You are going to play Viera in the next XIV expansion, right user?
You are going to play Viera in the next XIV expansion, right user?
No, worst customisations, no ear movements. What a waste, no good head pieces. NO AMON HAT. Limited Hairs.
No and don't @ me
I was gonna stick with my lady Elezen at first but I think I'll give them a try. They are cute!
no, fuck off
Yeah. The lack of hairstyles and no hats or helmets is a sacrifice I'm willing to make for the combination of good faces, good animations and no tail clipping.
Hey :)
I am going to FUCK all the viera
At most I'd thought of switching from face 3 highlander to face 4 elezen, or even a moustached hrothgar. Probably not switching at all, though.
Is this the 14 thread?
I just got into the game and realized I hit peak aesthetic with this mask
Is it worth it to sacrifice stats for aesthetic?
No thanks, I'll stick to my female elezen mommy
>Limited race
No thanks.
once you hit level 15 go to vesper bay in western thanaland and unlock dying and glamours there, then you can be as aesthetic as you damn well please and retain your stats.
You can glamour stuff anyway. It’s like transmog in WoW if you’re familiar with that.
>normal foot size
fucked up big time
Look up the glamour system, no stat sacrificing is necessary.
Probably. I'm happy with what I made in the benchmark. Have to do some testing once early access starts to make sure I don't pick a shit voice though. No combat sound test in character creation is brutal.
Honestly it would take a lot to budge me from my Highlander.
Only if someone buys me another fantasia, I can't bear to abandon my catgirl forever.
You can glamour any piece of gear into any other piece of gear once you unlock glamour.
That's super cool
Arigato friends
>you will never have a 2'10" potato wife to use as a breeding factory
>playing as literal snowbunnies
Literally every miqo'te player
TFW you will never have a cute femlala(male) wife
face 4 is the best because they look like XI Mithra you knobgobbler
They don't look as cute as my lizard girl
>still can't remove/change color of miqote face tattoos
fucking why? red/blue does not go well with everything
No. Anyways, did the guy who made the Wind-up Succubus fuck it until he died?
>combination of good faces, good animations and no tail clipping.
Good stance too and good model. Hard or almost impossible to tell by looking at Viera on their racial armor which is just shit underwear, but they look great with actual gear on.
Honestly, as of right now no headgear is the one and only non metashit downside to Viera. They excel at every other point.
>you will never have a 2'10" potato wife to use as a breeding factory
Where's the Au Ra one? Face 1 the best of course
Fishfags don't talk to me
>It’s like transmog in WoW
We wish it was. In reality it's extremely limited and even with the update it got in SB it's still honestly an awful system in its implementation.
What did Yoshida mean by this?
Staying Elezen male, goes well with my main.
pretty shitty opinoion you got there, brah.
>good faces
In what world? The Viera faces are fucking awful. Literally only 1 good face.
People didn't use positional bonus often enough?
>not playing a jungle bunny with a snowbunny waif
Heavily considering it. I do love eyebrows.
I like your style, user.
Well? Are you going to share her with us?
>still no dye channels on gear
>dyes are still preset colors that don't match the colors of other gear most of the time
I'm considering switching from Lalafell to Viera.
female highlanders are the best girls and dont let anyone tell you otherwise. im probably gonna be a viera for shits and giggles for a while and switch back to something else maybe
aura face 3 can look good with some adjustments, and from certain angles. faces 1 and 4 are anime trash.
r8 my bun
Maybe since I'm not really in love with any race in particular. Wish the ears moved a bit more though.
Stay on your degenerate containment race
Leaving TA in game as it was is the single dumbest decision. Rivaled only by leaving positionals in game. Healslut screeching is irrelevant as healers are the original limited job meant to accommodate parties and nothing more, tank rework is positive all things considered.
If you main, or plan to main SAM and you don't know and use the actual, hingan names of the skills and concepts and use shit like "seals" or "flower", then you are no true s𝑎mur𝑎i, a filthy ijin and you have no business playing it at all.
mom said if you got nothing nice to say then dont say anything
keep seething, healslut
How else can they put alt colour outfits in dungeons? You expect them to make new gear?
>Literally only 1 good face
I agree. I really do like that one good face though. Reminder that your character can only have one face because it's not a multi headed abomination.
>but then you'll look the same as everyone else
I don't really care about everyone else so long as I enjoy my character. Also, even if you look at the Viera posted in this thread so far, you can tell them apart.
>queue for trial roulette
>wipe for a half an hour because the healers just spammed cure 1 and nothing else even after we got the 30% damage and health buffs
Wait a fucking second I thought that the best healers were the ones that constantly healed and only shitters dps'd.
