Death Stranding is literally going to be INFOWARS: the videogame.
>Game takes place largely on a green barren landscape; most likely new zealand. This is where the elite and tech bros are buying land as we speak. >Game involves alien like tech; mostly in reference to the hidden zeropoint and occult type sciences the nazi and globalhomo government has been keeping from humanity. At some point there must have been some type of 'disclosure' allowing this tech to be used by regular corporations; or some cataclysm has sparked its release. >Old lady president of the united states thinks things should be united again, people should have soverignty and freedom. Sam is clearly demoralized. Demoralization is a key tool used by the globalists to wear down a population. Homodemens represents this by terrorizing the survivors of the destroyed america and by acting as a breakaway civilization (one technocratic elite rule over a bunch of monkey tribesmen that do the work and revere them as gods) . >Babies, fetuses, bioethics, and eugenics are clearly a part of the story. (The elites literally cannibalize babies and drink their blood to get high in cannite/babylonian deathcult satanic mystery school shit) >Literal enemies are interdimmensional physic vampires and potbellied hobgoblins
MGS2 is a representation and prediction into the modern infowars/Yea Forums/zeitgeist future we live today.
"We're not just going interstellar; we're going interdimmensional'- ALEX JONES
The elite are buying land in New Zealand because it's sparsely populated, same population density as the 2nd least populated American state and considered the best place to fuck off to if things go wrong.
Daniel Evans
Exactly; new zealand is where they want to build their new babylonina after everyone else on the world dies and the citizens of NZ can't do shit cause they got their guns taken away.
Jaxon Walker
>INFOWARS: the videogame So you literally haven't played a single hackjima game
Ayden Robinson
Tojo miyamoto just watched zardoz for the first time and thought it was good. Thats all.
probably has a thing for sean connery in a mankini
Nathan Cooper
>Game takes place largely on a green barren landscape; most likely new zealand. Did you even watch the trailer?
Jack Evans
>new zealand ????????????????????????????
Lincoln Foster
>United cities of america It's new zealand. Let's be honest every brainlet knows it's continuation to PT and it has nothing to do with silent hills.
Yes, america does not have greenscapes like this. You either have green yellowish looking plains or green forests. The world in DS looks strangely alien/fantasy like. No coincidence all of the Lord of the ring movies were shot in new zealand.
Who loves amazon shit? Elities.
Who is the biggest demographic for an amazon style parcel service that gives you shit in a deadly post apocalyptic world? Elities and their robot armies in Newzealand; thats who.
Cletus from kentucky sure as hell isn't using bridges delivery service.
I hate how "MGS2 IS SOOOO LE DEEP" lured you faggots here. That and Deus Ex. Just fuck off.
James Turner
Another too “deep” game with a convoluted story with random shit that doesn’t even make sense made by a looney wannabe movie director. Games. Games you idiot. Not fucking cutscenes about dinosaur nuke bots, cyber ninjas, or babies. Kojima is a fucking retard.
Grayson Sanchez
Why does Kojima make white people so angry with EVERY game he makes?
Alexander Howard
>Raging burger liberal game fill of anti-white podowood clebs >It's going to be "lowkey" le redpilled you guaiz!!
Fuck off.
Jayden Jones
Have sex nerd. Stop fapping to ninjas.
Eli Cox
>INFOWARS The Videogame Kojima is a massive leftcuck. It won’t be.
Dominic Edwards
Connor Cox
What's with all the JIDF shills in this thread? Trying to stop us from discussing something important I see.
Mason Gomez
I'd pay to see alex jones run around with a wierd baby thing in his arms in one of those suits. that'd be hilarious.
someone get hideous kojimber on the line we need to make this happen
>MGS2 is a representation and prediction into the modern infowars/Yea Forums/zeitgeist future we live today. in what way? been ages since I played it and barely remember shit
Gabriel Gonzalez
U play the game thinking ur the hero and ur fighting terrorists; then you realize the whole thing is an orchestrated game done by the illuminati and the terrorists were actually patriots that wanted to end their rule.
Then u find out the general u talked about is an AI and the metal gear is an ai and the illumanti can control the internet and flow of information and can dictate context so they are trying to eliminate free will with ai predictive analytics and a panapticon 1984 control grid.
Andrew Cooper
mads is pH 14 and 700nmpilled
Landon Nelson
based and newzealandpilled
Noah Gray
On a long enough timeline, Alex Jones is always proven right.
