Monster Hunter World Iceborne
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>Worldsperm casual cancer
Shield bash looks neat but im not sure what's going on in the vid after that. My real issue with CB is how chunky it is, there is no fluidity to the weapon. You pretty much play on a flowchart the entire time and the sword is only there to do one specific move to charge your axe, and the axe is only there for your slam jam. Would be nice if the gameplay was more evenly spread between them and it wasn't just do this to do that and repeat.
>Iron and bone
Play elemental CB and your options are wide open, only impact has monkey tier flowchart gameplay, it's viable to use all of the moves CB has when you're using elemental.
The SA slam looks really neat, but the new CB axe attack seems useless. It looks much weaker than the super amped elemental discharge, and isn't even as flashy.
It's not simply an attack, it's a new buff similar to the charged sword that makes the axe head spin on every attack and adds damage.
>That switch axe design
looks cool
>more axe moves
that's great hopefully they add more moves to make axe mode feel more useful
>elemental discharge into zero sum
looks interesting i guess i'm curious as to how it works, do you no longer need to be in ampped state to use zero sum anymore?
>t. genembryo that can't beat 140 rajang or behemoth
Give me Khezu Capcom for fucks sake
The master rank armors all look really good so far but the weapons have been extremely lackluster.
Ok, you changed my mind. In this case then, it's actually pretty neat.
>more discharge bullshit for swaxe
I totally expected this and I'm still disappointed, why can't brapcom just accept that e.discharge sucks in literally every fucking game and no one would want to ever use it?
whats the point of cool looking sets if you min max gear anyway.
transmog mod
Mods exist to change gear appearance. Unless you play on console, in which case I'm sorry for you.
So how we feeling today lance and gunlance bros?
>uses three phials on that new combo
>pops saed
>does full hits
The point is that you don't *need* to min max in this game.
It presents you with a choice between going for min max turbo autismo, or inferior stats but stylish looks.
He only used 2 phials and he didn't get the last wave of explosions.
No one's forcing you to be a meta slave
>lance bro
It feels kinda lackluster I dunno i was hoping for more
why are the colours so washed out? it may as well be black and white
It's gritty and realistic, bro.
underwhelming which is sad because they are my favorite weapons in vanilla
lance is literally nothing new and gunlance is kinda meh
I personally excited about sns and dual blades seems like you'll be able to do really crazy shit with them
>normalfags already complaining
did the bubble pop? will iceborne really fail to sell 10 million copies?
Console footage, can turn the shitty filter off on PC.
>It feels kinda lackluster
dude, we got a spammable counter cluch claw that if timed properly cancels any recoil as long as the monster is not in enraged state (because then you can't clutch claw thelm)
I like that wyrmstakes might actually be useful now
The game was made to appeal to the west, and as we all know, westerners despise colors, unique and interesting weapon design, and attractive women.
Gunlance is absolutely retarded, they made the slowest move even slower while fixing none of its problem. Seeing how they had to fucking trap the rath to demonstrate the move is hilarious, maybe the footage guy just gave up doing it legit and used trap because fuck that shit.
>every weapon has spiderman grappling hook attacks and a shotgun
there is only one way to compensate for this
It's looks cool but i don't really understand how it works
like i know you can't use the claw when the monster is enraged but surely there's a limit or build up that needs to be reached like mounting or status
You know that for clutch claw properties gunlance is dounted as a light fucking weapon. The fuck's capcom doing?
It's because GL's shell damage doesn't care about where it hits on the monster. They did that "so it's balanced" regardless of the fact that shelling has been absolute garbage for most of the series.
meme-builds do not apply take your Long Shit elsewhere
I'm really worried about what Master Rank is going to do to the monsters at this point. I don't really trust the team to bring the monsters up to the same power level that the hunters are now at, considering it's the GU director. I expect Master Rank monsters to either get completely obliterated by the new mechanics or be a fucking nightmare to fight without utilising them, no middle ground.
SA still keeps disappointing in World I see. I should just sell this shitshow of a game.
>hyper arch tempered monsters
What's the worst weapon type right now?
Probably hunting horn or HBG outside of meme setups like glutton or cluster bombing
>Hyper arch tempered apex deviant zenith monsters
Will Iceborne be dlc that allows us to use our previous characters or will it be a new game a la previous monster hunters?
It'll be an X > XX deal.
It's an expansion pack if you want to see it like that
look at this shit
It's an expansion so presumably you'll pick up right after killing xeno
>Wowie zowie! the admiral found a new locale in the world and it's covered in snow and never be been explored! we need our sapphire star to go kill some random bullshit and save us because we're too incompetent to do anything!"
how is glutten a meme setup? It's literally just spread shots
>westerners despise colors
now i know why fortnite is the most popular game right now
Jeez, I forgot how colorless world is.
Are there any mods that make it look better?
Literally just disable volumetric lighting or whatever it's called and you get all the color back.
