Chad Melee or Incel Magic?

>Chad Melee or Incel Magic?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>piece of shit guy with a sword who is easily replaceable
>entire armies made up of them
kek, maybe go to school and pick up an arcane tome and you too can be useful to the world. You faggots don't even pull have the tail of the Barbarians.

Incel wizards

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It's rare that a game makes melee as fun/effective as magic.
I'll take incel magic any day - if sneaky dick thief is not available of course.

why not both tho
spellsword a best


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I'm seeing a yeahposter in quite a few threads now

Dex/finesse/crit bows

This, Chad battle mage.

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>not being a punch wizard

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For me, its the dickass thief.

Ascended chad

>not being a gun wizard

>diluting honorable melee by mixing in cowardly magic

No thanks, mutt.

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Out of the way, ants.

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I love this style, what are some games that truly capture this feel of gritty and dark adventure?


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based lawbro

my fuckin MAN


0 intelligence nigger
>muh strength
Even paladins know the usefulness of magic

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DaS3, modded TES with hardcore/survival mode

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Any shadowy necromancers in here? I want to kick your ass.

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Dragon's Dogma

I usually prefer melee but its frustrating that most rpgs, especially those with any online component, have ranged be the clearly superior choice.

Reminder that magic is ONLY acceptable to use if it was gained via hardship and unyielding faith, bestowed by the good lord himself to help purge the land of filthy unbelievers and only works as long as that faith holds true.

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What about bestowed after hardship and unyielding faith to a bad god?

Games where I can play as a paladin that arent MMOs?

Yes that is also acceptable because good/bad is nothing more than perspective, the sacrifice & faith to be granted the power for a certain purpose is just as strong on either side.

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>being beholden to a God to "borrow" their magic
Cuck shit.
Magic is only acceptable if it's gained via extreme hardship and persistent research, with one minor fuck up potentially resulting in you and everything within a 100 km radius of you being obliterated.

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I find its usually shit in games.
Not being able to spec into a full tree and doing the hybrid shit means you usually lose a lot.

Magic are chads because you make universe you bitch

>implying you can't summon a succubus to suck you dry with magic
Guess magic 'aint so incel huh?

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Based and Hexbladepilled


>>tfw no loyal teasing succubus life partner

End me

Chad Paladin, melee with healing magic

t. virgin incel

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>he doesnt do both as the ascended gish
What an absolute faggot OP.

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>bullshit enchanted gear melee can equip
melee for sure
>no enchanted gear so wood gear would burn when a fire spell was cast on it

I'm pretty sure we're talking miracles of faith at that point. They're merely standardized under "magic" for gameplay convenience.

holy fucking based

>tfw no xana wife

>not breaking mages in half on your knees

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how does conan manage to kick asses of so many adversaries who should be op as fuck compared to him?

I used to always play wizard/sorcerer classes in vidya back in the day, sometimes archer classes, as long as I kept my distances and pretended to know things. I was a bit fat, virgin, shy, didn't talk to girls, kept my distance with most things.

Eventually I somehow started to appreciate melee classes, first as rogue classes, then more melee intensive, and eventually went full barbarian. Ended up losing weight, working out, became a literal chad, and by 20 I had lost my virginity.

Then I became a gun guy and started shagging women in full auto. It's not just a meme, the classes you pick say a lot about you.

Enchanted arms and armor at the end of the day are still a victory for magic.
Only way melee characters are respectable is if the same way wizards can tear down stars from the heavens to throw at their face, the really good ones can pull some Epic of Gilgamesh-level nonsense and SURVIVE a star to the face like it's nothing.

Dex rogue only

Barbarians are OP as fuck when built right. Conan's player knew what he was doing at chargen.

Luck and the help of other magicians for the major villains.

Utility magic, blowdarts, knife.

Never underestimate the power of pure fury

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Conan is pretty well acknowledged as being a bit of a mary sue. Still cool though.

He not scared of monsters and magic, he knows they're just tricks. The way Howard wrote Canon lore, wizards aren't just guys that throw fireballs, they mostly do long ass rituals, once in a while cast illusion spells, and mostly rely on magical creatures for combat.

Wizards, like in most traditional settings, dwell in mirrors and trickery, their reputation is usurped, and that's precisely the point, they manage to have everyone fear them because they maintain an illusion of power, which they have not. Also they often end up getting killed by their own magic that gets out of control. Conan, disregarding all that, kicks their asses.

I think it's a much more interesting vision of magic than throwing fucking fireballs repeatedly.

Because spellcasters in Conan are really more of the "good orators who got a cult going" with some long ass rituals going on. They're skinny dudes in robes when you get past their bodyguards. Hell, he never even faces his arch-enemy.

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Saw those in EverQuest... too bad they never made a good one to use.

>they mostly do long ass rituals, once in a while cast illusion spells
i hate it. I wish there was a game that worked that way

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Diablo2, Fable, Final Fantasy 4, Fire Emblem, Elder Scrolls to name a few.

>not making full testosterone str/int macho wizard without armor with a huge fucking hat and beard

>Diablo 2 paladin
>expected to do auras in multiplayer

Fuck that shit. I wanna go full Zeal.