Jordan Sanders
He gets NPCs mad because he breaks the programming
Carter Rogers
Mr. Jones actually says that taking DMT ain't a good idea, cause you'd be a defenseless fish in an ocean full of predators.
Josiah Gutierrez
Alex Jones is a neocon Zionist shill He talks insane shit with some actual truth in his words just to discredit it
Jayden Cook
Anything written well will have at least accidental redpills. The patterns are always there in anything resembling honesty, even if most won't recognize them.
t. Never actually played an MGS game in his life They're practically fucking arcade games you illiterate zoomer
Jaxson Russell
Again, if only you knew how correct his "insane shit" actually is. I don't know whether the world would be better off or worse off if people actually believed the truth in what he says.
Nolan Powell
Are you telling me the world IS controlled by interdimensional (remember, there is at least 12 dimensions) pedophile vampires?
Jonathan Kelly
>Death Stranding is literally going to be INFOWARS: the videogame
But Infowars is just Deus Ex: the podcast.
Oliver Bell
>Their society is a technologically supported Utopia, chief among their tools being an "all-permeating fluid" called "Vril", a latent source of energy that the spiritually elevated hosts are able to master through training of their will, to a degree that depends on their hereditary constitution. This mastery gives them access to an extraordinary force that can be controlled at will. It is this fluid that the Vril-ya employ to communicate with the narrator. The powers of the Vril includes the ability to heal, change, and destroy beings and things; the destructive powers in particular are immense, allowing a few young Vril-ya children to destroy entire cities if necessary.
You have no idea how infiltrated Yea Forums is my friend.
Owen Wood
Being anti war had never been a leftist belief. They oppose whatever (R)s want, notice how they now want war with Russia and war with Syria? Merkel and Macron want an EU army to be able to force Poland and Hungary to take refugees. Liberals got the US into Vietnam, Korea, and World War 2.
Hudson Allen
Yes. Spirits exist, the world is a matrix where spirits are sent to suffer so they can learn and grow through the suffering. Extraterrestrial life exists, they also have spirits. Spirits CAN feed off of our energies which depends on the action being taken at the time, so abusing someone could be like a drug for some spirits. Spiritual evolution isn't the same as knowledge evolution.
Some of those spirits are actually playing with what Jones calls "globalists" by feeding them technologies which will actually be used against them, such as the internet. So yes, the "insane shit" he says is true.
Sebastian Cook
Stop telling everyone they can just come over to NZ when the SHTF. We don't want you fuckers here. Just leave us and our sheep wives alone.
Carson Allen
We have zero proofs of that, otherwise it's a schizo conspiracy theory (mire like a hypothesis) pushed by the disinfo agents like AJ
Lucas Rivera
Then start kicking the "globalists" out of your country. Except we both know that even if you aren't, most of your country is cucked.
Lincoln Reyes
That's the funny part, I told you the truth, before christianity took place, there isn't a single place or religion in the world that wouldn't be able to understand those statements as the truth. The sole reason why christianity was pushed is because (((some people))) wanted monopoly on the more "ephemeral energies manipulation".
I have had some very weird things happen directly to me, and while I cannot and won't even try to convince you through proof, I specifically, cannot ignore my experiences either. Like I said, if only people knew how correct he is.
Luis Cooper
Stanley Kuberick getting snuffed after Eyes wide shut is enough proof. The royals helping Jimmy Saville is enough proof. David Cameron fucking pigs is enough proof. The balphomet imagery in freemasonry and the knights Templar is enough proof.
Rich people get bored with country clubs. They want to feel 'alive' by doing the taboo; communicating with demons, and cannibalizing. Aztecs built a great civilization and did the same shit. All the techbros in silicon valley day trip all day.
Bohemian grove, skull and bones, maria abravoitch and the spirit cooking...the list goes on.
>I have had some very weird things happen directly to me Black people looking at you funny because you smell like dried shit isn't a paranormal experience, faggot. Global elites are perfectly capable of enslaving us without the help of superdimensional hyperpedophile cryptofascist frog-homosexualizing space vampires. Lay off the drugs.
Ryan Smith
Ain't that the sad truth. NZ is full of people who loudly bitch about the foreign elites buying land, but nobody is actually making any effort to stop it. Even when it's discovered our politicians are discreetly making deals to sell to China and such, nothing but a lot of bitching ever happens about it.
Michael Rodriguez
I pray to allah that this pasta or a troll, because if you actually stayed up all night to think this through, i feel really bad for you and you should probably start taking medication.
Adrian Nguyen
If this vril is so powerful, why doesn't anyone do anything with it?
