What game let me stab a friend?
What game let me stab a friend?
Other urls found in this thread:
japs are mentally ill
>you will never have a yandere gf
feels bad man
Japs are the most sane population. Don't project, tranny.
What was the cause? was it a boy?
she was literally an irl yandere
obsessed over her bf so much she decided to kill him
Turns out they arent just in need of wild sex like some people imagine but are actually crazy.
post the bloody notebook kino
lmfao you are a fucking retard m8
people are already setting up gofundme pages to bail her ass out. i wish i had thought of that.
They weren't in a relationship.
lol you'll die @ 30
Why the fuck would anyone do that? So she can go find the guy in the hospital and finish the job? I swear to God...
>incel males turn into wizards
>incel females turn into assassins
Those are Koreans, OP's pic is Japanese you stupid faggot.
what happened here?
exactly what it looks like
That's yangire, not yandere.
user, there's no difference.
and what does it look like?
A guy ran forward and then that's it?
I get that "the show must go on", but come on.
Yes there is, Koreans are a slave race which has consistently been dominated and/or outperformed by the Japanese their entire history.
>tfw you didn't see the person on the ground after like 4 watches
I need to go to fucking sleep
Blinded? Seizure?
Why did she fell? Epileptic shock? What happened to her?
Nice thighs.
Yeah, I too wish I was a japanese living there when child porn was legal to obtain
yeah. working yourself to death is what sane people do.
if the genders were reversed everyone would be calling him an incel
he wasnt her boyfriend
the reason she stabbed him is because he refused to fuck her
I don't get it. How could she do wrong? She was so cute. It's like a sign to watch out for these now. I guess actually if someone whores herself out on social media, it's already a good sign to fuck off.
>wearing a collar
The signs were there.
>if the genders were reversed and he was ugly everyone would be calling him an incel
Fixed for you. If a hot guy stabbed a girl to death he'd have his own fanclub before he even gets behind bars.
mental health
She has autism or mental illness in her eyes
>the reason she stabbed him is because he refused to fuck her
why do girls do this?
I refused like 4 girls or so and they go apeshit. Literally a race of troglodytes
Ted Bundy
Those are literally of all her instagram pictures, don't call her a whore.
>your prime reason for living is to get impregnated
>not angry when this doesn't happen
What do men do again?
Kek, the US isn't far off. On top of that, if we count just whites, the US is FAR ahead of Japan. Our rate is also skyrocketing far faster than Japan. These figures are from 2016, so it's probably much closer now.
tl:dr you have no point
three words: Borderline Personality Disorder
Holy shit South Korea is way up there with all the other random nobody countries. What the fuck do they got going on that's worse than Japan?
Classic psycho eyes
they're called BPD eyes
dead and glassy
Most men handle rejection much better than women, because they've had to deal with it their whole life. Even a normal women will have a fit if you turn her down. Like 90% won't stab you but the average women gets way more upset about rejection than the average man, because they're entitled children having been handed everything due to their vag.
they're contact lenses.
Except now when it comes to music or soap operas
Japanese girls are lining up to work for Korean idol production companies
>iceland and finland that high
i know 6 months of cold and darkness is a bitch but come on!
Women literally only have one tool, one bargain chip, and it's the vagina.
It's worked forever, but it's weakening in modern times. If you don't believe me, look around.
Why are feminists so up in arms over sex robots? "They can't consent and it's rape" KEK
Why are men's rights groups that are far more tame than the feminist counterparts classified as "hate groups"?
Why is a stock woman's argument always about sex? Incel, have sex, all that shit is the shaming language they always use. It's funny because they have no points and no arguments.
>What do men do again?
Well for example, I dont.
>got /fit/ and /fa/
>whenever I'm out with friends a slag or two will try their luck
>mfw rejecting them and seeing their faces get overcome with incomprehension
Their society is MORE high stress than Japan, believe it or not. Think of how hard they worked to get where they are since WW2 and then the big 1997 economic crash scaring everyone into working to death. Also, factor in a broken country psyche (half your people are under an insane dictator), non-treatment of mental illness to make the US look like the world leader, and their old people are always broke (that's why they're the biggest group of people killing themselves).
This, pic very related
fuck off
You thought japanese work culture was bad?
Mix that with neo-confusianism. People in japan work themselves to death, literally, not really suicide.
