
Granblue Fantasy thread,

Will VS get a release date?

will Relink ever not be vaporware?

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First for fuck off secondaries.

no one plays bahamut bro

Well go here to become a primary.

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>Will VS get a release date?
Hopefully soon.

>You can play with CPU during maintance
>Actually, you don't lol
Why did they lie to us?

Maybe we'll get news at anime expo, given that monkeyman and Fukuhara are coming there.

Medusa's in yet?

How long until last period

>actually playing gacha trash
>not just fapping to all the art
I seriously hope you guys don't do this

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emergency maintenance so when the game breaks during the up time.


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Just under 4 hours now i think.

If they let you play against cpus during the downtime between beta sessions many people would put hours into the game then not buy it.
They would be retarded to hurt their sales like that.

I wish there was a practice mode. The game really needs people digging into it to find that next level of play. From what I've played and watched we are all just doing the same shit, it is always a bad sign when I watch pros and they haven't figured out anything more special than my scrubby ass. Not just talking about combos, short easy combos would be fine if there was a bit more variety between characters. But everything is so restrictive, you can't do much in neutral cause the walk speed is so slow and for every character their only good neutral poke is M. Which does create those SFV style situation of trading turns up close. Really wish just defend did something like less blockstun or more pushback. Jumps are kinda weird as well, their slow but it isn't like they are purposefully made easy to punish cause you can air block.

Maybe characters with a more interesting move list will help, samsho is simple but you the cast often has a lot of weird options like Darli having a meterless galactica phantom. But that series has a fun niche appeal, and plenty of tech on top. I really can't see where the next level of this game would come from. Like there needs to be discoveries of here is how you break the basic rules of the game. You aren't going to be entertained by getting a bit better at spacing for years.

The game really lacks a special mechanic to make it stand out. The selling points are IP, graphics, Cygames money and that it is so basic. That might get people in the door, but it doesn't improve the retention rates. I'm hoping the game is just really early in development of something.

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Anyone have the roster wishlist template?

Tell me who to vote for and maybe I'll consider playing gachashit

Little big sis better be in VS.

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I feel this. I had fun playing it, enjoyed the footsies and I think there's some good ideas in there, but the combo routes feel really restrictive so far and my big fear that there's not a lot to be discovered post the surface. While I appreciate Arc trying something different with this, I left the beta wondering if maybe they shouldn't have gone so hard with the "modernized SFII but designed to get casuals in the door" direction. I feel that maybe they tried too hard to simplify stuff for casuals that they ended up losing potential options in the game's core mechanics.

Plus Rising Thunder showed years ago that no matter how simple a game is, casuals will always make beginner mistakes and will quit the game.

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Vote for Nicholas and don't bother playing that grindfest. If you care about the lore/characters for some reason you can just watch the story chapters on youtube rather than subjecting yourself to that crap.
t. been playing this shit for too long and I want to stop

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How can they rectify the problems in regards to combo options?

The weird thing about it being new ST is it lacks some aspects. Movement is slower, push back is low and you of couse haves less normals with no command normals. What really makes ST fun is how busted it is and how strong other parts are. Hopefully the same gets found here

Yeah, the slower movement and no command normals is something that hurts GBVS. It's all impressions from a beta (that was likely made out of an earlier build then present) but hopefully more options will come to light with a later beta or the full release.

For once I feel I can kinda agree with Spooky's and LordKnight's hot twatter takes
>game is still being figured out, ppl bitched about dbfz like this at the beginning too
>game being simpler is actually refreshing, other games have been autistically deep for too long
t. actual BB player here, not that gay tag shit, a game which 99% of you haven't even bothered to scrape its surface

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>no command normals
like 6H for Ryu?
I guess that's why the shoto's felt a bit lacking in this game

Please never leave your cage again thank you

Sorry forward + MP

I guess the obvious thing is remove or give a way to avoid the auto combos. It wouldn't necessarily solve the issue but it would at least me you go for different routes depending on what you landed with. It doesn't help that so far the use of your specials in combos is kind of similar, but I think that can be remedied by new characters. The second issue is that when you aren't close up your only real options are normal to special. You can extend that at the wall if the special is an ex, but it'd be nice just to at least get a small combo mid screen. Maybe allow heavy buttons to get stuff. Lancelot might be able to get more stuff of his but i haven't played him a whole lot. I've seen some Ferry stuff of her 2H, she really is so far above the rest of the cast right now.

I think reverse beat would really help the game as well, it would open up your options a huge amount long as auto combos were off/avoided

this game's beta really gave me the same impression I got when I played bbtag's beta, seemed like everything was really simple
really hope this game turns out like bbtag in terms of depth but there don't seem to be much system mechanics in place to ensure that from what we have at the moment

t. scrub

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>ppl bitched about dbfz like this at the beginning too
But that was entirely true. Look at the drop off for DBFZ, nobody even watches it now cause the game is simple and samey.

>game being simpler is actually refreshing, other games have been autistically deep for too long
This whole generation has been focused on making fighter simpler. It hasn't stopped casuals fucking off early like they always do.

This game literally has no depth. Everyone is just waiting for a new GG by now.

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>normal people freak out on twitter about people fapping underaged japanese girls in fiction
How shocking

idk man it's kind of hard to believe Ferry is at the same age as Lily, Aster and Camieux

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What made BBTAG unique, never played betas or game

Makes me wish Yaia was in to see the reaction to a 8 year old titty monster.

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Everyone is going to main the best characters right?

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Quick rundown

So who is the Ryu and who is the Ken out of Gran and Katalina?

It seemed like Gran was getting rewarded from going in more, so I'm guessing he's the Ken? Though I've only watched footage.

On their character?

cross combo/active switch allows you to control both characters at once kind of

Bad comparison.
Gran is Ragna.
Katalina is Ky Kiske.


There will be no depth. Just artificial footsies and 50/50s.


Man I hate these normalfags @ironic weebs
Just nuke them off the face of the earth already

Three guys that work at a restaurant and hallucinate about having adventures. The winpose at the end in the restaurant implies that they are never actually fighting they are just having dreams about fighting.

>one of them waifus the giant tree so hard their Level 2 is summoning her via hallucination

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Gran can't be Ragna. His projectile game is way too good for that. Did you mean Sol?

