Linux gaming thread

Now that Linux has games, what does it still need to get before you start using it?

Attached: Tux.png (265x314, 12K)

Other urls found in this thread:

a fuckin clue LOL

I already use it as my main OS.

Is it true some games assume you're on ubuntu, or does everything run the same on any distro?

brainlet here
how do i play touhou on arch? i dont even know how to use the aur..

Never had an issue with it. Ubuntu is usually the only "officially supported" distro but that doesn't mean shit.

Use something like yaourt to search the AUR

>sudo pacman -S wine lib32-libpulse
>start 2hu through wine
Should be all.

how does it feel to have triple digit IQ?

>what does it still need to get before you start using it?
Ease of use

I assume that's pretty normal as the average should be 100. Either way, I am submitting my doctorate in chemistry in the next couple of months and am stressed to the point of a mental breakdown.

Use something like Manjaro or Mint.

god I love GNU/Linux
just get a single big hard drive for a Windows 10 gaming though

you got this, we believe in you
put some vidya quotes in there just for the lulz

Attached: thumbs_up_rocket.jpg (316x400, 18K)

Thanks man, I did chuck a few random references in already to see if people picked up on it.

>Using Gn*me derivatives when KDE is good now

Attached: iu.jpg (400x371, 39K)

it needs better compatibility with old windows games

It has better compatibility with old Windows games than Windows 10.

And it is getting better with every day with Valve throwing money at projects that improve compatibility.
And Lutris being a thing.

Actually, since Yea Forums likes to debate the Epic vs Steam thing, how come Valve is more or less ignoring Epic yet they put a lot of resources into Linux?
Is Gabe so fucking enlightened that he sees so far into the future that he is not even able to see present any more?

Attached: linus_quote.jpg (850x400, 52K)

not in my experience, sorry

Doing nothing is the correct move. Public opinion is against epic and even if it wasn't their business model is very far from being sustainable. All gaben has to do is wait.

And yet you're wrong.

A non shit equivalent to afterburner for one

what did you have issue with?

For what it's worth, linux helped me replay two games what were a fucking mess on W7,8,10 - Gruntz and the first Dungeon Siege.

>Valve Time is a legit strategy
amusing revelation

Attached: wrongkiddoo.jpg (800x798, 80K)

I switched to a GNU/Linux desktop a long time ago because I was tired of Windows 10.

Gaming on steam with proton is near perfect

What we need is:
>X to hurry up and die and be replaced
>Windows to hurry up and die and be replaced

Anyone got Yakuza games running on Proton? Any good?

Good video editing/recording software and a way to separate audio from my different sources

>Actually, since Yea Forums likes to debate the Epic vs Steam thing, how come Valve is more or less ignoring Epic yet they put a lot of resources into Linux?
>Is Gabe so fucking enlightened that he sees so far into the future that he is not even able to see present any more?

Gabe is a smart fucking dude.

Remember Google Stadia? Protip: all of it will be linux-based.

Because Xbone and PSquadruple are already x86-based and most of the industry is moving to Vulkan for compability reasons, there's a huge opportunity for Vulkan on Linux to become a first-class citizen for gaming.

Steam boxes were just a trial-run, they will release new ones once most developers have solid linux builds of their big games.

do you not know how to configure pulseaudio/alsa?

2hu is one of the easiest games to get running on Linux. Except fightings. You just fire 32bit wine on it and it just werks.
Sometimes they even run better than on modern windows (Touhou 6 for example)

You don't even need a 32 bit wine prefix. All you need is 32 bit pulseaudio or you won't have sound.

Nothing will ever assume you're on "Ubuntu". "Ubuntu" doesn't exist. It's "Linux" (or "GNU/Linux"). Ubuntu is just the name of that particular configuration of Linux.

Dude no.


When I no longer have to RTFM for the most basic things from a printer set up or have to worry about tweaking the game until it works.

>inb4 if more people use it, the faster the issues will be fixed
That's a retarded mindset and you need to stop spamming Linux threads here constantly, you same-fag OP

fuck that nerd shit.
as long as I can't just turn on my pc with linux on it, double click on a game shortcut and play the fuckin thing, im not going into linux.
also if linux cant play every single game that is playable on windows, im also not gonna bother

Literally no examples for better.

