Alliance gets cool titan made ancient race with rich lore

>alliance gets cool titan made ancient race with rich lore
>Horde gets fucking loli muslim foxes

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm so glad that I don't play wow.

>literally gnomes with metal limbs
Wow amazing.
How is it that pre-established races like Nagas, Ogres, etc, still aren't in?
Oh wait, it's a cashgrab MMO and making unique animations/riggings would be too hard.

but they're ugly

Wait, what race do Horde get?

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As far as I'm aware, these are not titan made.
Still hoping it's the fish people instead because you farm rep with them and they have a NE skeleton.


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uhh user these would take effort to rig for mounts and armor and we cant afford that. Small indie company you see
have another elf reskin instead

King's honor, friend!


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Save us YoshiP!


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>fat people
fuck this game, I wanted Vry'qts and Naga

you know what, i can respect that wow is willing to make unironically very ugly character models

I want to play a Murloc Shaman

I'm quite looking forward to gunbreaker. I hope they up its potencies though

>tfw no Vulpera gf

Attached: Vulpera_BlizzCon2017.jpg (389x336, 63K)

>cool titan made ancient race with rich lore
thats what we asked for and we got regular gnomes with a limb texture instead

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i've seen a lot of conflicting posts as to whether or not they changed the potencies in between full tooltip reveal for stormblood and actual stormblood launch, but I do hope some things get changed
it'll be super fuckin lame if the shiny new tank job (and very possibly the last or second last we ever get) is dogshit in its first iteration
amazed this thread is still up btw

When the fuck are nagas

>left is just shrek with mechanical limbs

that was the appeal of the horde in vanilla. Then they went and ruined it with fucking elves
cant fucking wait for classic

Neither mechagnomes or vulpera are really confirmed yet, but they're more or less guaranteed to become allied races at some point. Blizzard are futureproofing their design so even NPC races are more like player races, but some still have more than others, like vulpera and mechagnomes. Hell, I remember when people were speculating what we were going to get in BfA and the work Blizzard had done with the vulpera versus kul tirans was used as an argument for why we were definitely getting playable kul tirans.

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I didn't know Gaijin marketers worked for Blizzard

>i've seen a lot of conflicting posts as to whether or not they changed the potencies in between full tooltip reveal for stormblood and actual stormblood launch
They did, which is why any theorycrafting happening now is literal mental illness. But what else would you expect from Balance trannies?

>making unique animations/riggings would be too hard.
They don't hire enough model animators because small indie developer team with AAA profit goals.

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Honestly baffles me that this became acceptable in a subscription-based MMO.

>They did, which is why any theorycrafting happening now is literal mental illness. But what else would you expect from Balance trannies?
It's more of a plague than anything, nuMCH looks really fun but the two people that actually played SB MCH are bitching and moaning about it because it doesn't line up with Trick Attack and they want their orange parses and everyone is buying it.

Im more baffled that they openly sell gold and levels, especially since these things used to be bannable

most people in ffxiv have long since accepted the cash shop, some even going so far as to defend the devs putting it in
i remember years ago when blizzard first introduced that fucking star pony mount in the cash shop and everyone went fucking LIVID
is it still in any way like that or have years of being tossed this shit finally worn everyone down?

>people complaining about things not lining up with trick attack
fucking scum

I remember buying the frozen throne expansion for about $25

>implying being a fur shitter is any better

You wot m8

imagine having a game so dead you have to hijack other MMO threads to get people to talk about your tranny-infested "game"

these threads are rightful eorzian clay

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>Horde gets fucking loli muslim foxes

Who cares when Horde now has the Zandalari. RIP Warlocks

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My body is ready for the next ultimate.

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I thought the issue with NuMCH was that it wants you to weave oGCD's during the 1.5 GCD period, which is annoying if your ping is not Japan-tier.

Gauss Round can just be held until after Wildfire because of the charges.

On a dummy, sure, but raid buffs will time out before you get all your ogcds in and you'll be losing damage

You overcap if you do that with a 6 Heat Blast burst window.

the whole MCH thing sounds like minmaxer autists trying to do something that wasn't intended and they're now screeching instead of looking for another path or just come to terms that their damage output was lowered on purpose.

they're not muslims, user
they're something far, far worse than that.

Blizzard needs to increase breast size if they want furbucks.

Because Naga and Ogres are still the bad guys.


At least they added unique skeletons, animations and dances to Zandalari and Kul Tirans.
Remember this?
I remember.
I wonder where is he now.

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Weaving an oGCD in a 1.5 sec window is perfectly doable, and it is intended design, since it is the only way to not overcap on charges.
The only problem is that you need Japanese ping to do it with no issue, which screws EU and US over.

>ugh nuWoW has fucked up lore what is Blizzard thinking

From what I gather, people are theorizing entering overheat and wildfire within 4 GCDs with a Drill opener that allows you to dump at max, one Gauss round and two Ricochets before Heated Blast (Cooldown) spam. Saving Drill Attack Disassemble for Trick Attack window. I'd rather wait till people are playing it at max level for a while though.

>grinding rep to unlock a race to then grind rep again is now considered "content" in WoW
Good thing we're all going Home soon.

Imagine being an Orc warrior, put through the gauntlet of the barrens and forming a necessary alliance of survival with wise and mighty giant bulls and savage trolls.
Imagine looking at the horde today and sharing your capital city, the very symbol of your defiance, with little foxes and fucking elves.

Small breasts are better. I don't like how wide their shoulders are compared to their hips, though.

you mean we're all gunna FALL

They've already been allied with goblins since the second war. Adding furry goblins into the mix shouldn't really change that much.

>The only problem is that you need Japanese ping to do it with no issue
The only problem here is that some MCHs with normal ping are sperging out because they won't be able to top autismologs.
MCH will be fine for 99.99999% of the playerbase.

THis. We should only grind reputation because there is literally nothing else to do in the endgame.

Can't wait for the tank changes, though dancer and dps are looking juicy too

It looks like they just copied Ratchet.

I prefer to have foxes than elves, desu

Look at the bright side. You can make your very own Ratchet.

Cope. ffxiv is growing in popularity, your shitty tranny meme shitposting won't change that

>all this gay as fuck fur-shit and the best faction is STILL The Forsaken.
WoWcuckolds on suicide watch.

>ffxiv is growing in popularity

>I hate wow but I also like wow

>retail WoW Forsaken

Nah. New models look like shit and they're getting mishandled and are fucking awful.

>we want the 13 year old audience race

I love being Sylvanas' cocksock.

Imagine having a game so dead that other MMO's can freely hijack their sissyboi threads

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Absolutely fucking seething.

