alot more fun
This desu
I like Souls but all it has going for it is le wacky environments and enemies, you just run through the world first playthrough and then uninstall it
>26 weapons
>all of them are immensely fun to use
>played MH since Tri
>pretty good handle on every weapon in the game
>never played insect glaive though
>try it out
>pretty fun but absolutely no idea what's going on
>send insect to collect essence, makes sense
>but sometimes it fills up one of the diamonds and sometimes its just a rectangle on the side
>mark target, insect attacks, leaves status clouds, understand this part
>vault attack
>sometimes randomly turn red and do a lot of damage for a while
>can't seem to figure out what the fuck this is or how to replicate it
I don't think any weapon has really confused me this much before. The game doesn't tell you fuck all about how it works, I guess I have to read guides.
Weapons are fine. Bigger problem is that all monsters feel the same in terms of patterns. There are only two core patterns, flying monster and not flying monster. Flying monster occasionally lands for you to be hit easier, and when escapes flies off the air so its impossible to catch while chasing. Land monster is just giant hitbox reminding you to occasionally dodge and drink potion while running between the constant combos.
All the melee weapons are fun you pleb. Capcom are the gods of game design.
Lance/Gunlance are pretty awesome. It feels so good tanking hits from giants like Diabolos while the rest of your team pelts the fuck out of him.
Fucking furries
Insect glaive mains don't even know how that shit works, it just does.
>ebin epin attack
don't overdose on memes redditor
someone hook me up on how to emulate GU on pc
I can't believe some people put hundreds if not thousands of hours into that crappy combat system.
It's SLOW and the epitome of anti-fun. Moves look bad, it's not stylish at all, not interesting and always the same 2-3 things to repeat again and again.
Some weapons you don't even use all their little movelist because it sucks.
What do you consider a good action game? All the best ones are either capcom or team ninja
>give the CB the best moveset its ever had
>make the optimal playstyle boring as hell
fuck you world
Arcane builds are unviable until the the late game
Builds are retarded and you're a faggot, you're meant to keep playing into ng+
>not just "apply directly to the forehead"
>stupid tutorial text
Jesus the reddit-tier humor in which this place is infected..
Which incentives I have to play ng+?
What incetives do you have to restart the game?
Also chalice dungeons are a thing in bloodborne. If you want build """diversity""" go play ds2 faggot
What do you say doesn't make sense at all, just admit that only STR and DEX are viable in Bloodborne and that's a failure
I haven't played since Thanksgiving and the Megaman pet
Did they add in any new monstros yet?
It's not a failure at all, you fucking moronic weeb. Magic/faith/dark/arcane has always been an addition to your primary kit in souls game, and if you go full in any of them it feels incredibly janky and is very obvious the game is not built for it. Fuck off retard
>Dark Souls is absolute trash compared to even the worst MHs, though.
>This desu
>I like Souls but all it has going for it is le wacky environments and enemies, you just run through the world first playthrough and then uninstall it
Souls lives rent free in dumb heads of Monshit drones.
From Software's games are a million times better than your clunky fucking garbage.
I find plenty fun to use. Maybe the issue is the user.
It takes 3 seconds to just drink a single potion, retard.
>>Using a DPS meter
>Go back to WoW retard.
Wow is a much better game than this glorified MMO trash.
>Here we see a typical monster hunter player, reacting with anger when confronted with anything different than his specific brand of monster hunter he enjoyed most. This reaction is not only typical, but expected. In fact it will interject into conversations that are completely unrelated. This is the life, of a monster hunter fan.
He's just buttmad because he gets BTFO every time by people with DPS meter.
It's stupidly easy to detect fucking shitters who deal no damage and boot them out.
>Only LS and CB got cool new moves
>Boomstick didn't even got anything useful.
No, in the first dark souls you can go full faith with divine/occult weapons for example and miracles were possible to get early like the sword dance
In terms of new and not counting Iceborne, only Kulve Taroth.
You can only dream about having such fluid and masterful combat.
reading a guide really helps, youre supposed to get that essence shit from a monsters head, moving parts like wings and its tail
each one gives you a buff and if you have all 3 your combos change
the thing on the left is what your insect currently holds and if you call it back it gets added to your buffs
People who learn how to min max while also being good make everything trivial as is tradition
If you don't know how sns works in world just say so.
>14 weapons
>all of them are fun to use
>except if you play them optimally
In that case, the game is not for you. Move along.
Play how you want stupid
You can slow down MHW combat too and make it cool.
You don't need to slow it down because it's already slow, clunky and messy fucking garbage.
>not liking the funlance and alternating stabby with shooty
>not liking just the right amount of unga with a hammer
>not liking doing silly anime flips and generally being a useless piece of shit with the glaive
>not liking getting that satisfying charge hit off just right with the greatsword
Longswords can fuck right off though honestly. Who the hell likes using that?
I don't get it. What does that have to do with slowing down the game?
