Will 2020 be a better year for videogames than 2019?
Will 2020 be a better year for videogames than 2019?
Couldn't be worse
If there's not at least something in 2019 that interests you you probably need a new hobby.
>Halo Infinite
>Metroid Dread
Yes, it's the next 2007.
if project awakening in 2020 then yes
2019 was a great year for japanese games
2019 is going to end up better than you think. A lot of the big hitters are just coming very late in the year.
>It's a VR card game
I'm telling you. It's gonna be literally nothing.
>Press Sneak Fuck
who cares, this dude is a literal joke
This. Even if it's Half-Life, nobody cares about VR.
Yes, also dont forget games escaping epic's hell, metro, bl3, outer worlds if it gets released soon
>sony e3 bullshit up the wazoo
it is like you never learn, guys
we are getting into the damage control phase between generations, so that they will lie about supporting the current system forever (to sell the stock left) while promising the future as the next coming of Jesus
what will happen? exactly the opposite
the current gen is already abandoned, while the next one is going to be cheap hardware on release, but fantastically powerful on announcement (aka bullshit)
this E3 is going to be another one of those legendary bullshit pixar trailers fiesta
my only hype: new redbarrels, new rocksteady
Might be decent
>Ghost of Tsushima
Might be cool if it focuses on good stealth gameplay. Otherwise, meh.
>GRRM Fromsoft game
Was that confirmed or something? Even so we barely know anything about it.
>Ubisoft games
If that's all there is, it's gonna be shit.
you should really try VR before dismissing it. And I don't mean one of those mobile VR devices
>2019: Sekiro, RE2, Death Stranding and Spelunky 2
>2020: GTAV DLC and GRRM nerd shit
No thanks
>It's the Wii60 leech again
You're never getting your middle school years back.
Don't be mad that Sony won't have shit next year, Snoy tranny.
>from software
Big year for casuals I guess
As an elite gamer I too don't play games
It'll have far more than the Corpsebox just like this year and last, Xcuck
>Muh 404i shit
You're a very sad individual.
sekiro came out this year there's no way FROM releases another game in 2020
Shitch is in a drought for years now. Cope. Have fun with no games.
>TLOU2, Ghost of Sushi, 2 Ubisoft games, that shitty FF7 remake
People actually care about these?
These last two gens have been the worst since videogames were invented, we're literally experiencing the low point of the industry and it just keeps getting worse. The only people that don't realize this are kids that grew up with a PS3 or Xbox 360 since it was already too late and the industry was in the early stages of being fucked
Cyberpunk and From's game are the only interesting games on that list. Meanwhile 2019 has AC7, RE2, DMC5, Sekiro and Death Stranding.
Cope with the rest of the cancerous Xfags Asher
>dead on arrival stranding
i think you meant digimon survive and the crystal chronicles remaster
extremely reddit comment
Not everybody can only own a shitch and play no games all day like you do, nintendildo.
100% this.
>Falseflagging again
Nauseating faggot.
Games haven't been good since the sixth gen.
>better than 2019
>REmake 2
>Death Stranding
>Medievil remake
Please fuck off if you dont like video games OP. Just fuck off to another board. Get a new hobby.
>Retarded nostalgiafag doesn’t realize video games were just as shit when he was a kid as they are now
But I play games on PC and buy any console that actually gets decent exclusives, which used to be all of them until the Xbox 360 came out and proved you don't need games to make money with online subs, and now both the Xbone and PS4 are just jerking off over their online sub money and not releasing shit.
If you don't like Uncharted and its million spin offs you're basically out of luck with the PS4 unless you REALLY want to play a 5th FROM game
Oh great, here we have your typical zoomer that started on the Ps2 and thinks everything post-2010 is shit but that everything pre-2000 is outdated/overrated. Kindly kill yourself for the betterment of this board.
>2020 gonna be wild
what's with white americans omitting words from their sentences now?
why is bloodborne in this list? that game was fine
>Jason "if you like Sorceress from Dragon's Crown, you're a lolicon" Schreier
Started with an Amiga 500 actually
Used to be a full idort before consoles stopped getting exclusives, sucks that the PC is just a glorified console now instead of being its own unique ecosystem of games too.
I miss back when literally every platform was unique and absolutely worth owning in its own way, rather than 2 out of 3 consoles just being a shitty computer while Nintendo half asses their exclusives because they have no competition.
Just googled "Games from X year" and took the first results, its not a comprehensive list,
The biggest difference between now and then is the frequency of amazing games being released. We used to get 2-3 games that are now considered timeless classics on each platform every month, now you're lucky to get half a dozen games worth talking about in general every year.
