I was looking for a game to buy on my switch and i saw this game. Did anybody play it? Is it good or should i get world ends with you? Any other recommandations?
Lapis Labyrinth
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bretty good
This art is giving me some serious Ever Oasis/Made in abyss/7th Dragon vibes.
I am interested in this game too. Monitoring this thread.
Huh, this looks interesting?
Like a mix of maple story and that side scrolling version of ragnarock online that used to be popular in the old days?
Why is nobody talking about this game?
Watch the catch here?
Do not get world ends with you. I don't care if you don't buy this game just don't get TWEWY Switch port.
got it 2 days ago its fun as fuck getting tons of equips and smashing monsters
I think the catch is NIS.
Does Labyrinth of Refrain have more content than this?
Has anyone played will it kinda interests me.
Labyrinth has a lot of content. A lot of grinding, but also some good customization and item crafting. The play time on switch is bad since it counts sleep time as well so it inflated my play time to be about 500 hours.
>Like a mix of maple story and that side scrolling version of ragnarock online that used to be popular in the old days?
Ok that's a bit too far. So far the game have none of the complexity (yes even by those game's standards) of those games that you just mentioned. It's just a simple platformer with mash button kill shit get high score shindig. But then again I'm just at the 5th quest of the first level so I'm hoping there's more to this game than just that.
Shit's mad cute though. Every character looks like a cinnamon roll.
The game is about 20 hours, with a bit of postgame
not as big as the Disgaeas though
It's also 30 usd so it's not too bad
I did. I don't think it's worth the price.
>all those nominees and finalist awards
>any other recommendations
Get Umihara Kawase's game. The jap version has eng text.
>30 bucks
That's a bit too much for what this is.
Maybe it'll go on sale at some point.
>tfw i'm autistic and i can't stand the artstyle of any of the Umihara Kawase games aside the PSX one
Wish they would've just updated the original sprites...
The one who said "not worth the price" wasn't talking about Lapis Labyrinth.
Does it have local multi? And if you say local wireless I'll flip my shit.
It doesnt have multi at all
Unfortunately this is SP only.
From my understanding Nippon Ichi had an internal contest between devs and this was a fun little side project that won the contest and they expanded it into a full game.
Isn't that how things like rose and yomawari keep getting made there?
That's kinda neato.
OP here. I will get labyrinth and report back after i will play it for a bit. Other things under 10? Blastermaster 2? Box boy?
Get Blaster Master 2. Hope you've played 1 already.
From my understanding, lapis labyrinth is getting lukewarm receptions.
For $20 i would have bite, maybe.
Really? I've seen it get a decent buzz, Jim Sterling and the white dude that's not max from yovideogame seems to like it
It's worth pirating for sure, nothing more.
It got two 4/10 from major reviewers in my country, no idea about ecelebs opinions.
It has a lot of content. It also has
Implied rape
Female on female sexual assault
Eyes being gouged out
So if that's your jam, I'm playing it now, I've enjoyed Wizardry a lot over the years.
It's just very repetitive and the Switch version has framerate issues (it targets 60 but fall short often). QoL issues as well, you get massive amount of gear but there's no proper way to optimize gear at a glance. You literally have to scroll through 100's piece of gear to find if there's an upgrade or something interesting stats wise. Something 1* with shit base stats could end up being better than 4* simply due to enchantments on it.
I still enjoy the game because I got it free, but wouldn't pay more than $10 for that. I fail to see how they can market something like that for $30.
Why are you listening to opinions of a known cuck...? Why are you even trusting them? Npc?
I've only cleared the forest level, in sandy land now, it's pretty simple but good fun and it's cute.
I hope you can unlock more progression options later on like in Disgaea, let me move enchantments from weapon to weapon and shit like that.
Op here. After playing 2 or 3 dungeons i can say that maybe the time limit is a bit annoying. There really is a lot of loot and there are like 10 stars of rarities. I can see why said it will get boring after a while for some people. But this is made by the people behind disgaea so i guess people would know what to expect from the gameplay formula
>QoL issues as well, you get massive amount of gear but there's no proper way to optimize gear at a glance. You literally have to scroll through 100's piece of gear to find if there's an upgrade or something interesting stats wise. Something 1* with shit base stats could end up being better than 4* simply due to enchantments on it.
I don't know what you can expect, you can sort your inventory by different metrics, other than that like what do you want?
Inventory management is a core part of dungeon crawlers, are you upset that the game doesn't play itself?
Is it that bad?
Unless it goes on sale it's just not worth paying Sixty burger coins for. Especially when it's just the port of the iOS version. The only reason for getting this would be for the new extra content but even that is not worth justifying the price since the new content is just some short side story.
Holy dimmadome, $60???????
Damn right. I would have not complained if it was $20 or something but this is just dildos.
you're better off buying or emulating the DS version, the later versions completely changed the combat system
Has nothing to do with wanting the game to play itself, inventory management doesn't mean having to go through a shitty list you can solely scroll vertically and with so few sorting options available. Having proper filters would have been better, i.e. display me items with X or Y enchantment and having [this quality minimum] etc. Instead you only have few sorting criterias. Also there's no option to sell item in bulk (i.e. sell everything that's below a certain star or quality level etc.), you have to select everything manually one by one. This is just bad design you have to be retarded to defend that.
What the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
Is there a non-Collector’s Edition physical copy of this? From watching videos, this seems like it may be worth $30 for me, but man, I try to avoid digital when I can