Not the user you're replaying to, but the people I know who run the dps meter were either mmo fags who were distracted by the meter and triple carted, or players with some skill who are curious about knowing the exact buildup for flinches, KO, part breaks, and mounting. I don't have that installed since I become distracted easily and I am too lazy to go into the configs and change stuff so I don't go full autist when looking at the meter.
Quick Yea Forums, you have 10 seconds to come up with a brand new weapon!
MH is a glorified shitty MMO with extremely poor MMO mechanics.
The hardest bosses like Ancient Leshen or Extreme Behemoth (in the entire MH series) are just shitty mini-bosses from WoW.
Only 1% (ONE) could kill Behemoth, much less for Extremoth or AL. And they are extremely trivial with just a healer and "tank".
MH is really disappointing and I played it after WoW and all From's games. It's behind those games in every possible way. Shitty controls, shitty party / raid mechanics, shitty bosses, shitty combat, shitty graphics, it's all clunky, it lacks content and any in-depth mechanics.
No one gets distracted by fucking DPS meters, you literal retard. And such trivial things opened eyes to console peasants on how to properly fight ATKT p1 and the other bosses.
Both game's combat are fun in their own right.
My first time playing a MH game and not sure what to pick.
Most recommend sword and shield, katana or twin blades. I like the bow and axe/shield, is it viable as a solo player? Do I have the option to have two wepons with me?
Several of World's weapons incorporate what are essentially Hunter Arts into the base movesets
>he doesn't know
>what is Hunting Horn
World Hunting Horn got absolutely castrated compared to X/XX.
You can't tell me people don't get distracted when I played with two FF14 fucktards who are too busy looking at the dps meter to play the game, carted, always landed on the bottom of the meter, and quit to go back to FF14. You are correct about the rest though, however, I never meant to trivialize using the dps meter. What I really want to say is to have good fundamentals and weapon knowledge before using it so you don't end up like the two people I just mentioned. I fully accept being called a retard.
I liked the longsword and the greatsword
I don't get it, is this supposed to look impressive or something?
What about something that has no annoying gimmicks and its just fun to use?
>megaman stick
>not fun to use
Chaotic Gore is a tragic abomination and must be euthanized immediately on sight for its own sake.
Sounds like your problem.
What is the Insect Glaive?
>26 weapons
>spam R1
fucking zoomer faggot, thats not what fluid combat means
A bubble blower that shoots poisonous bubbles
useless now that the hockchain lets you reach high places easier
nintenbabs seething is the most nutritive meal for my soul
please keep crying
>World first MH
>DPS meter
>Obsessing over DPS
Fucking kill yourself. It's like all the things killing MH in one post
>favorite weapon goes from "okay (Kelbi bow doesn't count)" to "good" to "great" to "absolute ass-blasting top tier that can solo EX Behemoth"
I just can't stop having fun.
Is that a new weapon? I haven't played since last summer.
is that crossbow thing with a rope that sticks to your arm in world
Ah. I mean I just like Insect Glaive cause I can do all sorts of flips and shit even though I know it does shit damage compared to other weapons.
Despite how MHW plays already, that weapon doesn't feel very Monster Hunter.
Bow in World is fucking awful to play, nothing like how it was in the older games.
that webm literaly is from another monster hunter game
It's always, always people on Yea Forums who aren't good at a game that shittalk it:
It's all so tiresome.
I still like it. There's only two things I miss: being able to hit things without directly having to use a reticle, and different shot types for different bows (I liked having dedicated Rapid bows and dedicated Spread bows). Everything else is alright and being different from older games doesn't automatically make it bad.
>Spammy shit that gets stuck in the smallest of inclines
>Somehow managed to take one of the most fun weapons in GU and turn it into the absolute shittiest weapon to play in the game
>No double notes, support focus (ie. shit)
Me on the left
Yes, I could tell.
if you like the game and want to keep playing then play it - if you need a carrot on a stick to get you to keep enjoying something then bloodborne probably isn't the type of game that will hold your interest into NG+ or random dungeons
Just like every other MH game, at least this one is better
Excuse me? The chargeblade is incredibly fun to use.
>14 weapons
>can't pick one to main because i enjoy like 10 of them way too much
give me gauntlets
how is bow in gu?
All of you are massive faggots MH and DS are both great and fill different niches. You can like both.
Hammer is consistently fun to use. Worlds version I think improves it with its power charge mechanic that adds a more flexible moveset while rewarding not getting hit.
It’s ok. Heavy arrows stun lock big fuckers while you pretty much use nerscylla bow for everything else.
Ranged GS, basically.
>not just playing Dauntless
>not just playing God Eater*
What? World is anime as fuck. 4 was anime, the portable games were anime etc.
>Unzips dick
>gonna need a bigger condom
uwu you're bigger than any other furry user
I feel like playing a ranged weapon, which one do I pick for max fun?
>stop playing for a week
>missed out on something i need to wait a year or longer for another chance at
>lose all remaining interest
how do i stop myself from just defaulting to great sword every time i play this game? everything else just feels like shit compared to GS.