This. Every single game made on or after 2007 has been objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better because they have been fed shit for their entire lives. Vidya is dead.
and most of the time those games only pander to a really specific crowd (however large that crowd may be), i didnt give a shit about spiderlad or yippie caillou cowboys 2
Imagine thinking that 2020 could be better than 2019. Oh wait, Xbros and their no games. Never mind.
tlou2 xd
I miss the AA market, everything either being AAA trash that appeals to everyone and noone, or indie garbage that is almost always dissapointing because it took one dude 4 years to make it really fucking sucks.
I just want my niche games full of soul that I genuinely enjoy replaying because you can feel the heart and polish. I miss when devs made sure every single byte was put to good use, rather than having to download 150GBs of bullshit because lol what is compression? Don't you speak 50 languages and want all of those audio files in .flac lmao
you kinda derailed there into crying about your shit internet
>risk of rain 2 took 1 guy 3 years to make
>hand-picking the best regarded games of the era and leaving the most relevant releases in the modern section
and even then a lot of these old games listed were mediocre but you were too young to realize it.
you could see it that way but think about it like this; old games had very strict limits on what they were capable on in terms of graphics and size so devs had to utilize as much as possible for the game to be good. now games have basically no limits so you see a lot less games strive to break them
>The xniggie falseflagger is accusing people of being falseflaggers
Rattled before another E3 blunder
it was more about devs being fucking faggots, compress your shit.
They literally make their games as bloated as possible as a scummy marketing tactic because console HDDs aren't that big and most people won't have that many games installed. If your game takes 200GB of space that means they won't have much room to play any other games but yours.
Have some fucking pride in your work and get people playing it because its good, not because they don't have enough hard drive space for anything else and don't want to go through downloading a game that fucking huge again.
Why the fuck do people keep shilling that stupid GRRM FromSoft bullshit? All we have is Martin saying he ADVISED (important, that means he didn’t have a super massive role in the game or it’s story) a Japanese video game developer for a short while, and the fact that Sekiro just came out and the dev cycle for it would’ve probably only finished about half a year ago, means it’s bery unlikely they’re any bit far along into a new game, and then we got a green text “leak” which is literally fucking nothing, BUT NOPE THATS ENOUGH FOR THESE RETARDS
The AA market died for reasons beyond the scope of the gaming industry, it's happened to pretty much everything.
The xbox show has been pretty great for the last few years though, not many exclusives, but as an idort I love all of the rad multiplats that get announced at the Xbox show.
We're long past the era of TV TV TV SPORTS TV SPORTS SPORTS
>2020 gonna be wild
twitter is so fucking weird. these middle-aged, balding, straight-and-narrow, skinnyfat, upper-middle class, bitch-titted trust fund babies are all literally switching to ebonics
I miss it so fucking much, I probably wouldn't be so fucking bitter and angry all the time if there was anything left that pandered to my niches.
Its only getting even more frustrating because I can't even talk about the good old days without zoomers telling me I was never a fan in the first place because I don't like their "targeting a wider audience" entry level bullshit
not the movie or tv industries. you have hundreds of mid budget shows or direct to netflex movies being released daily quality aside
Since fucking when is "yeah man, it was wild" fucking ebonics.
Are you actually afraid of black people or something?
>at least
schreier kept using the same ancient picture on neogaf and now it feels like he aged 15 years in the span of a day
esl retard kys
Wow next years gonna be a very normie year
Yes, because Trump will get 4 more years.
language changes, yesterday's dialect is tomorrow's mainstream
>Rumor: GRRM worked with From soft on a game
>GRRM: Yeah I worked with a japanese company on a game
>Other sources: uh since he revealed it, we can say that this game exists and yes it's a From soft game written by GRRM
Also from software is a big enough company now to have multiple dev teams you retard, they do not need to have one team focusing on a single game and despite Sekiro being released this year doesn't mean the other half of the company is sitting on their asses until it finishes before working on their next game.
It would legitimately be difficult to make a worse year than 2019.
its just hilarious seeing thugs talk like that irl then seeing these pasty bitchtits talk like it online with their picture right next to the text
Yes more expensive consoles and more games about destroying evil authoritarians and bigots will sure be fun.
I think you're autistic. Black people don't even say "wild" and "gonna" is common vernacular, the ebonic thing to say would be "finna".
t. ambassador to the negro peoples
I literally know nothing but english. But sure, keep fearing for the sanctity of your race, cracker.
>Listening to Jason Schreier
Negroid speak
again kys esl retard
Do you even know what esl means? Take your meds you fucking schizo
I work for a game studio and I don't think I've heard one single soul defend Jason once. We all pretend to be nice to him at press events but talk mad shit behind his back. We all hate him.
t. ugly low-t amerimutt
have sex
and yet he has enough friends to keep leaking shit to him all the time anonmynously. You guys should do something about that.
