
did you whales buy the new characters yet

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Other urls found in this thread:

What do you toss?

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4m / 6s . Toitoi is the way.

Either the 4m or 6p

>Need a quick chi to make my tempai for an ez 6 dora hand
>The guy to my left has been drawing and discarding honor tiles for 12 turns

Like, jesus christ dude, your luck is so bad it's affecting MY game.

just play defensively bro

Attached: tsumo.jpg (1472x839, 314K)

gg boys that was fun.

Majsoul Friends Room 41748(4-Player South):


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good game. xenia riichi voice scared the shit out of me.

gotta get through bronze quickly

Doesn't work all the time. I wish more people wuld be aware of that.

You dont play defensive in east game bro (not that i know about east meta).


>playing defensive in East
for what?

Yeah it was a good game, all my riichi's getting fucked.

still waiting for one.

Dump that haku, it's not happening.

This is the correct answer.
you can get all triplets or little three dragons from there

Thanks for the game

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this picture is weirdly describing my life right now.
I'm rotating between mahjong and rainbow six siege right now, despite all the games in my backlog and not finished yet.


>two kyuushuu kyuuhais in a row
Jesus, dude. Maybe the game's trying to tell you something.

How does one get into Mahjong? Are there games that ease you into it, substituting hours of reading? I mainly want it to watch animu like Akagi and to play Yakuza.

Majsoul Friends Room 41748(4-Player South):

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>not mai getting stomped

Attached: xenia-6.png (240x240, 89K)

white dragon

you're the only person I don't understand, wouldn't it be better to toss 3 character since there's already a 4 & 7 bamboo discard?
yet looking back at the replay apparently this is what I did lmao

one day it will

what do you do when you draw 5 red character, which I drew right after? Do you still chase the toitoi or do you give in?

basically playing digital mahjong game is easing into it since the game helped you to do so many checking and steps for you

yakuza is horrible for playing mahjong since the bots straight up cheat
just play majsoul, has an OK tutorial and has the best bots riichi games I've found, I used to use though

>wouldn't it be better to toss 3 character since there's already a 4 & 7 bamboo discard?
for me, it only means people are easier to throw them out, since you are gonna open your hand anyway. 5 sou is more risky at later game

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the cat

It's very simple to pick up on a surface level, enough to know what's going on in anime.

that's fucking illegal

>what do you do when you draw 5 red character, which I drew right after? Do you still chase the toitoi or do you give in?
Yes of course. Toitoi is 2 han while adora is just 1 han. Toitoi with two yakuhai already is counted as a mangan. The problem is more getting it to there, cause 3m and especially 5s won't easily be discarded.

Help, I can't stop going for meme single waits because it keeps working.

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obviously if you have 33345 you'd toss the 45 but if you toss the 45 when you've only got a pair you're taking a step back from tenpai again

why would anyone deal east into this

Why was the last thread deleted?

If a draw a red five and call one yakuhai for a yaku, I have a 2 han hand. I'm really not sure if I would pursue that if I can get a mangan. As dealer it's okay, especially in an east round.

page 10?

It wasn't.

Majsoul Friends Room 62999(4-Player South):

South Standard

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>Honor tanki wait
Those are decent. Either people try their luck and deal them or destroy their hands.

Because they don't wanna fold against an open hand that may or may not be in tenpai. If you say why would anyone deal east into this, you also wouldn't deal haku, chun and possibly north. Especially toimen would deal those as he has to do some catch up in the last two hands. The other two also don't have much time left to secure 2nd or attack 1st.

wouldn't you already go off the assumption you call pon on both dragon pairs?
kind of unfair to assume you'd have 2 dragon triplets if you go toitoi & otherwise you don't

I didn't think it would happen, but it did.

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I mean this one

3/4 come bully a maid whale, a cat or a miko.

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anyone not already holding two easts is very likely to just toss one as soon as they draw it.

There was a thread that lasted for about 3 posts before getting pruned, the mods might be thinking its time for us to become a /vg/ circlejerk

Can we trust ourselves to not unironically start inner circles of friendly games and posting shit along the lines of
>This is my wife Yui, say something nice about her
>Sex with Kana chan!!!
>I want Meido to ron me and step on my dick!!

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who else /tenhou/ here
the smug anime girl voices tilt me too much

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imagine the smell

Whenever you get shadowrealmed, always be thankful you weren't this guy.