>"playing" wow in 2k19

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Calm down xxkillaxx, I'll let you play your rogue in peace.

Alliance keeps asking for Lego and Blizzard keeps giving them Megablocks. It happened with Broken, it happened with High Elves and it's about to happen again

God DAMN I wanna knock this cat up.

I'll stick to my worgen, thank you very much.

How the fuck are these lolis?

I want to delimb the bottom right one and use it like a flesh light.


Do they get mecha boobies tho?

>playing dead games to spite WoW

>convieniently ignores ogres, who are canonically already a part of the horde
>convieniently ignores the fact that murlocs/naga in horde or alliance would make just as much sense as horde BElves and alliance NElves

FF14 has a bigger sub base then WoW now.

Nagas, Orcs and Murlocs were planned to be some of the starting races in fucking vanilla WoW. There was going to be about 20 races.



This. I’m not a fan of the foxes but the Horde’s original image has already been tainted by elves long ago. Half of your population consists of fair-skinned supermodels with nice clothing. It’s a shame that is had to be this way.

>convieniently ignores ogres, who are canonically already a part of the horde
Ogres are a liability and the ones who are loyal to the Horde are too few
>convieniently ignores the fact that murlocs/naga in horde or alliance would make just as much sense as horde BElves and alliance NElves
Belves have ties to Sylvanas, Nelves hate orcs because they killed their demigod.
Nagas hate landwalkers and murlocs are retarded cannibal fishmen
Now go back to the r site along with and

>im wrong and i dont like when people point it out so they belong on reddit

There has been a friendly ogre village in the horde sense vanilla.

Blame the alliance players, desu. They wanted to play Horde but couldn't handle playing a savage race so they whined to Blizz.

>I am right because I said so and your post hurt me with its facts

NuBlizzard is extremely lazy, all their "allied race" is just reskinned races

>your post hurt me with its facts
"fuck off to reddit xDDXDXxDXDxDD" is not a fact, faggot

Forward and back and then go forward and back and then go forward and back

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BFA had its sub at 1.2 mil a month after its launch and FF14 hit 1 million sometime during Heavenwards and now their edgelord expacs about to come out, if you don't think BfA hasn't drastically lost subs and FF14 hasn't now surpassed retail, you're retarded.

XIV took over WoW's sub count long ago.

>NuBlizzard makes ugly races as possible to satisfy non gaming regressive SJWs

>Japan makes beautiful races as possible for superior gaming experiences

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>retards fighting over sub numbers and not just posting ost from their game

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>cool titan made ancient race with rich lore
You best be trolling m8.
Gnomes have never been played widely except for maybe back in Vanilla, rebooting them with steampunk robot extremities won't change much about that.
Of course there's always the idiots who believe everything new must be the best thing ever.

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Is there anything more of a letdown than the Allied Races?

>Void Elves, BE reskin
>Highmountain, Tauren reskin
>Lightforged, Draenei reskin
>Nightborne, NE reskin
>Dark Iron, Dwarf reskin
>Mag'har, Orc reskin
>Zandalari, Troll reskin

The only one with a unique model is the Kul Tiran and they suck shit. Where the fuck are muh Vrykul?

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I know they added the lion race because they said they wanted to have a more bestial race, but I wish they just made Bangaas playable. Lion race are just gay furry bara bait.

Bangaas are super ugly

>cool titan made ancient race with rich lore

You don't have to want to put your dick in it for it to be a good race.

>he focused on one line of the whole post because he was hurt

Too bad that FF is still shit and only made for weebs lol

Pretty sure Kul tiran humans and Zandalari are the only new models, not reskins. Nightborne are close too but not enough


That's because the japanese are retarded bugmen who think being ugly means being evil. No wonder alliance players shill so much for Final Fantasy.

Nice arguments cockmuncher lol

Why are you talking about dicks all of a sudden? It’s a ugly race.

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FFXIV may aswell just be a music-video machine for its soundtrack. I'm always dazed by the cool-ass encounters and great music, but once I pay for a subscription I get bored out of my mind

this is because that fucking pegasus, you could had prevented this, by telling blizzard to fuck off while they started to sell it, but instead they got MILLIONS with a single reeskin of a mount that was already being dropped on the game.

Do you want to fuck the big gay bara lion man, user? It's okay, you can tell me. I draw porn for a living.

If you play gnomes or even like them at all you are a fucking faggot.

I do not want to fuck any of the ff14 characters. You should stop projecting, it’s not healthy.

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Bangaa are pretty unique though. One of the best beast races Square has made

r u sure?

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be sure to lift with your legs and not your back when moving those goalposts

Well yeah that's how they managed to release fifty billion of them of them in under 2 years compared to the grand total of five regular races they added to the game in 15 years.

>not deadlifting the goalposts with your back
fucking coward

aren't those models also old as fuck, they have actual tails now dont they

make an argument first instead of throwing around buzzwords, faggola

have sex

>he doesn't want to fuck Alphinaud

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>FF14 chads bullying the WoW virgins

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zandalari trolls are just darkspear standing up

Looks like it is based on goblin.

Gross that doesn't like look human

I think you meant night elfs

FF and WoW are both for virgins you faggot.

Since I am a fan of WoW, that is not a problem

That they do, and they've been reworked a bit.

Because they are.

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I will fall for about a month then I’ll home

too bad they're gonna be locked behind a rep grind autism to try and keep people playing, would have liked to play as them

A slight upside is that with more race/class combinations and more races in general to choose from, belf population at max level has dropped. It's still like 1/3rd of the Horde playerbase, though, and 1/4th of that belf population at 120 are demon hunters, many of which are probably just alts since they're the easiest to level.

okay, why not
>Ogres are a liability and the ones who are loyal to the Horde are too few
that's like saying that the undead shouldn't be playable because the forsaken are vastly outnumbered by the scourge
and when it comes to the undead, why THE FUCK are they in the horde? this is nonsensical
>Belves have ties to Sylvanas, Nelves hate orcs because they killed their demigod.
BElves teaming up with the Forsaken is somewhat plausible, but, as I said before, the Forsaken shouldn't be members of the Horde in the first place.
NElves stopped being butthurt about Cenarius in the same game in which he was killed. And even if they still hold a grudge against the Horde, they still don't really make sense in the Alliance. In WC3 they were the kind of race that wanted to have nothing to do with the humans' and orcs' autistick dick-waving contest, and deciding to participate in it goes against their nature
The initial division between Horde and Alliance was quite literally just "pretty vs ugly", with excuses being made up later. WoW was lore rape from the very beginning, but they could at least make it fun lore rape

Thrall took pity on the Forsaken and took them in. The others begrudgingly agreed, the Taurens only doing so with the intent of trying to find a cure for undeath (although that plot point seems to be have been all but forgotten). The original idea was that the alliance the Forsaken had with the rest of the Horde was a very shaky one, probably only staying intact because one, their capital is on another continent and so their contact is limited and two, having allies in the Eastern Kingdoms is invaluable.