>new axe move
Cool but what's the point, no ones gonna use it anyway. God I wish they'd just fucking rework Switch Axes already and make the Axe and Blade part equally fucking useful.
Whats wrong with hbg?
it's meme setup because it relies on specing yourself into multiple close range damage ups, ammo ups, and spread damage deco and hoping the most is dead by the time you run of spread 3 ammo and blazenuts
It's not bad or anything it's actually amazing but having to lock yourself into using only one ammo type and it's basically one of the like 3 or so reasons why HBG is worth using
Volumetric lighting puts this weird filter over the game that make both its look like shit and perform worse, I can't think for the life why capcom would enable it, you're basically fucked if you play on console since you can't turn it off
Awwwwww yeah switchaxe gang stay winning.
Sorry chargeblade shitters, gonna have to move out the way for my infinite.
Most Fortnite players hate the graphics tho. They only play it because of it's building mechanics and because it's popular.
>wack dumbass dragon
>I'm glad we did it as a team! We did this together! We're a great team!
Ichinose directed GU, not Ichihara. Ichihara was just in charge of porting it to the switch from the 3ds.
Lancebros... it's not FUCKING fair
my best friend pretty much plays nothing but CB and i actually enjoy playing SA when I play with him
cant we just be chads together with our obnoxious explosion swords
You're going to learn how to guard-lance and you're going to learn to love it. This is your Monster Hunter now.
zero sum discharge still looks useless
Gunlancebro here... I feel you cousin....
what could they have even done to lance
I started with hammer but switched to guard lance on ps4 and it was fun. It's really mobile and power guard blocks almost everything
Zero sum is pretty good if you know when apply it and learn that if you let go of the charge just before the explosion you'll drop off in front of the monster in sword mode rather get stuck in that long ass recovery animation
So SA's axe mode gets a new finisher. Does it have any special properties? Tempest Mode in GU was much better because buffed almost everything in Axe mode, not just the finisher. Oh well.
Is this stupid fuck still on weapon design?
>When I design a weapon, I start by thinking about how to represent the monster's characterisation with the weapon design. Once I've got that, I then refer to real-world weapon references, and use them as a way to ground my design. I want the weapons to hit the sweet spot of believability so that they are neither too plain nor too over-the-top.
>Monster Hunter is a series with a long history, and I wanted to reflect that history by starting you out with classic MH combinations of primitive materials like bone, iron and leather. As the storyline progresses, new materials are added gradually, but in a way that keeps with the series' style.
So what's the limitation on using the grappling hook on monsters because why wouldn't I take a free hammer spin 2 win
>Is this stupid fuck still on weapon design?
Considering that all the "new" weapons are the same bone and iron weapons with parts glued on as before, yeah most likely.
can't do it when enraged
lance is all about simplicity and we get another powerful counter move, what did you want more?
Can't do it while the monster is enraged and it seems to enrage them faster than if you had does the same damage on the ground.
More than likely, and I fucking hate him. I want my giant Ham(mer) back. I want my Shark and my Corncob. This motherfucker's killing my fun.
I'm 100% sure the Gunlance fist-weapon that won the Twitter popularity contest is going to be so shit that nobody wants to use it out of transmog because 'muh realisum'.
Fuck this guy.
>that g rank nerg armor
they finally gave something new to the axe mode at least.
The lance was already near perfect 10 year ago, it doesn't really need anything more than what world added
Are you blind or just retardedly biased.
is this shit still active on pc, last time i played when they added the cucumber looking monster
Something like that.
Why don't just check by yourself, cretin.
yeah it's active although PC is caught up now, the summer festival right around the corner so expect a huge surge only to trickle down till "winter" when iceborne comes out
For the love of god get rid of this talentless fuck for the next game
>PC Caught up with console
>despite that, Icebourne has an indeterminate "winter" release date for PC instead of matching date with console
At least we have mods...right?
Can't trust nips with programming
daily reminder those dipshits broke temp jho's quest for a whole because they moved the locale he spawns in and created a game breaking bug
Speaking of T.Jho, why the FUCK is he only an event hunt? Why doesn't he appear in investigations too?
Because he's a proto-AT
They got the idea of buffing a monster's hp and give their moves new properties and used jho as proof of concept
They came up with term arch- but it feels weird jho is the only monster in the game that has tempered version that can't be fought whenever you want
you consider extramoth to be a tempered monster? do you consider a.leshen tempered too?
I've always thought they more like ATs but the idea that iceborne could introduce arch version of those monsters makes me want to jump through some dry wall in the impending frustration I'll face trying to beat them with randoms
What went wrong?
E.Behemoth is a Tempered monster, he has the purple outline for his icon. A. Leshen does not.