>long ass rituals
>long ass rituals

Long ass mind.

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RPG's made before 1998.

You rang?

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MGTOW priest


You are all nothing without my potions

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>incel magic
Heh, are you jealous that the most powerful magiks in the universe are unavailable to you because you lost your virginity before 30?

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>0 intelligence nigger
Nah, what you're looking at is negative IQ nigger

well said

>Play summoner class
>Summon god to do my bidding
>Not only do i not have to risk my life in a battle you also have to kill god
I mean, unless you're a Japanese teenager am fine.

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A terrible idea. As soon as you narrow your list of 'people that can kill me' to only one type of person you're guaranteed to face them and since they're guaranteed to kill you they'll do it. Best to summon something less than a god, like a swarm of loyal, intelligent killer bees.

because you can't fuck that

Alright i'll multiply this fucker 1000x times.

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>summon an ancient, cthonian deity of horrendous power just to fuck it
You. I like you.

if it's super basic magic that doesn't impact your build like minor heal wounds or magelight to help you with the skull cleaving, that's fine
going full hybrid is usually a bad idea cause you miss out on the broken high level skills

Spear >>>> Sword

Melee with support spells.

Why not go magic knight?

>implying I need weapons or shitty magic when martial arts exist
Bow down to the Emperor of the Fist, fags.

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Victory by traditional human skills only is the purest form of respectability

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The only way to play

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Magic + martial arts

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My potions are too strong for everyone else, though.

Don't mind me.
I'm just going to do whatever and whenever I like using stealth, wits and magic while you argue with each other.

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It's time we put an end to this

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Magic. Fuck martials and fuck faith and charisma based spellcasters, too. Wizard only, everyone else can eat shit.

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Different kind of wizards with weaker magick powers. He has always had help from other wizards. He never faces them 1v1 unless he has said assistance. Conan will run to survive another day. Fucker isn't much of a hero. Can read, write and speak several languages. Unheard of in his time.

The current version if Conan people think of comes from the film, which comes a couple of his stories like "phoenix in the sword", "hour of the dragon" and the one about lizard people. All of which are NOT Conan stories, but King Kull stories. That fucker was the big dumb barbarian. Conan was a ceafty son of a bitch

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Conan's still crafty in the film, people just started thinking of him as a big dumb brute because of Arnold's incredible physique, funny accent, and iffy acting since that was the very start of his career.


>i-im not a coward like you!
>*stabs you from as far away as a weapon will allow while coated in the strong armor money can buy*

I think youll enjoy Mordhau.

Chad Bard

Fucking cringe

But nobody can kill a god, retard.

>He not scared of monsters and magic
Conan is terrified of monsters and specially magic as he is extremely superstitious. In every story he is shitting his pants, but he fights anyway. Mostly due to a strong survival instinct. Humans? Those he has no fear of whatsoever. When he fights the giant snake, the iron golem, the ape, ect he is literally shaking. The only one he didn't fear was the flying ape demon that used to be an angelic being, along with his giant hyenas that were actually cursed men. But that is only because they killed his girlfriend Belith, the queen of the black coast. The only woman Conan had a serious relationship with in his life.

Heck he just ran from the ghost zombie creature and didn't even fight. Just Noped outta there

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im a class slut and flip between liking dudes with swords and magic constantly
they are both cool


Japanese teenagers can and regularly do, as the original user pointed out.

>Play FANTASY game
>"I'm gonna be the normal dude who swings a sword and just hits stuff!"

I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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correct, except he married a slave girl who saved his life after he became king.

battlemage with stealth skills, u mad kiddo

>Conan was a ceafty son of a bitch

Basically. Conan was simply not classically educated, that doesn't mean he's stupid. Which can be an interesting take on barbarians in general.

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>play FANTASY game
>"Wow, I wonder how being a regular sword and board dude feels in a world where there are acrobatic recurve elves and fireball slinging phaseshifters everywhere?"

Grow up, retard.



what is an actual good game related to this thread, and don't say skyrim with mods

i nominate vid related

>honorable melee
>posts the bitchmade shove spam character

>has to wear armor and a helmet
>uses a shield
>uses a sword

More like the Chad mage vs the virgin warrior

Who are you quoting?

My man.

>dragon's dogma


>melee is chad
>magic is incel
>every high level melee is practically radiating magic with magic imbued armor, weapons and trinkets

They're basically close range metal mages at this point

>traditional human skills
Tenacity, resourcefulness, inventiveness, trickery, subterfuge?

in most games i play melee because magic is more trouble than its worth. i always feel like you never have enough mana and it's boring, because you cast a few spells and have to wait for it to recharge. your main concern throughout the game is just your mana pool. it's weird how even advanced magic users feel so hindered by this.

meanwhile with melee you don't have to think about your resources literally every time you do anything. maybe you have to repair your weapons occasionally, but thats it. not only that, but melee attacks simply seem to do more damage than most spells.