In Korea that shit drives you to suicide quick. Also social culture is tied to the same standards as celebrities. I kid you fucking not k-pop bullshit is rotting korean culture to the core
the big light flash gave her an epileptic shock and she just crashed on the floor
Like pottery
this may sound like vlad the implier but im still virgin and 25 but fit and good looking.
Had/still have many chances but refused them because they arent on my league.
The feel when you refuse a slut is so fucking good. Especially when they slowly go mad about it and act like the problem is something else
>United States is the exact opposite
Japan is absolutely based.
I have the same eyes and it sucks because I know they scare people but I don't mean to.
getting ripped is admirable but I do hope you don't dress like those retards
thanks for proving my point. Protip for my white knight broski: chicks actually don't like you because you're nice. That's why you never catch tail. Sorry.
>chart lists only reported suicides
>Japan doesn't often report suicides in part due to their social structures and unwillingness to deal with mental illness
>suicides are often doctored as 'acute cardiac arrest'
>Japan praises this as being 'the sign of a hard worker'
Personally for me its my ugly face thst scares people
Why did the anime version get a different nose? She looks nothing like the actual girl.
Literally run by a feminist cult.
it's funny how some guys think being nice to women and agreeing with everything they say is going to get them laid
it literally has the opposite effect
women dont want to fuck guys that get pushed around by women
Alright, faggots. You'll get to spend the night with her, but she will stab you the next morning. Would you do it?
just post fanart
Might actually have an oldfag up at this hour.
>N-No it can't he true!!! Japan is supposed to be shit!!!
Which are you, lefty mad about open borders, righty mad about gun control, or Korean?
>Toga and 02 cosplays
it's not like she didn't warn the guy kek
Wait what, reading this again, I realize that it's saying it's mainly females in Japan as opposed to US where it's kind of equal, but more men. Ironically, SK is equal for both sexes. Why do females off themselves so much? You would think it's men who work.
>country with a very tolerant attitude for suicide compared to the west
>it's a hot social issue there
>the WHO counted suicides on that list the same way for all counties
why is there always a "the numbers are fake!" guy?
post her recent pics, she cute and happy now.
Isn't it called the Eight Goddess' or something like that?
here you go.
Does his jacket spell out fag?
women attempt suicide far more often than men, but most of them fail because they use shitty methods like pill overdoses
nah, it's 40 men to 25 chicks. Men are 2x likely to kill themselves after a divorce there. The black pill stings.
Can I get a rundown? Who got stabbed?
Look at the number (per 100k people), not ranking which is just comparing with other countries. The only place on that list where females commit suicide more than men is #2, Lesotho.
it gets shit done, instead the west has devloped this mind set of get in to do the bare minimum, and then get out and hope you spend half your life on vacation not being of any contribution to anyone
The blackest eyes. The Devil's eyes.
Read the thread.
I see that I misread it again, apparently men do it so much the rankings are fucked up beyond relief. Rank 20 for women is like way off from Rank 40 for men which is way higher. Like 2x more despite being ranked way lower.
look how big her eyes get, damn, even asians can get the impossible done if they put their mind to it
>that Toga cosplay
>stabs her friend like a week after they release a Boku no my Hero Academy chapter where Toga stabs a friend whom she fancies.
Any suggestions on how i would acquire one?
Some girl fell in love with a guy working at a host club and they started living together. It seems like she thought they were exclusive or something, but he was seeing other people (either because of his job or personally) and she found out by looking at his phone.
After finding out, she stabbed him and a photo of her sitting next to him looking at her phone while he has blood pouring out of him spread online.
try killing yourself you pathetic loser
Be attractive enough to be hired by a host club.
IRL Yandere. Claims she had to kill the man so that he can't love anyone else.
maybe she thought Toga was going to die for real after getting blown up so she gave up on the series kek
Post the pic where she smokes
Did he die?
They must have been wrestling or something like damn. No modern killer gets this much blood on themselves. It's like straight out of a movie.
No chad survived because he's chad.
comma matters
So what's the state of things now in 2019?
absolutely 10/10
Contrary to what anime might have you believe this is what actual insanity is.
Never even heard of a host club before. Thats a pretty cool concept. Unless its just a way to abuse the prostitution loophole.
Would actually like something like that. Being able to go out and just talk to someone and have a few drinks.
Sounds easier than actually getting friends too.
>can't read
why am I not surprised?
