This game is fucking amazing. Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about it?

This game is fucking amazing. Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about it?
You can literally gas an entire planet to death and turn it into a crematorium. the level of freedom in this game is ridiculous

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what is this game and why don't I know it

Aurora 4x. its a space 4x game which many nickname Dwarf Fortress in space. it has ridiculous amounts of details.

And by details I mean you literally design the missiles you use for ammo rather than just "you researched missile X"
You design individual ship component to spec than simply unlocking "Engines Mk 2" and then you design each ship independently.
You terraform planets by changing the individual amounts of gases in the atmosphere (or you could also park a terraformer ship ontop on an enemy planet and pump toxic gas inside, or greenhouse gas to make it into hell)
You can genetically engineer the perfect race.
none of that global bank shit, you actually move resources between planets
ships require fuel. no free fuel!
resources are finite. expand or die!
massive universe to explore.

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Aurora has the depth of a puddle.

I like micromanaging though.

name a single strategy game with more depth.

thank you very much

>Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about it?
because only four people on v can actually play it

Why is that? Is it too complicated?

>bro how about a game that is nothing but standard visualstudio GUIs

thats not a game, thats a windows ui

you could say that. Mandalore's video explains it well
but tl;dr version is that there are many detailed system intermixed so the learning curve is pretty bad. also horrible graphics. like Excel 97 bad.

Gameplay over graphics anyday

Because it's literal digital autism.
I played the shit out of Space Empires, which is probably the closest thing in actual game form, but I'm not spending my free time looking at LITERAL excel spreadsheets for fun.

Fuck, I'm sold. I've been listening to that guy for awhile.

>Because it's literal digital autism.
which is why >nickname Dwarf Fortress in space

>I played the shit out of Space Empires, which is probably the closest thing in actual game form
thats still pretty far.

>but I'm not spending my free time looking at LITERAL excel spreadsheets for fun.
ok, you do you, I'll be having fun playing this.

ok grandpa

It's cool as fuck but it's so different from anything else that it's hard for me to learn properly. I love stuff like EVE and CDDA that are reasonably complex but they at least have some visual component beyond orbit trajectory and your own imagination.

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now listen here sonny, if you want graphics you go watch the latest Marvel cinematic shit. Video games are for gameplay. its in the name.

>it's so different from anything
its very unique. thats part of its charm.

>Why doesn't Yea Forums talk about it?
Probably because you play win 98 menus and need a degree in rocket surgery to play it

Real games have actual graphics.

>Excel Dos Simulator is amazing



Not sure why you’re getting so defensive, I never said you’re not allowed to enjoy it. I never even said it’s not fun or criticised the content or mechanics of the game.
You asked why it’s not discussed and I gave you the answer. It’s only technically a VIDEO game.

>dwarf fortress
No. DF is an actual video game. You could strip everything but the spreadsheets and mechanics from Aurora and you’d hardly tell the difference.
4X is the most autistic genre of any entertainment medium and Aurora is too much autism for 99% of people who play 4X.

A Windows GUI interface? Sign me the fuck up because those are the best kind of games.

The current version is beyond shit. And i don't mean like gameplay wise because it's complicated. It's just simply terrible and outdated to even control and play. I gave it a go and even installing the game gave me trouble. Basic stuff like controlling the map, zooming in and out was just tedious as hell
It's not surprising because it's written in fucking Visual Basic but it is being rewritten in c# so hopefully that will be much better.

And this is coming from someone who plays vanilla dwarf fortress with no tilesets.

Yea Forums does not talk about good games, only casual over-marketed shit, e-celebs and console wars.

>Videogame =Video(visuals)+game
Where is the video in this game? The only thing that has and count as "graphics" is that galaxy map. The rest are windows ui. Also from what I heard, this game is also buggy af. Might as well go and play microsoft word, and learn something.

Nononono Dwarf fortress is simple yet difficult, this is difficult and complex, and manages to have a worse interface than DF, which is quite the achievement.

>it looks bad so it must be bad
read a book you stupid niggers

Is not about graphics, is about UI design, it has a shitload of menus, sometimes for no reason, sometimes they repeat between sections and many times the feedback that the user gets is simply negigible, is not even a matter of trial and error when you don't even know if there is an error or sucess interacting with the game.

Outpost is another autism simulator and yet is much more better designed with a better UI if you want to see the difference.

It doesn’t “look bad” it has no graphics whatsoever. It’s literally an excel spreadsheet with circles in one menu. It’s to a video game what a script/screenplay is to a book.

Sure there's a lot to do, but there actually isn't a lot of depth or game to it

If it had actual graphics it'd be quickly forgotten

Because your average player who learned of this can't even design, let alone build a simple geosurvey vessel without looking up a youtube tutorial or wiki. Or even leaving starting system/sol after surveying/colonizing nearby home system bodies.
The autism involved filters out the brainlet masses, they can't brag about it since they can't find fun from failing. Similar to how DF not being talked about much despite it's freedom.

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