>as long as I can't just turn on my pc with linux on it, double click on a game shortcut and play the fuckin thing,
You can literally do that right now.

how is that a retarded mindset, that is literally the core principle of technology

but you did spot my samefagging, congratz, memory serves you well

motherfucker nobody knows how to configure pulseaudio. it just showed up out of the blue one day. we're pretty sure satanic rituals were involved. you just leave it alone and restart it if it stops working.

>three minutes

you type 'apt get install steam' and that's it you're fuckin done.

he asked for the pussy faggot way

>not apt

Does steam work well on linux mint?
Because linux mint is my fav distro.

Look man I haven't used a debian based system since 2016. I run OpenSUSE.

He should have used Synaptic instead of terminal. Terminal scares normalfags

>attempt to switch to Linux
>there are a billion distros that have no apparent advantage over any other one
>the community seems to throw a fit over people copying and pasting commands into terminal to try and make things work
>intense elitism over using a distro where the differences seem as minor as wiggling your finger twice before opening terminal instead of once
>you have to install other shit to even try to get games to run
>something you just double click on in windows you have to run from the command line in Linux
>a guide will be for an older distro version and asking for help with the new one tells you to go google it
>attempting any Japanese localization is a pure nightmare
>"This is better because its free."
>"Without linux you wouldn't have servers, you are stupid for thinking its bad"
>"This distro is good when you first start but then you will want to install random distros until you find out what you really need from it"
>"What distro is good for Gami..." "FUCK YOU"
>"isn't it great that this software is truely free?"

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yes, it works perfectly

Because convincing a few ignorant spuls here won't fix the issues. They will never be fixed unless widespread normal-fag adoption happens which won't happen because of the current issues. Until there is 1 distro that can do everything Windows or OSX does with no terminal usage, Linux will never st and a chance as a regular day to day OS outside of specific work related tweaks/usage.

Your same-fag proves how insufferable and autistic Linux-fags really are

Things that never happened, written by an autist edition.

Except it literally does on /g/ almost every day?

yeah it works great on anything ubuntu-based

also works perfect on Fedora

>"What distro is good for Gami..." "FUCK YOU"


You have to realize that most of the people who respond in those threads work with Linux every day and/or are programmers, so they are going to be inherently antisocial.

Just ignore them. Linux will be mainstream in the next 10 years or so once all the boomers are dead and the tech-savvy zoomers are the primary consumers. They'll know better than to actually pay money for an OS.

>"What distro is good for Gami..." "FUCK YOU"

You get this answer because there aren't any. Drivers in Linux have come a long way, especially with Vulkan beating the dicks out of DX12 in every metric, but most games run at a significantly lower frame rate on Linux if they work at all. Most games DO work now, but it's still a fundamentally inferior experience compared to windows, especially with WINE's extremely questionable xinput controller support.

Except it doesn't.

>put a lot of resources into
stop believing that valve puts serious money into anything

the whole company is like 200 people, this and the electricity bills for their servers is all Gaben pays for

this sounds cute until you realize that the company is taking around 1/4 of the whole pc gaming's revenue. Valve/Gabe is a huge leach on the industry, and paying for 2 guys to work at steam linux compatibility at their weekends won't redeem this.

>there are a billion distros that have no apparent advantage over any other one
That's why you stick to the handful of popular ones.

>the community seems to throw a fit over people copying and pasting commands into terminal to try and make things work
Just ignore them. I copy-paste commands all the fucking time and I have sudo configured to not need a password because that's silly on a home computer.

>you have to install other shit to even try to get games to run
Like what? Steam and graphics drivers?

>something you just double click on in windows you have to run from the command line in Linux
Only with shit file managers. Use KDE software if you want to avoid the terminal.

>"What distro is good for Gami..." "FUCK YOU"
It's a silly question honestly and I would tell you to fuck off as well. All the distros do it just as well.

Linux has games?

>something you just double click on in windows you have to run from the command line in Linux
The sad thing is, as soon as you mention this in a Linuxfag thread everybody will start verbally raping you even though they know it's true. Getting shit to work or install from scratch in Linux is almost always a huge fucking hassle.