So if you holding back, lights won't give you an auto combo but everything else will?

So 4LLL would be 3 lights, 4MMM would be the auto combo, but 4LMH would still be the autocombo. I'm hoping this is wrong and we can avoid it entirely, but that at least opens something up. This is such an awkward system.

I guess but Sol's gunflame doesn't go full screen. Order Sol maybe since he has a charge gimmick?

I was charging with Charlotta while doing 4LLL MMM and HHH, autocombo was coming out fine.

They can fight but they aren’t a powerful unit and story wise they are more important in being the head chef

They're Lowain, Tomoi Elsam, the cooks of the crew, and always stick together. Lowain, the main guy, says he's in love with Katalina, that was his reason for sticking with us. There's a bunch of shit going on with them that's implied not to be real, like being macho hunters hunting /fit/fags and killing the chad god in an adventure, or having Elsam going on a date with the primal (demigod) Yggdrasil.

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Please play Dragalia Lost.

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Someone has to fuck the giant tree since Gran won't do it.

feet and armpits

Who'd fall in love with a tree though

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Post clean wish list

Yes. Excellent taste.

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This is a breast and thighs town.

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Breasts and breasts are superior.

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>final period is after midnight
oh boy an all-nighter

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Last period was 4AM for me and I missed it. Now suffer like I did.

Does the third guy want to fuck a girl or does he secretly want to fuck Lowain?

>Yggu lost her voice
>shorte got cowed
>Bampy is too busy voicing a literal lizard
>Cerberus is a forgotten boss fight and one useless unit
It's almost like they're gutting popular characters on purpose.

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I'm not gonna miss it bro, tomorrow's Sunday

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The third guy wants to date a no-nonsense but sexy female general

Who was a villain that tried to destroy reality itself
Who is also a lesbian

He wants to fuck the villain from the first story arc

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our guy understands Freezie is only a frigid insane bitch on the exterior and is actually a delicate christmas cake underneath

all big tiddy mommies deserve love.

Fresia’s entire motivation is being butthurt that the queen chose a dude instead of her

isn't she a lesbian though

Just nuke Commiefornia.

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It’s no secret and it’s a plot point that she got cucked by a guy

But Vampy got her 5* a few months ago.

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Freesia's a lesbian, Yggdrasil doesn't even know who Elsam is and Katalina has no idea that Lowain likes her, but that doesn't stop them from having delusions about the girls loving them back

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Still less of an obstacle than an actual fucking tree

I rather nuke where you live you incel


You're gonna nuke Commiefornia then.

ironic weeb Twitter would have a field day with these "creepy" guys

>Yggu lost her voice
who's the va


Lowain got turned down by Katalina on the same day he met her. They’re friends but he still tries from time to time

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No vice but got bell chimes

Basically characters from Rage of Bahamut got changes in one major way or another

What's wrong with them improving Forte?

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Ah thank you user, I was looking for the Sutera one.


did the charlotta corner combo
it was sick

the 5b after 214c feels kind of finnicky, doesn't seem to connect all the time

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>I find this drawing hot
>wait no I don't I'm SORRY

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Ferry is a ghost who died at """13""" even though she still looks like a hot anime girl adult because lol erune, her actual age is fucking ancient though since I think she's been dead for ages

Normies are fine with Saber who has an apparently teen body despite being both hundreds of years old, dead, and a fucking father through incubus penis magic

Good job user, I'll try it next period too. Its probably finnicky due to how close you are when 214C hits.

>want to play the next beta session
>none of the characters have seriously clicked enough with me with me yet to make me declare my main, and I want to see the serious revisions they could possibly make to the balance/gameplay, if at all
What do?

Is Granblue actually fun to play?

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>it's too ez

play tekken

>her actual age is fucking ancient
She should be over 80 years old because she's Drang's grandaunt.

I do and I'm enjoying both atm.
Fuck Akuma's execution in that game man, also fuck spatial awareness, feel like a braindead idiot for not recognizing when I'm close enough for a wall combo.

it is a basic old style FF game, raids and co-op can be fun but end game is full on Korean MMO grindfest, i posted a link to the browser version which you just open in chrome, it is free so give it a go and if it dosn't click just drop it.

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i noticed that as well, someone on discord said it might be due to if you hit the initial part of the combo on a crouching or standing opponent

The gacha?
It's pretty fucking unfun, but designed to be addictive. Unless you want to know more about the lore and characters, wait for Versus and Relink. No matter what you do, don't get into the grind, leave after you finish the story, it's just not worth it and your time will be better used doing literally anything else than repetitive gachashit.

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I love the art, the characters and the world
but the grinding, which is 90% of the game, is the most soul sucking fucking grinding i've seen in a game
here's an idea
there's a sword that you need to make a light grid
and you need like 20 of them
but, of course, you have to farm for it
and there are multiple people who farm for it for ~1 year and never get a single drop


Is Re:link going anywhere. I haven't heard anything about it for ahwile

>and there are multiple people who farm for it for ~1 year and never get a single drop
>mfw I got all of my Chev Swords from Metatron during Magfest

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Last thing we heard is that Platinum finished their part and that there may or may not have been a disagreement of sorts between them and Cygames. Also that the latter is finishing the development atm.
Maybe we'll learn more next E3?

vaporware since the plat contract ended, best guess hope for E3/TGS news.

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you reach a point where you can do everything pretty easily but you won't be able to keep up with autists and cheaters who play the game like it's a job.
so, basically, do you want to casually enjoy events or do you want to neetjob guild wars? you can do either but the endgame grinder fags will call you a shitter if you don't slave away in the mines.

been playing for half a year, got 8 swords total. 2 from drops (back-to-back even) and 6 from shops.

>Maybe we'll learn more next E3?
Probably during summer stream in august 3rd.

honestly swords wouldnt be so bad if the shop stock for them replenished
its so fucking stupid that its the one weapon in the entire thing that doesnt
>Cygames would like to assure everyone looking forward to the title that we remain committed to delivering a game that meets the expectation of our fan-base and gamers everywhere.
There's that, for what it's worth, but it isn't much... Hope we'll get more info this summer, I was really fucking hyped about this game.