>all the mages ITT

Always knew Yea Forums is full of people who like to play on easy mode instead of risking damage by getting into the thick of it

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melee is easy mode

settings should unironically only have 30+ year old virgins able to learn magic, and if you try otherwise, you explode. this way there's not only a lead up to becoming one but it's earned.

fucking your summoned succubus doesn't count but you could only learn to do it after another 10 years or so

Which is rad and the best kind of mage

Is there any game in which classes actually feel significantly differentiated with really different abilities, "feel", professions and just things you can do? WoW is honestly one of the best I've seen in this regard, but most single player games aren't so great at this.

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chad hybrid stealth lifedrain

I fucking love paladins but in a lot of games they are utter trash when compared to the fighter/warrior and it makes me sad

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you really like comparing a high level fighter to gilgamesh don't ya

Good choice, user.

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woof woof i'm a knight lol

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>Game has magic
>All the best spells are extremely low stat investment or none at all and come out of the box at 100% efficacy because of no scaling so you can invest levels into anything you want
God I fucking love DaS.
>Cast Light
>Magic Weapon/Shield
>Aural Decoy
>Hidden Body
>Power Within
>Iron Flesh
>Flash Sweat

Yeah but then we wouldn't have loli witches for our Guts characters.

I liked how pyromancy was something everyone could do with NO stat requirements (maybe att for spellslots) and it was OP af.

you would, there is form changing magic.

Why are there no good conan vidyagaems?

>yes in the fantasy situation where the world has endless possibilities, many mythological beings and abilities, and many supernatural entities I want to play as a buff guy with a sword


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At least pure martials or pure casters still have their pride unlike those who multiclass.

For me, its chi

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then why dont you buy one yourself, get buff, and learn to use it?

>implying i'm not shitposting after winding down from training sessions

my dude

chaddest muscle wizard
>throwing a punch casts a punch spell that is basically a long range extension of your punch
>making a grabbing motion with your hand does the same, casting a long range magical grab
>you can pull enemies to you from range with the grab spell only to punch them with your real fists
i can't think of any game that does this though, closest thing is jjba with its stands but that's not quite the same

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>on Yea Forums
im sure


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knights like video games too my good sir

>the innocence of a dirty old man in the body of a pure maiden blessed with magic
n-no thanks

Why not just increase your strength and constitution with a spell?

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Ragnarok Online is the best example I know of. Shame it's dead and all the sequels were dog shit.

Why don't you get a spellbook, get smarter, and learn to use it?

Physical ranged infused with divine magic

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because str+con with a spell that increases str+con = more str+con

because magic doesnt exist

neither do swords

elemental arrows are the coolest shit ever. few games do them right, though. even in a game like BotW that has bomb arrows or fire arrows they dont hit with a lot of oomph.

>swords dont exist

Yep, never did.

Same for me but with a polearm instead.
For more autism flying on a pegasus with a holy lance

Paladins and Knights are for shitty larpers.

>magic doesnt exist
Do not make affirmations you cannot verify

I wish more games understood this.

Spellsword is the lowliest class, as it is with all hybrid classes with the sole exception being the Paladin. Mary Sue arcehetype for people with inferiority complex who need to excel at everything.
>Oh I'm not only an expert with the SWORD, I also study the ARCANE!
>Why doesn't m'lady speak to me still, despite me valiantly defending her honor with my sword of flame?
>There she goes again, getting double-teamed by Chaddor the Warrior and Cha'ad the Wizard...

Also, both ultimately pale in comparison to the Rogue. Most versatile class that can be played as the traditional edgy assassin or a merrymaking Robin Hood/Zorro type (and everything in between).

>not using magic to summon swords
Do you even hero of justice?

Why do people dislike paladins so much? I get that they can be overbearing and restrictive towards those they travel with due to their faith, but that's just their character trait. It's like being mad that most bards are prancing, flamboyant, borderline-homosexuals.

I haven't played other MMOs, but I wish more games worked like WoW, where your class determines what abilities you can use. Druids can transform into animals, hunters can have pets, monks can weave mist, etc.

I like them but I don't think i'd want to be one in a fantasy setting. Maybe. It depends on the setting I guess. I imagine it would be fantastic to travel with just a party of paladins.

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5th edition d&d paladins are a lot more forgiving in that regard. You can even play oathbreaker paladins if you want to summon spooky skeletons

For me, its dudebro ranger

Why wouldn't you want to be a chosen warrior of a just and benevolent god? Sounds like a better deal than most other occupations in fantasy settings.

Is melee chad? Sure, but magic is high iq and high iq will always be superior.

fuck off centrist

not playing the GOAT melee & magic H Y B R I D

best of both worlds

That's one of the absolute worst things about post-3.5 D&D. People couldn't be happy with playing divine champion or blackguard, they just had to take a big massive dump on what it means to be a paladin to satisfy their edgy rulebreaking fantasies.

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You can be the chosen one while being any class and still to a benevolent god


>meleefag becomes so powerful that his slashes and blows start rending the fabric of space and time and bending the quantum strings that make up reality

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You wouldn't have that god's full support in the way a paladin does, though. No laying on hands, no smiting evil, no auras etc. etc.

Yes you can, there are literal characters that have that and still not a paladin.
But not paladin abilities like you stated.

if magic existed there would be a girl out there for all of us

If they do not have paladin (or cleric) abilities, that means their god is not giving them their full support.

It's hard to balance magic because it's not real and there are no real records of magic being viable in battle.