Literally worgen

I'd plow her cookie

This is the excuse Blizzard made up to explain why this ugly race is friends with the other ugly races.
The Forsaken could've easily just explained that they're not under Arthas' control anymore and then the humans should've stopped bothering them. Survivors of Lordaeron exist, and the Forsaken are just those who weren't as lucky. Many of the living humans are their close friends, lovers and family. Logically, the Forsaken should've rejoined the Alliance, but Blizzard decided they weren't pretty enough.

>Logically, the Forsaken should've rejoined the Alliance, but Blizzard decided they weren't pretty enough.
I think is explained in the books that's not possible, If i recall properly the undead don't even speak the same language once they resurrect

Languages can be learned, and if they somehow found a way to communicate with fucking Orcs, they can recall what they used to speak before getting Arthas'd

Problem with this is that while the Forsaken have their own free will, they're still not exactly pleasant to deal with most of the time. Their capacity for empathy or positive emotions is all but gone and they still have a craving for raw flesh. Individuals might be ok to deal with, but as a people, you wouldn't want to live next to them.

That's technically just an in-game thing.

>literally pulling things outta your ass to win an internet argument you already lost
Back to your weeb mmo, loser

Is this wildstar?

Why are the Tauren in the Horde again? Feels like they'd be a much better fit in the Alliance?

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Fair enough, but still, with people like Jaina "murders her own people and family so that hellish invaders can be forgiven" Proudmoore in charge of the faction, you bet they would've at least tried to befriend the Forsaken
cringe, dilate, have sex, and don't forget to cope


Thrall did them a solid, and they felt he was a stand-up guy.

muh oath

Doesn't matter how many times they get fucked over and how the person they swore that oath to fucked off himself, they'll stay.

They actually did try quite recently. The attempt was sabotaged by Sylvanas, and the people who tried to get in touch with their old families were branded traitors.

>reskinned gnomes
>furry porn generators

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Furry goblins will be recruited by pandas and be playable by both sides. You'll need to grind rep both horde and alliance to unlock them.

No matter who wins, Blizzard makes money out of both.

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amputee gnomes vs CUTE CUTE

Choose carefully, user.

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hol up, this is edited, right?

That'd actually be really funny. Hopefully they do that.

It isn't.

Vulpera will not likely approach Alliance because of the 8.1 faction assault on Vol'dun.

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>all of these shit allied races
>still no 80s High Elves for Alliance and Ogres for Horde

Blizzard are so fucking out of touch it hurts.

Horde Humans.

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I've always wanted to play as a Kaluak
t. wotlk private server dweller

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what's the issue here?

Blood elves are high elves with a name change to honor their fallen and a tiny addiction problem

Learn what "cope" means before using it in a sentence you stupid motherfucker.

Void elves are the stupidest fucking allied race they've come up with, People have practically begging them to add High Elves to the Alliance since the game first launched and what do they do instead?


They don't even look cool like Alleria's void form; they're just some shitty purple vomit with tentacles. Get fucked Blizz.

I'm guessing Blizzard is saving up possibility High Elves as core race in case of serious emergency. Just don't expect them to be Alliance only due to Void Elves now existing. They could be potentially Neutral, where you can pick sides either with Lor'themar or Alleria.

>tfw want classic wow with all the races and classes
Am I the only one?

>High elves are not culturally distinct enough from Blood elves for us to add them, sorry!
>What makes Void elves culturally distinct from Blood elves?
>Well they use purple magic. Instead of red and gold they're purple.

>seriously thinking about playing retail WoW until Classic hits
>haven't played since early Wrath
Someone please talk me out of this.

I often consider making a private wow server that is just vanilla with new races. But everytime I do people always say thats a bad idea and bitch.

They were originally going to be Paladins.

You won't have fun, the game is shit, everything is a joke, its also $15 you could spend on a pizza or something. If you really wanna play classic that bad just go level to 20 on a private server.

I have a prosthetic leg and I think it's great that WoW is trying to be more inclusive by adding a race like me cry about it /pol/fags

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How will you react when this finally becomes canon?

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A real-life wizard put a curse on the game after a bad mage nerf years ago. If you play it too long, you will slowly, unknowingly, and irrevocably transform into the second character on your account list.

Its because of the shadowmoon shadow priests.


>horde get new unique race
>alliance gets reused gnome models with different legs and arms
>horde still cries

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I lost interest in BFA immediately after finishing the main story quests for each zone. Endgame sucks, the overarching story sucks, and the entire expansion is basically carried by the art team.

Its not fun and I quit a month in despite having thoroughly enjoyed playing Legion and WoD 3 years prior.

if he enjoys quests and exploring he could have a good time, but if he wants to burn through all of that and get to the end game its not a good idea.

>reskinned gnomes vs reskinned goblins

>i can't immerse myself in a game or story unless it panders to my very specific identity
Literally a subhuman.


can't you get a repaint of that dog mount from a random drop in the zone or somethin' as allinace

I have no intention of doing serious end-game shit. I'll be playing Classic for 18h/day for a couple of weeks after launch for that. Just want something to chill and play while waiting.

I've leveled 6 characters to 20-30 testing out routes. Could go further I guess, but the burn-out could be real.

ok nugget tard


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>wow thread gets autosaged
>people deal with it and move on
>xiv thread gets autosaged
>people sperg out and raid other threads

These guys don't have 3D eyeballs, I doubt they'll be playable. They are updating everything to have articulated faces.

you can't put boots and pants on a naga though

horde should get ogres though yes but naga is dumb


Its completely different, not a same game. Play private servers.

What's the story behind this Varok's pic? I've been seeing it for a while, but wasn't able to locate the source.

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It's only a shop, but people were expecting it to happen for real when Saurfang got sick of Sylvanas' shit.

After Saurfang was taken captive, people became pretty convinced that he'd throw in with Anduin.

The "Mechagnomes" in BfA are just customised gnomes, they aren't titan created. I highly doubt they'd make an already underplayed race split into two especially after putting all that effort into the kino heritage armour for regular gnomes and unique flightmaster whistle that hints as possible racial flying mounts.

All gnomes descend from the titan made mechagnomes just like all humans descend from Vrykul and all Elves descend from Trolls. Titan made mechagnomes aren't the same as these mechagnomes.