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Wait Project Awakening is a Cygames thing too?
I wonder how that'll turn out.

It's very easy to just play as a turbocasual and only do main story, and events and just use all the welfare gear and free rolls from roulettes to see all the story, art and music which are very good for phone game standards

A lot of the fanbase are enormous minmax autists but the patrician way to play is to ignore all that and do what makes your dick happy

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>Wait Project Awakening is a Cygames thing too?
Yeah, Cygames is big enough to sponsor the Juventus.

Plantium accepted the job think it something quick and cheap like Legend of Korra.
Cygames actually want high quality game so they fall apart.

>old hags

>got 2 chev swords from metatron
>got 1 from Apollo
>got 3 from Arcarum
>got 0 from Chev
Fuck Chev.

I know a lot of people complain about lack of depth and arcsys making shovelware lately but I enjoyed this and I'm honestly shocked. I had ZERO hopes for this game and didn't even bother signing up for the beta. My mate ended up with a spare beta code and gave it to me so I downloaded it, expecting to do 2 fights then delete it. 4hrs later we were still playing.
I used to play usf4 and tekken tag 2 a lot and kinda play T7 every few weeks. I dropped off a lot cos fighting games started to feel like work cos of how much I'd learnt and the level I reached where dropping combos no longer was an issue and everyone had amazing defense. Wasn't fun at all playing like a robot and going for optimal stuff all the time.
This was a breath of fresh air. For some reason I actually liked the short blockstrings, short combos and slow gameplay. Maybe it's cos I'm burnt out from playing fighting games seriously for almost 6yrs straight but I like how I can relax playing this without having to worry about crossups/throw loops/constant 50-50s/proper sidestepping/stance dancing/everything steve fox has/capo players etc etc
I just jump on this and do some short little combos with no stress at all. Genuinely surprised and happy I gave this a try. Sad that it will die really fast but whatever.

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why is beato so dumb
was she dropped on her head as a kid

How can this hag be so fucking lewd and cute, anons...

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You play it for the monthly sidestories and for the feeling of achievement you get from finishing a piece of one of your six grids.

It's grindy, but there's auto-battle and stuff that lets you run the game in the background while you shitpost on Yea Forums

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beato doesn't need to have brains when her instincts are the best in the Society.

yes, just like her being a princess in a fallen kingdom

This. Actually really enjoyed it. Also, granblue is big too in the west isn't it? I'm sure it'll live user.

>rely on punishes and very basic fightan shit
>still way more wins than losses so far with potato
I'll have to try some more advanced combos. Best thing I did last night was slap a Ferry out of a super meant to kill/chip as I jumped in. Really threw them off.

Fuck Magna 2 and the blue chests.

doing basic shit and dabbing on casuals is only fun for so long, I'm going to spend the next session just experimenting and do cool stuff

Have you farmed your harps and staves for the upcoming guild war? Wouldn't want to have to kick you out of the crew.

>doing basic shit and dabbing on casuals is only fun for so long
not him, but says you

>Have you farmed your harps and staves for the upcoming guild war?
I'm trying to, but Europa explodes and it's been almost impossible to farm her. Only have a 2* Scepter and one 0* harp.

>Wouldn't want to have to kick you out of the crew
You're not my danchou, he never kicks people from our crew.

I'd rather dab with style and flair

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Fuck you Europa, I don't need your shitty bows.

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I'm gonna go ham next session. Most players were cool and stuck around for lots of rematches even if taking lots of losses. It was fun seeing them adjust and learn my shit. Hope they continue to improve.

They're literally paid shills. Ignore them

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Posts like this are such bullshit. Yeah a very simple game isn't dull after a few hours, but a game like that won't keep your interest.

>Jannu finally gets Sword Proficency
>still no 5* Zeta after the last Society event teased her

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are her attack animations broken for anyone else?

No they're supposed to be that way

CardCaptor Sakura getting added to side stories when

You might check out the new samurai shodown

>not enjoying a free visual novel in a cool setting with lovable characters

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Bro I literally gave up doing the BB training mode combos, some of that shit is absurd
I finished Azrael's and Jin's but Litchi's broke me.
I understand people can do those consistently but I sure as fuck can't, and I'm not exactly bad at fighting games,(I won one(1) MVC3 local) so I'm always confused how "normal" players are supposed to even play these games.

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Here's your S tier characte

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it's ok she's 24
it's just a body type

I'd buy the whole
>Actually I really like the simplicity
posts more if it ever caused a player base to not only stick around longer, but also in a greater size. Every time it happens those players evaporate in the long term

idk man it doesn't look right

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People understimate the purpose of this beta, it's not just a commercial tool before launch like all the other fighting games (which don't even have any survey), the full roster is not revealed and we don't even have a release date yet. It's exactly like the old playtest in japanese arcade, they will listen and read those surveys with attention, so be smart and let them know the things you don't like.

Put this in your survey

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>I'm always confused how "normal" players are supposed to even play these games.
With hand pain, eventual mental instability from losses and about 1 or 2 broken controllers/sticks.

Fortunately I had people who played for 7 years straight, they're monsters at it and taught me but the years of trying to reach them left me literally mentally damaged and now I have a pad with its down button on the directional pad smashed from all the charging I held with it. You see this shitty webm? See that air special on 0:02? That's a REVERSE CHARGE, I shit you not. And I can do it on pressure, with a pad, consistently.

I did come out of it with FG knowledge and more mental fortitude but after going through it all, I don't mind easier fighters, won't have to go through the same level of anguish again. Though I do miss playing it though.

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i cant not see Siegfried in that webm

Learning Kagura taught me I am NOT a charge character player.

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what can i say, i see bigass sword on a fightan, i play, im a simple man, played sieg as well for the short duration of trying sc6

>tfw the only Metatron drop I got so far was the fist

>the drop off for DBFZ, nobody even watches it now
>cause the game is simple
it's fucking not, retard.
that's the real problem of the game right now, but samey =/= simple

Honestly, after Kagura, Potato in this game is literally nothing for me, easiest charges of my life.

