In-game economy ruined for new players by elitist older players

>in-game economy ruined for new players by elitist older players

why do some video games keep allowing this to happen?

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Entitled millennials should just work for free

I'd be glad to even be worth $8,000. I'd be glad to be worth anything since no one puts a price tag on me.

>post yfw you pirate all digital media and software and also have more than 8000$ in your bank account

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lol you poor faggot

according to the gubment I'm worth at least 64k

Here. $18k in savings after paying off my car.

imagine being worth less than your organs

>gives warm smile
>allows employer to smell your old spice
>give firm handshake
>wait for employer to give you 7 figure salary

b-bideo game?

You do know what net worth is, right?

it's how much your nets are worth duh

Spend all your money on useless micro transactions you dont need or give it to new players from other servers

Then whine you have no money

>2nd game is the best in the trilogy

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I just bought my first house and I'm 28. I agree they had it better but it's still fine if you work hard. You're not gonna be able to buy a house working at McDonalds.

I cant fucking do it guys. going to school while working is too hard for me. if I dont kill myself I'll probably end up killing myself anyawy.

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I don't think net worth counts the value of your organs

dude i got way less than that right now.

Work hospo and drink yourself stupid while you study. That's what all the other 20 year old girls I know do.

cute larper

should do.
definitely own them and can sell them if inclined

what the fuck is hospo

I failed college and I don't even have a job and even I have more than $10k saved up


hospitality ya drongo
maccas n shit

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