Meanwhile cold steel has a bunch of records showing people being cut in half and whatnot with low effort due to the quality of the weapons.
So I will go with the real melee.

i fapped so many times to Xana orgasming when you kill Leanna in the spider's web

Not true

>getting paladin and cleric abilities from gods
It doesn't work that way anymore, get with the times gramps.

If a god is capable of bestowing powers upon their follower but does not, then that god is not offering that follower their full support. And if a god does bestow powers upon someone for the purpose of aiding them in doing their bidding, that someone immediately becomes a paladin, a cleric or a divine champion.

You do you extremist.

>Paladin and cleric powers do not come from gods anymore

What the flying fuck have Wizards done with D&D?

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>And if a god does bestow powers upon someone for the purpose of aiding them in doing their bidding, that someone immediately becomes a paladin, a cleric or a divine champion.
No they don't, only if they choose. You can be something like a wizard and fully have the support of a god giving you power.

Chad Magic

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>faggot that enhance weapon with magic
>wizard that summon weapons

Cleric powers still come from gods unless you're in an alt setting without them. Paladins swear oaths now.

Not a single DM I know would let you remain a mere wizard if you made a deal with a god to get powers in return of furthering their goals. They would at the very least give you a level in paladin/cleric/divine champion.

Unless it was a temporary deal, of course, like for the purposes of retrieving something and then you would no longer be in that god's service.

They can, if you want. Cleric is changed too where their powers also don't derive from gods. They can though and I mean, why wouldn't you as a cleric.
5e is currently ''if I believe hard enough I can do it!''

And every DM I know would
that doesn't change anything. I don't think this discussion has any point anymore since we're both pretty stubborn in our beliefs

Well thats just giving players options and I cant fault them for that. In the end its up to the dm and the players just like its always been.

How the fuck does swearing an oath give you the power to smite evil? Or make you immune to disease? Who are you swearing these oaths to if not gods?!

Jesus christ on a pogo stick

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Very true
You just like, gotta belief in yourself really hard, bro.


You're swearing them to a variety of things. The oath of the ancients has you swear to the fae and shit for example.

The chain of dogs marching through the wastes was very good. I should continue reading again as I'm starting to forget the plot. Last I remember is Toc the younger getting flirted on by a sorceress.

It's a good thing I can always stick to good old 3.5, because that sounds absolutely retarded.

But I will also leave this with you, I do prefer your way more

Meant for

the magic of muscle

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is that why he died a virgin

glaive > spear

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Necromancy all the way, i want to surf on a wave of minions.
God GW1 pvp was the best.

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they are both chads

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>any type of longrange

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>Can’t cast the best skills like a pure wizard
>Can’t swing your sword as good as a pure fighter
It’s shit dude, a pure spellcaster is superior in every way. If you’re worried about not being chad just put some fucking points into CHA and go to the gym, nobody said all wizards need to be skinny little cunts. Or just roll a sorcerer.

What about a monk that devoted a way of life that a god decreed
I think that could personally be added

Your oath is still to higher powers. Be it gods, devils or fae.

Not for MY athiest chaotic good paladin ;^)

same as paladin but without the armor and sword

Melee is old and busted, levitation fireballs is new and fresh.

based and redpilled

Melee, no question

All that magic scrubs that cry about dark souls 3 because their dark beat one shot build doesn't work anymore can penetrate each other with their stupid catalysts

If he gets powers from the god, then no. Providence is the defining feature of the divine martial classes.

A monk can follow the tenets and serve any god to the extent that he can on his own, but the moment a pact is made between him and the god about him doing the god's bidding and the god providing him power to do said bidding, that's when the monk multiclasses into paladin/cleric/divine champion.

I will never get the people that legit make athiest characters in d&d because gods clearly exist and isn't debated

Eh, lame.

What if you don't believe they're gods and should be worshiped as such? Just a bunch of super strong assholes.

Unlimited mana, healing spells, literally shooter.

then they shall be smited

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This. There are so many settings where the gods literally fucking walk the earth and yet there are people who don’t worship the shit out of them.

I don't allow atheist characters in my campaigns for that very reason. I do, however, allow characters that scoff at the gods and refuse to serve any of them in any capacity.

Ew just pick one, you degenerate.

a sound mind requires a fit body.
If you're gonna be trapped in this plane of existence, you may as well strive to make your vessel as powerful as your mind

>I do, however, allow characters that scoff at the gods and refuse to serve any of them in any capacity.
Ho bo, I bet they'll have fun in the flesh wall when they die for that. If that's even still fucking canon in d&d at this point

Pure's are always better than hybrids.

There's at least one canon atheist in DnD. Gann in Mask of the Betrayer.

The definition of a "God" can truly be applied only to Ao himself in D&D. The rest of the deities are parasite karmavores that would shrivel up and die without being fed faith of the mortal races continuously and there were numerous cases of deities being cast down, killed and their portolios usurped by mortals. It got to the point that the Wall of the Faithless Myrkul built (the thing that ensures those that never truly venerated a deity in their entire lives receive a slow and agonizing dissolution of their spirit after death) received tacit agreement from all the deities presiding over Abeir-Toril because they knew that it was necessary to keep mortals in line or from fucking them all over long term.

