Be me

>be me
>be pirate
>browsing files and come across dragon quest viii
>most of the characters look like cartoon cancer
>Think i'll hate it because of it but fuck it
>ffw several days
>Fallen in love with the character designs instead
>can't stop binging game

wtf is wrong with me?

Attached: ociuu1kpu7k11.jpg (491x473, 25K)

Shut the fuck up ugly

>gets called ugly
>runs to mothers basement for comfort tendies

Attached: realsadman.jpg (240x240, 13K)

just wait until you play dq9 and 11, but wait for the superior 11 version and actually buy it

No worries bud I may pirate but I only do it for some old shit and buy what I pirated and liked all the time. This one is a ps2 emulation.

>not playing dq5
idiot and pleb

Also play V

It's on the list now! First dragons quest game so just started with one of the best rated ps2 ones.

Any other suggestions? Haven't decided what order to play them in at all yet.

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