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Only played 2 games today and I'm back to the drawing board. One where the game froze on me, and when I got back in, I somehow dealt in someone that was in Riichi so I came dead last to no avail when I was in tenpai and could've won and ended up in 4th, and another one where the player on the right side of me was dominating with excessive Riichi. delt into her hands once trying to get into tenpai and didn't want to fold, and another when I was in Riichi hoping I could win and ended up getting shadow realm'd. love this game sometimes.

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>4th last 3 games
>didn't get ron'd a single time
man this game is garbage

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room filled before I had a chance to post this.
So being the (You) craving person I am, I'll post it anyways

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what am I looking at here

It will take a fuck longer in tonpuu than in hanchan.

dead game

what would you discard here?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-01 MahjongSoul.png (1677x943, 1.59M)

4p and deal in

Fucking old hag bitch destroying my almost perfect once in a life time round.

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pon nya
pon nya
chii nya
chii nya
tsumo nya

Attached: kaavi-8.png (240x240, 91K)

Well, that's enough out of me.
Can anyone review my plays and tell me if I was playing extremely shitty or was I being incredibly unlucky?
Mahjong Soul Game Log:

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what are you trying to prove here?
I'm so tired of these bullshits 20/20 hindsight posts

new match same room +1

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Hi I would appreciate if you don't post uncensored versions of my waifu pls.

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thats a cute waifu you have there. do you mind if I steal it?

Waifu already claimed. Cease and desist.

Attached: aiharamai-10smug.png (240x240, 99K)

Look at this dora bomb
Anyone would be sad

stay mad

Attached: xenia-11.png (240x240, 95K)

>the player after me discards a card that would complete my hand
>i cant take it and the game puts me in furiten

fixed it up a bit, should be a lot cleaner in comparison

Attached: kaavi-1_lewd.png (240x240, 103K)

gg guys.

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gg guys thanks for playing, now to sleep 4 hours to go to work.

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>opponents literally never stop pushing
>somehow always avoid dealing winning tiles
>always in tenpai at round draw
How the actual fucking shit, every single fucking game

post log

You can't call because your hand has no yaku and you're in furiten for not calling a winning tile.

I wouldn't want to dilute her image with censors. She's pure no matter how you look at her

>wanting her true identity to be exposed
do you know where you are?

pls someone review. I know I was getting punished hard in the later south round for being reckless, but I wasn't going to get first or second place by playing tanyao's, but I want to know where I went wrong in east and early south

when do i damaten?

like now


If you have a decent yaku with one out. Then you wouldn't want people side stepping your one win condition.
Riichi when you have multiple outs or are so low in the hole you need everything to get out.

holy shit, he's so good at this game

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If you were gonna drop the 9 bamboo here anyways you shouldn't have chii the 6 bamboo from left just dropping it now.
Usually close hands are more big dick scores then open hand unless you have tons of dora.

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me. that speed makes my dick hard. when you go pon pon ron and finish a round in the time it takes for a majsoul player to pick their first discard

Chapter 7.

wish I was that good

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maybe its time for you cucks to get a general

when you're in early tenpai for a big dick hand on a shitty wait
like chitoitsu dora2 waiting on a live tile that would never pop up after a riichi

you did your best.
If you don't know how to read what others are waiting, that's the best you can play.
You just got fucked by luck, that's all.

bad shape 3han or more. bad shape 2 han is insta-riichi, like sanshoku nomi

finished that recently... too soon to go back

this was my hand i did riichi with a closed wait on the 5 pin... eventually someone dealt in but a lot of tiles that could have improved my wait passed by, dont think riichi was correct here

Attached: asdfasdfadfs.png (1920x1080, 1.96M)

so you can take away the little things that people actually enjoy?
So you can make yet another shitposting thread and be angry in it?
please fuck off.

lmao nigga just go on /vg/, nothing will change

but you wouldnt be there

if nothing will change, why should we go to /vg/ instead of staying here?
Please fuck off to another shitposting thread.
I'm done feeding (you)s

Seriously, chapter 7 alone isn't that long. It also gives the exact answer to your particular situation.

Breaking up the 68s kanchan was unnecessary - you lose sanshoku potential, and it locks in the 13p kanchan as your last block. Even if 3p is the dora, you don't need to force it, as speed and flexibility are more important. You should cut the useless 8m first as ittsuu isn't happening with this hand.
Discard 1m before 9p. When you draw the second 9p, don't keep it, and don't discard 7m which is a strong floating tile. 1m discard was also bad because you're effectively breaking up a manzu block while keeping the weak 89s penchan. The 6s chii was terrible, nerfed your shape, and didn't advance your hand at all.
2p and 4s discards are bad, just drop the honours first. You're left with four blocks and very weak floating tiles after the chun pon because you discarded 2p4s. 8s pon is arguable, but discarding 7s after that instead of 9m is bad as you really need floating tiles with which to form a fifth block. Ditto the 6m discard. I really really hope you're not going tunnel vision on sanshoku doukou - firstly the 8p wait after 8m pon is terrible, and secondly that's still not sanshoku doukou as you're left with 789p 88p, assuming you win. Finally the 5p discard at the end was bad, it's super dangerous against the riichi. You can still keep tenpai by discarding the safe 9p instead.
Man at this point I don't know if there's any point in me going through this turn by turn anymore. Skimming through, there were all sorts of bad choices.