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Mystic Knight a best!

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>because they knew that it was necessary to keep mortals in line or from fucking them all over long term.
Good. Get fucked, mortal incels.

Make way for the god of chads

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Gishfags are the worst

gee helm how come ao let's you stay behind

so what you want is a martial artist monk class?
fuck warriors and berserkers

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>Ubishit anything
>ever honourable
That character looks like garbage, the game is awfully designed and comes down to 2 button combat, and Ubisoft has released nothing but Black Flag and pure shit for nearly a decade. Fuck off, Ubishill.

Incredibly based arcane trickster

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You CAN go there
But its pointless in unless your character is a Ur Priest. Or some other special snowflake character that has some fundamental understanding of how the DND path to diety works.

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Fundamental understanding of how deities work in D&D isn't something particularly secret given that the books detailing the events of the Time of Troubles exist and are freely distributed, like History of the Dead Three.

I only Black Knight

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>Not death knight
Missing out, brother. Becoming undead is when the fun begins.

Well all I can say on this matter is that OP is a fucking faggot.

is this character athiest because I see his face posted a lot in religion discussions

All the other answers are wrong and uninformed: Conan is powered by a God

now with poll

Its Magic Feudalism user.
The deeper truth is something most characters in DND is very ignorant of, including the players both in and out of character.

The more obvious things like the Wall of Faithless is on display, but not the Ur Priest.
Or many of the other flavors.
The ascension mechanics are on display, but barely.

Nah, he's just the face of getting fucked over by magical pacts with supreme powers.

Talking about classes, why is it that any time there's an unarmed fighter of a sort, it's some oriental martial artist monk? Where are all the honest to god thugs that simply sucker punch people and then gracelessly clobber them?

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Because that's not a monk, but rogue in D&D. Nothing prevents a bandit or a thug to specialize in fists or brawling, but a monk is a dedication to a specific lifestyle and sect usually.

>Not being so chad
>The magocracy ascends you into Power Lichdom
>And you become a true DEATH KNIGHT

Attached: Whatiexpectedandgot_MightandMagic_VI.jpg (1007x1462, 201K)

Can't really stand up to armored people without some semi-magic fuckery.

That's just a subtype of rogue that's worse on average

>not being a muscle mage
>not saving your gains for qts and traps
You guys are never going to make it

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That is so true. Finished it as a Lich too, although it was Day of Destroyer.

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Not really true, grappling and wrestling is an excellent way of taking down armoured opponents, because no matter how much armor you've got on you, if all your limbs are turned the wrong way, you won't be doing much fighting.

>Death Knight
No, fuck that. can't fuck no hoes when you're just bones and your dick rotted off

Spectral cocks just ain't the same

Is it worse because sneak attack requires a weapon or something along those lines?

>can't fuck no hoes
Ever heard of rigor mortis?


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You know what actual IRL martial artists say about fighting an opponent with a knife? "Just run away."

Fantasy is fantasy tho, but in Western culture martial artist = Asiatic Jackie Chan-like monk figure.

>Not throwing your life in the wind opportunity you get
What's the point of magic if you never feel close to death in combat book fags?

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let your vote do the talking

based microcephalic paladin of low IQ

Absolutely based

When I was first playing wow I was happy with Hunters since they had guns.

...Then I met Gul'Dan and fell in love with the dark wizard archtype.

Attached: Gul'Dan Chuckle.gif (359x202, 2.42M)

Nah, he's hydrocephalic, but the brain is still small.

>calling on your faith in god to save your ass

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Better that than die like a little bitch, no?

>it actually works

Charging headfirst into something that can very possibly the kill you unless you kill the fuck out of it first is quite possibly the least bitch thing you can do.

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>he's afraid of dying
>he would become beholden to a deity out of fear of it instead of meting out justice by his own means
Life is precious exactly because death is at the end of it, coward.

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Burn in hell you heathen niggers.

t. dead niggas

Based Gook Warrior.

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>Charge headfirst into battle
>Lose and die like a little bitch
>Charge headfirst into battle
>Your god goes "Hell naw"
>Get a surge of power and kill the SHIT out of whatever dared to try and kill you

>INT 3
>mindflayers u~

>18 strength

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We really lack a goddamn sword and sorcery RPG.

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mindflayers would ignore him for having 3int

>Not training your body and fists to fuck up monsters then further enhancing those fists with special gauntlets from your local engineering geniuses
It's like you don't even want steampowered punch gauntlets

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It is better to die in combat at the limit of your own strength, than to have the need to have divine intervention save you because you stopped fucking the tavern wenches and pray like a good little bitch every day.
>Imagine having this little faith in yourself first.

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Because you miss out on good weapons. In fact, in most D&D incarnations, weapon-using monks are superior to barehanded monks too.

Is there a punching class besides monk? It seems to fall behind pretty quick in 5e.

What if both the fighter and the paladin are equally martially gifted? Then the only difference is that the paladin survives and the fighter dies because the paladin's god has his back when his own strength is not enough.

Whats the difference between a Spellblade and a Magic Knight?

We are on Yea Forums I do hope you know that, not every has to be d&d

I'm going to ignore you for having 3 int.

