Literally impossible
Literally impossible
unfun game- the game
isn't this like one of the first mini bosses you encounter
you can also sneak from behind for an easy start, and even get some dude to help you
backstab first health bar.
Use throwing knives when he drinks
The one-two step in attack does ridiculous poise damage
>incels conveniently forget about the army of 10 guys you have to kill every time
He's honestly not even that bad. Just be aggressive and parry like a beast.
Just kite them and take them out one at a time. They're not even bad.
You can run past them and use the samurai guy to kill them all with 0 hassle...
>I am bad at the game so I throw around buzzwords
wait til you reenter that memory, pleb
but you can stealth kill those one by one
you probably thought you were playing some kind of naruto faggot ninja instead of a proper one
The boss has a very short aggro leash, you can stealth one shot every enemy in the area by killing one or two, running away and then coming back
Once the arena is clear of enemies sneak around, backstab his first health bar, then run and grab the samurai to be a meat shield
You can do all of the above in just a few minutes, and with such an overwhelming advantage (two lives, 2v1, backstabbing an entire bar) there's no excuse to die
If all else fails spam firecrackers because holy shit are they overpowered
>oh you want to fight this hard as fuck mini boss?
>just kill these 10 guys every time you die lol
This is good game design according to From shitware fans.
>OP ia still raging itt
>raven feathers
>Absolutely shit on him
You can even just space him and poke him down with charged attacks that thrust from outside his range
AND there's an NPC there you can talk to who tanks everything for you. Unironically the easiest boss
its not my fault the game is too hard for me to beat
He isn't hard as fuck and you don't HAVE to kill every enemy, in fact you really only need to kill the shield guys immediately adjacent to him. You can kite him back to the pond and fight him with the samurai
compared to the absolute dumpster fire that was Smelter Demon's boss run in dark souls 2 the drunkard is a walk in the park
>Sneak around the left and backstab the first shield guy starting the fight
>Run to the archer and two shot him since he can't block and you're invul in the deathblow animation
>Axe the second shield guy and again enter an invulnerable deathblow animation
Wow hard very hard Sekiro prepare 4 dead
its unfun because i suck lol le bit xDDdd
its so le hard L-O-L, to hard!
literally impossible
>at least i-its better than dark souls 2!
from shills are pathetic
Holy fuck when did Yea Forums become invested with casuals?
>still playing this shitty game
I already give up fighting him fair.
Stab run away stab run away work really well.
>every time you die
>actually dying to one of the easiest bosses in the game
Actually lmaoing at your life shitposter
Guys, guys, this is the laziest shitposter this month, stop giving him attention. All his responses are textbook, nothing interesting.
vee has been investing in casul their whole life, up to the point it's become their main export
It always was. DS just gave them a helping hand with the online summons. Now in Sekiro without them, they have to face that they just suck. Same for journos who praised how "hard" DS was since they could get carried trough the game and still pretend to have earned "gamer cred", yet got their ass kicked in in Sekiro without any help any started to whine about it.
how do you get a sneak attack on this guy? From the sides if you're fast enough? Can only ever get the shield fucker there
You kill both shield guys then when he leashes sneak from the side behind him
Can also draw him out and deathblow when he turns around to walk back
This miniboss (not even a boss) is a prime example of why Sekiro is not as fun as Dark Souls or Bloodborne.
He's the exact kind of thing where you're supposed to learn the tells and "git gud" as the kids say, but he shares an arena with something like 8-9 mooks who are perfectly capable of killing you if you don't deal with them first. So before every single attempt at him, you have to do this utterly unfun 15-minute ritual where you sneak around stabbing all his buddies. And that's in addition to the typical "boss run" that DS and BB games already have. It's just obnoxious and has no reason to be there except to make the player waste time while he's trying to learn the patterns of the fatass.
As far as I can tell, you have to aggro him and run away. Then sneak up behind him when he's walking back. I don't think you can do it without him seeing you first.
It was great until the last boss.
have you ever come to any fighting game thread?