The biggest thing you can do to improve is to learn tile efficiency, and particularly the five block method.

Pretty sure RB1 also talks about this but you really need a large number of tiles that improve your wait in order to justify it, and the only tiles here that do so are 237p which is nowhere near enough.

So for what girl are the painting presents? None of them seem to have it on their bio?
Also xenia has consoles + cookies right?

Nobody likes paintings, dust em

dont forget 4p and 6p for double tanki wait

it's fine to dama this. you have 5200 dama, if you get that you're pretty likely to win this game.

>double tanki wait
That's a shanpon and it's no better than the 5p kanchan, considering that a) one 2p is already out, leaving three remaining tiles versus four; and b) waiting on 5p includes a chance for akadora.

>e3 tanki wait

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but everyone knows that more tile types is more important than the amount left of said tiles

There are plenty of generals that have achieved that. One of the most miraculous ones is the jap phone game general that's now on /jp/. Games are nothing but waifu shit and somehow the threads aren't full of mouthbreathers sniffing their waifus. It should be fine as long as people understand to stay anonymous in the thread by blacking out names, furiously ignoring attentionwhores like tripfags and avatarfags, staying away from discord and keeping the waifufaggery to a minimum or at least try to be original about it instead of just copy pasting the same line of text every thread. The problem with/vg/ is that it's deceptively fast and a relatively slow thread like this would need to be bumped often which leads to people copy pasting their waifu shit and stuff like "where did it go so wrong bros..." that then just turns the thread to shitposting and circlejerking. Integrating to the /jp/ Mahjong thread would be smarter but I don't think Yea Forums posters could ever fit in on that board.

>tfw you accidentally pon East in South round

Attached: kaavi-3.png (240x240, 83K)

No, the number of tiles remaining is the most important thing. Only when the number of tiles is the same do you choose the wait with more tile types. In this case it's a 25% loss to take the shanpon.

the jp thread has been pretty dead since majsoul released. I assume most people just started posting here or stopped posting altogether. if everyone started posting there then it wouldn't be "integrating" but more like taking over

tenhou has a 3p queue so...

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>Nobody told me I can‘t do four concealed triplets if I richii
>Have 3 triplets and 2 pairs, all concealed
>3000 points

Fuck you

Attached: minecraftkaguya.jpg (1458x1462, 210K)


They're not concealed if you Ron, genius.

You absolutely can get suuankou if you riichi, but your last triplet is not considered concealed if you ron.
>3000 points
Riichi sanankou toitoi is mangan minimum.

Single pair wait faggot.

sanankou toitoi is 3000 points?

>5 instant retards replying to the new bait the resident retardposter has come up with today
You people are the reason he keeps going

Learn tile efficiency, stop breaking possible sequences, pay more attention to discards, refrain from pon and chi early in the game because you had a lot of opportunities to Riichi opportunities to make your hand better, and refrain from backing yourself in a corner when you toi. If you aren't in the verge of tenpai, or even have a pair, it's pointless. You delt into a player's hand for a reason when you attempted.

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Default rule set.

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>refrain from backing yourself in a corner when you toi
the fuck is toi?

>start with triplet of dora
>pretty fast hand so I should win easily
>some fucking nyagger pons everything and wins with a sole white dragon yaku

Attached: nadeshiko-3b.png (240x240, 91K)


>premium cat skin chinamen just happens to have the most bullshit luck the entire game

pure coincidence

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Worth it.

Attached: Annotation 2019-06-01 071827.png (1385x778, 1.44M)

last place is about to cut the dora and deal into tanyao dora 6 I guess

>other catfag is being a cool guy and emotes back when I emote
>tfw went into furiten to avoid ronning him
>tfw tsumo'd immediately after

Attached: yagiyui-4.png (240x238, 86K)

>tfw went into furiten to avoid ronning him
nyagger needs no pity

How many rolls?

I am a nyagger myself.