>"why haven't you switched to linux for gaming?"
>well what distro should I use?
>"there isn't one thats good for gaming?"

Can you see how this might cause issue?

You'd be surprised. Most indie games that are coming out now have Linux builds.

As long as Windows is what comes preinstalled on 99% of PCs, Linux will never achieve significant market share in the desktop world.

Really? Nice, that's great to hear.


Attached: lutris_menu.png (1145x595, 642K)

Those aren't very good games.

>unironically asking /g/ for advice

>That's why you stick to the handful of popular ones.
Oh good, now I have like 12 distros to choose from that have no apparent advantage over any other.

>Like what? Steam and graphics drivers?
something to emulate windows

>Only with shit file managers. Use KDE software if you want to avoid the terminal.
Wouldn't it be nice if that was standard instead of something I had to go download and know about?

>something to emulate windows
Wine exists.

Buy System76 laptops/desktops

I can't easily view my linux steam library since i'm on windows currently. But it's a good quarter of my library, and that's Linux NATIVE, not proton. A lot of grand strategy games too like Civilization and Europa. Shit even Borderlands 2 has a Linux build.

>Oh good, now I have like 12 distros to choose from
>Wouldn't it be nice if that was standard
Install a KDE based distro like Kubuntu and there you go. Two birds with one stone.

can i ever play my shitty old games that only work on win98?
thats when

Don’t actually do that. I appreciate what they are trying to do, there are other guys selling hardware made for linux as well, but system76 is overpriced garbage. I can get a windows laptop with better specs for a cheaper price, and just slap linux on it.

>32bit wine
Are all 2hus 32 bits?

>Oh good, now I have like 12 distros to choose from that have no apparent advantage over any other.

Literally just pick one. Try Ubuntu.

>something to emulate windows

>Wouldn't it be nice if that was standard instead of something I had to go download and know about?
It's literally built-in. Are you trolling?

Always had dual OS so I could get the best out of both, but I look forward to the day that I won't need to boot up Windows no longer.

a proper desktop environment
no it fucking doesn't have one already you god damn linux trannies

I'm not talking to someone who understands how to install an operating system

>does zero research
>has no actual desire to switch to windows
>still posts in this thread
What games are you trying to play dude? Old games work fucking great on linux.

well you can check your progress here.

WINE can easily run all games that had Win98 as a target platform.

Yes I know. Why should I have to go hunt down the version of wine actually works on my distro version, make sure I have all the right addons, configure the game to work just right, pray to Stallman, and tickle my graphics card to make the game work? Most people don't want to do that. This is why Linux will never take off.

>no it fucking doesn't have one already
It had one.

Attached: unity.png (1366x768, 1.36M)

Why you are looking for some obscure distro when the ones what count are debian, ubuntu and linux mint.

Or you can just use SteamOS what is basically a debian based distro made by valve.

1.) I don't like the Kult of K
2.) KDE is less polished than Budgie

how do you define "proper desktop environment"?

Attached: win10ui.png (1969x1942, 1.03M)

Check out proton.db and lutris. Both will allow you to play games without having to configure wine yourself.

>ones once most developers have solid linux builds of their big games.
lol. Keep dreaming.
>Why would we need to make native builds?

>retroarch with bsnes_balanced on dwm
>ds4 controller
>playing Earthbound for the first time like this
who /comfy/ here?

Looks like Kiwami is the most compatible at the moment.

>I refuse to acknowledge that Lutris is efficiently solving the issue that I am describing and therefore Linux hasn'timproved since 2005

>Linux thread
>turns into people shitting on Linux
they're afraid

Fair enough. System76 is still overpriced though, that isn’t going to encourage normies to go for it. Otherwise, don’t bootable CDs exist for that reason? You can just buy them online instead of doing it yourself.

>It's literally built-in. Are you trolling?
not the shitty version of mint I used.

>something to emulate windows
I wasn't asking for software to emulate windows, I was stating and complaining that you have to go search for something to emulate windows to get games to work.

>Literally just pick one. Try Ubuntu.
How does a new user know what to choose. Most people have a hard enough time choosing between the various flavors tea and the different fits of jeans. Searching online for any advice in what to choose usually ends up in finding a flame war.

why isnt this on gog

where can i buy this shit

Have been using it as my main OS since Windows 8 "happened".