>wow thread gets autosaged
things that never happen

Anyone that backs Saurfang is a filthy cuck and traitor.

I hope the rumors about loyalists to Sylvanas getting the best rewards(unique title and mount) is true and Varok being BTFO and slaughtered in 8.3 by Sylvanas herself leaving his loyalists with nothing to show for it except for that cloak toy.

I was just in a classic thread that autosaged though.

I see. Though it would've been fun to see Blizzard putting one of core concepts of Warcaft on it's head by pitting alliance orcs against horde humans

WoW at its lowest had three millon. FFXIV has at most maybe 500k.

This is only logical.
It's a shop when people expected Blizzard to be sensible and make Sarok an Alliance backed figure.

>WoW started with 3 million subs

When have wow threads gotten auto saged?

How many subs does xiv have?

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I was just in a classic thread that was autosaged.

Was 2014 really the last time they released official sub numbers? wow has been on a decline for a long time huh

Why are their proportions so fucked?

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Because they're based on goblins.

WoW is down to 2m. 1m of that are chinese players. Of the remaining 1m half are EU. So US has ~500k players.

FFXIV has 16 million players, it's far bigger than WoW trash

Isn't wow at like 3m subs atm

Everyone shit on the sparkle pony when it first came out. Unfortunately there were more retards who bought than not.

WoW fell to 3.2 million according to leaked numbers. FFXIV has 600k characters who did Stormblood main quest according to the census site. WoW even at its lowest (game has been garbage for literally an entire decade now) is still vastly more popular than FFXIV.

>we need a reason for vulpera to join the horde
>we'll have the alliance do something out of character completely out of the blue for no real reason

Post some good wow ost

>total registered users
using this metric wow has surpassed one hundred million during cataclysm

Way of the monk is probably the only post-WotLK WoW song I enjoyed.

And 95 million of those were banned chinese farmers

Even if half were, that's still more than three times FFXIV players.

yikes, actually using that metric seriously. you know how many black mage pots are out there? by that metric, gacha shit like granblue fantasy is overwhelmingly popular than ffxiv.

>esl retard shilling blizz shit
hi chang

Well yeah, china is a good market to sell shit to. No wonder they had that many subscribers since it's like the only videogame they're allowed to play over there. I'd be curious to see what the sub difference would be if you just compared NA/EU on both games

Hi. Going to spam at limsa to meet my quota.

FFXIV NA and EU combined has 400k max. Even if China was half of WoW subs, it still makes it more than three times as popular in EU/NA than FFXIV.

those body proportions kill my boner, they look so weird

Shame we'll never get to know what the real subcounts are. I appreciate you pulling numbers out of your ass but they're not worth a lot to me I'm afraid.

can confirm, also those legs are too short (or the arms too long) that's not even a decent shortstack body

I'm using the leaked numbers Blizzard denied because it made them look bad.

Same could be said for everyone in this thread. Wish we could see real data from both sides.

They will deny any number period. It can be 3 million, 1 million or 500k. They're not going to fess up because they're bleeding subs like crazy.


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Half of south east Asia is literally muslim because of traders.

WoW's been garbage since WotLK. Why would they be bleeding subs now? If someone enjoyed MoP, WoD, and Legion, why would he suddenly grow good taste and quit in BfA?

>Vulpera don't have Australian accents

I had a fun time in Legion and I've now dropped the game. You clearly don't know how much worse it fucking is now.

Literally none of this matters because Classic WoW, a vastly superior game, is coming soon.
Soon....Soon you will see the light.

>since WotLK
Wrathbaby please get a grip. Not only are the chinese farmers out of a job because blizzard is selling gold themselves but people are just tired of the shitty state of the game right now. Every expansion fewer and fewer people resub because they've given up on the game ever being good again. Couple that with stupid long content lulls that make even more people unsub and you're left with the current state of retail wow.

>Alliance gets a cool steampunk race
>Hordefags seethe because they get trash while Allies get a reference to the most mature aesthetic


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>attempt was sabotaged by Sylvanas
Nah, one in the group recognized Calia and tried to have an impromptu coup. Sylvanas being paranoid of traitors since Godfrey said fuck it and had them all killed. Except the ones who had a shitty experience trying to reconnect like she did with her sisters.

Why would a wrathbaby say WotLK killed WoW you imbecile

I'd argue that counts as sabotaging it.

I'd disagree since she let them have a fair shake until they started trying to rally behind Calia, but I understand your point of view.

Because wrathbabies are retarded like that. Not denying the rest of the post?

Nothing will ever disappoint me more than the Nightborne. Blizzard couldn't even let us have their heads and faces, they just slightly modified the Night Elf bodies, left the heads exactly the same, and called it a day. And this is on top of the Night Elf updated models being half-assed. They really don't like working on anything Night Elf or related.

Its amazing

Yes, just look at the number of people who came back for WoD as opposed to people who came back for MoP. But then again if you're too retarded to read posts you reply to you're probably too retarded to check out these figures as well.

>loli muslim foxes
What, and let us get something good this expansion. Horde has gotten all the good stuff this expansion

>implying I wouldnt fuck a Bangaa

Who the fuck cares about 6 year old numbers, they're not relevant to the current state of the game. I'm not surprised people came back for WoD because classes were actually fun to play in MoP, can't say the same about BfA

modified Roe body
modified Elezen body
I fucking sleep. Just make the Viera like in XII, but nope. Jesus, I was more disappointed when I checked the demo.

The living humans wanted absolutely nothing to do with the Forsaken and killed them on sight.

In a truly lore-wise perspective. The nature of the Horde is to expand as much as they can, conquering nearby lands, similarly to how the Roman Empire functioned.
In that sense, Alliance outlaws and adventurers would seek refuge/fame/fortune in Orgrimmar, likely splitting the city into racially segregated quarters. Orcs would still remain the (by far) largest and most influential race in the Horde. But other races would still become specialized merchants, guards, auxiliaries or mercenaries for the Horde.

The Alliance would never do this of course, since it operates more akin to the ancient Greek city-state system.

>pic is fanart

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>Lok-tar Ogar, my son
>Welcome to the chapel of Saint Zug Zug
>Come, let us give a prayer to the Light together

>Why would they be bleeding subs now? If someone enjoyed MoP, WoD, and Legion, why would he suddenly grow good taste and quit in BfA?