Based. That incel fag who she stabbed probably deserved it
Unfortunately, it's real. She straight up took on the identity of a yandere and murdered the shit outta the guy.
me in the back
This is the exact same argument used against Japan having low crime, murder and pedophilia rates.
Why do you spout such unreliable nonsense?
Do you hate the fact that the Japanese could be superior in ways that you have to pull shit out of your ass?
Why do you hate the Japanese?
I remember reading a similar story about a japanese chick who killed this rockstar she was dating because she wanted to BE him. Anyone else know what i'm talking about? I can't remember the details unfortunately
Tbf he cheated on her. She wouldnt be the first person to kill someone for cheating on them
So Yandere is real?
then explain how is he still alive
>she's casually sitting and calling someone while smoking instead of being face down with the cuffs
>cops just stand around doing nothing while the guy is bleeding out in the back
Yeah, this is obviously fake, you fucking gullible tards.
Not a gook, but I read sometime ago that the "megalia cult" was being ousted from the senate, along with some other extremeist feminist groups. Apparently all that shit blew up in part because they were supporting a woman who raped a boy in australia or something like that.
People usually don't go down after a single stab like in the movies ya know.
Based on the articles I read about the incident, it seems like guys working at host clubs often start living at various girl's houses. She just misunderstood their relationship.
yes but it fucking sucks IRL as is all 3DPD
Its all over the news here in japan
turns out the boy friend was stabbed because he thought that having a phone call with another girl while having sex with a yandere girlfriend was a nice idea
Hory shet, how did that pic get out? Did she do it in broad daylight?
>child porn was legal to obtain
loli is fucking gross, we all know that, but i think is a little too extreme comparing it to cp
Is that why they kill themselves?
Isekai bullshit.
people don't always die when they're killed
What was it she was doing here again? I think she was making a completely unrelated call and seemingly completely calm.
>crocs and smoking
Seriously yucks.
No, actual 3dpd was legal to have until very recently.
Who, the westerners or the Japanese? Westerners kill themselves cause their lives have no purpose and they don't believe in anything.
I can understand this because for all you (the performer) knows, this could be a test, the person is just looking for attention, and or they want to see if you can perform under stress.
He's hollow.
they're called lightbulbs
>get stabbed and barely survive
>whole internet praises and cheers for your almost-murderer
At least it's unlikely he browses western degenerate internets
lucky dude
The only thing murdered here was fashion
And that dude in the backround
>smoking is bad
let me guess, you also believe the vaccines cause you autism and the earth is flat
Bitch is just one fade-into-black and dadrock-playing-in-the-background away from being a Tarantino film ending.
Her instagram/tiktok are kino
Those things aren't even remotely related to each other.
Aren't some non-nude gravure films of teens still sold openly?
Wearing string bikinis and pouring lotion over themselves while bouncing on some inflatable pool toy?
To be fair the light on the officers back makes it looks like day time too.
now THAT is cosplaying.
>dude woman are fucking crazy whores who will fall in love with men who are killers
>meanwhile this thread is full of incels falling in love with a female killer
just wait until you find out how many women cream their panties over Ted Bundy despite him killing 35 women
Not a shock. Even the ugliest nasty looking serial killer gets TONS of pussy thrown at them. Even that goofy looking movie shooter.
>n-no those statistics are false!
Why Japan thought selling that shit was a good idea? There isn’t any law for children protection? What the actual fuck?
Gonna be watching pixiv, but of course twitter is clutching their pearls
nevermind all the fangirls that are in love with serial killers
bring up the statistics faggot, they're not going to land in your favor
who took the photo? And why?
This as 3 years ago. What is going on now?
Wanna take a bet on which sex suffers from it more? Hmmmmm?
I wonder how many views this had before she stabbed that fag.
>the music is fucking chururira
Just because you look good it's ok to stab people, if she was a he or ugly everyone would hate her.
pls tell me she got 40 years for this
im talking real child porn. I think thats the reason why they are so into loli stuff since thats the only legal child related thing left.
she did pure kino artistic work and he didn't even die
The legal age to get married didn't get bumped up to a national minimum of 16 until the 2000s. Prior to that it was legal to marry 13 year-olds in some prefectures
Probably either tho police or the press.
I still found funny how weebshitters delusional about Japan. Japanese people are still insects just like Chinese.