>they have no hit cheat on just for the trailer
what a bunch of hacks
so you want more anime bullshit?
play LS or CB if that's what you want
all they have to do is make the axe move generate a chunk of sword meter and it willbe very useful
behemoth even has the metallic sheen to his skin like other tempered monsters
>you know you've stumbled upon a great design when you hate it at first, then find yourself loving it one day
this is true of a lot of things. For me music is like this. The albums I initially hate sometimes 10 years later grow on me
>tfw dauntless unironically is harder than world
lol how? you have a million iframes
There’s no weapon in the game that benefits as much from part softening as lance. It’s just a straight up buff.
really? I can dodge roars/attacks in world pretty easily but I always get hit by attacks whenever I dodge into them in dauntless
maybe it's the shit servers
yeah lag can really mess you up, dauntless attacks are really easy to dodge though you can literally dodge into the attack and not get hit
What did they give SnS to make up for everyone being able to use items while the unsheathed?
transmog mods
It's difficult to admit that they took good feedback from the West to make improvements to World when that exact same feedback source was probably used to take just as many steps backwards like justifing the removal of all the clownish shit in the game.
In some way I may not even blame this fucker for just doing his job. If his bosses fucking understood that players like the dumb bullshit weapons like a pizza cutter then maybe they would have told him to make absurd shit. If the majority of staff working on World understood that then maybe they wouldn't have made the armor and weapons "realistic" at all and we'd have way more good designs like the Kush weapons or the precious Gunhammer back. I think the biggest dagger is the fact that the Palicos are carrying that good shit; you'd almost rather that they didn't have them just so you could hope the Hunter would get those designs.
maybe i'm still not used to dauntless rolls, either way I'm still having some fun with the game. monhun still better but this is good until iceborne
the ability to let others know you have a microdick
some nice looking attacks, just youtube that and you'll see it
I dunno it's pretty obvious a lot of it is just lazy. You could potentially make the "attach monster parts to bone/iron bases" interesting, if you did it like lining it up along the edge of a weapon, or, I dunno, even doing it at all.
>Legiana IG
>oh wait it's not even that
>it's just a blue iron IG
But really I dislike the design philosophy because how the fuck is putting feathers on the back of this bone hammer going to make it hit harder
I don’t completely hate this design approach but the way it was implemented feels super halfassed. I would have liked to see every tree start out with a basic model with new elements being added with each update so that by the end you have a completely unique design. But all we really got was the same basic model with slapped on monster parts for every upgrade, there’s no real sense of progression. At least tbey could have tried to give the final weapon of each tree a unique design but they only did that for like 1/4th of the weapons.
We don't know yet. They'll reveal it at E3 IIRC.
pretty sure its not items, just the slinger everyone else can use unsheathed
we do know though
Okay i want that new fucking steelbook but i don't want to rebuy the full game.
>Eb games canada and gamestop have an exclusive preordering deal where you get the steelbook + a voucher for iceborne only
>Capcom's face when their social media guy wiffs the SAED in a trailer
I understand that when it comes to cutting costs in gaming, which World had to do, the art assets are always the first thing to go. And the only reason why the Japanese do so well in business is because they can cut costs and eat the next day on margins and estimating sales accurately.
I wouldn't call it lazy. I just think that some retard in Capcom needed to pinch pennies at worst and at best took some ridiculous feedback from some faggot whose entire context of killing monsters comes entirely comes from Skyrim. As much as I love Witcher 3, it wouldn't be surprising if they looked to the "realistic" designs in Witcher 3 and emulated that as a business decision - which is competent but utterly disgusting in this context. And I don't know where on the spectrum you want to place this idea but the people in that building ought to have understood what the fans loved about Monster Hunter's aesthetic and it's just incredibly likely to me that nobody in that building who did understand that aren't in the building anymore, which is super fucking common in all media. If you handed people unfamiliar with anything and told them to remake it, they'd get the broad concepts but the aesthetic would be the first to fucking eat it and I think that's what happened here.
Because we have to remember it's the Capcom redemption arc happening right now. In order for that to be a thing it means they fucked up royally in the past decade and we fucking know they fucked up as a fact. Some competencies were obviously lost and replaced by people who tried their best, made some good shit, but stumbled fairly hard on other things. You can see in DMC5 and RE2 that just not enough care was put into the enemy designs/variety even if they got the broad strokes right; the same shit happened with World.
And they didn't fix shit in World for Iceborne either. And they'll get away with it because people will still fucking buy it.
>how the fuck is putting feathers on the back of this bone hammer going to make it hit harder
Makes it more aerodynamic.
Pretty much nothing.
What the fuck is the point of long shell? When are you ever going to get more damage from standing still like a moron charging your shot than just shooting twice?
>literally a single new move
lmao hammerincels
Hammer was perfect all along.
can someone explain what the fuck that spin the HH is doing does
wheres my fucking double notes
bubbles are better
perfectly shit
They already did with valor and tempest axe
And furthermore, you have to blame the faggots who are the community ambassadors to Capcom on YouTube or whoever the fuck most of all. The only way anything unfucks itself is if there is an effort to give feedback to galvanize a course correction; it's difficult to imagine a company fixes anything after they've sold like 10 million fucking copies or whatever; if anything they'll double-down on the original game's style like the fucking Handler, which we know will be shitting up the journey, again.