Not that user but it's not hypothetical. If you pay attention to the community on the forums and youtube or whatever, they've reached a tipping point. WoW stopped being an MMO a long time ago but how it's not even an RPG. BfA is unanimously regarded as the worst expansion.

considering Blizzard can sell a color swap as a new race, I'm not even surprised anymore. Those who "work" on WoW are underpaid video-game university students who are the equals of video game journalist aka the
>I can't get an actual job and I was stupid enough to major in a subject everyone knows is a joke but its still there because retards like me exist, and not even the shittiest newspaper wanted me as a writer
types, who do the meat of the work under the surveillance of fuckers like:
Jeff "I'm the OG gamer and I shit into socks during a previous expansion, this means I had a super fast progress therefore I'm right." Kaplan
Or Ion "Everyone else was stupid enough to not come up with a system where you grind endlessly in a dread content, also I look like ghostcrawler" Hazzikostas
Or Allen "Trust me you dumb fucks, I know better what you want than you do" Brack
Or Josh "I need a community manager, even if I'm the community manager." Allen.
Or Greg "Holy priest and League of Legends" Street

The only way to win this game is to not play it at all.


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Community has been calling the current expansion the worst expansion ever since literally WotLK. WotLK, Cata, MoP, WoD, and now BfA. Legion was literally the only expansion that has been an exception to this.

I didn't play during MoP, but a very common sentiment was that MoP was the peak of class design, at least.

Long as they fight with honor I don't give a Kodo's ass about how they look.

You must really hate goblins then

>horde gets foxes
Sorry kid.

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Once they fixed the issues with the legendaries people were pretty on board with Legion too, not nearly as much as MoP or anything pre Cata but nobody wanted to go back to WoD at least.

I'll believe that when we see updated gilblin models.

oh boy, blue goblins
thanks blizzard

The ones who fight are as fierce and honorable as any Orc.

It wasn't, really. At the time people were complaining that classes were too samey. Every class had an answer to something, so there was no reason to want to take any class over another. Classes had too much utility and people bitched about it. So in BFA they trim utility from classes so they feel more interdependent on each other and more people bitch about ability pruning.

MOP was a good expac for a lot of reasons, but class design wasn't one of them really. It's another one of those collective false memories the community has, like WOTLK and Vanilla being good. Pure contrarianism. People are saying that WoD is better than BFA despite that fact that WoD had so little content that it had a patch dedicated to twitter integration and a Garrison boombox and that was literally it.

Basically the WoW community is shit and always has been shit.

Until their enemies offer them a higher paycheck.

You'll get them with the future nazjatar update - goblins are getting reworked (along with worgen). It's pretty much confirmed, considering it's the easiest and most logical allied race to the goblins.

Attached: gilgoblin datamining.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

literally nobody cares about bfa mate.

That's just a meme furry apologists keep trying to force, like muh glad spec in WoD.

Better than the ugly, soulless foxes at least.

Vulpera also make a lot of sense, though. They pretty much just need to flip a switch to make them playable, and they have a strong tie to the Horde.

They can never escape Yrel

That was the entire point, you idiot. They're the Echo Fighters of WoW with different racials from their bases.

MoP Warlock and Shaman was kino class design

Furry races should be Alliance only

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Bilgewater Cartel wants nothing to do with the Alliance after what happened at the beginning of Cataclysm.

horde had furry races from the start though

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By that logic they should want nothing to do with Gallywix either, but here we are.

Human men belong to Tauren women

Quiet you!

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can't we just get a good race instead?
who the fuck asked for gilblins?

goblins probably get off on being treated like that

I dunno about that. The people I've seen saying it have mostly hated pandas with every fiber of their being.

lol does wow still not have nagas

>It's supposed to be shit


Why is it shit? Because they're not Ogres and Naga and Murlocs and Arakkoa and Furbolgs and Ethereals and demons and elementals?


now if only worgen models weren't shit

New races to play as are not content. Change my mind

gilblins are fine fag

You do know none of those would work or make sense as playable, right? You all whine about all the asspulls Blizzard makes in WoW, would you accept the asspulls to make those playable?

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Do not lewd Fiona

She is a whore

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When did they ever say that they were making the mechagnomes or vulpera playable?
Mechagnomes I can see happening. Not sure on the Vulpera since it would literally be throwing a pile of shit at the Alliance (again).

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Alliance genociding isn't out of character

They haven't outright stated it. Vulpera got a model update late in development though and are pretty much already ready to be made playable, and that seems to be the case for mechagnomes too. They even have their own unique /dance animations.


Yes obviously. I don't know how anyone can defend this level of laziness.

>literally refused to genocide orcs after the second war because it would be a mean thing to do
>innocent furry foxes are okay lol

nigga anything that isn't a dreadlord or faceless one is titan made
the origin of any race besides draenei can be summarized as "the titans made something, but they fucked it up and now they're this"

Some kingdoms wanted to genocide the orcs, like Kul Thiras and Gilneas.


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Then explain the orcs.

>Blizzard releases update for Nazjatar and Mechagon
>Giblin traitors and Mechagnomes
>"Let's give Horde Vulpera and Alliance Mechagnomes this patch!"
If Blizzard wanted to give Horde Vulpera, they would have done so out the gate of the expansion.
Best case you can hope for now is post-expansion.

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Because she's pure

Vulpera are just some filler race like those little bear creatures in Wotlk. They have no expressions and honestly nobody likes them. I don't see much of a chance for them to become an allied race - whereas the gilgoblins would be easy to make and give a needed variation to the goblins without disrupting the established races of the horde too much.

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You're welcome to apply to Blizzard and show them how a non-lazy person makes completely unique races along with everything required for them like a starting zone, lore, proper fitting for armors and helms, etc.

Also, the racials would be much more interesting.

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>Genocide the trolls, stealing their land for their entire history
>Force bloodelves to be a meatshield for the alliance armies
>Genocide the newly freed forsaken who just want their old lives back
>Yrel slaughters anyone who want follow the light

>B-b-but we didn't kill the orcs, we just enslaved them to be a cheap labor force

Not gonna lie, I'd like gilblins more than vulpera, but I think with all we've seen so far, vulpera are going to happen. Doesn't mean we can't also get gilblins, of course.

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Gilblins are rock-stupid and only care about collecting shiny things, what asspull is Blizard going to make for them to be playable?

Help bros I'm getting the itch again. Is a new expansion going to be announced soon? Maybe I will wait

>Gilblins are rock-stupid
So were the Worgen, who suddenly weren't feral or anything after all.

>don't see much of a chance for them to become an allied race
didn't they legit just get Azerite shit added and all kinds of other shit pointing to them being playable

>Genocide the newly freed forsaken who just want their old lives back
t. never played tft or vanilla wow

>Yrel slaughters anyone who want follow the light
But that's not what happened at all

We're going to be speculating for a while longer since there's no new Allied races coming in the next patch.

They seem pretty cool to me, senpai. Even got a strong female leader.