>then get out and hope you spend half your life on vacation not being of any contribution to anyone
That's Europeans, Americans work way harder, not only in their own country but being the worlds military so that useless Europeans can use that money they would otherwise have to spend on defense on more social programs just to turn around scoffing Americans not being as civil and generous with their welfare.
Fucking losers.
Probably a passerby. I mean the crime looks like it took place in a lobby of sorts.
no shit user
yes. A lot of them are still actual cp in the background though. Some recently got taken down.
actually it was more of full nude was allowed, originally for artistic/educative purpose, but of course the market found a way. It wasn't considered sex if there wasn't copulation so they went wild with innuendo, or having the girls playing with dildos or getting things spilled on them while doing "gymnastic"
bros wheres my yandere gf
You can't trust anyone who does tiktok either.
You're getting it.
Dude this is Japan, not your ape infected shithole.You don't let civilians near a crime scene.
I don't think anyone thinks that. But everyone can agree that she's cute as fuck.
Dude i wouldnt even let an uggo talk to me.
This qt can stab me all day long.
totally unrelated, but there was a game I saw the other day here on Yea Forums that was in development, but I can't remember the name of it for the life of me. it was turn based, the main character had a primarily pink outfit, and used a chainsaw as her weapon. it was very weeb trash and one odd thing was that unlike a lot of turn based rpgs you are on the left side of the screen fighting instead of the right.
pls help me anons
Japan... Japan never change
bless them
Only for men. If you're a dude and you kill people you'll get 10/10s sending you nudes in prison.
Men only like the hot black widows, and it's INCREDIBLY rare. That Australian bitch Katherine Knight and Aileen Wuornos were ugly as fuck.
>big tits
fanart was a mistake
unironically wallpaper tier material 10/10
rip the unfortunate man that died for this art
Well that’s fucked up
How can a weak cute girl like this even stab you.
That wasnt a chad. More like a faggot
Based on what? They clearly have different culture and attitudes but your feelings are more important right?
You hate Japanese for whatever reason and then pull shit out of your ass to justify it.
>less violent
But they are bad because? Something about them hurts your feelings? What bugs you so much about them?
Ok but why did you have to mock the tranny?
it doesn't take a lot of strength to stab someone unless you're using a butter knife, my dude
Id let her gut me head to toe just to suck a fart out of her ass with a straw
>it gets shit done
You've obviously never worked with Japanese companies. They literally sit down spinning pencils for hours a day because they need upper management approval to even print a fucking paper
>wahaaa I'm a foreigners I was an asshole and people didn't like me, they are all racist
that's all I read there.
Wether they work harder or not the mentality is still there, everyone is waiting to retire, everyone is trying to get out of their job and go on vacation, crunch time is looked down upon as a negative thing, that concept of overwork and dying is seen as something to avoid at all costs, it's like there's this lack of understanding that hard work lifts a country up towards the future, that you would work hard at something because you genuinley believe in it and that the work you do has value, Japs will work hard on something even if it might not make a ton of money, Westerners have an exceedingly difficult time with this concept.
>japanese cosplayer that cosplays yandere characters
>3d yandere
muh dick
Germany was 14 until 2012
gotta love all the ugly bitches whining that men like this qt
>dude TRUST ME
why did you even save that asswipe "message"?
literally have sex incels
feel bad for the guy and his family to think that people are empathizing with his killer over him
You do realize that knives pierce shit ridiculously easy?
Surely you can't be this fucking retarded. I know retards lurk here, but this is autistic on levels that shouldn't be possible.
>He doesn't believe that the 80/20 rule is very real
oh you sweet naive child
have you ever held a knife before
wish I had that picture of all the cows talking shit about that Korean gymnast
ugly femcel bitch detected. lose weight, tubby
Unless it's the US, then a dude just shoot up his school.
Do you think you live in an anime where weapons can't hurt you if you are strong enough?
I just want to become one of the 20...
>less violent
yeah, because you can’t buy guns in japan and it’s also a first world country. what did you expect?
>person does thing crazy
Why do people do this? Genuinely, I've never understood this logic.
in b4 a list of bad shit about Japan. Yes. I know they have high suicide rates and an oppressive work culture. Every country has societal issues of some kind though.
>you will never be that boy
Hotline yandere when?
oh look
was right again. White knights are absolute comedy if only for the sad irony of them saying "have sex". It's not a magic spell that's going to make it come true for you
>They literally sit down spinning pencils for hours a day because they need upper management approval to even print a fucking paper
that's literally everywhere, you jobless monkey.