And we know they say nothing. Their continued paycheques are dependent on their ability to suck Capcom's dick and offering constructive criticism is brave but always an occupational hazard. If anything, those people need to be convinced to tell Capcom to make the fucking weapons better but they won't. Most new players to this series are more interested in more shit to grind i.e. "content" and those community representatives are more than happy to spend ten minutes telling them about it. Or they'll say how fucking fantastic the Kjarr weapons are because DPS is all that matters even if they are just recolors even if most players can't fucking solo kill anything in less than 15 minutes and all the free skills won't change the fact they can't kill something like an AT monster alone.
there wasn't even any bubbles
however you want to call these
Para Swaxe is a thing you retard
Transmog unless you a filthy console peasant
>it's a new buff similar to the charged sword that makes the axe head spin on every attack and adds damage.
>makes the axe head spin on every attack
I've been using CB a lot in World and only ever used the sword and shield mode, but you probably just convinced me to use axe mode more often
They probably added it because currently nobody uses the fucking axe mode for CB outside of discharges
Where's the BOW you dumb fucking melee shitcunts with 2 digits IQ?
I used it just because the axe mode is cool as fuck, solo only though
nowhere, bow is officially deleted.
Ok, but did they add satisfying hitsounds back
>nothing personell kid-tier iaido counter for LS
wew lad
Wordbabies holy shit.
Based brainlet
they're slowly introducing layered armor sets to the game, by the next full entry I expect transmog will be just a main feature for every piece of armor
>Wordbabies holy shit
ok retard but World was not my first MH game
I sincerely doubt transmog will ever happen in the World branch
They know they can make money off of layered sets; why would they stop?
This is Capcom to a tee
Bow is getting a tampon holder for gunner QoL.
they have fixed none of the big issue and have doubled down on slinger gimmics
heres your g rank bro
>gunnerfag calling blademasters low IQ
I don't care about the slinger shit at all
Why don't they just go full Dragon's Dogma already and just do the whole climbing mechanic better?
why dont they just go full monster hunter and get rid of the climbing shit altogether
Literally what the fuck are you talking about
All the current layered sets are free to obtain and there is literally no way to even pay for them outside of the Collector's edition which is ONE layered set (Samurai)
On PC, transmog is also free and Capcom hasn't even remotely bothered with trying to police it.
Fair enough, mounting is a crutch anyhow and doesn't really add anything substantial to the game
You ARE low IQ trash shitters with way higher def and INABILITY to get 1-shot, not to mention life-steal that prevents you dumb shits from dying, yet you are always the ones who cart all the fucking time, retarded mongs.
>He says as he fires his 2000000th Cluster Bomb into a group of his allies, staggering all of them and letting 2 of them get carted, then whines about how melee is shit and brags about his "top dps" after
Bow in World is literally CoD-mode, stop being a faggot.
God, I would fucking kill for 4U HD
but transmog was tied in with the story of GU and Valstrax
Fuck, I just want to do big and slow hits with my hammer. If I wanted to fly I would play glaive.
>golf swing will NEVER be meta again
Take me back
>All these weapons got new moves
>While Hammer still literally the same with addition of claw only.
>People keep saying hammer are bad because its too simple.
>Capcom doesn't even care.
Is this how it feels to be cuck?
Why does every weapon need something new? Or want something new?
If anything, I want them to remove a few things
>remove things from hammer when its already got limited option already
>Worst range
>Worst stun(LMAO ROCK DROPS)
>Worst i frame
>No super armor.
I don't care about meta, that's all I'm doing. Fuck climbing, fuck sliding. Bring back flat maps. Monster Hunter is about big ass slow weapons not flying around.
Why are MH fags so afraid of new things?
This has to be one of the most boomer fanbases I've ever interacted with
> Bring back flat maps
Play dauntless, its free and better than any MH games combine.
The range is fine, and always has been
Hammer doesn't need i-frames or super armor beyond the side slap
Stun can be fixed easily with a numbers tweak
It's sad that people who don't even play the weapons (or evidently much of the series) are the majority now
the point of hammer is that its simple.
It's just the GUcucks
Found the babby that can't clear Behe
Asshole, i want them to remove all that crap they added to the hammer. Having simple weapons is a good thing.
Git gud faggot, range is perfect and just roll, you don't need armor.
It looks like complete shit though. I downloaded toukiden kiwami, I'm gonna try that and see.
I've never played GU though. I'm a FU/Tri fag.
but dont you enjoy this engaging new quality of life?
world is the best game dont you know!
>It's sad that people who don't even play the weapons (or evidently much of the series) are the majority now
I only play hammer because its fun, but you are delusional if hammer is underwhelming compare to others.
Its shit because it depend on raw only and head as the weakest point to target.
