What games do you play while recovering from a massive hangover?

What games do you play while recovering from a massive hangover?

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Stop killing yourself you degenerate

I don't play videogames.

I smoke pot, pound water and down tums. Hangover will last like an hour. Could never play games with my head throbbing

deez nuts

I don't consume recreational drugs

what does being drunk feel like?

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Simple stuff like Binding of Isaac since one can't focus on complex vidya during hangover

bags of sand

a warm pie


being drunk feels "good" until you vomit. Then you feel like shit and you probably look like shit to non drunk people.

somebody have a trick for recovering quickly? my head hurts and drinking water does shit all

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How are hangovers even fucking real??? lmao just keep drinking retard

like im invincible, no inhibitions.

You have to drink water BEFORE you get a hangover.


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Relaxation and some mild body-high euphoria.
It's not that special, but generally superior to the illegal stuff that people hype up.
Mind you alcoholics are total wrecks and annoying to be around.

Weed cures hangover


I don't know how to buy weed

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>spend your recovery time from intoxicating yourself further intoxicating yourself insead of recovering
Fucking retarded desu

water melon or any sort of heavy water based fruit like oranges and lemons

ffxiv it's also best when drinking
if youre vomiting eveyr time you drink then youre not drinking enough water

kek look at these losers

>tfw been only drunk twice in my life
>tfw every other time i drink my stomach hurts or I get full before getting drunk
How the fuck do you guys do it? I would drink absolut vodka for an hour and not feel shit. I wish it was easy to get drunk.

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How tall are you? it plays a lot

5'9, somewhat fit

eww don't talk to me you fucking manlet

It feels like temporarily having 80 iq


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some people just don't get affected by alcohol as much
i'm like 6'3 and 3 beers is enough to get me tipsy

You unlock your true potential, sadly not all can control it, the side effects being headaches and vomiting, the ones who do manage to control it become superheroes in secret and unlock a portal to another dimension filled with other superheroes.

>tfw I never drink because I'm worried what my altered state would reveal to others

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This but you're also nauseous and cant walk straight.