Why the fire keepers are forbidden from having eyes anyway?

Why the fire keepers are forbidden from having eyes anyway?

Attached: eyes_of_a_firekeeper_dark_souls_3.jpg (912x876, 75K)

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It's for the best, they'd go blind looking at OP's character anyway

Cause where she's going she doesn't need eye to see

the fuck you need eyes for in a pseudo-medieval world anyway? you're stuck around a bonfire anyway

They need to stay pure. If they say how shit everything is they'd eventually lose hope in helping you.

Didn't Irina have eyes tho?

because when they have eyes, they can see the possibility of the fire fading and the age of darkness. That's why irina senses the darkness around her; she has eyes, even if blind.

The same reason you keep your woman in the kitchen...leaving the home corrupts her and then she corrupts the children

Just have the men stay in the kitchen instead, if youre so worried about the children raise them yourself.

I didn't know Irina was a fire keeper.


If you only give her holy tomes and buy them all then she goes to the empty tower and you can level up there too

but you wont be using her to level up cause she is so far away compared to the waifu keeper there is no reason,she must be feeling real lonely in that empty tower

Anastacia was mute instead.

I had no idea. I learn something new about the game almost everytime we discuss it.

because otherwise they would see how shit dark souls 3 is

That’s not how it works incel

How old were you when you realized Firekeeper was FROM's best girl?


Doll did it first.

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She's blind

The firekeeper presumably has eyes, but not working eyes

Maiden in Black is still the best.

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How does she know you’re gesturing if she’s blind?

She can still sense movement I think.

Daredevil dlc confirmed

>Serene Haze

A wife just knows

It's easily the worst.
>does nothing for the vast majority of the game, then you hand her macguffins to pick your ending
>boring design
>nothing unique about her, basically a discount Doll

Even the Emerald Herald at least moved around a few times.
I love how Sekiro finally dumped the level-up waifu. Ema fulfills a similar role but for not-estus, and she actually has plot relevance and moves around a few times. Unlike the Herald/Doll/Firekeeper, she doesn't feel like a Maiden in Black clone.

This. By far the cutest levelup waif.

If i were stuck in the shitty world of dark souls 3 i would have gouge out my eyes too.

I didn't like her accent but she was cute
I think emerald herald is the cutest but firekeeper is good too

Maybe they have to give up something in return for the abilities that come with being a Fire Keeper. Remember, there was a mute Fire Keeper as well. The eyes are likely the the least necessary thing to have as a Fire Keeper and they may be able to just sense souls around them.

I want to bully firekeeper

Firekeeper, Maiden, and the doll are all cute because they do things you'd think are cute. All of them have faults appearance wise but it doesn't matter.
Emerald Herald is cute because they specifically went out of their way to make her flawless.
Soul vs. Soulless

DaS2fags are as delusional as discord trannies.

Emerald Herald is the Chad's choice. Nice.

She's just bullshitting you.

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Rent free

Irina is the best waifu.

You can give her new eyes.


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She has such pretty eyes. The Firekeeper is for loving and matrimony

to see


fire keeper occasionally moved