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Post your dumb character playstyles

>high HP, low walk speed character, good forwards dash
>counter move special that puts opponents into a hard knockdown at perfect setup range
>makoto-style command grab for free combo (makes people want to stick out buttons when fighting her, which creates opportunities for the counter move)
>generic dash special for combo filler, corner carry and meaty setups on wakeup
>special action is "BEA NO-!!!". It makes her trip flat on her ass (short knockdown), but is basically a special cancelable dodge move (lets her cross through, dodge or fall backwards)
>Ultimate is a huge fullscreen sweep with her sword that goes across the screen. It can punish careless fireballs
>Special mechanic: DAI PIINCHI CLOCK: Beatrix has a clock that starts ticking when she's taking damage or when she's stuck in a blockstring. The longer its been since Beato managed to touch the enemy, the faster the clock ticks, but the rate it ticks down decreases if you are doing the damage. As the clock is ticking down, the CD on Beato's EX moves are reduced. When the clock hits twelve, it starts blinking red and Beatrix goes into an Install mode where Embrasque (her sword) becomes larger and all her swords normal gets extended range, damage and multiple hits for fat hitstun.

>Basically the Akuma to Katalina's Ryu
>Jumping fireball releases red swords (leaves Vira vulnerable as she drops down) (two is EX)
>standing fireball summons a funnel (two if EX)
>Generic uppercut, EX can cancel out her out of a helpless fall after fireball/air grab attempt
>Layer rise. Low damage, but if it hits the opponent's CD:s double while the debuff is in effect.
>special action: Moves around/fires the funnels
>Super: Install - Luminera merge. Doubles how many funnels she can summon and gives her damage reduction.

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>5 daggers
>no M2s
>3* opus
>0* xeno
>skill 1 Atma
>unfinished Murakumo


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Rather than just Taokaka, she should have actual wall climbs in her moveset that allows her to stick to the corners.

Taokaka can do that.

Oh, she could? I remember she couldn't, but then again I only played the first two Blazblue games when they first came out.

Yeah, don't know about CT or CS but in CF she can.

It isn't, cause the game is samey and boring. Everyone can see that, so they stop watching and in turn stop playing. Same will happen here if more isn't discovered.

>it's fucking not
It is though, being high pressure doesn't mean the game is complex. SFV is high pressure for SF standards and it is simple as fuck.

They must not be releasing this game any time soon with how slowly they're revealing characters

(Dawnfly Stance) j.H -> c.M -> c.M H -> Butterfly Effect (Freeflutter Stance) -> M c.H -> qcf.H(Transient) -> Butterfly Effect (Dawnfly Stance) -> j.m -> j.H -> Glasswing Waltz -> H -> Kyogasuigetsu -> Butterfly Effect (Freeflutter Stance) -> Freeflutter Dance

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wouldn't be surprised if it gets pushed back to next year desu

I like em. I'm curious as to how you'd do Zeta.

If they dont reveal at least two more characters on EVO it would be a 2020 release

How can one girl be so perfect.

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They don't want to give any date for Relink before being 100% sure of it because they have made the stupid mistake of giving a year of release way too early. The game seems to be actually in the last stage of dev if you read the interwies, so it's probably for 2020, they will show the game in a month or two at one of their event if I remember right.

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Shame she wont be in versus.

Vaseraga and Zeta will 100% be revealed together

I don't think the base roster will be bigger than 15, 14 + 1 arcsys original (Or Djeeta) and then 4-6 DLC sounds right

we may never know

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But they probably gave it such a big scope that dev time probably increases exponentially to actually finish it

He's gonna make a doujin where she becomes a stump isn't he?

>barely logged into the gachashit since the beta started
danchou's gonna freak

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It was like what? 3 years between the announcement they were working on a PS4 game and the gameplay trailer they showed with Katalina? and then a year later for the gran footage

Isn't the issue with ReLink also that they planned too much for that game and now actually have to make all the stuff planned? Apparently they had so much fun planning the game they went overboard.

They could be saving up the reveals for a big flood of information when the game's about ready to release, but I wouldn't hold my breath. And given how hard they pushed the survey in the closed beta, it's possible Cygames could decide to retool the game some depending on the feedback, which could delay the game to next year. It's all up in the air.

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2 more hours
give general tips that scrubs like me may or may not know

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What are the chances we get a new character reveal shortly after this beta ends?

Git gud fag


Press buttons to attack.

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I wouldn'y be suprised.

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>It's almost like they're gutting popular characters on purpose.
You're saying this while tentacle man is one of the most broken characters in the game.

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>rates like these are acceptable in the modern day
Japs will eat anything up

Is it weird that I'd love for her to wear a regular tshirt (no bra) and jeans?

nothing weird in that, you just have good taste

You can cancel your normals into the unique skill, or whatever people call it.
I only really played Kat, but it seemed really useful with her. Stuff like 5B > Light Wall > dash cancel is pretty useful.

Nah, without a bra the underboob goodness would still be here provided the right angle so her appeal would therefore remain intact, perfectly reasonable choice

Sounds like you just have a casual clothing fetish is all.

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I'd probably make her the drop kick character, since her key art has her riding her spears downwards towards her opponent
>special action - drop kicks if airborn, slides forwards if standing, slides low if crouching. Depending on how you space it you are plus frames on hit
>Infinite wonders - A sort of projectile, but it actually summons a cage (strenght determines distance). If it hits, the enemy is afflicted with burn status which slowly drains hp for a little while. Hitting Zeta removes the debuff.
>Spear of arvess - a tatsu with great corner carry. EX Inflicts break status on the opponent (which stops them from activating their super until they get a hit in on Zeta).
>Salted wound - Next normal deals extra damage to an opponent. Is also special cancelable and fairly safe if used to EX
>Special is just some generic damage move.

Basically she's a drop kick character who wants to put people in the corner so can pressure them with her normals/drop kicks. She also has a few annoying mechanics to make people want to open up against her.

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is this a thing? I always thought I was weird for finding sex with clothes on/half on to be good

I think that they want to put a shit ton of playable characters in it and they also want a great multiplayer online mode, so yeah, there is a lot of content to make, but the game structure and battle system are probably done now (I bet that it's why PG moved from the game dev, I'm also sure that Cygames don't want it to be a PG game in the mind of gamers because they want people to take them seriously on the AAA console market), so everything should be about content now.