Meanwhile BM can target from legs to tail or wing, some of them even better because of elemental weapons works better on them.
Bow got advantage to chain stun a monster easily, while hammer struggle just to aim the head on mobile monster.
Bow even can do paraylz and sleep, while para and sleep hammer is literally dog shit.
In MP even worst, you can't aim the head properly on moving monster while other weapon can just spam attack because of their superior range and weak point addition.
use layered pieces
MH tried new things and they were fucking shit
What quality of life improvements is there, really ?
No loading time ? But you have to chase monsters through infinite corridors. I'm not against that one but it should be done in a better way. Though having separate zones with loading has the advantage that you can easily make very different looking zones without having to bother with the transition and helps having variety.
You can walk while drinking a potions ? But it takes forever and gets canceled if your character walks up a ledge or by anything and you lose your potion.
You can refill your items/tp to the camp and change your whole stuff at anytime ? IMO it remove a part of the fun.
Infinite pickaxe ? Hell yeah this one isn't bad.
>835 KB, 3050x3150
I think refilling items at base was the worst change since ledges
It gutted so much tension
item wheel is the only objective QOL change
everything else is a design change that effects how the game is played, most of them for the worse
>Already beat Exbehe solo with hammer
>Already beat An-Leshen solo with hammer
Hammer is still shit compare to most other weapons in term of kill time or CC, I don't need be in denial for it.
Yeah, I liked taking my precautions and filling my inventory with components to make more bombs and shit. I still do it by habits but I played with a lot of faggots who forgot to take everything they needed for the hunt and kept backing up to the camp to refill.
I never even tried to use the wheel so idk.
>muh kill time
The only buff the hammer needs is to improve stun or remove stun options for other weapons.
>>muh kill time
>he's okay with being useless
Might as well play HH and removed hammer.
So you can identify nofun tryhards by them looking like clowns
disable volume rendering and use a reshade profile if you want some real color in the game.
even if hitting the head was easy in multiplayer, you won't get a KO before the monster is dead.
hammer is cucked in world
is this what a good player plays like?
i just mash buttons
>Play rando SOS behe runs exclusively because other monsters bored me
>Can only manage do one stun or two i'f i'm lucky.
>Some low HR bow or HBG in the party
>Suddenly behe got stunned 3 to 5 times.
And capcom wont fix this now matter what others fag said.
The only thing I care now if only capcom make hammer less boring in Iceborne, but it seem capcom still want to cuck us.
you have 50 minutes, kill time is irrelevant outside of speedruns
>those CB changes
Based, best weapon gets better. CB Chads where we at?
>less boring
Literally just increase the fucking stun value
Why do I want them to add some stupid spammy move with 10 tens the KO value? Then I'd be forced to use nothing bu in multiplayer
Most SoS tempered run end in 3 minutes, the fuck are you on about?
I even rarely stun any monster in that runs because how fast it died.
Do you faggots actually think paintballs were good?
Is this worth pirating to try it out?
>But you have to chase monsters through infinite corridors
I swear to god it's one person saying this every time, and EVERY time I tell you about the 5000 ways you can stop them.
>will iceborne really fail to sell 10 million copies?
Why are you doubting that? Is there a single game that have seen DLC sold for 100% of copies of base game in the history of this universe?
Grank games have always sold like ~50% less then HR MH in Japan too, they only might have better numbers because they were released in the west too.
"I never even tried to use the wheel so idk."
Why gimp yourself like that?
>Literally just increase the fucking stun value
I'm not capcom you dumb fuck and they won't even care about it.
They will never removed Sticky ammo, they will never removed Rock drop.
Even if they tamper the stun value, hammer still gonna get cucked because YOU CANT AIM SHIT on some monster.
yeah so why do you care about how fast it kills when you're never gonna reach the time limit?
Actually, there is one more REAL QoL change, and that's having monster hitzone data and droprate info in the hunter's notes.
>he need paintballs
>eh the game is easy anyway, just stand on the corner and let the others baby you.
>Want to stun? don't bother man, let my sticky and rock drop do it for you.
Things that unironically stun better then hammers
>Bows Arc Shot
>SA ZSD with the Jagras Switch Axe
>CB's SAED and AED with impact phial
>Sticky Ammo level 2 and up
And with the best of all of them...
>HBG spread shot with Impact mantle (can literally get 5 stuns a hunt)
The Switch Axe was a failure, the Charge Axe was a failure, and the best Axe in MH is still just Diablos' hammer. Why has it been so hard to add a good new weapon class after the 2nd gen?
so basically you're just being a whiny bitch that you don't do the most damage, why even care it's a co-op pve game that's easy as piss
that makes me so mad right now. Why the fuck ruined my favorite rathalos switch axe to something so basic as fuck?
>SA and CB were failures
Go away hammer cuck. Game has surpassed your unga bunga golf swing days.
I haven't even tried to understand how it works, I just didn't care. I'll have to try to see now that you mentioned it.
