Women in vidya done right

>Women in vidya done right
I'll start

Attached: AnnaMetroExodus.png (296x480, 237K)

I love Reisen!

Attached: 0de436e8d9815c40c4c79f7855e66a14.jpg (560x700, 50K)

not a bad start, but look at this

Attached: sorceressDC.jpg (1280x905, 212K)

just wait

Attached: TheLastofUsPartII_PGW_08.0.jpg (1200x800, 49K)

Attached: download (1).jpg (505x459, 137K)

That's more DEVS done right, but don't disagree regardless
>'why is she so busty?'
>"I just really like big titties, my dude"

based Reisen poster.

The best

Attached: download.png (1543x2953, 2.41M)

The video game industry has been a thing for over 45+ years. It has never been done right. It always done either like this or like this

Attached: 1550468075950.jpg (900x900, 109K)

>I'll start

Attached: Regina.full.1239075.jpg (650x945, 112K)

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Sveta was the best thing to come out of that game

she gets kinda grating after a while, on the english setting anyway.

who is she? looks hot as hell

My gf

Jade from Beyond Good and Evil.

Attached: 1519000941930.jpg (700x700, 269K)


hooo boy do i have news for you!



Attached: 1558512112395.png (665x465, 115K)

It is a man that modern western society considers to be a woman.

Natalie Mars, thank me later.

Attached: Untitled.gif (190x190, 1.98M)

A 30 year old balding man with a wig and caked in makeup.

Attached: Sarah.png (213x246, 81K)

>I'll start

I'm waiting user

Loving this

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*puts metal stick in urethra*

Pic related was pretty cool

>It has never been done right.
What would be "right", then?

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Attached: samus.jpg (457x512, 73K)

Anna is great so go fuck yourself with a cactus.


Thats a man

>pic unrelated


she is garbage
"i love you Artyom"
"i love you Artyom"
"i love you Artyom"
"i love you Artyom"
"i love you Artyom"
"i love you Artyom"

Why would realistic depiction of and gender be wanted in a video game.

Attached: Buddy4.png (158x150, 2K)


very good

Attached: 765068.jpg (980x570, 101K)

You can't post loli here.

How does that pantsu even work

And? I say "I love you" to my gf like 6 times a day. It's a thing people say.

Or are you too busy being alone to say and hear that phrase?

All Hail The Squid Sisters

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Nah, she was too caring and cute. I did not buy it.

>Supporting role exclusively
>Sniper to stay far away from the action and danger
>Useless in actual close quarters combat against men
>sticks with her husband no matter what
Pretty good and realistic.

it clashes with the setting: having a worrywart by your side doesn't work in a post-apocalyptic military world.

have straight sex

That's because you were self inserting too hard and happen to be an undesirable person. You realised that a woman could never love you as genuinely as Anna loved Artyom. I suppose you didn't get that Artyom loves Anna as well. That's why he goes through 5000 Chernobyls of radiation to save her and can only think of her when he starts hallucinating.

She hardly worries that much about Artyom beyond the beginning, which was about how badly he was getting irradiated while trying to find other radio signals. She had /reasons/ to be concerned, considering that Artyom is her recently wed young husband and they haven't had kids yet.

Ashley from re4


Giul is better

Wow man, no need to be this mean.

Her numbers don't lie

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Lolis in titty games always get above average popularity, relative to the other characters.

Attached: Drow_society_1.png (2300x1900, 1.39M)

Not be that guy but it's something to do with the developers saying that breasts are motherly and give life. So necromancers and those that raise the dead should be shown with large breasts because they also give life.

>no one posted this

Attached: c174ae0cee0ae2dfdd5fc25223d8b790.jpg (1024x576, 113K)

What game is this? I remember from a long time ago, but I can't recall the name.



>Daughterfu so no fucking
>assblasted roastie blaming Geralt when he was taken advantage of when he didn't even remember him
>Manipulative cunt

very cute poster


Attached: e284d9db41da20417e73a1783f9af5a36e9d348c.jpg (1282x702, 354K)

All japanese games ;)

>assblasted roastie
>Manipulative cunt
Pretty accurate depiction of most women

Thank you!

Well it's accurate for them. Triss doesn't tell you shit about Yen, and then when you meet her she's mad at you for fucking Triss despite having a perfectly valid excuse (You didn't even remember she existed) and it was Triss who took advantage of that. Waifuniggers just like to forget about all that.

>Kassandra will never crush your skull like a watermelon between her Amazonian Thighs

Attached: Assassins-Creed-Odyssey-flirty.jpg (3840x2160, 976K)

stretch panic


Attached: 1559354368142.jpg (1280x720, 95K)

nice bait