I feel it for some characters, though typically when I'm not a big fan of their regular outfits.
An example is Shutendoji in Fate. Cute, petite, drunkard but I'm not a fan of the strips of cloth and half-on robe so I have a small collection of the honestly rare fanart of her in regular clothes.

Your take sounds pretty cash 2bh. She and Vaseraga are the 'logo theory' characters I'm anticipating to see.

Everything is a fetish to someone, but that is pretty normal, like clothed paizuri.

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You can't just say that without posting some of it

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>next added side story in GBF is a society event
I bet that they will reveal them next month + 5* Zeta and her Charge Attack will be the same than her Super Skybound Art in GBVS.

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Sadly Carmelina doesnt have pictures of her in casual clothes
But at least there is this cute school outfit

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good to know
stuff like Mordred wearing her hotpants during sex seems great too

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Nah, this is Meteon's time to shine.

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Yeah, I think she's in.

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>I'd probably make her the drop kick character
That isn't an archetype

maybe in the season pass 5

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I played BB from CT to CPE and I agree. I've spent 95% of my FG time in recent years in training mode, and GBFV is the first fighting game since P4U that I feel extremely motivated to actually play other than just with my friends.


t. Probably over 1000 hours at this point

Time for Bea to shine

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Most wholesome onee-san soon.

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you mean metera? yeah she's in

>slut that fucks literally anything that moves
Words dont mean anything anymore do they

This game rewards the heck out of jumping. It's either jumping in for an overhead and trap your opponent into a corner or jumping out of the way before your opponent can do that.

she's very wholesome

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Besides fucking random dudes, sure.

>ez input DP is the wrong one

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Anti-air combos hurt like hell in this game.

As a DP challenged person I hope this game had better anti airs. 2H doesn't seem to do the job 90% of the time, even when I read their jump.

PC? Why oh why does Cygames expect gacha kusoge players to have PS4s when very clearly gbf is played on mobile AND PC

because PS4 dominates japan???

I just hope they change the super button because doing EX moves instead of Super by mistake is not a really smart thing to do.

You can air block though, you can jump at your opponent safely and if they DP very late it even leaves them open. Only real response is if you jump and throw

I know Yea Forums loves extremes, but most people don't exclusively play a single game, and PS4 has sold a fucking lot in Japan, so you do the math.

It'll probably come, wheter it's after the ps4 version comes out is the real question.

because they want to be on the AAA console market, retard.

>2 mode playstyle, Axe has shorter reach but stronger hits, focus on landing big counter hits and converting from there
>Sword form can be accessed by ending a string with EX Astro Destruction or pressing LMH+paying 20% ougi bar
>Sword form has faster movement, longer strings that are safe if completed but have openings to be jabbed out of
>Swap back to Axe with EX Annihilation Nova (has considerable chip damage but is slow, very easy punish)

>Special Action: Vorpal Rage
>Landing a hit with this move grants a 5 second buff depending on form, Axe gets 2 hits super armor and Sword gets bonus chip on blocked normals and specials

>Super: Ground Zero
>Brings Cake to 30% HP but grants damage reduction. Opponent gets considerable chip damage if blocked, damage taken increase for next 3 hits if it lands.

>Critical HP Super: Three-Tiger's Blessing
>Grants both Vorpal buffs no matter which form you're in, +25% movespeed and damage boost.

Standard Combo Routes
>Axe: CH c.M, s.H, EX Vorpal
>Sword: c. L, c. L, c.M. s.H, f~df. MMH

I haven't played the beta, idk if Plain Damage converts well as a concept.

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Only westerners use the browser over the mobile version. I play the mobile version since I can play it while I shit. Shit!

Ex DP is air unblockable I think.

>The team wants to release the game on not just PS4 but are also considering Steam.
Stop crying, you will get your games on PC.

>It's exactly like the old playtest in japanese arcade, they will listen and read those surveys
There is only so much that will likely change though. Like walkspeed is a pretty easy one that likely will be fixed. But the combo structure complaints pretty much requires a complete retooling of the system even for the most basic complaints.

Plus it isn't like they won't have realised stuff is this way. If someone complains jumps are floaty, but that is exactly what they wanted then here is a decent chance it wouldn't change. Devs can be stubborn, Japanese ones doubly so. You also have to combat all the praise they will get as well, there will be a ton of people who say they love the combo system cause they can finally do combos. Not thinking is this going to be fun at the 50 hour mark.

I refuse to pay for PS+ so this is nice to hear

>Granblue finally has secondaries

Honestly same here. It's weird since the reason I mained Cammy in Street Fighter I used to be so good in using her DP kick, but now i'm playing UNIST(which is infested with DP combos), I noticed I can't activate DPs like I used to. I can't tell if i'm just bad on PC or it's my shitty 360 controller, but i'm playing GBVS on PS4 and I still can't do DPs properly on this game.

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>KMR will get me to buy his game twice

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What's the story behind Lowains robot waifu?

it's a long story

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>c. L, c. L, c.M. s.H
Is that sort of thing even possible in GBV? I've only see people able to link a crouching lights together or to a standing light

Well the potential for this game for a grab really can be the character variety. They said these are the most basic characters that are in the beta and I hope that’s true. Because the amount of potential this game has on that front in regards to the source material is actually genuinely insane. The game literally throws at you characters that would be super great in a fighting game that you wouldn’t find in any other. Even Guilty Gear. Imagine Sara being in this and being a grappler/puppet character, or Ayer being a mobile boxer with basically a built in k groove mechanic, Black Knight being this walking power wall with mechanics all about fucking with your resources like locking you out of your super, slowdown your cooldowns, burn effect and even draining hp. And there’s tons more I can point at.

If the character variety in the long run is lacking, that will be my biggest disappointment and walk speed and combo variety wouldn’t change that much.

There's no real combo complaints though. It's just a bunch of posers running their mouth

Fuck off, having nothing but autocombos isn't fun.

everyone having the same shitty combos is lame

The beta is supposed to be up now. Let me play, arcsys

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I should be allowed to link from my l>m>h normals without changing them to the same auto combo as hitting l three times

>Gold Bar in the Ps 4 version with 2 skins
>Sunstone in the Pc version with 2 Skins
>Suptix and Evolite if you own both
#1 on the best seller list easy


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45 minutes from now my dude

I wouldn't know, see spoiler. Weird if it doesn't though.

