I felt this. Maybe we should change, Yea Forums

I felt this. Maybe we should change, Yea Forums.

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Why? I prefer to be an incel than women's slave.

>Kojima's in-your-face preachy messages

You're right user... Lets all install linux.

no one takes messages like this seriously. I mean just look at the other replies in the thread already. People would rather suffer immensely instead of trying solve it.

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>he copied my thread for you's

>I choose to

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I didn't choose for the women to be whores or to be gold diggers.
I got my own way, I will laugh at femoids whoring themselves for money.
I will live at my palace and them at their brothel.

Is this seriously your mentality or you’re just trying to sound edgy on a Latvian basket weaving forum?

I try to but I just fuck it up.

I'm serious. Try to meet women, all of them are little gold diggers devils.

>bugman thats wanted to be a hollywood producer but was stuck making video games makes a game with the sole purpose of pandering to the ideologies of the very people he wishes to join

pretty sure humans can do just fine on their own. chin up champ.

I interact with my internet friends, thats more than enough for me

>build bridges not walls
>we must connect to each other
>humans arent made to living alone
>america has gone to shit
Its not even subtle.

hey arent those the themes in nier too

I already get my mandatory human interaction from work, and to some extent here.

Factually untrue. Been with the same women for 12 years. Never once cheated on me. I was sick for quite a long time during those 12 years and couldn't work but she didn't mind. She took care of me user. She paid the bills. She worked from home and we are two clingy high maintenance machines so there was never a time we were apart.

You are just a pathetic virgin who will rationalize anything to put yourself on some sort of a high horse. By doing that you can only fool yourself you sad sack of shit. Anyone who ever has actually been in a loving relationship can see just how salty you really are.


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I only played Automata and it wasnt in that game. It was about finding purpose.

>female coworkers starts talking about their periods

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what's autistic thinking?

nah that's fucking gay

Don't talk with me, femoid slave.


>not just making it as awkward for them by asking if they've ever attempted to bake cookies with said period blood


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>Never once cheated on me.
okay I chuckled.

>/r9k/ thread