I felt this. Maybe we should change, Yea Forums.
I felt this. Maybe we should change, Yea Forums
Evan Lopez
Christian Murphy
Why? I prefer to be an incel than women's slave.
Evan Taylor
>Kojima's in-your-face preachy messages
Cooper Reed
You're right user... Lets all install linux.
Juan Nguyen
no one takes messages like this seriously. I mean just look at the other replies in the thread already. People would rather suffer immensely instead of trying solve it.
Benjamin Young
>he copied my thread for you's
Isaiah Rivera
>I choose to
John Wilson
Leo Hill
I didn't choose for the women to be whores or to be gold diggers.
I got my own way, I will laugh at femoids whoring themselves for money.
I will live at my palace and them at their brothel.
Jack Howard
Is this seriously your mentality or you’re just trying to sound edgy on a Latvian basket weaving forum?