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They found a cure for the feral worgen

Suppose to be won't follow the light*

Sylvannas went to the alliance first, and her messengers were murdered

They were feral until the Night Elves realized what was happening and fixed their beast modes dominating their logic circuits.

It would be cool if they were just a neutral race, seeing as how both factions helped them in some fashion (but Horde predominantly did)
The way it is right now, with 7 Beerfest icons instead of an even 8, it hurts my soul.

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Yep, that kind of asspull. Not all of the gilbins are stupid or mindless.

>fighting off troll invasions for the sake of your own survival is now genocide
>a single commander being a racist fuck and doing things on his own out in bumfuck nowhere is now representative of an entire faction
>implying the forsaken ever got genocided
>implying Yrel is part of the Alliance

And that's not even what she's doing. She captures orcs and maybe possibly brainwashes them. She might not even be entirely wrong, considering the state their world is in.

They're never doing a "Neutral race who can choose which side" after the Pandaren and all the nonsense that came of it.

That's a crappy nuwow retcon that directly contradicts both warcraft 3 and vanilla wow

their are currently 3 full sized ogre clans allied with the horde.
one in Feralas, one in Tanaris, and one came with the Brown orcs that joined the horde

In other words
>Waaah, I don't like it so it's not canon!!

>muslim foxes

Outside of the clothing, how are they Muslim?

> Shu-zen
Damn that's a pretty cute doggo.

>Vulpera have a dog-eat-dog mentality in their core values
>willing to backstab each other over petty things if the gold is good enough or if they just don't like another vulperan
If they ever did it again, Vulpera have a much more sensible logic to them being a neutral race, what with there being no real guilt in their decisions if they choose a side.

Sylvanas sending messages to the alliance first was written in the Vanilla manual

if only this was the ingame model...

Meanwhile, Forsaken were abducting civilians to conduct horrible experiments on them.

Sounds like the goblins

No, it literally contradicts both Sylvanas allying with Alliance and then backstabbing them in TFT, and a group of Forsaken defecting to the Alliance, being warmly received by the Alliance but unfortunately ultimately killed by Horde adventurers on Sylvanas' orders in Hillsbrad in vanilla WoW.

Muslim is the new go-to buzzword for stupid people.

Vulperans are literally furry goblins.

Are you implying we should be grateful for the allied races when they have proven they can make unique ones instead? Each new expansion should have new shit at its bare bones, reskins don't count.

First time I hear about it. On what page? I'll go check out my copy.

>"cripple" is now a race

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being fat is also a race so why not

>Community has been calling the current expansion the worst expansion ever since literally WotLK.

What's your point?

There's a difference between an expansion that's worse than 1, 2, 3 expansions etc and an expansion that's worse than all 6. This "wow has always been bad so there's no difference in quality at all" is a deliberately retarded position. Stop being a retailfag in denial.

Nobody's perfect
Beats me, I would tell you but I can't get to my manual right now.

God forbid they do their fucking job and create a new experience for each expansion.

Why couldn't they just give us actual sub-races instead of this garbage?

wow is doomed. once classic starts to outperform, retail is going to redone in its image. i do not believe they are capable of pulling it off

>loli muslim foxes
Superior in every single way

Classic won't have a lot of staying power, once people have had their fill of it they will drop wow all together since retail isn't worth going back to

Allied Races aren't a new experience?

Hey, we've had "Being furry" as races for more than a decade now.

But somehow you believe Classic will outperform retailer?

Rent free.

It always was. Literally dwarves.

i might actually play horde now

Is that more believable than the chapel of voodoo mon?

>uhhhh y-you w-werk for blizz -a-aand do it then!!!

Absolutely based drooling retard

dwarfs are based though, undead are the cripples through and through

More than WoW.

yes. 'influencers' hold a lot of sway

Shadowmoon Orcs.

HOW IS THAT YOU CAN'T PLAY AS MURLOCKS? they must be one of the most beloved races of them all

Trolls actually have a priesthood though, even if it's a voodoo mon one. You should've used goblins as an example or something.

You all keep claiming you could do better, put your money where your mouth is or keep it closed.

He means the Vulpera, but they're still not Loli.

Come on now. The greedy pennypinching race couldn't NOT have a clergy.

Put work in giving them tails that work they may never use them as a race or worse not put what they worked with into new races.

>Prosthetic leg
>A race
Fuck off, retard

>Still no Goblin Paladins that get their "light" from the reflection of Gold Coins.

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>not even fully mechanical
Why the fuck can't I be an actual mechagnome like those ulduar niggas, fucking ripoff

When the fuck are we getting leper gnomes

Do shadowtrannies actually believe this? As shit as WoW is these days, there's literally zero chance of it having less than half a million subs.

>You all keep claiming you could do better
No that would be you, retard

>can bribe the elements
>but can't bribe the Light
it's not fair...

>people still play this piece of shit of a game
excuse me what lmao?

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I saw a leak that they don't even have 100k subs which Blizzard denied so it has to be true

>iron horde tries to take over the entirety of draenor
>they face repercussions
Ever wonder why the orc raised by humans is the only sane one?

Post it.

They're a palette swap of a 15 year old experience.

>Alliance get manipulated by unseen forces to do horrible shit

>Horde get manipulated by unseen forces to do horrible shit

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Just making fun of this user, don't get your panties in a bunch

And a short attention span

Umm sorry sweaty but orcs had their chance at a fresh start and they fucked it up royally in WoD.

Love how accepting void makes them gain a new accent and forget to speak with bloodelves.

And how are unique races a meaningful experience?

The Horde does terrible shit regardless of manipulation see MoP, WoD, and BfA

Void Elves are the best race because they suck and also eternally blow High Elf fags out of the water.

The official stance from the Alliance is that the Horde is made up largely of good and honest people, that are currently under bad leadership.

This has to be a troll, blizzdrones this delusional wouldn't be on Yea Forums.

You said it yourself, they're unique.

I disagree. Slaughter the Horde, and bring me some goblin wenches

Okay you retarded motherfucker
First of all you have already a ton of material to work with in game, you don't even need new shit when there are playable races untouched for 10+ Godforsaken years and asked by community to be playable, since the the very first game came out.
Second all new races are color swaps and minor differences, there might as well be an option in barber shop. There is literally no reason they are behind a boring ass grind which nobody enjoys, since their changes are so minor there might as well never exist in the first place. The effort doesn't justify the reward at all, its an artifical time wall to stretch out content and make it look more than it actually is. An extremely scum and lazy move.
This gets us to part tree: the lore behind these races. Jesus fuck now THIS part is where the shit hits the fan, as if WoW's lore was not a joke which is you supposed to take seriously. The obvious is they were created as a balance, just like in TBC horde got the pretty race they lacked. The lore is full of awful characters and storylines, motivation, personality etc. Look buddy if your best bet is a jewess who milks the IP with its shitty books, doesn't send a warning sign into your brain then you have some problems in your head. You can go two ways at this point: You either put bets on players and minimize story so they can have their interaction with others as the creme, or you shouldn't do anything what involves writing, because its obvious that you lack the skill.
Now we come to the fourth problemo, where we come to the conclusion that your main focus should be on something more important than adding new races, because oh baby you have a fuckton bigger problems in the gameplay, so maybe its time to focus on that, instead of your dumb horned cows and fat humans.