>Western couples tend to pool their salaries together and split expenses more or less evenly
In the middle east you could marry also a child, right? I heard that somewhere
>but it's weakening in modern times.
You're crazy, it's stronger than ever. Vagina didn't mean shit when conservative values were in play, it's the new wave of liberalism and it being acceptable to fuck around like those tinder whores do that gave them that power. There is higher demand than there is supply, they can pick and choose.
Well, did they release her already?
>having thin virgin skin that can be penetrated by a simple knife operated by a girl
Oh no no no no
canada was 14 for a while too. at least when i was 14 it was
I want to believe but it's just some shmuck on leddit so this have about as much credibility as my own farts.
Ure a fukkin idiot. Some roastie spergs out and kills a guy that could have been any of us. And then she just sits there cinematically smoking a cig and nobody bashes her head in. That blood in the pic, that is our blood.
I love these kinds of worthless vague ass fucking comments about things like this.
That happens literally everywhere that office workers exist you dumbass.
>pink nipples
italy is still 14
seems perfect
Im glad i had sex when i was 15. That knife immunity really comes in handy.
Absolute fucking moron. It's a crowded country, many people live in apartments with their family. Love hotels are for couples to have some privacy, not because it's a country full of sex-crazed maniacs.
I've read blog from russian mom who lives in Japan. Shit was wild.
I like this image.
Once again, no answers just more bullshit.
You have a problem, you are not coming to an opinion based on a solid reason but an irrational, emotional response.
Yes, that's how healthy relationships work, user
not every single guy is a beta doormat that lets his woman walk over him
Sorry for germany. Age of consent was 14 until 2012. This included out of wedlock. Dunno what romeo/juliet laws they have/had though
Some of the stuff he said sounds kinda true but I'm just getting GaijinGoomba vibes from this shit.
it's 16 now, but Canada has weirdly overcomplicated Romeo and Juliet laws so 14 is still the AoC if you're under 18
It's probably biological. Women subconsciously view killers as aggressive and masculine, men see it as a warning sign that the woman isn't fit to bear his offspring.
There's a lot of that sure, especially at more normal jobs, but you look at the entire video game industry, and in large a lot of the industries that require creative talent, compared to the west it's waaaay more focused on work, western vidya companies and celebreties like John Carmack or Peter Molyneux, it's like they're only making games just so they can get a paycheck so they can take a vacation on some island somewhere, that at the end of the day that means more to them then what they're making in their office.
You look at Japanese devs and their works just completely consumes them, all throughout their lives, way past the point where most westerners would consider there life's work done, they're just never done, as long as they remain sane they continue to work into old age. Anime too, old dinosaurs like Miyazaki just refuse to quit, because they genuinely understand that the work they do in life means more than stuff like family or taking time off, because family ends, the days you take off for yourself will eventually not mean anything once your dead, but your work lives on forever, and you are leaving something for the next generation when you realize that doing things with a purpose supersedes your own happiness.
>I have never seen tiddies before
dumbfuck, there's white girls with brown nipples. You have no excuse. That shit is ONLINE now.
And just like that, YandereDev has yet another fucking thing he'll try program into his "game".
>Zero Two cosplay
Fucking wife material
Reminder to always stick your dick in crazy.
>doing things with a purpose supersedes your own happiness
I wish you the best of luck user
remember that life is always a struggle and everyday is a battlefield
Do you the link for the russian mom blog?
No cares about how happy you are faggot, do shit with a purpose
This is going to be the cover of my rap album
That's why MGTOW should be popular, let's fuck them, men should gain power once again.
>have sex
Have children. Have a traditional functioning family the way Jesus Christ intended for you to have. Have a body not tainted by tattoo and piercing mutilation. Have a life free of hedonism.
i care as i am me, i don't expect other people to care
happiness in itself is purpose
Your post doesn't contradict what he said, brainlet.
>cosplay bitches
maybe, but care about other people to faggot
I wanna have sex with her
>it's just like my animes
This is westerners too
>when a boogie vid pops up on your recc feed
Iceland is so remote, you'd have to cross the ocean to meet people. There are no proper icelandic cities, there is literally just one that comes close, the capital where just a little over 100k people live.
fuck up fat bitch
>pee drinking idiot
Guess like you didn’t get it. Why would be good that a country is productive and intelligent when all the citiziens are over exploited. People need to live, a japaneses don’t live, that’s why there is a big amount of weeb or people that are all the in the house. You shouldn’t force a person work almost all the day just because muh honor.
b..b..but MGTOW is a HATE group! You wouldn't want to be a part of a HATE group, would you?