And I know of 6000 ways to stop them but you're just fighting them in a shitty corridor and even if you want that the AI reset very fast and run away again.
You don't need paintballs once you fought a monster once or twice.
>lock yourself into using only one ammo type
It's not like HBG ever used much outside of N2 and maybe Pierce. Some situational stuff here and there sure but it always was a brute cannon
Why they are a failure?
I love them both funny as fuck
I like SA and I'm a hammerbro.
Is there blood in game yet?
No and there's no mod for it either.
My swaxefu is looking better than ever.
>>CB's SAED and AED with impact phial
I though people were joking about this, but I literally can do 3 stuns on my behe rando runs with my shitty horn build.
No,I'm being a whinny bitch because Hammer got less option compare to other weapons.
the only thing that make hammer unique is the stun, but its so underwhelmed because you can't target shit easily with it and its got shitty stun value.
Even if stun removed from this game you still can "stun" monster with KO value by hitting their head over and over again.
So you wont even need a hammer to "stun" something.
Now with Iceborne capcom wont' changed shit, while at that hammer still got nothing better added to it shitty moveset to make it less useless than other weapons.
I can’t play without it, it’s that bad
SA gives you no valid reason to use the axe mode and has 0 synergy between the modes.
CB is shit for many reasons, most prominently guard points which dumbs down the combat and red shield upkeep just being a tedious mechanic in general that unlike the LS forces you to constantly use a sub-par moveset.
I like all weapons except the LBG but they fail at what they were trying to accomplish.
>No,I'm being a whinny bitch because Hammer got less option compare to other weapons.
Hammer don't need more options at all. And the stun isn't the only thing that makes hammer unique, it's the moveset. No guard/defense, slow not cancelable attacks and not so slow movements when it's unsheathed.
KO value also exist if you hit monster legs, good luck doing decent damage on monster legs to trigger that KO proc.
That's Exhaust damage
it's always been that way though, do you want every weapon except hammer to not stun? it could be okay but I don't see it making hammer any more unique
>The stun is not only unique and shit to other weapons.
>here some other shit that makes hammer useless compare to other weapons.
LMAO, you just make hammer sounds like a failed GS because its only can hit monster head as their only hitzone.
I love people bitching about the Hammer because it's the one weapon that hasn't changed one bit since the first game.
You know something is wrong when a weapon goes from being mediocre to OP to low tier without actually going anywhere.
>Hammer is different because it doesn't handle like any other weapon
>DUUUURRR Hammer is like GS
It would be fine if it just had normal stun values, it's fucked in world for some reason, it can't KO shit compared to the other weapons capable of KO'ing
The problem with hammer is they buffed other weapons in each series while doesn't add anything to the hammer.
>it's the one weapon that hasn't changed one bit since the first game.
Fuck you it changed too much. I don't want to spin all the time.
hammer has the best sliding attack in the game next to dual blades
You can used DB/LS/GS and hit any Wyverns type monster legs and it will do KO drop.
That's like saying the Gunlance had the best underwater moveset. Being the best at a shitty mechanic.
And you can speedrun shit super fast if you abuse it though this isn't how hammer should be. Remove that fucking shit.
DB got superior hitzone though, hammer can only hit the head.
Using blos with spin attack with hammer will turn your white to blue in no time because you can't proc weakness exploit with hammer if you miss the head.
>Shitting on underwater combat.
>Speed run with slope spin
What kind of retard solo speed runner do this?
read fucking this
Hammer speedrunner abuse ledge jump attack, not slope you idiot.
That's just a trip dude. A monster only counts as KO's if you see starts on they're head when they fall over.
No TA's abuse the slope attack dumbass. They might use it once but dps drops alot since you're spending time going up slopes instead of attacking
>A monster only counts as KO's if you see starts on they're head when they fall over.
That's why I said "Stun" with a quote you imbecileWhy even bother aim for the head when you can do the same by hitting on the legs with weapons that provide more damage to that hitzone.
kos last like twice as long as trips
Not solo speedrun but 2 players speedrun in arena.
And harder to aim on agile monster unless you a HBG or bow or monster with high head position.
Even worst on MP, where most of Blademaster only aim for the legs and can trigger trip much faster and more often.
Even worst Stun will proc less often after first one because the value to proc it got higher
Even worst the trip value for second trip on legs or head stay the same even if you do it over and over again.
>Even worst the trip value for second trip on legs or head stay the same even if you do it over and over again.
If anyone need prove for this check any LS speed run on Kushala Daora and see the KO on the head still proc on same DPS over and over again.
god eater is better
>234 posts
>no rooms
Do any of you even play the game?
Waiting for AT Derpboy to come out next week baby, can't wait to go back to slide land and have him tear me a new one
aaaaaaaand Great Maccao claims another worldlet scalp (1:22:35 fight starts)
>no rooms
Literally any weeb game this board supposedly loves besides smash. You think MonHun frauds are bad? There are so many fake guilty gear fans here it's incredible.