What’s wrong, Whitey?
TLOU2 is going to be shit though, i dont ever want to see ugly jews playing tonsil hockey
It wasn't. At least not yet. This 1st half didn't have a single notable game in it
how shit of a taste can you have?
god I hate this stupid fucking board
Neither of those will score over 7/10 and Infinite will be more despised than Reach.
>I'm a contrarian cause I don't have any interesting opinions
So we’re all in agreement that all niggers should be lynched, yes?
>more expensive consoles
based Trump, fuck console peasants
lol this tbqhwy senpai desu
2019 confirmed for aother dead dry year, with disapointing cinematic games you can 100% in merely 20 hours.
Assuming you're not just pulling itbout your ass, fuck that guy. If everyone hates him just blacklist him. He leaks everyones stuff anyway
edgy 14 yo or very very pathetic adult
Spare the black weebs at least. They're cool.
Theres been two games calling back to the ps2 era and 1 calling back to the ps1 era this year
>getting exited for normies of Throne garbage in badly programmed video game form
>tfw on my 10th enjoyable 2019 game right now
And I still have Pathologic 2 waiting for me. Feels great.
i remember writing shit like this when i was 15, i didn't realise until later that people actually thought it was pathetic
>that pic
>who cares about this year, next year is the big year anyway!
Every year near E3 time and the realization most promises weren't fulfilled.
>No Ninja Gaiden 4 yet
none of those games interests me except cyberpunk 2077, and there is nothing about the fromsoft game
>hey guys let me tell you about me, and the reason why I will LAUGH and it makes you BAD
you are still pretty pathetic from what we can see.
Anything past MGS4 is shit. It was the last good game worth playing
I'm advocating for them to be spared though, user. An "at least" implies that or more, you stupid fucking retard.
t. negroids
It's not even confirmed to be be fromSoft, people are running dead on a wall of disappointment with that gullible hype crap.
>implying any Kojima game is able to be DoA
that's fine user, me too, but remember you will never hate yourself and degrade your life to such a low that you follow some irrelevant sub human tier journo shill who is called Jason Schreier on twitter and repost his literal tweet post on Yea Forums.
people actually expect baldur's gate 3 to be announced so nothing surprises me
>playing le cynic oldfag card
Trying too hard
>Jason "kill all the palestine children" Schreier
I don't care about any of those.
They should all be sent to Alabama. I just don't want to live around them. And they sure as hell don't want to live around me.
its fake user
but it used to just be white people who wanted to dress "urban" and were into rap music
now it's fat beardy nerds/game journalists
>good stealth gameplay
literally no such thing.
The rest of what you said is right
FF7 Remake
>Part 1
The fuck is this shit, it's going to be released in parts? How do you fuck that up the games been out for two decades at this point.
2020 is going to fucking suck if that list is the best they have to offer.
>Ghost of Tsushima
It looks like a Batman samurai game.
>GRR Fromsoft
Oh boy more Souls shit.
>Ubisoft AAA
Gamers are fucking dumb if they think generic AAA shit is worthy to be hyped for.
>FF7 Remake Part 1
The fact that it's episodic kills it.
>How do you fuck that up the games been out for two decades at this point.
They're breaking it up into chunks and turning each game into its own gay little trainwreck.
Its not even a JRPG anymore, part 1 is going to play like FF15
>have some voice actors family leak a Fallout 4 script
>sell it to Kotaku cause they're desperate for attention
>make this idiot write the article
>apparently now he's an "industry insider" despite literally never confirming anything that wasnt already confirmed by other people or just basic knowledge
People actually believe what this dude says, its fucking hilarious and sad
were you living under a rock for the past 5 years?
did you even play the original game? it was episodic, just like that one (yes, episodic, not sold in multiple parts)
>hurr durrr FFXV combat is shit
the game is an absolute disaster but the gameplay is good,
No, 2019 wins on DMC5, REmake 2, Ace Combat 7 and Sekiro so far and we still haven't even gotten Judgment, Samurai Showdown, Astral Chain, Ys IX and Death Stranding yet.
There's no way 2020 will outdo 2019. 2019 has been the best year this entire generation.
Based. Team Ninja needs to drop Nioh and just do Ninja Gaiden 4.
>FF15 combat is good
Are you actually retarded or just a pleb?
Extreme plebeian tier opinion.
Holy shit, play more games.
explain to me how the combat is bad
The future is tranny and thats a good thing! Pass.
