Lets be honest and stop thinking with our dicks for a 1 minute...

Lets be honest and stop thinking with our dicks for a 1 minute. Tifa's original outfit looks ridiculous and SE will most likely change it for the remake.

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Tifa is canonically a huge breasted christian girl.

Does someone have the model with rig? Asking for my dick

>stop thinking with our dicks
you have to have a dick to even start thinking with one.

all they really have to do is giver her boy shorts instead of panties.

Make her boobs slightly bigger and put her in a loetard designed for a smaller cup.

She's going to wear AC clothes

booty shorts will work fine

I'll be honest with you, her tits are too small in that pic and her face doesn't look right either. Stop shilling this shit design.

same thing

I'm against the design you retard.

Tifa is a unique engorged melons fighter. Her style is about hypnotically distracting her enemies while squirting milk all over the place.

She's a hotwife

no one asked what you think

>Lets be honest and stop thinking with our dicks for a 1 minute.

No, let's REALLY be honest. A crop top and a skirt is hardly ridiculous in comparison to 90% of the outfits you see in Final Fantasy games.

no fuck you i love pantyshots

She will be a mix of 7 and AC.

You're right, her original outfit looks horrible, she needs to be in a bikini and her breast be bigger.

Tifa's original outfit is iconically sexy and mirrors her personality much more than the shitty AC one, or any other reworks.
Why should we stop thinking with our dicks? What's wrong with that?

kys tumblar sheep

>Tifa's original outfit looks ridiculous
Why? It makes perfect sense. She's a bartender working in the slums of a dystopian city.
It's perfectly normal that she dresses slutty. There's a lot of that stuff portrayed in the original game (even sex trafficking and even satanic rituals of some sort. I think it was even implied that Cloud got raped if you did a sidequest).

Now, will they have the guts to keep those things? That's another story. I think most of it will be erased and some other things toned down a lot.
They alredy changed Tifa's clothing for the movie so I wouldn't be surprised if they'd go for that.

her original outfit looks fine are you the same idiot with the samus thread earlier?

The entire point is that she puts up a phony "guy's gal" image to cover up her insecurities.

>telling people what to do and how to think
very fascist of the left

>Jill won't rock the tube top in the inevitable REmake 3

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Even if you keep the sex out, Tifa's simple outfit made her memorable enough.
It doesn't look all that ridiculous if you ask me.

FFVII is the best game ever made and the best game it is possible to make. The remake is not lovingly recreating it frame by frame, therefore it is not FFVII, just a cash in. Look at the original art for Cloud. He looks rock hard, a real salty bastid who would shank you for half your sarnie. Compare to AC Cloud, emo faggot pretty boy extraordinaire, looks like a k pop extra. FFVII was best played on release day way back in 1997. That was the pinnacle of human civilization. Its all been downhill since then.

Giving her shorts or just black underwear (which is less noticeable under black skirt) instead of regular white one would solve all problems. Oh and also sports bra.

Stop shilling thisgoddamn ugly model, JUST.

>how do you do fellow male gamers
>scociety amirite
you see this outfit makes me personally uncomfortable and therefore it needs to change

>>AC clothes

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what's up with the disgusting prudes on Yea Forums(nel) as of late?

Why would I stop thinking with my penis if it feels so good?

>if it feels so good
For that reason. Enjoy are not allowed to enjoy....enjoyable things.

Lots of video game girls have massive tits so I they won't change that, they kept Cindy's design despite changing everything else about FFXV so I doubt they will change Tifa's.

I find her outfit aesthetically pleasing and your attempt to cover her up sexist to be honest. A women should be able to be wear whatever she wants.

>this is the same type of person encouraging Sony ot censor Japanese games
Fuck off and KYS

>It's perfectly normal that she dresses slutty
But she doesn't. What's slutty about her outfit? They look like normal summer clothes, they're not even designed ot enhance or focus on her assets in any noticeably way. It just so happens that her tits are pretty big, but that's really not her falt. Yuffie shows just as much skin and nobody points at her as an example of dressing slutty.

Kill yourself and have sex (in that order).

Stop titshaming, chestlet.

let's be honest, you are a waste of resources

Nah, I like it.

>Lets be honest and stop thinking with our dicks for a 1 minute.

So...your asking me to not be a man?


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Here's your new Tifa bros.

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>Tifa's original outfit looks ridiculous
How? It's practically the same thing Misty from Pokemon wears, but nobody gives a shit about her wearing it. Is it just because Tifa has a figure?

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he's shitposting, don't respond seriously

Wtf is this shit?


>simple outfit
>simple color scheme
>visually striking
>instantly recognizable
Imagine being unable to appreciate good visual design.

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My best guess is a dwarf dressed as Tifa.

I have already seen this exact thread three Times.

Shut up

I would be fine with this change. I would take it as a respectful nod to the earlier Final Fantasies.

Made for wrestling.

>a tank top and a miniskirt is ridiculous
user pls.

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