Yeah but the fighter probably died not a virgin.

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This thread doesn't seem to be about any specific genre where you play these classes tho.

Spell On Blade
Magic On Armor
But most systems lack the refinement to actually go there, so you have a difference. I doubt its even agreed on which is more Martial/Skilled/Magical

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And so that automatically assumes he is talking about d&d. Good. Great, perfect.

What is your problem?

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>your father is pic related
>your sitting on your chair browsing anime boards and watching hentai shows when he breaks down your door with his poleaxe
>your lawdaddy then swings his poleaxe and destroys your shit computer and proceeds to tear down your anime posters and grabs your waifu pillow and rips it in half as well crushes all of your my little pony figurines with his fists
>he then grabs you by the neck and grips it hard as he drags your fatass out of your now destroyed room and drags you outside
>he proceeds to drag your ass to the nearest cathedral and bust down the doors with his mighty kick
>he grabs you by the shoulders and forcefully shoves you right into one of the benches and forces you to sit the fuck down
>he grabs the biggest fucking bible there is in the whole cathedral and slams the bible right onto your fatass lap then he slaps you behind your head to make you bend your head down into a praying position
>he stars glaringly at you as he then proceeds to pray to god with great determination
>you silently cry to yourself

thingken of video games

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>implying I wouldn't be learning how to use polearms with him

The only time being a Christling is worth it.

>The will/con stat after that upbringing

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>The will/con stat after that upbringing

I always end up picking warlock/necromancer type

Snapping your fingers and making things explode. Thats the point. Arson is sexy.


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Fair and valid point.

Mages are tougher to play in pvp. So mages.

Excellent joke, but they're typically OP because people never stack any sort of magic or elemental resistances.

non-vancian (which means spells are rare but way more powerful and unique) mages are boring as fuck, mana or cooldown based mages are in general just archers with shiny arrows
I always go for Death Knight archetype and if not available then Conan-like barbarian

>Playing a paladin in my D&D group that consists of a few friends and acquaintances
>My best bro is playing a ranger and his acquaintance and that guy's girlfriend play rogue and druid, the classic "gamer couple"
>We're nearing the end of our session and the party returns to a city to sell stuff and settle in an inn somewhere
>Pretty much immediately after we enter the city, the rogue has his coin purse nicked by a street urchin and bolts after the kid
>I don't trust his chaotic neutral ass to play it cool and I join the chase
>Rogue manages to corner the kid in a dead end alley and, sure enough, draws a knife on him
>I pin him against a wall while trying to talk him out of stabbing a fucking child
>This absolute mental midget rolls an attack against me
>Think better of him and let it slide because no harm done
>Does it again, this time scoring a hit and drawing blood
>I let him go and draw my sword, preparing to defend myself
>After a few rounds of combat, he is impaled on my sword, in the negatives
>Pull my sword out of him, then remember that the kid has been watching all this time
>Poor thing is in fucking hysterics and sobbing in the corner of the alley
>Crouch beside the kid and gently take the coin pouch from him
>Count the coins inside, then give the kid that exact amount from my own pouch
>Remind the kid that if he wants help, all he needs to do is to ask the right people for it instead of taking matters into his own hands
>Take him by the hand and lead him out of the alley
>As we pass the dying rogue, I drop his coin pouch next to his writhing form
>The druid and the ranger arrive just as we turn the corner from the alley
>Druid goes full mental breakdown mode when she sees her lover almost dead and begins frantically healing him
>Ranger bro just shrugs and follows me away from the alley

The rogue and the druid demanded that I fall for that, but our DM decreed there were no grounds for it. Suffice it to say, they did not join us for the next session.

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Didn't you post this before or is this a copypasta

choose your weapon

Attached: Polearms.jpg (589x415, 50K)

Halberd is my bae

I've posted it a few times in appropriate threads. Mostly in hopes of getting people to share D&D greentext stories of their own, since they are top comfy.

The thing that fucks fighters in your typical D&D / whatever campaigns, is at its core, that while the fighters are better at handling a sword and whatnot, they aren't exponentially better at handling exceptional or enchanted gear.

A fighter will be better than a wizard at handling a sword.
But a fighter won't be any better than the wizard at using the sword's extraordinary/magical properties and that's just bullshit.


Wow what a fucking nerd. None of this happened and you’re just reading a book. Good job wasting your time whiteknight.

based pala putting roguecucks in their place


why's he wearing a dress and a towel on his head? you can even see the part where cleavage would show if he filled the dress out properly

I tell you what, playing as a Paladin with morals, but without an ethical code, is the absolute tits because you can bend the 'rules' and pretty much do anything you fucking want if you can convince the GM that it was all a lark.

Because it's a she. Both of the robe wearers are female.

>Lawful Good is teh best because i can be lawful and/or good only when i feel like it, and i can just be a murderhobo most of the time and no one can stop me or convince me otherwise
And this is exactly why everyone hates paladins
fucking self-righteous twats

I don't think you comprehended it correctly

she has a man face, no wonder she's a nun

you guys know that if magic existed you'd pick mage over warrior 10 times out of 10. Fucking Melee classes exist irl. Go join a fencing club or the military or whatever


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>faith builds
let me laugh at you ;_;

Nah I want super strength and speed type of melee

Based and cringepilled

Partizan to look like a chad whilst you purge heathens of course

>melee claims to be the best class
>they still needs magic armory to be competent
At least monks can be fully efficient.

