Why does Poland make such good games?
Some examples being dying light and the witcher series
>its been exactly 3 years from Blood and Wine release
>still no game that tops its aesthetics and graphics quality
Why does Poland make such good games?
Some examples being dying light and the witcher series
>its been exactly 3 years from Blood and Wine release
>still no game that tops its aesthetics and graphics quality
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Poland is shit and so are their games.
t. Saupreuß
that is very racist
the only good witcher game is 1
painkiller is genuinely 10/10 though
We had the same thread yesterday. Do you really feel so empty you need jerk off over a few videogames to feel national pride and accomplishments by proxy/association? If your only contribution to the world is car/bicycle theft, breaking and entering and a diaspora of prostitutes, plumbers and homeless alcoholics in every major western European city you don't have much to be proud of.
t. Saubauer
You can come up with two examples. What about pretty much every other game that came out of poland that you never heard of because it's such absolute smiec garbage?
it's probably some american going full heritage
>the only good witcher game is 1
Good job only naming 2 fucking idiot
>muh open world checklist simulators
rofl. at least 1 has great atmosphere and broships, and some semblance of RPGness
my uncles BMW 5 was stolen in Poland in '96 when he had to drive through to get back home, he had presents for my cousin and me. I could have had a Playstation. Motherfuckers.
Not really, no. It was a janky mess with shitty writing, awful voice acting, an ugly UI and the most retarded combat system ever conceived.
Ruiner is great too.
nah you just have poor taste
wasn't 1 basically a nwn mod?
>nwn mod is better than one of the biggest AAA games of the 2010s
makes sense, AAA games are shit :3
Remember GOOD polish games?
Says the one who enjoys the taste of shit in his mouth aka Witcher 1. It's a miracle they made more of them considering how shitty the first one was.
Poland cannot into space but can into vidyagaems.
This tbqh, Poland and other eastern europe countries are cesspits
Witcher 1 and 2 both had shit gameplay and 3's gameplay is just OK. Maybe they should be making walking simulators instead.
And this is exactly why I hate Germans with an undying passion.
I don't care about " living in the past " you guys are basically human trash and you will, eventually, ruin Europe. Again.
>Poland cannot into space
What about that rocket they sent to the sun (at night)?
Poland is going to save the white race
please be more respectful
Ok why do people keep posting the same threads after i post them. Get some originality you cunts.
There are many differences between eastern European countries - economical and cultural. Those who claim that they are all bad are usually the ones who judge them using the stereotypes instead of an actual experience
Countries like Russia, Ukraine and Serbia are often the reason why the rest of the world thinks that E.E is a depressing place
Poland is not part of the white race, they're fucking mudbloods.
T. Either 13% or 56%
>Other eastern european countries are even worse off economically!
We're not comparing it to africa, we're comparing it to the first world.
There is no white nationalist movement that is inclusive of eastern europeans.
I use the immigrants I've met as reference. They pack together and embrace the deadbeat life.
Ancient meme
Then compare eastern Germany to the rest of the first world while you are still at it.
You will see that even with the west's enormous funding, it is still lagging behind.
You might be able to see a pattern- Russia's glorious communism
Yugoslavia was never part of the soviet union and the remaining countries are still major shitholes full of half turks.
Western European white nationalist movements are quite literally meme tier
Not quite as meme as eastern european ones, being that they were literally the posterchild for untermensch. It's like a black KKK member.
I thought Poles were popular with white nationalists for keeping Vienna and Europe kebab-free in the 17th century.
You do realise that most of eastern Europe wasn't a part of the ussr, right?
Communism just doesn't work. This system is unsustainable and it drowned Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary in debt. It took nearly 2 decades to fix communism's mistakes in Poland and Hungary.
First world didn't have this problem because they weren't affected by communism
>white nationalists
>knowing history
>make one of the best horror games out there
>highly acclaimed by both critics and players
>put the whole game on The Pirate Bay so as many people as possible could play it
>still a big financial success
Can you really top this?
history is irrelevant
You are not White.
Noice but fake
great catholic upbringing
Pls gib milkers
The only reason poland and hungary is even slightly better off is because of the EU money and trade deals.
In the end, all white nationalist movements are meme tier.
I never agree with them even though I am die hard right-wing
No cześć, pedały.
She could use some sunblock
You can be right wing and still have sound morals.
they havent made a single good game
You do realise that even before joining the EU, Czechoslovakia, Poland and Hungary were already in a better shape than the rest of eastern Europe?
In 2004 Poland already had a 3 or 4 times higher GDP than Ukraine
The witcher games are good on varying levels, dying light is meh. What other games have Poles made?
Ironic coming from someone who claims 'white nationalists' are a thing in Europe.
They are whiter than amerimutts
>What other games have Poles made?
um try again sweetie
this is also wrong
Dying Light fucking sucks
Poland was signing ECC deals in the late 80s user.
TW3 is shit at both action and rpg.
>he doesn't think there are white nationalist groups in europe
Nordic resistance movement is certainly a white nationalist group.
Oh Darkwood, that was kino. The first horror game to scare me in years.
They're just nationalists you fucking nigger retard. We don't even use the word white. Being white is just being normal.
>used to be called white aryan resistance in the late 90s
uhuh, tell me more.
Kao the kangaroo 2 is for free only today on steam, enjoy
Shitty cinematic cRPG trash is not vidya and so is this thread
When are you going to stop making these threads you attention seeking whore?
Yes, Piotr, Poland is white and based. Now clean the loo.
Why would you ever bring anything of value through some slavic shithole?
Hitler was right, they should all have been gassed and the land should have been turned into lebensraum.
>the most retarded combat system ever conceived
I think you may be the retarded one
You're trying too hard, kid
That is easily one of the worst platformers I ever played
>90's in Poland
Your uncle was very brave men to come here at that time.
Why is it always Americans? What the fuck is happening there?
Americans are OBSESSED with heritage and ancestry
But why. What ever happened to American patriotism that we saw in the 20th century?
A polskie kurwy dupa cicho
America in under siege by women and minorities, White men must organize and resist.
>dying light and the witcher series
Only good game on that list is Witcher 3. W1-2 were janky and shit, Dying Light is just a mediocre soulless zombie game.
polacy jedzo guwno
>ctrl+f Serious Sam
>0 results
Get serious.
The rest is budget FPS games made and/or published by CI Games.
>Serious Sam
>polish game
Who else /ashamed of being a polack/?
I know it's not my fault, but it still feels bad to be a part of this subnation.
polaki biedaki robaki cebulaki
What about Frostpunk? It's a pretty nice game with all those content patches.
polacks are such mega cucks
Im sorry but your opinion on dying light is objectively wrong
>tfw ashamed of being eastern european
fuck bros
Polish ppl are great and their women are beautiful. I love Poland and you deeply identity with their way of life (bike stealing memes aside)
dude she is fuckin sunburnt get out of the sun dude that shits gonna fuckin suck tomorrow
Russian here, Poland is based, they beat up Ukranians and reject sandnigger refugees