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You may disagree, but that's the stance of your leaders. But yes, bring on the goblins.

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I didn't know the Frostwolves and Warsong were Ironhorde

Warsong most definitely are iron horde

So what exactly is the 'lore' behind mechagnomes? They somehow in between the regular gnomes and the robot ones from Northrend?

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Panda paladins when?

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subfaction of gnomes trying to reverse the curse of flesh

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Nobody plays normal Goblins, literally the least played race in the game. Those freaks look even worse. Blizz makes dumb decisions, but picking an allied race that absolutely nobody would play is a waste of time.

The real travesty is getting highmountain over taunka, who have been in the horde since wrath. Lightforged were also extremely lazy

I want to impregnate a Panda Paladin

imagine the smell hhhhhnnnnnngggggg

Attached: sniff.gif (354x276, 901K)

removing race restrictions on classes is a step I feel that would get some people to return.

I also unironically want vanilla to have the cataclysm job combos, like human hunter and troll warlock

every single one of my horde characters are goblins. hunter, rogue, shaman and death knight.

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Most of the current allied races are completely ignored, so it's not like it wouldn't fit the pattern. The only ones that have managed to garner decent playerbases are Void Elves and Zandalari.

the only thing I will miss going into classic is playable goblins

They will when the model update is arriving. Nobody plays worgen either, but they are all receiving some love in the future update.

I'll miss the plush Panda ass in Classic

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We all will

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Still a shame there are no forsaken paladin when there are already undead scarlet paladins in the plaguelands

>we want the furry audience
tranny populace of horde just tripled and might actually surpass the alliance now. thankfully classic is coming along.

>Using Scarlet Crusade's religion while you could just worship Sylvanas

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time? is it really that *time* again?

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What would that do to the air quality?

mechagnomes are pre established idiot do you not know what the curse of flesh is?

In order for undead to keep being paladins requires next level zealotry and/or madness.


Nightborne are currently the most played Allied Race on Horde, they're getting close to surpassing Horde Pandaren. All the other Horde allied races have reasonable representation, with Highmountain being popular in US but not EU and Mag'har popular in EU but not US.

>pay monthly
>get this as a result
im glad i never played wow

>Nightborne are currently the most played Allied Race on Horde

Yes, and Zandalari are quickly catching up.

>they're getting close to surpassing Horde Pandaren.

Both Zandalari and Nightborne have long since passed the Horde Pandaren playerbase.

>Highmountain being popular in US
>least played race out of all of them


>there are people that are fine with grinding for races so they can use them to grind world quests
Modern WoW's gameplay loop is awful.

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I just want a Panda wife it's not fair

Maggot boobs

>Implying players would grind world quests while playing on RP realms

Murlocs are Unironically a bit more inportant to wow than any other creep
>Kills troll leader, forging the plot to make them join the horde

WoW's gameplay loop has always been awful.
>collect 20 boar asses.
>now deliver this macguffin half way across the world
>thanks for the macguffin, now collect 20 bear asses and pick up 10 piles of shit
>congrats, you're 60. now you need to grind dungeons to maybe get gear to grind more dungeons
>grats you're geared from dungeons, now you need to grind rep and consumables so you will be able to grind this raid
>grats you grinded out this raid, now you need to grind it out some more to grind the next raid

It really isn't!

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As someone from the sidelines I kept mixing this up with Champions Online

You just described all RPGs ever made. Should you start at max level with all skills and equipment and the instances and raids give you nothing in order to avoid having to "grind"?

City Of Heroes/Villains is the good one, though quite frankly DC Universe Online trumps both of them.

Undead zealotry already exists. If you need to give them a source for the power like the loa, naaru, or the sun for the tauren, then you could always make some stuff about them tapping the same power the valkyr use

Other RPGs have some semblance of story. If you go and talk to a tavern keep in most other RPGs he'll spin you a yarn or tell you gossip about some treasure. there are NPCs around with their own stories and motivations. It's being a part of an interactive world.

Grinding is an artificial extension of a gameplay loop. It doesn't add anything meaningful. It's not difficult, it tests no skills, it requires only patience and lots of disposable time.

i tried dcuo and it felt like moist steamy shit

Champions has really gone downhill...chinese took over and basically locked everything possible behind a paywall to the point where its just not fun anymore. Some of the CoX servers have all costume pieces and powers unlocked from the start.

I'm well aware, and I'm all for Forsaken paladins being a thing. It's just, they'd have to be introduced properly. Since it's been clarified that long term exposure to the Light has some arguably beneficial, if double-edged, effects on the people suffering through it, I have argued before that Sylvanas could seek it as a way to keep herself a live for longer. Not sure how much longer she'll stay in power, though.

can't even furfag it up because all the pieces that let you do it are locked behind a paywall, like fuck that shit i'll play degenerate races that get my dick up but i'm not gonna pay up front to do it, bunch of faggots


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What you're whining about is the gameplay, having a story doesn't affect that at all. Listening to bartenders recount their sex lives isn't gameplay.

When will Horde get Vrykul?

You're the one who brought up other RPGs. Many other RPGs have redeeming factors to them, like writing and story told through an interactive medium.

The gameplay is shit yes, this is a categorical fact. You'll come back to me with "w/e man i enjoy it" but you know deep down that your experience isn't made richer for grinding all the shit you need to raid Naxx. It's cope.

So what you're saying is you'd rather watch a movie than play any RPG.

people would flip! I'd love it tho



>everything is reddit!
Which race would you rather have for the Horde?


I'm saying that the gameplay should be more engaging. Imagine if you had to grind mats in order to play Contra or Mario, or any other game.You don't get to do the thing you want to do, no, you have to do an easy but very repetitive task in order to do the fun thing. That's artificially extending content.

I'm fine with other RPGs because most other RPGs will have some decent writing tied to them. Reasons to go and do more things, explore, talk to people. If WoW was a real RPG it would have quests based on talking to people and gathering information. It doesn't. Every single quest is kill x, collect x, deliver x to y. You're misframing ever RPG into this small box when this is mostly an RPG specific issue.