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You're talking about dnd unless specified otherwise imo. It pioneered the class system as we know it.

If I say paladin and you think WoW and not DnD then you're underage.

Did you even read and look at the conversation chain OP's picture and post and not realize what game he was talking about

>Not being a chad wizard
Don't even try to argue

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Just looks like generic art to me desu. I don't recognize that monk and I play monk quite often.

fair enough but that's not fair to top off when you don't know all the information my brother

Ranged combat is for cowards and fools.

I guess. But when people are discussing classes in a more generic fashion posting a super niche example is going to cause misunderstandings.

If I say monk I think DnD or MAYBE DFO.

Based 18 AC bro

I don't disagree, I would too but this wasn't the case

melee is winning
where my magic niggas at?

So what is it from then? It almost looks like Toukiden, I used the fist weapons in that game for a bit.

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I think the only game I can remember that does it right is Dragon's Dogma, but Arcane Knight is the only chad option.

>high int
>high str
>elemental casts to amplify your massive melee damage
>magically enhanced defenses
>can take on everything solo
>doesn't wear a dress

the right choice among right choices

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as long i can create a cute/sexy girl and dress her in a skimpy outfit, i dont really give a fuck.

>that if he wants help, all he needs to do is to ask the right people for it instead of taking matters into his own hands
That's a load of shit in D&D, the kid would just get beaten by other urichins and have the money taken away from him.

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Fuck your sparkly nerd shit, fuck your unga bunga 3 INT shit, and fuck your christcuck shit
Setting people on fire is the true Chad's choice

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melee is usually more fun in action games

magic is usually better in turn-based games

a lot of modern games it doesn't make a difference because everyone uses the same basic power system

the real incels are people who only play one class

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I love the discworld cover art, is that sourcery?

Chad is Charisma based so neither you fookin cunt

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>>Incel Magic
What can be below incel?
Ranged, apparently.

Volcel fusion

Also chad is an npc bard that not only fucks every girl including the villain girls, but you if you picked a girl. By wanting to be chad, it is forever out of your reach lol

The key part there is asking the right people for help. Of course you don't go for your peers for help if your peers consist of homeless children. You go to the local temple dedicated to Ilmater and relay your suffering to the priests there.

>All these people mad at paladins and magic

Based and redpilled

I like Cleric girls

Don't confuse godly divine miracles with blasphemous magic, heretic.

>Wizard coats the stairs with magic ice making it impossible for the warrior to ascend leaving him trapped
>Wizard then guards himself from ranged attacks with powerful wards making it impossible for the meatbrained warrior to attack him
>Wizard then channels up powerful magic and kills the warrior without him ever being able to reach the wizard
The choice is obvious.

Barbarians vs Wizards is just jocks vs nerds in fantasy form. Anyone who chooses jocks in Yea Forums doesn't belong here. The world belongs to the intellectual in fantasy and reality. No one ever saved or improved the world by being physically fit.

If you get RPG tier magic in exchange for staying a virgin, wouldn't you do it?

>warrior goes home and 40yo klhv wizard is trapped in his cucktower happily ever after

For me, it's Chadserker.

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What if you cast faith based magic and then start going deep into arcane sorcery? The two sources of power aren't mutually exclusive.

I'm a Stealthcuck.

except it runs like piss and shit despite being Skyrim
my 1080 can't do more than 40 at the best if times on minimum settings

>wizard coats the stairs with magic ice making it impossible for the warrior to ascend leaving him trapped
>warrior manages to leap up the stairs and swing at the wizard who is caught off guard because he cast the spell assuming no normal human could get around it

if you know magic you're literally a human nuke why would you waste time with pointy sticks and shit
there's a reason they don't train modern day soldiers in swordsmanship and shit like what would be the point

Mah nigga.

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>Wizard gets to keep the princess he captured and the king executes the warrior for not saving his daughter
Double checkmate

>Be physical prime homo sapiens
>Rescue an old wizard with immense arcane knowledge
>Make him print out scrolls for every occasion
>Only basic magical training is needed to read said scrolls
>Make it seem like you are using some obscene and obscure battlecries while actually activating different scrolls in combat to considerably boost your power

Based skellybro

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based and lichpilled

based and ragepilled.

Attached: MAKIN' ME REALLY ANGRY.gif (360x240, 55K)

based post

>Wizard fucks the princess
>loses his powers

Anal doesn't count

Ask me how I know that you're not a wizard.

>wizards dick doesn't work due to years of magic abuse
>warrior doesn't take that shit and fucks the kings boipuccy
dare I say... checkmateOTY

>be skeleton
>born from death, that's just cool AF
>arrows don't mean shit, I have no organs to pierce
>don't need to eat or drink, low maintenance so more food for others
>light weight, can easily climb on others to reach places
>high in calcium
>good at dad jokes
>have a big spooky ancient ruin to party in after a successful raid
>know lots of other skelebros who just wanna have a good time as well
>still get rejecting from parties going on epic quests

Why does no one like skeletons? They seem like the perfect companion that every adventure party needs while questing

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Wtf now I want to be a KHV 30yo m8

Paladins are the Chadest of the chadest

Incel magic

“Chad” warrior spends all his life looking for that one weapon with all the best stats.

