Halo's Back

>Halo's Back
>Captain Price is back
Gaming's for the men again lads, anime nerds need not apply.

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There is literally nothing wrong with anime.

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so is this the thread where we laugh at the retarded weeb?

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>reading up on MCC and what to expect
>It's all anniversary editions
>need an xbox live account even on steam but it's free
>2 apparently got somewhat overhauled
Is all of it remade shit or can you play the games in the original fashion, cutscenes and all?

Metroid is also back.

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I'm gonna mod anime into halo MCC, just watch me

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Metroid is anime

Halo is anime

Halo can be anime

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The first 2 games had a graphical overhaul. But even on Xbox you could play with the old or new graphics. 3, ODST, Reach, and 4 are just ports with a better framerate

just because you liked them as a kid doesn't mean they're good


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Back on your float, Xcuck.

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What Call of Duty games are worth playing for the single player only?

>Living in the illusion they wouldnt alter the oc for more sjw friendly policies.
I like to hope too user but get ready for the wreckfest.

1,2,4,WaW,MW2,BO, BO2, AW, IW, WW2

>"Im here to fooking stop tyrants like Donald Trump" - Price


>Military game
>Sci-fi military game

Last gen was a shit time for video games.

I hate to be the one to tell you this Normalfag-kun

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>Gaming's for the men again lads

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It is 2007 all over again

>Halo back
>sprinting confirmed
Fucking kek.

MC can run at 40km/h.

There is literally nothing wrong with children.
However, you're a fucking creep and should be cast out if they arouse you.

Fucking based
Absolutely seething cucks replying

The new graphics are soulless

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none of them. just play a single player game.

Yea Forums is and always was an anime website you reddit tourists

Halo has always been anime, silly user-kun.

have a you pedo!

World at War, the Modern Warfare trilogy, Black Ops 1, maybe Black Ops 2 if you're into sci-fi

kys faggot

anime isn't pedophilia retard

This is so far beyond cursed, holy shit

Correct. Homosexuality is. I hate faggots so fucking bad.