>Using charged attack on agile monster
Even by world standard this guy is retarded, its like using Charged 3 attack on Odo or Kulu,
Did HH get any buffs
I have nothing to do anymore in world except wait for iceborn, and whenever we get arch tempered nergigante
There's still HR999 to get to before Iceborne lands.
If these are straight buffs to the already OP crutchblade I'm going to be fucking livid.
I haven't played in months and some buddies want me to play again but it's on PC and I have zero urge to start over and lose all my shit
Guess I'll be playing iceborne solo
I wouldn't be in this thread if I was playing right now
I feel like MonHun is the one coop series where playing with RL buddies puts a damper on things. Maybe it's the fact that everyone gets funneled into looking the same and playing the same. I dunno. I just always had more fun solo or with randos than i did with friends.
To be fair he only triple carted once. Got it second go. Still...
is that uragaan?
Same though since nobody talks in MHW it's been less interesting.
what weapon should I try to learn if I play gs and hammer right now? nothing else seems as fun.
CB is another hard hitter weapon (with axe attacks), and can KO too (with impact phials).
They look lame. Even less time spent hitting the monster, even more time spent doing other shit.
Me: >hey you wanna fight behemoth he was just released, I hear his armour is pretty good
friend: >Nah, would rather farm jewels desu
Stopped playing with him after that
Yeah that's a fundamental problem with the game and also why im not a big fan of world. It's a problem present in all the MP games but World triggered me because they made it clear they have no intention on fixing the actual flaws and instead wanna do patchwork QoL shit like the auto pots. It just makes no sense in principal to me. You aren't going to implement stuff that would actually improve QoL like having more joint farm and hunting opportunities but hey now you don't have to go into the menu to make megapotions! As if making mega potions was anything anyone gave a fuck about. All it does is make it so retards don't throw the controller against the wall because of the U.I. Hardly QoL for anyone with a few brain cells.
BASED Maccao does it again
HH can place down buff zones now. Hard to say if it's a buff right now or not because it could end up being completely busted or completely useless depending on how exactly it works.
In world? It can plant buff bubbles on the ground. One of the buffs shown through this was increased movement and improved evasion or something.
The new axe mode buff for CB supposedly changes the phial expenditure into a timer.
>During hypercharge, your phials are continuously drained over time, and if you run out, the mode ends.
XX Swaxe has similar art
What's the name of the art?
What's more, it seems lance gets some kind of knockback protection when it uses the claw counter, so you might basically be guaranteed to pull off the tenderizer attack as long as the monster isn't enraged.
Demon Riot.
I believe he's referring to Demon's Riot
>akes the elemental energy within a Switch Axe and rather than unleashing it, keeps it sealed and pent up to a dangerous degree. Sword Mode attacks are stronger, but the Switch Gauge depletes over time.
Oh it works just like the Frontier one.
From what it looks like, only wymstake with the slinger ammo is powered up, pretty underwhelming imo
Too lazy to look it up. How are we looking glaivebros?
It just overrides the old one, doesn't it?
Basically whenever you pick up some strong slinger ammo, just jam it in your gun(lance).
IG and Bow will most likely be shown tomorrow, and then the Bowguns the day after.
Can you use CE on PC to get all decos? Might switch over but fuck farming again for that shit
You have a mod for that.
A quick look brought up body a drop rate mod and power melder which both look super appealing. Thank you for the info user
>Pizza cutter is back
You also have a mod that lets you buy every single item in the game including jewels.
Gunlance reporting in. Disappointed
>Tempest Axe slam finisher is back
Praise be!
That's exactly what they're trying to fix with the new Axe move
Because its new bomb move uses picked up pellets, thus your claw attack drops one for you.
>My real issue with CB is how chunky it is, there is no fluidity to the weapon.
That user is posting from bizarro Yea Forums.
thats sounds nice but can Capcom fuck you over and ban you for it. I still don't know their view on modding
All you all newfags?
MHW is the start of the next decade+ of MonHun, so it follows the aesthetic of the 1st gen which was also washed out compared to the eye-bleeding saturation of 4U for example.
As more games release you'll eventually get more saturation, crazier designs, etc just like before.
Seriously the thought of Tribabies/4Ufags opining on anything scares me.
They never banned anybody as far as I know even the people who obviously cheat and have weapons that do 3000000 damages.
I'm a FU fag and I can definitely say that there's an ugly filter on World.
well that puts my mind to ease. Might pop it in later
Check out the graphical mods. There's one to fix the ugly textures that comes from a bug that Capcom never fixed.
Unless you have a source to back up your claim I'm going to chalk the (minor) similarities to the first gen's aesthetic to coincidence.
this one?
wasn't the whole point of the 20 gb High Resolution Texture pack to fix that?
No. It's the Uragaan's Cookie n' Cream-variant cousin.
