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Can't wait for all the Trump memes and general fuck ups 2020 Evil Genius will bring.

Surely this won't be as bad as the Dungeon Keeper revival

>Dungeon Keeper revival
Wasnt that just a mobile game>

>Can't wait for all the Trump memes and general fuck ups 2020 Evil Genius will bring.
I hate the current SJW invasion, no humor no fun just POWERFUL AND BRAVE STATEMENTS

So why aren't you making a game?
I agree with your sentiment, buyt bitching on this mongolian fish farming board ain't gonna do shit.
It's never been easier to make a game. Make one, faggot.

>Evil Genius 2

Holy shit holy shit

it's going to be an epic exclusive, isn't it?

>just learn how to code
>just buy your own art assets
>just do your own publicity
>it's so easy

Better be Shadow Warrior 3

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Don't even joke about it, that's the last thing I want to see right now, especially with destroy all humans getting a new game this year

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What can you tell me about the first game? I have never played it, but it's on the sale now and I feel like I might be interested in it, but I know nothing about the game beside the fact it's tycoon (I think).

not even the same company you dingus

Fuck, you're right.
Idk why I thought Shadow Warrior was rebellion

Please dont fuck this up.
Please dont fuck this up.
Please dont fuck this up.

you got it comrade

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>So why aren't you making a game?
I am? What does that have anything to do with the death of humor in vidya as well as a constant lowering of quality and increased aggression to anyone not socialist

>admitting that SJWs are more talented and driven than you are
Fucking pathetic.

Steam is no better. Fuck digital exclusives.
Why does Valve get a pass for getting rid of choice by getting rid of physical copies and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC and making it so going through some console wannabe platform like Steam is the only legal way to play new games on PC and making games more expensive than ever and normalizing paying for a download etc? EGS would have never even been attempted if PC gamers said "no" to Steam and boycotted Valve into bankruptcy.

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We've know Evil Genius 2 is in the works for the past two years. Now they are bringing it to E3, so I'd wager lauch is late this year or in the first half of 2020

>and giving digital distribution a monopoly on PC
I'm... forgotten

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they are driven alright

I actually wouldn't mind Evil Genius with a White House base

I like digital.
Don't have to go anywhere to get what I want.
No scratched discs.

>Evil Genius with a White House base
>you will never get to play as eviler Nixon

they'll fuck it up
they always do

Please, universe

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>Evil Genius 2

I really hope they change how henchmen work on the world map. Sending henchmen out into the world and having to check on them every minute in case a super agent happens to spawn in their region was really fucking stupid. Why can't they auto go into hiding, or at least alert me when a super agent is spotted? That's such a big oversight and made me drop the game after a few hours.

Rebellion has never made a good game

Because I will only get blacklisted by sjws if I do.
Be critical of sjws and get called a nazi by “journalists”. Sony and steam might even forbid me for putting my games on their Plattform or at least force me to censor it


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And it STILL better be Shadow Warrior 3.

That sounds pretty fucking awesome lol

The one thing they can do to make me excited is a AAA Judge Dredd game.

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That isn't Steam's fault, it was an inevitability of the times. And I'd much rather have Steam leading the charge with actual pro-consumer ideas than Epic.

I feel like reinstalling Evil Genius for few hours.
I got it on GOG

>SJW Judge Dread
Oh no.

I actually considered it, and am very confident in my abilities to do so, but game design and development is a very poor, short sighted career path that has little to no pay off.

That being said if even half of these sjws actually did know how to code and didnt just heavily influence the development from non dev positions I'd eat both my shoes.

trump may be evil but not a genius.

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I think they could make it work without falling into SJW territory.

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>not falling into SJW territory
lul what?

>Evil genius sequel
>In this SJW infested era
Ya good luck with those torture animations

I haven't been following them closely. Did something happen? I mean, Dredd is basically their excuse character to be as politically incorrect as possible. They can have half the city explode and still make Dredd seem like he did nothing wrong.

What was the worst torture animation in EG? Getting punched in gym? Nah, we should be fine

Nothing happened as far as I know. Sniper Elite 4 actually makes you feel guilty for killing nazi's, which is a first for literally any game where you kill nazis.

Evil Genius wasn't great.
Very grindy, and punished you for doing the objectives you were given.

Wasn't Evil Genius 2 a shitty facebook-tier web game?

If they're bringing back Evil Genius, then it's probably gonna be a new Judge Dredd game.

Holy shit.

I forgot how big Rebellion is, these are the Judge Dredd guys.

But I am making one.
It doesn't change the fact most of nu-western vidya is fucking garbage.
I'd rather play fucking UT2004 for the rest of my life than touch trash like Asscreed Odyssey.


Many Yea Forums users make games independantly, for studios, professional, and amatuer.

Now you have to make a game!

They don't do coding, or modelling the most they do is artwork and story, they literally infiltrate companies that already exist, they don't build shit, they just corrupt what already exists.


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