Name 3 vidya sequels you want right now

Name 3 vidya sequels you want right now.

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Raidou 3
Devil May Cry 6

Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer
Command & Conquer

Gravity Rush 3
Dead Space 4
Devil May Cry 6

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Bloodborne 2
Metroid Prime 4
Pikmin 4

Revengeance 2
Bayonetta 3
BotW 2

Fable - a paralel universe one if possible
Jedi Academy
Titanfall or tribes, whichever is more promising

>Revengeance 2

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Parasite Eve
Dino Crisis

Sonic Adventure 3
Skies of Arcadia 2
Jet Set Radio 3

>based fun seekers

Fable 4
Dragons Dogma 2
Megaman Legends 3

A new fucking MMO, for example Guild Wars 3 or something, preferrably with less shitty sjw influence

>mfw first two are actually realistic and might actually happen in the next 5 years

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Rockstar Table Tennis 2
Arma 4
Quake 5

Bioshock 3
Wario Land 5 or 6 or whatever something to follow up with Shake It
Persona 6 (instead of milking 5 forever) and on PC

Half Life 3
Daytona USA 3
Ristar 2
Based and Dreamcastpilled

Freespace 3
Neverwinter Nights 3
Psi-Ops 2

Legend of Dragoon 2.
Panzer Dragoon Saga 2.
Dragoon Dragoon 3.

>Megaman Legends 3
The situation with the MM series is reaching George Lucas levels. Someone just needs to wrest the Mega Man license out of their hands so the series can actually evolve in a meaningful way. While we're at it, someone take Star Fox away from Nintendo, I'd like to play a SF game that isn't a remake of one of the first two games ad nauseum.

witcher 4
witcher 5
witcher 6

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God Hand
Wonderful 101

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Dead Space
Spongebob game made by Heavy Iron Studios

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Drilldozer 2
Katawa shojou 2
Splatoon 3

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Bioshock 4
Resident Evil Outbreak 3
Dead Space 4

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Gravity Rush

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>Psi-Ops 2

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Alright so hear me out here
>produces Splatoon
>then Jet Set Radio
>then a can labeled "parkour"
>finally a blender

Ninja Gaiden 4
Dragon's Dogma 2
Outer Wilds 2

A classic castlevania, chrono trigger/cross 3, a parasite eve sequal.

I would say a Duke3d sequal but Ion Madian scratched that itch and I want baulders gate sequal but it looks like we arw getting that soon

Valkyrie Profile Hrist
Mana Khemia 3
Dragon's Dogma 2

Gothic 5
Fable 4

Echoing Revengeance 2
Outlast 3
Banjo Threeie for real

Age of empires II 2
Revolt 2
Jedi knight

Devil Survivor 3
Valkyria Chronicles 5
Codename Steam 2

Prey (2006)
Jedi Academy/Outcast

Dragon's Dogma 2
Psi-ops 2

Armored Core 6
Dragon's Dogma 2
Final Fantasy Tactics 2

DD2 will happen eventually. AC6 is not looking good giving how hard FromSoftware sucking souls dick (cant blame them really). As for FFT2, its a dream that will never happen.

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>its a dream that will never happen.
And even if it did happen, I'm not sure if I want modern Squenix to make it.

Golden sun
Persona 5 arena
Sonic adventure 3

Ape Escape 4
Megaman Legends 3
Gravity Rush 3

The last Golden Sun sequel pretty much soured me on the idea of another one.

Bloody Roar 5
Billy Hatcher 2
Dead Space 4

Dark Cloud 3
Viewtiful Joe 3

I don't have a third. I've already given up hope.

max payne 4
jedi academy
evil within 3

God Hand 2
Dragon's Dogma 2
Revengeance 2

Arcanum 2
Final Fantasy Tactics A3
Freelancer 2

Killer Instinct 4
Viva Pinata 3
Ninja Gaiden 4

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I only ever wanted Tomba 3, but I dont think anybody knows whi even owns tge license for that shit.

Also a proper Tomb Raider game in the sim-platformer style of the original PS1 games.

A good Sonic game lol.

A sequel to either Castlevania Symphony of the Night or Dawn of Sorrow.

Bloodborne 2.

A new Legacy of Kain.

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A new classic style monster hunter
A new freedom wars
A new final fantasy tactics


It's called Sonic Unleashed

Can I just get another happy-go-lucky Advance Wars?
DoR had some interesting ideas, but fuck all the grimdark bullshit.

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Based DMChads.


Dark Souls 4
BloodBorne 2
God of War 5

Absolutely based. Good tastes, anons.

Sleeping Dogs 2
Sonic Adventure 3
Midnight Club 4

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i only want sequels that have already been announced


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Shining Force 4
Alundra 3
Suikoden 7

Golden Axe
The Darkness

DD2 isn't going to happen.
Even if Ino wants it, it's not safe enough to make this game.