No, it's still useful, they break other stuff with the texture pack.
No one but SnS can use items while unshealthed, they can only use flash/sonic bombs and singler ammo. SnS is the only one who can access all items like pots/mushrooms/etc.
That being said SnS got a jump that grapples monsters, so you can reach a flying Rathalos or monsters with high heads like Vaal or Kulve.
It also got a new elemental/status boost combo and I think a new dash (?) just go watch the video.
Oils suck and I hope they never ever come back, boring passives and nothing else.
The spin move adds a special note to your song. Once you play it leaves a buff on the ground which other players can pass through to pick up. It adds new buffs that HH never had in mainline.
Not unles you play on PC.
Game is full of color on PC.
Mostly becouse most GPUs have suport for Figital vibrance and you can disable blur and volumetric smurf cum on camera lense filter.
FU is the last ever 2nd gen game, not 1st gen.
Look at Tri as the other example, it wasn't a real reboot at all but it was kind of marketed as such, it also has less saturation and more earthy tones.
>FU is the last ever 2nd gen game, not 1st gen.
It still had the same colors of gen 1. Gen 2 is very similar to gen 1.
World damagecontrolfag
OP picture mayas well be B&W
There's a slight difference. There's more fog and environmental clutter in 1st gen. But yeah the most drastic difference came in 3rd gen after Tri. 3U and P3rd upped the colors, then 4/4U and X/XX seemingly want your eyes to bleed.
Just saying, it consistently happens whenever the word "reboot" is around.
>Look at Tri as the other example, it wasn't a real reboot at all but it was kind of marketed as such, it also has less saturation and more earthy tones.
I'm not sure, man. Comparing FU to Tri they both look basically the same to me, not really seeing a significant change.
I agree that 4 and X are bad on that point but World definitely have a problem.
Maybe he played Tri on a TV that was too saturated.
Like I said, Tri wasn't overly saturated either, that was my point.
The first real jump was with non-Tri 3rd gen titles and then a LOT with 4th gen and the shit spin-off.
I feel that MHW's palette is very similar to older MonHun, but since it has more screen-wide particle/fog effects it further desaturates. I'm just glad we didn't get a Witcher Blood&Wine treatment like we did with the last 2-3 games.
Everything can grapple monsters now
Ancestral Steppe from MH4 is one of the most beautiful maps MH has ever seen - and it is very colourful
t. Sony fanboy
The two best MH are FU and Tri.
Ah, I see where you're coming from now.
Personally I disagree since even MH1 had a lot of color overall but they hadn't really found their stride in terms of the design since it was their first attempt at it.
Whereas World just is very dull. Even in the renders here comparing Tri's and World's Uragaan. But you are right in that the particles drown out a lot of the color, which I really dislike personally. Stuff like the scoutflies and that red glow during charging attacks around the hunter just look really bad in terms of the look and color balance.
Oh shit yeah, is there also one that will let me bypass low rank or one that let's me get event quest shit since I missed all that?
Yeah, there's a mod to get event quests. Dunno if there's one to skip quests though but you could give your weapon infinite damages or something with CE and do them very quickly.
I loved 4U. Not my fault that 3rd gen was ruined by water and X/XX are simply shit games. So yes on balance MonHun games are better outside Nintendo systems, but not because of Sony (or Nintendo for that matter).
And frankly I hated playing on a 3DS because I'd do it at home 99% of the time and had to get neckpain and eyestrain, at least with the PSP there were cheap cables available to display the image on TV. Never bothered to mod my 3DSxl
>3rd gen was ruined by water
Faggot. Specially if you liked the MH4 shitty verticality.
At least 4U's shit verticality didn't ruin my entire movement, weapon moveset and depth perception.
Just like X/XX's arts/styles trash, I'm glad underwater is forever and ever dead with that gen.
Just learn how to swim and git gud, it's really not that hard.
I did.
I'm just glad I no longer have to.
finally a MH thread without rampant console wars, dog bless
Don't mention it, they might hear you
Aerial CB was easily the most stylish meme.
Prove me wrong.
>HH songs but other retards have to stop what they are doing and walk into it (which they wont)
what where they thinking?
It’s a buff for people that aren’t in the area yet I guess
No more corner horners. Now you have to play your music where the fight is if you want to buff other hunters. And if you still play in the corner then the hunters (and monster) will come to you.
They're supposed to give buffs HH otherwise can't give, and when you place a bubble you do a performance as you normally would so it's not like it's a replacement, just an optional addition (if you add the extra note)
>what where they thinking?
if they wanted to discourage corner horners they could add some some of system that rewards hitting the monsters consistently
maybe it empowers your notes somehow
maybe even doubles them
Wow! I cant wait to buy this content pack and still be half a year behind the PS4 version again! capcom is cool
>No more corner horners
Not going to happen. Unless there's a mechanic like double notes that's basically just "HIT THE FUCKING MONSTER YOU RETARD" they're not going to stop.