Death Stranding is literally going to be INFOWARS: the videogame

Death Stranding is literally going to be INFOWARS: the videogame.

>Game takes place largely on a green barren landscape; most likely new zealand. This is where the elite and tech bros are buying land as we speak.
>Game involves alien like tech; mostly in reference to the hidden zeropoint and occult type sciences the nazi and globalhomo government has been keeping from humanity. At some point there must have been some type of 'disclosure' allowing this tech to be used by regular corporations; or some cataclysm has sparked its release.
>Old lady president of the united states thinks things should be united again, people should have soverignty and freedom. Sam is clearly demoralized. Demoralization is a key tool used by the globalists to wear down a population. Homodemens represents this by terrorizing the survivors of the destroyed america and by acting as a breakaway civilization (one technocratic elite rule over a bunch of monkey tribesmen that do the work and revere them as gods) .
>Babies, fetuses, bioethics, and eugenics are clearly a part of the story. (The elites literally cannibalize babies and drink their blood to get high in cannite/babylonian deathcult satanic mystery school shit)
>Literal enemies are interdimmensional physic vampires and potbellied hobgoblins

MGS2 is a representation and prediction into the modern infowars/Yea Forums/zeitgeist future we live today.

"We're not just going interstellar; we're going interdimmensional'- ALEX JONES

Attached: Yaldabaoth.jpg (790x384, 35K)

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The elite are buying land in New Zealand because it's sparsely populated, same population density as the 2nd least populated American state and considered the best place to fuck off to if things go wrong.

Exactly; new zealand is where they want to build their new babylonina after everyone else on the world dies and the citizens of NZ can't do shit cause they got their guns taken away.

>INFOWARS: the videogame
So you literally haven't played a single hackjima game

Tojo miyamoto just watched zardoz for the first time and thought it was good. Thats all.

probably has a thing for sean connery in a mankini

>Game takes place largely on a green barren landscape; most likely new zealand.
Did you even watch the trailer?

>new zealand

>United cities of america
It's new zealand. Let's be honest every brainlet knows it's continuation to PT and it has nothing to do with silent hills.

Attached: wow.jpg (1600x755, 217K)

Yes, america does not have greenscapes like this. You either have green yellowish looking plains or green forests. The world in DS looks strangely alien/fantasy like. No coincidence all of the Lord of the ring movies were shot in new zealand.

Who loves amazon shit? Elities.

Who is the biggest demographic for an amazon style parcel service that gives you shit in a deadly post apocalyptic world? Elities and their robot armies in Newzealand; thats who.

Cletus from kentucky sure as hell isn't using bridges delivery service.

Attached: New-Zealand-Grasslands.jpg (2560x1600, 1.96M)

oh shit you're right

Attached: 5bc6be.gif (220x209, 266K)