Too complex

you can't
its just a different starter but after that you're locked into the auto combo

It doesn't, you can link CH 2M > 5H > special, but nothing like the guy is talking about.

people should stop complaining about ferry, she's not that bad after you figure out her gameplan
i'm pretty sure katalina is the best character right now due to 5B being literally the best normal in the game, and having high damage coversions at all ranges with ex dash stab and ex fireball

What's the source on where they said these were the more basic characters? That would be super reassuring even though I'm having fun already

>Black Knight tards
every time

Huh, really? Seemed fairly straightforward when I was concepting it.
>Axe: Fish for counter hits with your armored status
>Sword: eek ook unga bunga

what the fuck are you talking about
the entire cast has a one button invincible reversal, are you just ashamed to use the r1 shorcuts or something? i havent been able to do crosscut dps with it but you can just jump back and j.a them, or dodge forward

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>and having high damage coversions
Well Ferry still has the highest considering she has 75% combo. You can deal with Ferry sure, that doesn't mean she isn't really really good. You can deal with every character so far

ferry has a high theoretical max damage, sure, but no real ways to mix up into it without already having spent all her super meter since all her attacks are slow and predictable. kat actually has ways to land her combos

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Main: Danua
Secondary: Forte
Tertiary: Naru

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None of them will be in the game.

Setting up Geegee isn't that hard though. Even if you don't get the full thing it is easy enough to work a lot of those elements into a combo because you can make similar conversions off whatever hit you get . Even if she doesn't get the full thing that situation creates enough pressure where something will land.

I also haven't seen katalina do any type of crazy damage, she mostly seems locked into the basic stuff everyone has.

What time is the next network test window?

30 minutes but probably 15 min early like the past 2

30 minutes

He's delusional. Its one of his headcannons that Vira kidnapped Katalina and turned her into a robot

>are you just ashamed to use the r1 shorcuts
Also I don't think shortcut DPs are air unblockable. I just wish 2H anti airs felt more consistent.

I do but, what are you doing here shouldn't be grinding roullettes and medals right now?

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Press M or H with the skill button to get the different versions

setting up containment thread here

This is the containment thread.

isn't this the containment thread

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DP in general is unblockable. That guy is a brainlet.

>DP in general is unblockable
They aren't, people are just really dumb and forget to block

Why does this franchise have so much armpit fanservice?

it's up

its up!

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what lobby are we doing bros?

Imma go to NA LA lobby 08

What's wrong with her

People act like she's a sure in when she's not popular at all

I mean half of the characters in aren't popular.
Literally all the character picks are just because the staff likes them.

It's more that they need a rounded out cast (and can sell the super popular as DLC)

>with so many characters in Granblue Fantasy not all could be included in Versus but the lineup so far seems to be paying close attention to fan-favorite characters, and one that feel distinct.
Popularity means nothing here

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I have seen the picture used by "FatCuck @AwoogaWhale" on this board alongside tranny-esque posts.

I guess everything make sense now.

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Main character so he's in
Main character so she's in
Most popular harvin who's easy to implement
Popular and pushed by cygames traditionally
Popular gag character
Not popular but they were just looking for a grappler archetype

Middle East 2
i'm waiting for you

>literally say they're paying close attention to fan-favorites
>popularity means nothing

Lowain is in no way popular.
He didn't even make top 20 males.

A lot of bongs right now.
Lobby 4 also wants to lick ferry's armpits

she's fuckin in

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That guy is just delusional, I don't mind Lowain myself personally but everyfuckingone knows the GBF staff force them into everywhere.

I just like her design so I want her in

Why is every kat player a masher

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one that feel distinct.

Fuck I hope they add Monika in. A fighting game would be perfect for a character like her.

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so in other words, not black knight

>love granblue and fighters
>wanted to like this
>it's boring casual trash

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we have enough generic sword characters already

>love granblue
>complain about casual
At least be consistent on your shitposting.

Just because I like casual RPGs doesn't mean I don't like complex fighters

If you like anything casual you are a casual shitter retard and only like casual shit
t. Yea Forums

At the very least it will revive the Ferry doujin department, also what said, clicking buttons very fast for a week isn't hardcore.

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retarded smashbaby

She's canonically one of the strongest non-primal/astral fighters in the franchise, plus one of the better written characters in the main story.
I'm sure they can think of a good moveset for her. You never seen much swordsmanship if you think all people use the sword the same.

What characters would add interesting mechanics in this game? Maybe Albert could have a limited reverse beat mechanic, or D.jeanne could have a super that adds her death immunity but dies when that immunity runs out.

It is hard to tell sometimes when you are at the right distance for the auto combo to start. I keep trying to combo but then realise I'm just out of range

fuck all normalfags and fuck gommiefornia

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oh fuck off user all we know about monika is what they tell what her powerlevel is off screen, even lecia is a better candidate because we actually seen her fight

all monika is known for is being an hardass oppai loli

How do i get better at performing DP commands on pad

gg potato

>This whole generation has been focused on making fighter simpler. It hasn't stopped casuals fucking off early like they always do.

Thats because most developers didnt understand what "simpler" should have been hilariously Capcom was closest but it ended up boring.

BBTAG and DBFZ are simplified games as far as execution goes but playing the games at an intermediate level still requires you to be able to block MVC3 mixups BBTAG being worse with built in puppet mechanics you have to learn, basically you get to a high level with those games were execution matters less and they just become like every other tag fighter difficulty wise.

GBF is most likely trying to avoid this by in general not being an anime fighter and most likely not being absolutely terrifying to block for newer players but we cant even tell the level of simplification until we can actually work with it in the lab

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>Ferryfag, who's waifu only made it in for being waifu pandering, complains about california censorship
Like pottery

Her oppai aren't even the biggest or top 40.

Athena would be nice
its been a while since I got to play a shield character in fightan


I am actually #teamDJ though

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is this real

This game feels so good, it's too bad this is the last beta session

Soul cal was just last year user

Isn't she also a commander of a huge army? They could just have one of her specials being her summoning a file of soldiers. Sort of like Tron Bonne's special in MvC2.

professional tester here. this game is going to flop.

