2019... I am forgotten

2019... I am forgotten.

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You wish. I'm still playing it 6hr/day.

>flavor of the month games dies after month
N-no bros... I can't believe this happened...

>one month after release
>people start abusing the broken mechanics already or using shitty macros
Chivalry all over again. When you call them out on it they will just tell you to git gud. Which is what happened to chivalry as well and why the ballerina gay shit never got fixed. Part of ''muh skill''

So how is this better than For Honor, Chivalry, War of the Roses etc?

Great customization, many weapons, it's often quite funny. It still suffers like the other guy said from broken mechanics and people abusing them.

plenty still playing all the time.No idea what you are talking about. It does need more content though. And soon.

which broken mechanics? I've heard people say this shit and they always say stuff like "rapier thrust spam" and to which I say play the fucking tutorial and learn to chamber, cunt

Higher skillceiling than For Honor, about equal skillceiling to Chivalry thanks to the added mechanics that replace ballerina shit but way better customization. Never touched War of the Roses so I cant say.

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Chivalry had like 5 times more content on launch though. And frontlines is godawful compared to Chivalries 64 player team objective. I hope they pump out maps and modes soon. Dueling is pretty much the only fun mode right now but also ruined by shitters who glitch into walls and build ballistas or just FFA trolls because theres no official duel mode. Votekicking doesnt do shit either because they just reconnect whenever they get a votekick going against them and you cant start a new votekick for like 10 minutes.

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>i take catapult and absolutely destroy the other team with it 0 teamkills
>some guy comes up and kicks me
>another guy teamkills the guy trying to grief me
>griefer votekicks my savior
>savior gets kicked

honestly it's one of the most retarded systems going I wish i was 12 years old again and found griefing funny because this would be my favorite game

git gud

Fucking love how speard can stab you from a mile away.

Give me one good reason why feint shouldn’t be nerfed into the ground, Yea Forums.

It needs more content desperately I am already so sick of the 4 terribly designed maps

Also really sad there hasn't been any balance patches yet considering how much OP garbage there is everyone basically uses the same 5 weapons

Not being a sperge and reading moves is a start.

It should only work with the short rage weapons.
People feiting with Zweihanders and Spears and the lowest of the scum.

Stop Posting this shitty thread every now and then. We get it, You dont like Mordhau probably because it overshadowed your Ubishit.

Why do the devs hate arrows so much?

Characters will grunt when they're committed to a move, you will never fall for feints again if you start listening for the grunt.

The fuck?

A million full servers and I play every day.

> to which I say play the fucking tutorial and learn to chamber, cunt
What about playing the game yourself you mouthbreathing retard?
They can chamber chambers with their spams
You wont hit if you morph chambers to something else as well
Literally the only option in 1v1 is kick them a lot if you can

Don't you know user? If there are no threads, game is dead. That is the only valid metric.

chamber morph then accel them. pokecunts are irritating and shields make them worse, but this is nowhere near chivalry level. get fucking real.

What mechanics? Explain to me like Im an idiot because I only just started playing a few days ago.
I wanna know what to stay clear of.

hmm seems about right.

gay game

learn to listen

Stouty here AMA

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Why do you shill this gane so much on Yea Forums? And why did the devs think it was ok to release the game with like 6 maps with only half of them being decent and balanced?

He is baiting, you mong

I literally just finished a game.
>broken mechanics
TORtanic fags pull the words "broken mechanics" out their ass time after time with nothing to back it up. There isn't a more realistic-looking or well-balanced multiplayer melee combat game.
The fuck is "broken" about chambering chambers? From a visual perspective it's two dudes clanging their weapons together, and from a gameplay perspective saying "you wont hit if you morph chambers" is 10000% bull fucking shit. Play a fucking duel sometime you turboshitter.

It was funny and I knew mordhau would be incredibly successful, which it was

For every person saying there aren't enough maps there were 10 people demanding the devs to release the game immediately during the alpha stage. More maps are coming

And as a caveat I'm not saying Mordhau is perfect, but you really have to nitpick hard to find anything that can be called "broken".