Incel magician casts Bound Weaponry and gets the best demonic weapon without ever affecting his own carry weight so he can actually carry multiple bound weapons. Then if need be he can cast projectiles and protection spells to absolutely rape the warrior.

decide who is the true chad here

I wasn't the one who came up with the idea, I saw somebody mentioning it and I've been repeating it since because it's just too good a concept.

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>not playing tech gunslinger while being immune to magic
absolutely disgusting

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Steampunk is gay

>first two panels
this is what /r9k/ actually believes

dickass archer

Based and basedpilled.

You die if your intelligence hits 0.

>Chad melee

>"Incel" magician spends all his life looking for that one spellbook with all the best spell effects

>Chad warrior picks up a weapon and deals damage without ever affecting any resource pools so he can actually focus on combat. Then if he needs he can find an enchanted item and spell reflection to absolutely rape the magician.

Chadcel Melgic

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It's funny to me that a princess comic has a better understanding of Kreia's ideas than most posters in KotOR 2 threads.

>implying you can’t create your own spells
Lmao poor little warrior boy

i mean it is statistically correct

Your opinion is shit solely because you're a tripfag

>implying you can't create your own weapons
Lmao poor little magician boy

>implying the weapons you create will ever be as good as the legendary weapons
>implying you don’t need based magic like enchantments to make them worth shit

Oh you sweet summer warrior

literally this
>enough int to solve logic problems and understand higher powers
>can use elemental damage on foes not scathes by blades or blunt trauma
>always has a weapon ready to deal with low level brutes, never caught off-guard
>less conspicuous when walking through town, not lugging a retarded staff that just screams "stab me"
>the power and enlightenment of a wizard with the looks and masculinity of a fighter
Intlets and Staffcels will never get it.

>implying the spells you create will ever be as good as the legendary spells
>implying you don't need based weapons like staves to make them worth shit

Oh you sweet summer magician

Kingdoms of Amalur
weapons you smith are so much better than anything you can possibly find that smithing is basically turning on baby mode

That’s never been true for any game. Magicians get OP powers and spellcrafting from the start. Also the fact that you’ve copied my reply format three times in a row shows just how much more influential I am than your words

That’s never been true for any game. Warriors get OP weapons and armor class from the start. Also the fact that you’ve copied my reply format three times in a row shows just how much more influential I am than your words

Isnt there a spell in KoA that let’s you kill everyone around you instantly? And practically every weapon uses enchantments.

It is not, no.

lol I broke this warriorlet

This feels like someone too stupid to understand magic tells himself to feel better.

spell damage is almost universally outclassed by shit like stacking damage bonuses on stun or critical damage
only elemental damage weapons and weapons with gems in them can be considered enchanted, since otherwise there's no enchanting in KoA

young female virginity rates are lowering while male rates are rising. this is just fact, sorry if it upsets you i guess


There’s that power that lets you stop time and kill everyone around you and steal their souls. I forget what the actual term for it was.

lol I broke this magicianlet

Fateshifting, which isn't magical and requires a long charge-up from fate energy OR a fate potion on-hand, which is tied to alchemy instead

Can the mage double as a stealth archer?

That’s all part of magic. Same with shouts, same with sourcery, same with all other “non magic” type of powers in games that are basically still magic.

which one has the DoT attacks; like poison, burning, bleeding etc
love that shit

it's not magic, since at the end you sever everybody from the strings of fate yet everyone can still cast magic just fine

Wouldn't that just prove that melee heroes are far more impressive, regular dudes accomplishing similar feats to mage heroes but without literal magic to save their pussy-ass?

It’s still magic whatever you want to call it. Magic as a concept exists beyond game rules.

you're going a bit far to say something is magic when it's explicitly defined not to be in both game rules and lore

But OPs question is not locked to any one game’s lore and definition. It is a general question and therefore applies to the esoteric definitions beyond just gaming.

well since you don't pick any classes that use fate more than another, and nothing gives bonuses to fate except for rare gear that goes to both classes, I don't think it'd apply to either of them

If it’s not physically applied damage it’s magic.

chad muscle magic

regardless of how you knock an enemy down while fateshifting them, you use a fate-weapon to kill them
faulty logic, too, since earth spells exist and warriors can use non-physical attacks

Warriors can indeed use magic as well which makes them spellswords. This concept of thinking outside of the definition of one single game seems hard for you.

>non-physical application
>non-physical damage type
frost trap
neither of these skills require any points in sorcery
since I was arguing that fate isn't magic, yes, I am thinking in terms of the single game that uses this specific system
staying on this topic seems hard for you

any good games besides wow___ where I can be a warlock?

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it appears melee and magic are equally chad
ranged combat apparently is for turboincels

It's true though. Not to mention ideal.

>Most versatile class that can be played as the traditional edgy assassin or a merrymaking Robin Hood/Zorro type (and everything in between).
>everything in between