>people actually annoyed at people talking about the competitive aspect
>people annoyed at people talking about ongoing tournaments
>hurrr Smash is le party game xdxd not real fighting game xd
>SF5 is garbage xdxd ded gamexdxd
>Netherrealm games are garbage because I don't like them xddxxd
>omg you guys I hate Killer Instinct because it's not on Steam
>people actually trying to shun others calling them tourneyfags
>people trying to look smart saying something about a character in terms of gameplay, then as soon as you question anything about what they said, they disappear
Yea Forums is filled with casual shits that can't do a hit confirm
>reee stop paying attention to the truth teller!
>fighting game
I'm not a melanin enriched individual
That's not Yhorm
>30 min fight
>8 estus
>If you make 2 mistakes have to do it all over again
This has been obvious for years, the reality is that the average/v/ poster is just as terrible as the average player. Morons here try to pretend that it's some hardcore clubhouse when in reality every single time matters of skill come up 99.99% out themselves as turbocasual retards.
Sekiro is the most recent and obvious example because faggots like to pretend they're good at souls games when they summon or overlevel content so when a game has honest, difficult bosses that you are forced to fight like a man they completely lose their shit
The average/v/ poster talks shit about RTS despite not even being capable of 6pooling someone in StarCraft
The last boss was fun as fuck and probably the best in the entire Souls/Bloodborne/etc series.
Clever bait
just use the storm ruler instead bruh
or maybe there's a mod that fixes that fight
>can't play fighting games
>lmao fighting games is for niggers xddd
added it to my list
Oh, no.
>come to every AoE(2) thread
>try to talk about the civs
>all they do is spam random unique units and say they love AoE2
>then they start talking about city building, and city building in other RTSs
>muh comfy
I get enjoying that, but c'mon, it can't be that nobody here plays these fucking games in any competitive manner, god damn
>Smelter Demon
Every form of the smelter demon encounters were much less cheap and much easier to deal with than that drunk piece of shit in the OP, what the fuck are you talking about
Smelter demon boss run was a fucking enormous pain in the ass, drunkard takes five minutes to kill every npc and then you just backstab for an ez 2v1
What's a reasonable punishment for failing in a video game to you?
Sekiro is mostly fun, however the Onis, oh the Onis, they're full of shit.
The first underwater one is piss-easy, like, absolutely pathetic, just make sure to dodge a couple times when the kanji pops up. That's it.
Then the ground ones, oh dear
>that fucking slow debuff AoE they have, almost permanent
>really high damage
>knocks you down slowly when they hit you, the worst way possible
>one million health and posture, unless you're using those limited confetti
>those janky as fuck swing animations, sometimes they just start the animation instead of turning to you, and you're to his right, so it starts at you, even though he has absolutely 0 momentum it still deals full damage and horror to you
>and the horror mechanic on top of it all
>his teleport grab is the only time he does something really piss-easy to avoid and punish him heavily
>though sometimes it bugs out and he grabs you anyways, and it's an insta-kill
>as a cherry on top, the grab animation is japanese humor tier, as he shoves his hand up your ass and takes out your soul or something like a Kappa would I think (which doesn't matter because you'll just revive right after that anyway)
I'm going to make another post complaining about the caster Oni, which is still very annoying, but at least it's satisfying to beat, these ones are just plain annoying and once I kill them I feel only good that I got rid of it, at least the caster one feels gratifying to kill
>go around the area from the left, clear it
>backstab the shield guy next to the boss
>run straight to the archer on your left, kill him
>bait the boss and everyone else away from the shield guy
>charge, axe and kill the shield guy
>clear the remaining trash while kiting the boss, drag them to the small room you've cleared 2 minutes ago if you have to
>run to the npc dude, talk to him
>let him aggro the boss
>hit his back, use axe or set him on fire (use oil if you can)
not that hard
sekiro gets really easy when you realize you can attack, jump, dodge and sprint without punishment as there's no stamina bar
You're in for a treat once you finally clear him.
every single one of them is dogshit since you need confetti or whatever the fuck to kill them
using items is lame as fuck, the menu in this game sucks
at least you can skip/ignore the headless they dont drop anything useful
>b-but reusable consumables
you dont need consumables, git gud
Not him, but starting the boss fight over. Make getting to the boss harder, make the boss harder, both, whatever. Doing the run over and over again just makes me wish I was playing something else.