Oh wait i just realized suikoden VI hasn't even released yet

Ape Escape
Earthworm Jim

League of Legends 2
Dota 3
Hearthstone 2

Nioh 2
Dragon's Dogma 2
Silent Hill 5

Rogue Squadron 4

Pokemon Snap 2
Wario Land 6
That Conker sequel outline Seavor posted that never came to be

428 Shibuya Scramble. The Canaan anime doesn't count.

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Warcraft IV
Dying Light 2

>raidou 3

my fucking man

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You and I both know that is never going to happen as long as EA holds the franchise rights. They're far too content just reusing engine assets from their other games to help make shitty Star Wars games.

Warcraft IV would be an abomination and you know it.

Way of the Samurai 5
Unreal Tournament 2020

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looks like someone is not following DMC news. Itsuno siad he had a choice, either to make DMCV or DD2, recent news for DMCV said they stooped the development for DMCV. So its safe to say DD2 is the next project.

Nier 3, 4 and 5

>Ends up that it isn't DD2
>It's even better
>Rival School 3

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G-Police 3
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance 3
Vector Thrust 2: Done Right This Time

Mischief Makers 2
Shining Force IV
Divinity III (as in dragon knight saga, not original sin)

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I don't want any, i don't want to see what i love being destroyed.

I just want Bravely Third

just one would make me happy
Megaman Battle network

Battle Network had a worthy run and a good end.
Let it rest, user, it deserves it.

Age of Empires 4
Warcraft 4

Mirror's Edge 2 but actually good
Deus Ex 2 but good

Mirror's Edge 2 could've defined subversion and resistance to a security state in the digital age. Deus Ex could just help to define the coming age outright. BFBC3 would be one-liner kino.

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I have some good news for you.

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New mainline Neptunia
Katawa shoujo 2 --or-- Yume Nikki 2
Lightning Returns 2

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Persona 6
Sekiro 2
Idk about the last one I just want a good turn based game

Jazz Jackrabbit 2
Empire Earth
Dragon's Dogma

Deus Ex 5
Deus Ex 6
Deus Ex 7

I said Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance. Different series. I'm not really a fan of old-school Baldur's Gate.

Could be either one, really. That logo is literally all the information that exists.

Izuna 3
Devil Survivor 3
Dino Crisis 3

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Okami 2
Bully 2 (still set in high school)
De Blob 3

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yes ;_;

I'd bet on it being Baldur's Gate 3. People seem to be trying to bring back RTWP RPGs with stuff like PoE and Kingmaker.

A new Earthbound game in 3D
Bully 2
Powerstone 3

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>Rayman 4
>Luigis mansion 3
>Wario land 5

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Jackie Chan
Jackie Chan

Chrono Break
Dragon's Dogma 2
Sonic Adventure 3

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Crash Bandicoot
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (not some 2d crap)
Any Soulsborne game

Dragons Dogma 2 (semi confirmed)
Gothic 5 (THQ nordic bought PB so who knows?)
40k Space Marine 2 (never ever)

No more heroes
Destroy all humans

Hopefully it's turn based

Postal 4
Divinity 3 or OS 3 Bauldur's Gate 3 is fine too
Poker Night 3 never ever

What if Capcom and Nintendo just traded them? Would it be better or worse?

Yes we need another Star Fox Adventures.

Darkstalkers 4
Street Fighter 6
Final Fantasy XI-2

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>Wanting a sequel when it's perfectly self-contained and Nasu's grubby little fingers would likely be all over it after Canaan made a nice buck.
Fuck no.
They'll probably announce another big sound novel akin to Machi and 428 within the next few years, though. VNs are back on the upswing and Chunsoft's making money again.

Castlevania 1999
Raidou 3
Revengeance 2

>Bulletstorm 2
>Black & White 3
>Rayman 4

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A new Rival School would based desu.

I lump that in with Darkstalkers. As much as I want, I don't want Capcom near it these days.

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The saboteur
Dante's Inferno
Second Sight

Capcom is having a redemption arc right now. Why would you not want Capcom to touch their classics?

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>redemption arc

Oh piss off and shut the fuck up you peace of shit. They're not having a REDEMPTION arc. They've been doing the absolute minimum to make retards like you forget they spent the better part of a decade fucking over the players. My god, gamers are some of the most moronic sycophantic dumbasses I've seen. You deserve to have the industry spiral in the gutter.

Freedom Fighters 2
Samurai Western 2
Silent Storm

folklore was so fun, but that is probably nostalgia speaking


Speak for yourself, MY favorite companies are doing just fine.

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Half life 3, another bioshock and ninja gaiden 4.

>make retards like you forget they spent the better part of a decade fucking over the players.
>decade fucking over the players.
>not "REDEMPTION" arc.
a new COD trailer is out, go jerk off to that.

L.a. noire 2
Lineage 3
Ultimate spiderman 2

Resident Evil 3 Remake
Resident Evil Code Veronica Remake
Resident Evil 8