Seriously, anyone remotely competent with computers should be able to use it better than Windows.
Don't start with gentoo, though. Use Linux Mint.

Well the biggest issue that they're tackling right now is Battleye compatibility.

>search for something
literally just install wine through the package manager.

>Seriously, anyone remotely competent with computers should be able to use it better than Windows
That rules out 95% of Yea Forums.


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I'm not reusing to acknowledge that Lutris exists. The random people you are trying to get to use linux don't know it exists. The first thing most of those people hear is that Wine exits and its a hassle to get to work.

What also doesn't help is that you only get partial answers once you start telling Linux users how obtuse Linux is.

Kind of like what I'm doing right now.

I hope that Microsoft doesn't throw a curveball at us. DirectX12 was supposed to be the killer app for gamers that makes Windows 10 mandatory for gaming, but Vulkan has proven to be big competition. What if DirectX 13 comes along, is completely incompatible with Wine/Vulkan, and is the greatest thing for gaming performance ever and you can only use it on Windows?

no gaems

Hopefully based gaben is making some leeway on that front.

New users literally don't know that and then there are usually issues with the package manager version.

>You have to realize that most of the people who respond in those threads work with Linux every day and/or are programmers, so they are going to be inherently antisocial.
So Linux isn't ready for gaming or the desktop. Got it.

>You get this answer because there aren't any.
So Linux isn't ready for gaming or the desktop. Got it.

>The sad thing is, as soon as you mention this in a Linuxfag thread everybody will start verbally raping you even though they know it's true. Getting shit to work or install from scratch in Linux is almost always a huge fucking hassle.
It's almost like Linux is a server operating system and not a consumer/desktop operating system...

>All the distros do it just as well.
>Why you are looking for some obscure distro when the ones what count are debian
I ran Debian 9/Stretch on a laptop. I tried to get Magic: Arena to run earlier this year, it wouldn't.
>Dude use Lutris!
>...Which doesn't have a native Debian repo
>Do so
>Magic: Arena still won't run because unlike Suse, Debian is FREEDOM/libre-tard based to where something like unzip won't fucking run on it because EW PROPRITARY/CLOSED-SOURCE SHIT! NO!
>Good for gaming
lel. I like Debian, but no. The OS is for servers. Not consumer or desktop purposes.

>bootable CD

I haven't had an optical drive in years, you use a USB stick to install nowadays.

And System76 is only "overpriced" because they don't push the amount of volume as someone like a Dell.

So you either buy a shitty Dell and pay extra for the Windows license that's pre-baked into the cost overhead or you buy from System76 and shift the market by depriving Dell of income, thus making future System76 gear cheaper because volume contracts.

Mint has a file manager, stop trolling.

>I wasn't asking for software to emulate windows, I was stating and complaining that you have to go search for something to emulate windows to get games to work.

>geting mad that he has to install a handful of extra programs one time in order to get his games working, for free

>How does a new user know what to choose. Most people have a hard enough time choosing between the various flavors tea and the different fits of jeans. Searching online for any advice in what to choose usually ends up in finding a flame war.
I literally tell everyone to just use Ubuntu. I literally just said it in the last post. What is wrong with you?

>Searching online for any advice in what to choose usually ends up in finding a flame war.
Well, Ubuntu, or rather Canonical, have made a few stupid decisions in the last few years. Most prominently the Unity disaster.
systemd happened further down in the stack at Debian, but that's a discussion I really don't want to start here.
I still would recommend Ubuntu over any fucking Windows, and you aren't doing anything wrong with it, but it's not the best choice.

It's just kind of a pointless question to ask. People like to exaggerate the differences between distros, but they all work more or less the same--if you're a noob, just use whatever's the most popular (Ubuntu), or whatever looks the most interesting to you. You're fixated on a non-issue.

I mean, if I really had to give a recommendation, I'd say Arch, or Manjaro if you want something more "out of the box". In simple terms, you have very easy access to the latest and greatest gayman related software (among other things), like Nvidia drivers, for example, whereas on something like Ubuntu, it is ever-so-slightly harder to get your hands on that stuff sometimes. The Arch wiki is also an extremely helpful resource, and generally much more up to date than the Ubuntu wiki. But, that's just my personal preference. It really doesn't matter.