Muh stinky jew lesbian power. Pass
>Ghost of Tsushima
Brainlet teir Arkham gameplay. Pass
>GRRM Fromsoft game
Souls with incest rape and castration. Pass
>Ubisoft games
How does this company still exist? Pass
Episodic JRPG with 90s racism removed, couldn't think of a worse combo. Pass
>tfw you can't enjoy any kino tier vidya because you're supposed to be hating the themes they contain
>tfw you can't enjoy any vidya because it's all part of the "mainstream media"
>tfw you're a video gamer who can't enjoy videogames
what are you even doing here user?
Why do people automatically assume Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be fantastic when there's been several reports of mismanagement and production problems over at CDPR?
This list just reminds me that we'll never get a truly wonderful adventure game again. Any new project will look at the first walking dead game because of its sales rather than the old gems.
agreed on all points
To tell the truth.
You mean like 17-18?
I don't really read any mainstream vidya outlets so can anyone tell me if they ever bother discussing games that aren't AAA or that aren't indie games developed by a butt buddy of some video game journalist? Why don't I ever see this level of excitement for mid level studios? it's because of bribes or publisher pressure isn't it?
>The future is tranny and thats a good thing! Pass.
Do you have any idea what Cyberpunk is?
Did you read Transmetropolitan and think "Ugh gross furries and trannys? YIKES"
Doesn't get views people either want to see reviews for the biggest games or the "le hidden gems"
Only 1 good game on that list.
This year we got
>RE2, Sekiro, and DMC for multiplats
>Mordhau is fun for PC
>Nintendo is going to rape the last half of the year with Mario Maker 2, Astral Chain, Fire Emblem, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Pokemon, Luigi's Mansion, Animal Crossing and Zelda.
>E3 hasn't even happened yet
Sure must suck to be jaded.
>believing kotaku
>believing kotaku on twitter
>Metroid Dread
I really hope this happens. We didn't get a proper 2d metroid in a long time.
This year is perfect to clear your backlog. If you're not a zoomer you have at least 10+ more games that you bought/got with humble bundle or in a steam sales that you still haven't touched.
And I'm not meaning shovelware, but real games that you wanted to play at some point and forgot to play.
I'm honestly thinking of dropping modern games just to play /vr/ but nintendo and Atlus keep releasing games I'm weak to.
Just look at these games in pic related. And it's not even half of the games I REALLY want to play at some point.
Just like beta nerds using words like "incel" or "cuck". It's just your average beta male LARPing as tough/alpha, socially dominant and streets smart on the internet. You can think of it as a more sophisticated and subtle version of the navy seal copy pasta.
>remake part 1
I started clearing my backlog with Momodora Reverie and it was so fun I ended up 100% it and doing 3 runs of the game back to back. A good reminder I stop listening to my shit eating friends who exclusively play AAA games and multiplayer titles that are "in" right now
>100% yes
Half Life 1/2
A Hat in Time
Shovel Knight
The Wolf Among Us
everything else I haven't tried so I can't speak on.
This is the last bit of my backlog myself.
lol you didnt know
the remake is being released in parts like one of those shitty movie games
have fun
>Jason "Lolicon fantasy" Schreier
>Jason "Anime boobs are alt-right" Schreier
>believing 2019 is good
>believing 2020 will be better
damn greedy niggers must just want to sell it multiple times. they've had too much time to say rest of it just isn't ready
>The fuck is this shit, it's going to be released in parts?
And that's nothing. According to a recent leak, Aerith literally dies halfway the game!
>part 1 is going to play like FF15
Why would you lie on the Internet, now of all times?
Do you really think no one in the world saw the recent trailer?
>”wow 2017 will be wild”
>2017 was not wild
>”wow 2018 will be wild”
>2018 was not wild
>”wow 2019 will be wild”
>2019 wasn’t wild
>”wow 2020 will be wild”
>explain to me how the combat is bad
I'll let the developer themselves talk in my place:
What games do you faggots want then?
Might be ok, not was too hot about Witcher 3 though.
Into the trash
>Ghost of Tsushima
If it's anything like last Infamous, into the trash, but will give benefit of doubt. Assuming it WILL be released on PS4.
>GRR Martin Fromsoft
Into the trash just like season 8.
>1-2 Ubisoft games
>FF7 Remake part 1
The part 1 part is something I don't really like (like, will they charge 20 dollars for each part or go full jew and sell every part as full 60 dollar game?), but trailers look promising. Though, I don't think FF7 needs any remaking, I would've prefered remake of FF8 that balances out Junctioning. My problem with isn't the drawing, it's just that the system is super easy to break once you figure it out and it's not a hard system.
Mildly better than last year that had only Bamham reskin.
2019 is already better than some of the years from the past decade.
It’s not amazing, but we at least have some notable ports, remasters, and new games
Crash Team Racing is coming out this month, so of course not.
>we at least have some notable ports, remasters