Brayden Rivera
Keep making yourself ignorant, maybe the truth is that people like you simply don't have the proper mind to know the truth, so ignorance is a bliss in your case after all. And no I don't do drugs, I don't smoke I don't even drink alcohol. And most things that happened to me have the corroboration of a witness.
Eli Allen
>drugs i dont do drugs, the drugs (((they))) made me take were what closed my eyes to their horrible plans now i'm blessed with sight. now i can see (((them))) no matter where they hide. only me and alex jones have this gift and thats why (((they))) want to desyowdtvkix myedg
Logan Edwards
Don't you freaks have a street sign to yell at or something?
The elite doing occult shit is nothing new but the thing is, we don't have ANY proof the shit they are doing actually works. Like i can stab a nigga as a sacrifice to the god of war and violence, say, Khorne, but will it actually reach him? Does he even exists? Does my act actually reaches the interdimensional being who understands what i did, who i am, why i'm doing this and reacts in sone way to it? Religion is a belief, not science or a chronicle. We can believe in a lot of things but that does not make them true. Butah, Christianity WAS pushed by (((them))).
>Christianity WAS pushed by (((them))) Because it had the framework that would limit people's exploration on several tools that could be used against them. Again, not in a single pre semitic religion one would doubt either the existence or the interaction of spirits with our world. Since I HAVE had personal experiences which I could not rule out as hallucination, all I can do is use the material which I already had to explain those, to also explain Jones's allegations.
Colton King
>Jon Ronson wants to write reportage on Bohemian Grove >gets Alex Jones to help him to get there >Jones later admits that he was afraid that Ronson was just a ploy to get him there quietly so that they could sacrifice him to Satan
Oh, so that's what it is. You're just a regular old schizo off his meds.
Lincoln Flores
>dude pay attention to everything besides the shallow as fuck empty open world gameplay
Kevin Moore
No no, the gay frogs ARE the Homodemons. It's why Yea Forums is like this, the amount of gay frogs posted in the site attracts the Vorthosian Homodemons like moths to a flame.
Aaron Howard
You don't need proof that the rituals work; infact they probably don't. Hillary did of course sacrifice a 'chicken' to moloch in her attic but isn't president .
The fact is the psychic belief/power it invokes is the true power. White and black magic is this shit.
Jack Adams
Death Stranding unironically looked better when it seemed like it'd be some utterly incomprehensible mpreg fetish nightmare in a Salvador Daliesque hellscape instead of just... MGSV-2, starring Norman Reedus and a baby in a backpack.
This. would've preferred it as a walking simulator with a few rare bullets in case of absolute emergency like the original trailer portrayed. Seeing him slow-mo bamham some dude with a lightning javelin was a little off-putting. It's still a blockbuster at the end of the day so I'm not surprised.
Cooper Thomas
It's MGS VI, screencap this (the strands are smoke trails from atomic explosions)
You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded, mate.
Colton Bailey
Ian Price
This reads like a Caramel post
Zachary Flores
I think the most wut part was when it turned out the babies weren't some weird crazy metaphor and are just living radars.
Xavier Thomas
>duuuude, his games, it's like, i mean, they're SOOOOO DEEEEEEEP, not deep as tyrone fuck my wife but still, damn dude, I mean, damn, wow, just wow kojima is a genius
John Allen
What did you want? He created a paradigm shift with MGSV. He created the open air genre then Nintendo made it a little better with BOTW and now he is going to make it even better.
It’s not episodic and it will have longer cutscenes. It’s like he has free reign now like when David Lynch made Twin Peaks the return. It’s going to absolute videogame kino.
This makes sense other than the NZ theory. Way to gray, green, and bright. Like washington or maine without trees.
Dominic Gomez
What the fuck am I reading? The game is 100% based on the Icelandic landscape. It'll still probably be based in America but it's the future so everything is different but they are definitely using photogrammetry from Iceland.
Death Stranding is a Jacob's Ladder type game. That or Flatliners. Funny, since Kojima made this game because Konami canceled his Silent Hill game. Silent Hill was based on Jacob's Ladder.
There is no elite in this game. It's post-apocalyptic. The only elites are the reemerging gov (Bridges), the predatory gang known as Homo-Demons and the BTs.
This game is based on Evangelion. The Metal Gear series was based on Rambo films and Mecha.
Benjamin Mitchell
>Death Stranding is literally going to be INFOWARS: the videogame. This sentence alone made me laugh so hard I'm going to buy one for myself and another two to gift.