>I wasn't asking for software to emulate windows, I was stating and complaining that you have to go search for something to emulate windows to get games to work.
Steam has Proton (Wine) built into it these days. You just have to enable a setting. For non-Steam games, you use Lutris, which provides one-click installs for most games. Not everything works 100%, mind you, but that's mostly a matter of anti-cheat software nowadays, which Valve is working on.

I mean, you're talking about playing games built for one platform on an entirely different platform. I'm not sure how much easier it can really get. It's like complaining that you have to homebrew your PSP to play GBA games, except playing Windows games on Linux is an even easier process than that. I mean, going by your logic, a "new user" on Windows doesn't know to install Steam.

>How does a new user know what to choose.
Most people just default to Ubuntu because it's the most recommended and well known. You're conflating internet autist flame wars (probably from /g/, no less) with general recommendations.

That and EAC.

But that's solely on EAC and Battleye for not supporting it.

I'm using "remotely competent with computers" as in "is able to configure his PC to boot from external media".
I seriously hope Yea Forums can do that.

>people who post in Linux distro flamewars are antisocial programmers, so Linux isn't ready for gaming or the desktop
...What kind of strange fucking logical conclusion is this?

More like wanting a goddamn functional OS.

Even Linus is starting to hate how fucking fractured Linux is, because he's starting to realize that to compete with Windows in the consumer space, you don't need 500+ fucking desktop environments. 500+ goddamn Libraries for programming. 500+ goddamn different solutions.

Is Linux "getting better?" Sure, it's not as gigantic a pain in the ass as it was in the late 90's/early 00's for Joe Sixpack. But it's still no where near ready to compete with OS X/Windows/consumer desktops.

Don't use fucking Debian. Debian is not for consumers. It has a stable branch which is meant for extremely long term stability, like years of uptime, and as such is also years behind, and an unstable/testing branch that is a bleeding edge crash heap for developers. Use a consumer oriented distro like the Ubuntu family or OpenSUSE.

Yeah that's true. Shit would be easier if game companies would stop implementing invasive anti cheats because they don't even fucking work.

>Mint has a file manager, stop trolling
Not him but it's true that a lot of file managers won't execute .sh files for example so you have to open a terminal to do it. Dolphin opens a context menu asking you to execute or open it. That#s why I recommended KDE.

The kind where those "programmers" need to get a fucking clue and understand forking over ideological differences isn't going to get consumers (gamers) to use the OS.

That's the logical conclusion. "Year of the Desktop Linux!" has been a meme for YEARS because programmers can't seem to get a fucking clue on actually making the OPERATING SYSTEM good enough for consumers instead of doing hobby programming jobs for niche shit that nobody cares about.

>Debian is not for consumers.
...It's almost like Linux isn't meant for desktops but servers.

Having various different programs for any one task is just natural in an open environment. What should really be focused on is to make it all intercompatible and well integrated. Sadly projects like GNOME or Elementary are taking a big ol' steaming shit on that right now.

>What if DirectX 13 comes along, is completely incompatible with Wine/Vulkan, and is the greatest thing for gaming performance ever and you can only use it on Windows?

It will be. solely because they will have stolen Vulkan code and implemented new features on top of it.

You need developer mindshare to shift people out of the DirectX ghetto.

Google Stadia will do that for some devs, but I doubt the majority will shift out until we start seeing other oblique verticals moving over, like 3D CAD and Video production.

OpenGL is putting up an okay fight for now, I'd really love to see everyone adopt either OpenGL or Vulkan and a company like GoG shift their business model to solely helping devs distribute their games to every single platform.

I am fixated on a non-issue that to someone who knows what they are doing, is a non-issue. To a brand new user, this is an issue. New users don't know what distros are good or bad and short searches give constantly conflicting information.

I also get that not everything is going to work on linux but when you have autistic sperg lords shilling that anything will work on linux if you just finagle it enough. This is an image problem that linux has.

If linux want to be taken seriously for general home use, the community needs to make it much more clear whats good for a new user.

>forking over ideological differences
They are creating the software, in part, for themselves.
When they see "their" software take a turn for the far worse, they try to protect their own user experience by forking.
Who the fuck cares about normies? Use the crappy browsers, that trample on your rights all you want.

