Well Yea Forums?
Obvious signs that this game was made in Japan
There is a loli character who has a sexy outfit
One button does most of the gameplay
Poor graphics
No interesting mechanics
Cringe story
It’s good.
It has gameplay.
O to select, X to cancel
>shit animations
>shit story
>game has only whito pepol in it, with some nigger bug no asians
>everything about the game is unrealistic and bizarre
character design and writing
Terrible shaky mocap with exaggerated Japanese expressions.
>graphics and animations look like something out of VR chat
katanas are wanked as being incredibly lethal and effective even against enemies wearing metal armor, when the reality is that they're brittle and useless against anyone who isn't a caveman wearing""""armor""" made from fucking sticks and grass
name one western game that doesn’t have any of these
the women look nice
These two with the occasional cringe moment with a line or scene that could be delivered better, but overall was a very memorable experience.
> There are female characters with voluptuous figures wearing clothing that highlights said figure.
> There is a child character wearing clothing that reveals her "figure".
> Overt attempts at over reaction style humour which can end up cringey.
> Decently colourful and imaginative gameplay.
> Great music.
As you can see some things are good, some things are bad I'm actually happy that the two are so unique but would love a game other than dark souls that can reach a good middle ground between the two.
Far Cry 2
there's a trailer video that plays before the Start menu appears
Duality themes.
i.e. Life and Death, Black and White, etc.
Though I see that kind of shit everywhere, I tend to see it more in Japanese stuff.
There is gameplay
Game is fun, but has little depth to it
It's censored on PS4.
instead of calling mechs what they are theyre instead called somethind dumb like H.O.U.N.D.S. or CORES
fishing mini game
>shits on nintendo
>praises japan's games
Actual wtf.
Good music
Says "Made in Japan" on the cover.
characters have big breasts
You're actually excited to play it
>shit story
Try again
There's something about japanese mocap animations that really tells you that it's a japanese game.
They're very exaggerated and expressive, so to speak.
>girls are cute and / or sexy.
>protagonist is still a kid / young adult at best.
>music is memorable.
>story has cliches
>certain characters are walking cliches
>graphics are 1 generation behind
>Yea Forums is one person
It's not obsessed with "realism" (meaning being brown and gray and "gritty").
>Ara~ Ara~
>devs clearly cared about making the game fun, instead of realistic and "mature"
>no politics whatsoever, unless its to make of them and the people who care about it
Not big enough.
wrong and wrong, story isn't shit-tier and it's realistic enough
Red Dead redemption
Fallout 1
Mass Effect 2
Cod 4 and 5
Witcher 3
The rural White exposes it's complete inability to recognize subtext and metaphors in Japanese games.
>no bad animations
>Mass Effect 2
>Red Dead
>Fucking Portal
Whoa momma those are some nice milkers
I don't remember it well, give an example of bad animation in it
In every ME game characters run like they shit their pants
Awkward dialogue. Can be good, can be bad, but you can tell VERY easily if you're played a translated game instead of a game written in English.
have you seen any of the characters shitting?
they have toilet instilled up their asses
>don't remember it well
>used it as an example
The first section with Jacob and Miranda and the traitor guy is fraught with awkward gameplay to cutscene transitions into animations, when you lift up an enemy with that one biotic power it looks like garbage, dated physics effects, that part where Miranda shows up and shoots the traitor looks like shit, and of course her face going from decent to latter-day Michael Jackson depending on the angle and facial animations.
totally unrelated, but there was a game I saw the other day here on Yea Forums that was in development, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. it was turn based, the main character had a primarily pink outfit, and used a chainsaw as her weapon. it was very weeb trash and one odd thing was that unlike a lot of turn based rpgs you are on the left side of the screen fighting instead of the right. anyone know what game I'm referring to?
I haven't even played half of the game I named, doesn't change the fact that I'm right.
The fact that you're ESL does.
Oh no, I have been found out
>Better animations
>More often then not cringe worthy story
>Way better character design
>Way more attractive male and female charactrers
>Not a buggy hell
>Loli character
>Tranny (okama) character
>Ends with the MC dying
>MC is a complite fagot (rejects females)
Teenagers can kill a god with the power of frenshit.
have you hug your pillow ?
is on the laundry but thanks for your concerns user-kun
Bosses have title cards
why do you keep making this thread
>better animations
>better character design
>not buggy
>joke tranny characters are the same as actual lgbt representation
>mc dying
>waistband can only cover the upper fraction of breasts
play capcom games
About 20% thiser
There’s cp
It's made by a japanese company.
makes snoy trannies seethe
It says 'Made in Japan' on the box
No Jump button
me on the top left
God is an idol of worship instead of a concept that trascends human understanding, in fact, God is such a pushover that a raging teen can fistfuck they.
Smell the imagine
It has poor optimization but still runs well.
Yeah but even western games do this
>Characters don't weirdly tween to the enemy when you attack
>has at least one semi forced english/french name for something and three german ones
>has a large number of female characters
>has particle effects that are right on the border between pretty and obnoxious
>all the characters, even the ones supposed to be white, have an epicanthal fold and/or East Asian flat faces
>has a dark skinned character with blond/white hair
>if it's an action game, there's more complexity and depth than you expected
>if it's a strategy game, it's more simplistic than you expected
>has a 5% chance of letting you use a polearm as a main weapon(as opposed to a .05% chance in western games)
The females dont look like men