Never. Neither side will get em right now, possibly ever, but my fun thought was Alliance getting Vrykul instead, especially with how Sylvanas tried enslaving one of their deities after striking a deal with their pantheon's equivalent of the devil. Giant rowdy viking bros who are eager to start shit and not afraid to get downright brutal woulda been great. Having these fuckers would detract from the whole 'nobler than thou' Alliance air more. Plus it fits with half the Alliance being titanforged or descendants of such too.
Instead of giant muscle humans we got fat humans instead. Fuckin hell

It'd be neat if they were neutral like pandas, and each side got one brand of vrykul. Some shit like Kvaldir for Horde and somethin like Valarjar for alliance

Yeah the game really needs more shrek jokes. Go back to your swamp, reddit

We need Ogre Paladins.

Too big, too stupid, and no females. Also imagine how awful most of the armors would look on them.

>Also imagine how awful most of the armors would look on them
Worked for kul tirans

Kul Tirans aren't lumpy and obese, no matter how much you babies scream and cry they are.

>Kul Tirans aren't lumpy and obese
Ogres are neither lumpy nor obese. They're buff as fuck beneath the fat.

So are the Tirans. They have functional builds for their climate and way of life.


>tanks exist
>guns exist
>rockets exist
>motorcycles exist
>people still run around using swords and shields

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I think you meant ogre demon hunters

Magic swords and shields.

I don't see how anyone can fucking defend this. Even the staunchest of Blizzdrones cant do it.

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I can't wait for the day when the very last disillusioned WoWfag quits this game and it dies finally. Then every WoW cuck whale faggot who throws money at this travesty can suffer when they realize all that they ever loved and spent so much time on will be lost to the sands of time. I will be there to drink your tears.

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How will there be anyone left to suffer if everyone becomes disillusioned and quits? Dumb out of season poster.

And on top of that, we didn't get skinny Kul Tirans. Not that I had particularly high hopes for it, but I still reserved the name Rincewind on my server, just in case it happened.

I'm trying to understand why people like you lose your absolute damn fool minds in frothing rage over it. Are your eyes and brains so very sensitive and weak that you're in nonstop pain over it?

They are objectively ugly.

I'm trying to understand why people like YOU lose your absolute damn fool minds frothing in rage over people not liking ugly fatties. For being inclusive and accepting, you sure don't like people with differing opinions.

i think hes just jealous that people who are addicted to other mmos at least get to look at attractive character models. desu you should be jealous too unless youre a tranny or a girl

Forget the pig mount.

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Here's my secret: I don't give a flying rat fuck about what fictional characters look like, unlike you and the SJWs you're the exact same as I know they don't exist and have no affect on me or my life.

>if you don't hivemind with me you're random buzzword insults I see Yea Forums constantly fart!
Imagine not having your own mind or thoughts.

I agree that they're fucking ugly, and I'd never consider playing one. I also don't think their mere existence is worth getting upset over.

>tfw you bought LTS early on
>they just keep giving you zen every month for years because it was part of the LTS deal
>buy whatever I want in the zen shop because I kept getting zen
>convert all my questionite into zen from all my cosmic hunt
They will probably remove but by then, I already got most of the costume from the shop. It was certainly worth every penny.

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>I'm trying to understand why people like you lose your absolute damn fool minds in frothing rage over it. Are your eyes and brains so very sensitive and weak that you're in nonstop pain over it?
Motherfucker I'm laughing my ass off that these things were given the thumbs up to be launched in a patch as an "Allied Race".

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>imagine being this much of a cuck you cant even formulate a counter argument and go straight into shit-flinging
kill yourself triggered tranny

>screams that anyone who doesn't hate what he hates is a tranny or woman
>immediately starts crying and flailing when someone else tells him to shove it
Yep, thin-skinned babies.

My defense is that male KT look good, so I'm ok with it.

he isnt complaining because he is the target audience, lard-chaser or fat himself

I mean it looks cool, but fights with more than a couple of people most be a seizure inducing shit show.

lmao says the one who cried to begin with, absolutely hilarious, you must be lobotomized or retarded no question

Aw shit, here we go again

Good thing you can turn off other people's spell effects in the menu then

I agree that looks like shit, but the engine is so old at this point.

>metal limbs
so can we replace their humanoid limbs with animal limbs?

This. What fucking trash.

because the male Kul Tirans had effort put into them. The females just had some proportions altered. Its lazy and I expect more of this small indie company

Not looking forward to the Dreamworksification of the goblins

>says the one who cried to begin with
Asking a simple question =/= crying, bitchbaby.

>choice of a virtual fantasy world full of beautiful people
>choice of a virtual fantasy world full of ugly people
if you chose ugly and arent bothered by it its because youre ugly and accepted it
i suppose thats a good thing

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Female KT look nothing like female humans so how are they "only proportions altered"?


They look like Dobson got a hold of them

So do the men. Apparently the problem is your dick doesn't get hard so you throw raging shitfits.


The men have custom faces and a completely different body shape than regular male humans. Female kul tirans have female human heads with the inflation bodies. You can even tell from the example posted they used the same underwear for the fem-tiran but had to make new bottoms as it was stretched out too much. It reeks of laziness. You can try to paint it whatever color you like but it is lazy.

lmao you literal brainlet.
Even if its a case of pushing a fat acceptance which can be actually true since there is a fuckton of leftist women in blizzard, not to mention they are commiefornians, they simply look like shit. They don't look appealing at all, even if its engine limitations, not to mention nobody wanted them in the first place where high elves were asked for since TBC, and now you got void elves, because blizzard can't write for shit so easier to weasel out than saying: You won't get high elves because Golden fucked up already too hard and have no idea how to implement them so we choose the easy way. Also corruption.

hey girl, lemme explain it to ya, you see men have two dicks, an invisible one and a physical one. when you see a hot smokin girl your physical dick gets hard, if you see a guy whos literally the personification of all that is manly your invisible one gets hard, dont forget to dilate btw

Imagine, people, being this upset over a fictional race of people solely because they're not anime titty monsters with nonexistent waists.

>omg one thing is "ugly" that means all the hot stuff doesn't exist and I can only think about the "ugly" thing, it lives in my head rent-free!
You poor simple creature.

theres plenty of chubby women who are attractive in vidya, heck even blizzard managed to score one with a significant fanbase in overwatch, mei. kul tiran fems are just too realistic in a fantasy games where even pandas managed to get porn drawn.

the problem is theyre too real, thats why it triggers me, i already have to suffer seeing these monsters in real life everywhere

>You poor simple creature
wow that really hurt my feelings bro