We might have to contact your employer and them know if so!
>fatass american actually believed that jap women will fuck him simply for being white
>started REEEEEEing once it didn't happen
would Yea Forums take 2 or 3 randomly placed stabs if it meant having a 10/10 cutie nip girlfriend(wife) if you survive? keep in mind she'll look like whatever a 10/10 is to you personally and give in to your every desire.
>I am so badass I could totally kill all terrorist myself if I wanted too
I have the feeling she gained most of those 60k+ followers very recently. Regardless, she cute. Would love to get stabbed by her.
is it the only pic?
Ok but how does that prove that what this dude is saying have any credibility? I ain't saying what he said can't be true, but I'm also saying the only thing this guy provided is "DUDE I live in Japan. Trust me." Even if he was indeed in Japan who is to say that he ain't just another salty gaijin who couldn't score like that one youtuber with a goomba avatar?
there's no putting the genie back in the bottle, dude. I am atheist and even I can see the fucking failure that was the breakdown of the traditional family unit.
Umm, she's a GIRL, girls in japan are to be treated gently. No one cares about men in japan.
there is people that think that japs have the white fever? OH NO NO NO NO NO NO
Also, aren’t jap kinda xenophobes or something like that?
>beta weebs obsessed with the crazy chink
This is why white people are dying off. You're all pathetic. I would have kicked that bitch's kneecap in and wringed her neck the second she came at me with a knife instead of almost getting killed by a woman like that cuck.
>would Yea Forums take 2 or 3 randomly placed stabs if it meant having a 10/10 cutie nip girlfriend(wife) if you survive?
Or any other serial killer on death row.
pretty sure its still 14
afaik france wants to lower it to 13
Yeah, sure. I'm that state where I daydream about dying for close to 15 years now but am too much of a pussy to ever do it.
No agency = why not? It's a win/win!
gladly, I don't have much to live anyway
Not if I stab her first
>If you live you get a qt GF
>If you die at least you know that it was by the hands of a qt
I fail to see the downside in this.
T. seething cumrag unable to marry
Sure you would've
>AoC laws aside form California's mattering to normies especially on the internet
Everyone seems to act like even 20 is over the fucking line these days.
Touch a nerve tranny?
>He can't beat up a woman, even if she's armed
Is this before or after activating your sharingan?
>spend night with her
Doing what?
I don't speak japanese, we couldn't converse so we couldn't banter playing vidya or like watch a movie together
>Any suggestions on how i would acquire one?
be ridiculously attractive
the guy she stabbed was a male model who refused to fuck her
She can just kill me, I don't want to be tainted.
>There are people who don't believe the stuff said in
>is true
One of my friends from Vladivostok lived in Japan for 2 years, the stuff said in that picture is 100% true
Stabbing wouldn't even be necessary because I'd immediately agree the first time she asks me out. Was there ever a reason given for why the guy didn't just go out with her? She looks pretty cute.
What if she counter-stabs your stab?
No, we don’t gamble with our life. We work for it so it’s worth it. Having it handed to you is disgusting.
>summer is starting and all of these prime teens are walking around in shorts and slutty tanktops
>tfw too beta to take advantage of this
Oh yeah? My dad works for Abe and he said that the stuff in that image is completely 100% false.
Sorry, I don't partake in weebshit so I have no idea what a sharingan is. Stay seething at you impotence though.
>he is on guard 24/7 against his girlfriend, always watching with eagle eyed precision for her to backstab him
you sound more retarded every time you post. You'd be the first to die, without a doubt.
>dudes so lonely they'd risk death for a girlfriend
this is the Yea Forums I remember
You unironically can't afford living expenses in a lot of places unless you do.
Yes, crossing fingers for keeping my cock, balls, ass, tongue and eyes intact tho.
>if you survive
Remember fellas, always read twice before you sign
>We work for it so it’s worth it.
So you die without ever having it and having wasted your life striving for a goal which you never had any chance of achieving?
why are black so violente toward women?
and with black i meant afro americans because i doubt africans are like that