Linux is a kernel. It contains all the essential functions to be called an operating system. Everything else is built on top of that for a specific purpose. There are workstation based productivity distros, there are stripped down high-performance render/compile farm distros, there are server distros and every other kind of distro you can imagine.

The idea of a consumer oriented distro is a very new thing and started with Ubuntu. Now Ubuntu and Canonical have done some pretty shitty things like the Amazon tie in, but it's still very much meant for desktops.

>The kind where those "programmers" need to get a fucking clue and understand forking over ideological differences isn't going to get consumers (gamers) to use the OS.
Okay, you're making an entirely separate point here. You should try to stay on one track.

"Programmers having internet flame wars" and "Linux desktop fragmentation" are two entirely different points. I can agree to an extent with the latter, there is too much fragmentation and duplication of effort, but it does also result in one of Linux's most favorable attributes, which is having a wide degree of choice in what your computing environment is, rather than being locked in to a singular way of doing things.

shit like Interstate 76 and Dark Reign.
A WinXP VM with a fuckload of custom edits to the game cant hardly run this shit without the fps being so high it impacts the physics, the graphics being absolutely rooted or crashing

Im also quite interested because of the inevitability of windows 7 ceasing support and my lack of care for apple computers forces me to use linux

>point out the major flaws linux has to joe sixpack


>everyone in this topic completely ignoring the fact that "Year of Desktop Linux" happened fucking years ago

Pic related.

Attached: chrome-os-74-search-5.png (2398x1065, 784K)

Not to have to use a command line to do literally anything

Unless they make it easy for people without programming knowledge to use it will never be popular

>t. Windows Pajeet

It's actually a question of being too used to windows, not a linux problem.
If you show windows and linux to a guy who have never used a computer before and say that you have to download some program she will be confused in both cases.
I think linux is even more intuitive in this part. You'll have to tell a guy that he needs to write down "these words that mean install" + "programname"
In windows case you have to explain that you need a web-browser, have to explain how to search for things, open and navigate different websites with different interfaces and not fall for scam

>To a brand new user, this is an issue., it isn't. Not for 95% of them, anyway. I guarantee you that MOST new users aren't going to autistically fixate on distribution choice like you're doing--they're just going to gravitate towards whatever is the most popular and well-known, which is Ubuntu. Ask practically anybody that uses Linux what their first distribution was, they'll tell probably you Ubuntu. The rest of them will probably tell you they used some other "noob distro", which, 99% of the time, is going to be an Ubuntu derivative in and of itself anyway. Even though it's not an entirely accurate measure of distribution popularity, effectively every one of the top most popular distros on Distrowatch is a "noob distro", which, as I mentioned before, are mostly all Ubuntu derivatives. 99% of the time, the distro I see recommended to new users is Ubuntu, so I don't know what kind of shitflings you ended up in.

>don't use computer for a year
>windows: "Every program needs updated, go to 735 different websites to download the update, but also windows update needs to restart your computer four times!"
>linux: "click this button bro. or don't, i'm not your mom"

You can use the command line to do literally everything,
but in most cases there is also a UI, or at least a conf file.

You can do it user! I believe in you.


It is a linux problem because most people on this planet are going to encounter windows first. Its on school computers, its on work computers, its on library computers. Finding that person who has never used a computer is rare. Linux being more intuitive might be great for that African Tribe given a computer for the first time but for people in most of the western world, this won't be the case.

conf files are about as bad as command line
Both have significant knowledge barrier, you can't just mash some buttons in hope that it will magically work
GUI depends on the environment you have.
And again, choosing the environment requires some knowledge

Remember this post in 50 years when africa becomes the new India because they grew up with Linux and Windows finally collapsed.

> Most people on earth are going to encounter unix first what the fuck is windows how do i use it, what do you mean it will be easier most computers in the world run unix

more like don't use computer for a year
>windows: installs cumulative update that wipes your documents and puts your computer into a boot loop
>linux: "hey bro you wanna update? I got some updates. you don't even have to reboot bro."