How do the codes work exactly? What if you buy the game, use the prize code to get your bar/stone etc, and then ask for refunds? It's not uncommon to buy a game just to test it for fun and then return it.

did someone call for the statistics

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what's the deal with Gran's 2a
I just started using him

I would assume so, they usually attach in-game goods with a slip of paper inside the jewel case which was the case for the BDs

>playing some rando
>bodying him
>swaps to ferry, delay doubles
come one bro it's a fucking beta

Metera (Flight)
Narmaya (Stance)
Vira (Install)
Ayer (Comeback/Low health desperation)
Orchis (Puppet)
Sturm&Drang (Duo character)
Zooey (Form change)

didn't play

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Gran feels so satisfying in this game. Probably the only time in a fighting game where the main character is my most favorite play-style.


>oppai loli
she's just fucking short

I'm getting fucking destroyed by anti-airs

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stop jumping
also you have airblocking

>Gran's overhead looks like it should be an anti-air
>is absolutely not an anti-air
fuck I just lost twice because of this

then stop jumping, if you're fighiting ferry do run up evade

I'd enjoy it more if the story went anywhere

>Beat him 2 games
>He picks Ferry
>Beat him 2 more times

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how do airblock? seems like I still get swatted off the air by Lancelot's what I assume is 2C even when I hold back

hold back while in the air

PC when? Playing charge characters on a pad is fucking miserable

doesn't work

>PC when? Playing charge characters on a pad is fucking miserable


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some moves are air unblockable, such as all ex dps

Gran has some great visual energy in his moves animation-wise. It makes you want to go balls deep into Ferry all the time

Certain moves might be air unblockable

all the characters wins are too nice
add Gawain
this game needs a dickhead

Not that user, but how are you supposed to use Charlotta's charge move on the ps4 pad? I can't for the love of god get her charge attacks out. You have any tips?

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The ps4 dpad hurts my hand when playing fightans and I'd rather play on a stick/keyboard

The only time I've really seen cooldowns come into play significantly is the fireball game with EXes.

Butt Gawain is just tsundere so he isnt even really a dickhead
We need a real dickhead, someone who means it

>use potato
>suck at it
>get beaten
>switch to ferry
>beat him

Eh seeing how Monika looks like in other games I feel like they was going for a loli design, but just made her slightly taller than the actual kids in Granblue to make her more intimidating due to the high position role she's in in the story. She looks like a loli(without the tits) in the other games she's in.

is there a way to work around that besides not jumping? I'm hardwired to jump like a retard

I dont play on pad but PS4 has fightsticks tho plays on keyboard which is wack af already

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Stop jumping. If you do anything in a predictable way you're going to get punished.

No dont jump this isnt BB or GG.

Give Charlotta amazon river

Or just any command normal

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But you can plug in your keyboard to the PS4.

I swear all these notebook threads yesterday made me realize how many degenerates are into GBF.

is too late to play the closed beta?

Rage of Bahamut Monika just looks real petite.

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Sandals and Percy could pull it off, but someone that's an actual asshole? Cag maybe?

no, the last phase barely started. 4 hours left

what should i do when someone is in my face while im in the corner as ferry?

>been fighting a kat
>won't stop jumping into dp
>they switch to gran
>keep doing it
Christ man

guess right

use DP or super, have it get blocked, and get smacked. Get better at not getting cornered.

I need more Ferry armpits screenshots

>Tfw on the 3rd day starting to have fun after mastering the craft on my mixups of the character im maining.
>Can't play the full 5 hours because of a birthday party I have to attend
Well that sucks but I had fun.
So far as a fighting game lover this isn't a Day 1 purchase for me, but as a closet granbluefag I might buy it sometime down the road once they start adding in characters I actually like.

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fucking die


>Lancelot's unique skill
>million different type of dashes

>Ferry's unique skill
>Purple move
>Rope swing

>Charlotta's unique skill
>A shitty parry where you still take 50% damage, good luck using that shit lol

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Anywhere to read the actual GBF story without diving into the mobage?

Wait, you still take damage with Box's parry? What the fuck is the point in using it then?

>he supers
>accidentally super at the exact same time

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Youtube probably

just youtube it bro

Good question, I stopped even bothering to try after I found that out.

>first time I use Gran
>manage to pull off all his moves
>win even though I suck

>Wait, you still take damage with Box's parry?
Command list says so. Seems really pointless

Lancelot's and Ferry's skills could easily becoming useless once people playing mechanically becomes a norm.
Charlotta's parry would be the best one, but it's kind of where they would put a parry on a charge character.

So is it true that this game has no gatlings or links? So it's a fighting game without combos?

I'm getting more and more worried about the next Guilty Gear.

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>still getting blown out
this is frustrating. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong.

The real answer is just EX DP or super and pray. Ferry is currently busted as fuck

do your best to swing out of there
expect nothing

Red lyria>Blue

Can always just go kill yourself. You seem to think retarded shit anyway and might have brain damage.

>Lancelot's and Ferry's skills could easily becoming useless once people playing mechanically becomes a norm
I don't really see that, Lancelot's are a basic part of his mix up game and having any type of dive kick is always good. She can even combo off it in her purple install mode. Taking a risk on a parry to still take 50% is a bad move, the slash you get up close isn't even good.

He and Hyde from UNIST are my favorite fightan game MCs. Very satisfying to use

Who are you playing?

What? I didn't play the beta, it's a legitimate question.


>Can't counter Kat's 5B out of range
>DPs you jump special
>DPs your up charge
>Stubby normal get out ranged by Kat's big dick hit boxes
Stay free Potato mains

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It has both. They aren't as long or open as other anime games though.

How do I connect to someone? In about 30 minutes I’ve been able to connect to another player only once.

Oh then that's fine. But are the gatlings you're refering to auto combos by any chance?

Start using dodge to get through fireball pressure and punish them that way, don't let your opponent even try to cross you up ever with EX flashkick, and also flashkick if you know that your opponent is going to try to reset his pressure

I really like playing Charlotta because you have to outplay the living fuck out of literally any other character to win. Don't think I'm gonna buy this game unless the roster is really interesting though. Way too basic

There are combos but they're incredibly easy to pull off. They exist, but they're easier than any other game on the market.