>"We want to limit the power of job synergies"
>Don't nerf the one ability that enables the whole "raid window" thing
Nice job.
Gamers rise up!
They stopped doing it just so they can be lazy and put a recolor in dungeons.
I don't get it.
But I'm not a healer so I don't care.
This is more or less what SCH is after you finish your opener anyway. Though I feel like we should keep energy drain as a means to spend aetherflow when healing isn't needed.
honestly you've taken the pic in poor lighting and zoomed way too far out to see any detail.
No because those class changes were 100% trash
Make me bitch.
Yes, already made the perfect viera.
>tfw going to change my main to viera and keep my lala alt
Fuck off you homogenizing faggot.
Ok. Why are you typing in English? I do hope you play on a JP datacenter too.
That the balance team is as clueless as ever.
Same reasoning behind giving even more healing spells to healers, when half of them end up being useless because of the low damage output of the overwhelming majority of content.
But they're so good
you already failed when you didnt pick brown bunny my dude. im so sorry.
don't think so pard'n'r
how's this?
I'm not changing to a girl that's gay.
I like vanilla more than chocolate.
females in ffxiv can only look good with dark hair desu
>playing a guy in mmos
The healer changes could work if they increase the damage all the content puts out. But that's never happening because of how much they pander to crayon eating retards who click all their abilities and don't even have half of them on their bar.
Yea Forums is an English imageboard, so I have to post in English, obviously.
>male playing female
Why are xiv players so insecure and spineless about everything?
if were talkin a out ice cream? sure but not hot bunny wahmen. it aint right i tell you hwat!
>being underage
these shaders hurt to look at.
At least sacred soil is actually a worthwhile aetherflow spender since it's getting regen. But losing drain at all is the dumbest part of the scholar changes. You are forced to waste it on overhealing.
Mommy, who is that man in the feather hat?
disgusting, toxic color palette. add heterochromia, and paint her lips, faggot
Can i achieve this natty?
How can you immerse yourself in the story if you're playing a girl idiot?
>those shaders
>that thick tranny make up
Holy fucking yikes
I haven't seen one Rava yet that doesn't look like a street prostitute homie
I wish XIV's glamor system was more akin to WoW's
Viera might get all the hairstyles, the benchmark not having them seems like a time issue.
Hrothgar are fucked, tho, but they might not have hairstyles locked to heads in live.
What, are you insecure or something?
for the love of... take a close up of the face, at about a 20-40 degree to the left or right angle you retard, but on from what I can tell it aint amazing but green hair might stand out, you aint no terra though.
have sex and dilate
>makes a post quoting no one else
>calls anyone else spineless
Cute bunny
So Gatherers can't get any kind of level 50 gear from vendors except 2 and have to either craft or buy the rest? Kind of pissed desu, was hoping for a smoother grind to the 60 gear.
I will fuck this bunny even if it's the last thing I do
This is fucking horrendous
God I wish that was me.
Midare is the only SAM attack I know by name and I've played it the entire expansion.
>crafters and gatherers have to engage with the crafting system?! WTF
Who gives a shit, the level 52 gear blows level 50 gear out of the water because every expansion inflates the stats on gear.
You generally don't need upgrades until 55 anyway.
You could always do moogle quests if you don't feel like upgrading gear.
Fuck off she is mine, i created her so that makes her both my daughter and wife.
Sounds like a (you) problem pal
Didn't have to do shit with fishing m8. Just comfy fishing.
me on the right(futa)
I'll have my way with her one way or another.
well it's more like there's an entire endgames worth of patches with increasing item levels between basic level 50 and 52
>about to kirisutegomen a lalashit
You are forgiven.
no that's me (futa)
>You can only be immersed in the story if you self-insert
Why are you such a boring faggot, user?
Why do they refuse to rebalance the experience from 50/60 dungeons so it's actually worth doing the roulette?
>interlocked fingers hand holding
delete this right now
Also, what about the JP datacenter?
>little sister uses face 4
Thanks user gonna go bully her with this image.
>white skin
>green hair
heterochromia is for people who think they're special snowflakes.
I don't use lipstick, so my character doesn't either.
And don'tchu be hatin' on green. Green is the best color.
like this? Not an expert on taking photos.
>oh yeah Fell Cleave dps dps dps
>oh no healer is shit/dead, better spam Inner Beast
>phew that was close
>make big boy pull
>healer can't keep me alive
>Beserk/IR Steel Cyclone
>phew that was close
>read new WAR shb skills/changes
the image disappeared somehow
sorry but just by being a veena she is automatically a rava sex slave. its just the eay the world works. we will you see her once a month but thats it.