>africa becomes the new India
Not when they will be in massive debt to chinks.

the world would be 100% better off with less fucking java programmers

that was when computers were actually being used efficiently by non-retards
Making computers accessible to retards changed things

Windows didn't kill Unix. Linux killed Unix.

What Linux would be like if it were a toy

>Go to toystore, not the nice one that has Windows but the boarded up discount one down the road
>Get toy from there because I can't afford the ones from the other store
>Clerk tells me their toys are better because their " free "
>Open toy at home only to find my playset is in a million pieces with nothing inside but an instruction pamphlet thats a mile long and a small tube of super glue
>Guess I have to put all this together my self to get it to work. Kind of shitty this isn't ready to go out of the box but " hey its free, am I right? "
>Spend hours putting it together only to find out it's missing pieces.
>Go back to store and ask them how to fix it
>" Oh, sorry user. Youll need to go to these other places to get the fixes for that
>Spend hours searching but finally find what I needed to fix it
>Now notice that I needed batteries. Nowhere on the box mentions that I would need the fucking things in the first place.
>Go back to store and ask where the batteries are
>Get told they no longer have them and will have to look elsewhere
>Go store to store looking for the right batteries to fix this
>Find them and go back home
>Put new batteries in and the thing STILL DOESN'T FUCKING WORK
>Pissed off and take toy back to store and ask why the fuck is this STILL not working!?
>Clerk looks at it and says " Oh, the connectors on those batteries are outdated you'll need to find som....."
>Say " FUCK THIS " and throw toy on floor
>Go to the that has Windows and get the same toy
>Open it and everything is ready to go out of the box

Linux experience in a nutshell

My rear audio jack isn't working on Ubuntu but my front headphones jack do. How do I fix this shit?

>Be linux newb
>Get memed by /g/ into archlinux instead of using actual distro what is made specially for people who want distro what just works like ubuntu or linux mint.
>Complains about linux because he believes that all linux distros are like that.

try that with all Japanese porn games out there, you can't. That's why Linux is shit tier

Hey Pajeet.
How much do they pay for such a long post?


make computers for nerds again

lol maybe in the early 90's

A linux install takes about 5 minutes and a few clicks nowadays, even a retarded monkey could do it

oops wrong link

>Summary: Across 33 rich countries, only 5% of the population has high computer-related abilities, and only a third of people can complete medium-complexity tasks.

>A linux install takes about 5 minutes
Wasn't talking just about install, but getting shit to run in general. It fucking annoying have to go through rabbit holes of a dozen forum threads trying everything and hoping for it to work. It's literally easier to just emulate Windows through VM to get things to run than jumping through hoops all the time

I've had my mother running Ubuntu for 4 years with zero problems

You must be legitimately retarded

>Shitting on LEGO this hard
Fuck you too fag. And all the pieces are there, you're just too much of a retard to realize that it's not some static thing you just buy, you make of it what you want from it, and that takes a bit of effort.

>And all the pieces are there
Failed to download repository :^)
>you make of it what you want from it, and that takes a bit of effort.
Sounds like C O P E to me, friend.

I define as one that doesn't crash the display server.

Is wayland good yet?

But user, Linux does get sold in Toy Stores. All you have to do is get the disc image you want (like Retroarch's Lakka), put it on your SD Card, copy your games over and it all just works.

If you build a PC to run Linux, like using hardware that's all supported with open drivers you can have much the same experience with a PC.

Attached: raspberry_pi.jpg (400x300, 39K)

> using Linux

Attached: Linux a shit.png (792x8740, 829K)

>All the gaming related problems are talking about proprietary drivers.
The solution to that is easy. Just use AMD and avoid that problem entirely.

Attached: win10_vs_ubuntu-unigine_superposition.png (600x499, 28K)

some DEs / distros already use it by default
It still has some things to polish and most distro devs still need to make it default

Linux is for computers, not users.

display settings fucking up and lan support
probably fixable but too much effort

This is why Linux is only useful in giant enterprise servers or small devices no one will ever touch. Yet every year people advocate for installing a graphics server and sound drivers on their Server OS. It's total lunacy but I think fixing all the errors on their computer gives them an illusion of productivity.

Attached: 1556483992404.gif (500x375, 558K)

Works on my PC :^)

Attached: japanese porn game.png (2171x764, 1.79M)