>whip's censored

Are people waking up to the deliciousness that are armpits?

2/5B > [4]6A should be your standard poke. As far as I can tell the A version of the dash isn't punishable and catches people mashing pretty well. Also if you get them in the corner the spacing makes DPing them easy if they try and jump.

This but with ferry vs everyone else

still can't flash kick on a pad. the timing is weird

Then that's what you're doing wrong. Learn your timing.

I should just keep using the R1 DP. I fuck it up everytime I try manual

I feel like this game almost got everything fucking right. It just need to increase walk speed, allow more normals to link with eachother in order for it to potentially be GOTD

There are only auto combos but you can combo specific auto combos into each other and one specific character in the beta has a lot of ways to screw around with it

what are the chances a new character is announced after the network test

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I dont care about Granblue at all but Forte is an absolute goddess of a character and I want her in every game ever made.

how do I block


thats exactly what I want as well, it doesnt feel complete

Too short. Original Forte had long legs. NuForte isn't even threatening considering her height.

Back or R2

>high (like a jump attack) / mid attack
hold back
>mid / low (like a low kick)
hold downback

Ironically, I have the most trouble in Charlotta mirrors. At least I can punish other characters when they fuck up, this feels like the most retarded, unga mirror match ever.

that's just one of the many things. I'm just a trash man at this

My options feel so limited in neutral, I'm not sure why cause I've played other 3 button fighters that weren't even heavy on command normals. It might be that L and H mostly just don't seem that useful in neutral. I can throw in a H sometimes but it is a risk. Far L don't have much use over M

If you're having trouble with a charge character like Charlotta, then try someone like Gran or Kat

>no one responded to my demand to GIVE PRAISE in the notebook
but he has no equal...

>liking Shorte over the DORK DRAGOON
Pleb tier.

Lancelot really ungas my bungas

KMR is my uncle and Sierokarte is in

I thought this had a block button? I was using L1 the whole time lol. How did I win so much before?

When will people learn that it's not just a specific character, this entire game is unga and made for those that bunga

Which lobby?

It has both.

2H is an antiair for most characters

New York Lobby 15.

retard. block button doesnt let you go block high/low and cant move

Open wide

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Gran mains, how do I stop sucking dick against ferry

your fate is over retard

they aren't as cool as 'Tato though. I think I'm just gonna take a break for a few minutes.

It feels like everyone else can read what I'm going to do before I do it, I can't tell the difference between the Light and Medium versions normals/specials, I don't like the grab range and it feels like I get grabbed holding down-back when I shouldn't, left.

Give me your best Versus memes

Should have gone with a sniff/lick message instead. That way you'd at least get one angry normalfag response at the very least

dash evade and try to throw out normals more, she has massive hurtboxes

What the fuck is up with combo links in this game, feels so inconsistent

Which EU lobby are we in bros??

only works when you're close

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yea its dumb, you have to be very close sometimes

What the fuck is up with that island

>can't tell the difference between L/M specials
If you really can't tell in the lobby you can look at the command list and it gives you a basic explanation.

>tfw your crew consistently reaches tier A, but your danchou is chill and lets people mooch off the people who have good grids for that element

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Me Lanchan me unga your bunga

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Is 2C supposed to be the anti air button? Kat's barely extends above her head

What's gran's midscreen combo after 2A?


Post favourite onaholes

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You're not wrong, I was hoping for something closer to GG, but this feels tea tray shallow. I'm not going to say I'm even good at fighting games, but I hope that when P5A comes around that it has more too it than this. It does look gorgeous though.

>live in the US
>metropolitan area
>gigabit fiber
>open NAT, ports forwarded
>every delay based netcode piece of shit gives me nothing but 10+ delay no matter what
I just give up on these games

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not for all of them. for example Noble Strategy's explanation only covers the Heavy version


>Vee always shouts out words of encouragement and a quip
>Lyria just screams the opponent's name like an inverse Pokemon
>then Gran asks a vague question
It's amazing how much more charismatic Vee is compared to the other two.

>LLL special
>suddenly special doesn't come out in time and gets blocked
Fuck this game

using isp's router instead of your own?

It's accurate.

is there enough time to buffer a flash kick at the start of a string for Charlotta? I feel like I have to resort to the shortcut

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No, using a router I've built but have also tried a few aftermarkets. My router is most stable

A has less horizontal movement than B

Why is there no training mode? It's getting real tiresome that i have no idea what to do against someone who spamming shit. I have no training buddy to relay on. And why the hell in Finish sound different every time? He sound bored most of the time. ArcSys love to shit on the players most of the time, which is unbelievable.

Are any of their events playable in the side stories?

It's a network test

>can't punish blocked super with super
I hate this

I'll marry her

If it was you who added to it you're pretty based.

I have anger problems, I need to win! I MUST WIN AT ALL COST! I hate losing, especially to opponents who make fun of you.

Either punish a super that wasn't going to hit with super, or block and start a combo into super.

>Ferry does her Dhalsim super
>use Charlotte's down charge to avoid it

That felt satisfying


there is literally no reason to not only use the shortcut specials with charlotta other than elitism
it allows you to play charlotta without charge, meaning you will be able to play her at a higher level

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Mean benis

I managed to do it once, so there should be just enough time.

Just auto-combo into a super then

i havent been able to get it but it might be possible

L.E.T.S. H.A.N.G. is there, that's their first one.

Charlotte's super pushes me too far back to autocombo

What's the trick to getting in on Ferry

I'll marry her
Nice, thanks user


>less damage
I'll agree you should use them if a charge isn't possible but usually that isn't the case.

Just walk forward and use your dodges. Don't predictably jump, she has decent anti air.

does the ex version not do more damage? I've done it once before but I can't seem to replicate it, might just settle with the shortcut for the time being

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Gran has the shittiest fucking super in the game. It gets beat by literally everything

Down + X is pretty nice on gran against blocks
Feels like it works well with overheads
2H is anti air, right?

Yeah, L.E.T.S.H.A.N.G

I was midair and I beat it with charlotta's j.b. I couldn't believe it.

I've lost so many games just forgetting to end on a super when I'm at 100%

how on earth do you beat kat's long ass mid and low?

Play Ferry.

what's more insulting is that it's plus on block from that range