Does he lurk Yea Forums?

Does he lurk Yea Forums?

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Yeah I do

not anymore since we chased him away for the disgusting "we wuz" usage in his e3 video..

Even your facebook mom lurks here for at least 2 years

Max Payne isn't a real person.

I would be surprised if he doesn't, all his montages are Yea Forums shitposts in video form.

don't answer that

He literally shills his videos here, retard.

He obviously does, his videos are pure autism in video form.

CrowBCat is just a dumb talentless nigger who’s a VR shill. There’s already better e-celebs making better montages. Meanwhile this faggot is still going on about CSGO.

The fuck are you talking about?

if he does odds are I have called him a nigger at least twice

He's had videos about Yea Forums and Yea Forums in the past but deleted them all. He had one about the sandpaper conveyor belt floor post and Yea Forums's reaction to GTAV PC announcement that was like an hour long or so.
He's a Yea Forums pandering cunt.

Is this a Max Payne thread?

His first viral video was a compilation of webms from Yea Forums, do the math


kys tranny

even if this is bait, ironic shitposting is still shitposting

“we” chased him away for the vr shilling, not for we wuz

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any link?
CrowbCat isn't one person

There are these re-uploads


Who do you think it is that posts his videos here all the time?

Zoomers and e-celeb jerk offs

I saw Sami Järvi once, I didn't say anything to him though because I didn't want to be rude.

a rhetorical question

>we chased him away
Is it summer already? I shouldn't even come here anymore but unsuprisingly, even as much of a sewage dump this is, everywhere else is even worse.

he used to when he actually uploaded. now he's run out of ideas or is just too lazy to bother

/washedupyoutuber/ general? does anyone know where i can watch albino's old stuff liek the Zeppe Chronicles and such? he used to be pretty based beofre he become popular, but at least we still have Malcolm

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this cuck was never funny. referencing Yea Forums jokes and sam hyde is not funny. At least sseth showed with his god hand video that he can be competent without having to resort to memes every 5 seconds.

where's that 2008 propaganda video he made for obama? "he has 99 problems and clinton aint one"?

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idk user, i liked his old ds2 videos.

Didn't this faggot make Dark Souls skill videos? Like that nigger Iron Pineapple? God I hate faggots who think they're hot shit by showing a collection of lucky clips against retards.

I think he was the nigger with CE videos.

I like his Dead rising and GTA videos. Also his minecon and E3 videos.

CrowBCat is a collaborative channel, it's not just a single person.


he was malcolm reynolds before malcolm reynolds, but once he became popular he started becoming like everyone else

So yeah, a CE nigger. Of course Yea Forumsermin would be all over it.

i thought they were funny ;_; the ones with yukas specifically