>Doing the run over and over again just makes me wish I was playing something else.
Whenever I got stuck on a boss in Sekiro I just explored the world to its fullest. So you do have some options in the game. Though it does end up with being stuck on 3-5 bosses/minibosses that block your path instead of the one you were stuck on the first place.
Unfun bosses: the game
the caster Oni:
>starts the fight with a move that does nothing except annoy you, since you can't attack it because of the horror buildup around him, so you have to wait around until you get rid of the large spheres (and dodge the initial barrage of small ones he shoots)
>one of his moves is him just firing some orbs at you, if you stay close at him the orbs will spawn behind you, so you can keep hitting him no problem
>one of his moves is him jumping back and leaving a trail of orbs, very easy to punish him for it
>however once he jumps, he usually floats around for a bit making some more orbs to slowly rain down
>at some rare instances the orbs will be in front of the camera and you won't see him wind up for the spear slash
>spear slash is piss easy to parry and punish, both hits
>at some points he'll have too many orbs around him
>going away from him is not a good option because he can keep just throwing more orbs around
>the attacks where he creates 1 or 2 large orbs are fine
>once you do the first finishing blow, he teleports away and uses...
>his laser move, which goes through terrain, autotracks at the start really hard, and hits really hard
>the only reliable way to avoid the laser (and get free hits) is to stay up his ass, but he just teleported away
now, I have some issues with sometimes you just having to back off and wait for a long time in what is already a really long fight unless you're using confetti, but then there's the second caster
Oni at the last area
>the terrain is small as fuck, absolutely terrible to fight him
>he won't chase you
>he uses lasers with his base moves instead of only once you kill him
>if you don't clear the dogs around the arena they can come and annoy you (fortunately they die in 1 hit)
>if you're fighting the Oni they'll very rarely do the lightning move so you'd be able to use it against the Oni
>if they finally use it in a way you can use it against the Oni, you better be fucking lucky that the Oni isn't making a big orb or the laser move
>in this more closed area, you'll want to back off more because the orbs are even more dangerous
>sometimes he'll get stuck on very tight terrain and spawn a ton of orbs
>if you back off he'll laser you
>after doing the first finishing blow the Oni teleports to a more open area, far as fuck though, so you'll probably get laser'd
>if you run to where he teleports, he teleports back to his starting point and lasers your ass, AND RESETS HIS KILLING BLOWS COUNT
Sekiro is a great game, but these Onis, fuck them. Though at least the caster ones I got so good at killing them that all I needed was patience since they have too much health, but there were multiple times that the planets lined up and there was nothing I could do.
you don't REALLY need the confetti, but I get your point
>he needs 15 minutes to kill 6 dudes
>doesn't just use the axe and hits the others 2 times
Clearing them up should't even take a minute. And for the big guy, if you paid attention you'd know that another samurai is waiting at the water wanting to fight him, where you can lure the big guy by simply backing away and them double team him.
Summer is here
>game gives you tools to make it easier
>wtf why do I have tools to make it easier
It really boggles my mind how people like you manage to go trough their daily life.
>tfw you're not this pleb
the npc killed him for me
He's much harder than the boss behind him.
Even double teaming it's going to take the average player at least 5-10 attempts. Remember that this
is very early in the game where the player literally does not know all the systems of the game yet, let alone have them in muscle memory. This is the kind of boss that should have been made very quick to retry, but instead they make you do a tremendous amount of bullshit every time you attempt him.
>run up to them
>they all cluster in front of you to attack
>mortal draw
>suddenly its just you and the boss.
The direct method.
why the fuck would you wait til you have mortal draw when you had no idea it was in the game
because faggots like him read the tutorial for every square inch of the game then pretend they are good.
>he doesn't know you can get the mortal blade before going to Hirata estate
thats not what i said. why would you read a guide for the game before playing it
The casual market is booming
The point of the game is to expose fake gamers like yourself