Do you nyggers know this shit by heart?
I kinda get the complex blocks logic but keeping track of ukeire of all the possible variations (and then also account for visible tiles) seems way over my head.

Attached: file.png (948x868, 107K)

is this a good hand shape? i made it but i think it might be terrible

Attached: XezosKc[1].png (1222x173, 163K)

about $250 worth of rolls

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How many turns in?

Let's say i can choose to wait on 7 or 9, the yaku doesn't matter.
And they both have same number of tiles left.
Do i choose to wait on 9 because 7 is more popular and wanted by others?

Holy shit, why didn't I listen to you guys?
South is *so much* easier than East-only.

Attached: holyshit.png (1155x1072, 832K)

well yeah

I kept getting demolished in East-only. Three weeks in Novice and still counting.
I've made more progress towards adept in two South matches than the rest of this week.



so what are the popular tiles?
Just 3 and 7?

don't watch the replay

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That would still be the better option I think

What's a good setup for playing on the phone? I'm using DuckDuckGo's browser like someone suggested. Anything else I should know?


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>tfw afraid to change it up now that I'm close

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3/4, need a fellow nyagger to face down these whales

>lose points because of seat order
Nice game you got there, faggots.


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As an Adept I, am I supposed to play bronze? I only play south silvers and rarely see any adept I's, and get BTFO as a result.
Heck, I see more Experts than Adept I's.

>he's still a bronzeshiter

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those in bronze are just cowards who dont want to lose rank and money at a rapid pace, because they're bad at mahjong

Any advice for when to go chiitoitsu and when to just call everything and go toitoi? I almost never use toitoi just because I usually have a pair of terminals too, so I dont want to commit to an open hand when I have 4 pairs. When I get 5 disconnected pairs, I always go for chiitoi

The closer to 5 the more popular it is.

i don't really understand this since you get an asston of exp and money in gold rooms even if you land in 2nd place

fuck chiitoitsu
I always go toitoi with 4 pairs

When you have value pairs and/or easy to pon pairs go for toitoi, otherwise go for chitoi

Thinking about it more, is the decision dependent on just how many of your pairs are still live? Or is there more to it

if you've got a bunch of pairs and eventually dropping them for a toitoi is too risky, you may as well chitoitsu to avoid dealing in at some point in the game

Do it. I was at Novice 3 with 80 exp when I started and shot to 168 in two games.
Make sure to assert optimal conditions, too (good supply of fresh air, staying hydrated, neither overfull nor hungry).

Just happened in my last match. Alt Koromo got Haneman and mangan tsumos in first 2 rounds. One hag ragequitted so I had to endure those long honbas just to make sure I didn't end 4th.

Honitsu time

>(good supply of fresh air, staying hydrated, neither overfull nor hungry)
Don't forget to go for smoke breaks and regularly charge your JO crystal if you want to maintain peak mahjong physique.

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uhmm you werent supposed to sniff those when you play mahjong

>it's another "nyagger opening their hand with a kan on someone else's double riichi" episode

Attached: kaavi-6.png (240x240, 94K)

just watched two guys get evaporated by a yakuman and baiman, time for a break from ranked

Majsoul Friends Room 64435(4-Player South):

The losing streak continues.
Just got last place 6 times in a row now.
I've lost almost 900 score in the last couple of days.
This isn't even funny anymore, I swear to god the game is rigged. Not even joking.

Attached: w.png (1664x1882, 3.23M)

This table color looks awful

>discarding the 1m instead of the 1s when the guy in riichi has dropped zero man tiles

Why did you discard 1m in the first pic? You have no hand and the dealer is in riichi. You have enough safe tiles to last you until the end of the game. Was that supposed to be kokushi? You're a moron.

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Am I doing this right?

Attached: betaori.jpg (954x259, 67K)

Jesus fucking christ you wouldn't believe how close I came to dealing into that chinitsu, especially with how much you pon'd from me in the subsequent round. What a game.

good game my cute lesbian friends

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>start game in bronze
>two adept 3
>mfw I'm novice 3
go fuck off to silver

Attached: 15593774191238.jpg (1280x720, 101K)

How did you even get to Expert with that poor discard reading skill?

I would've abandoned my kokushi attempt if I didn't get all honors before turn 10.

>I am adept 1
>experts 1,2,3
Silver is dangerous

Default rule set.

Attached: 1558204911360.jpg (3508x2480, 977K)

I'd choose the one that I have a suji trap on

is he in no yaku hell or am I missing something?

Attached: bYIrePj[1].png (862x115, 92K)

could be seat wind, else yaku hell

nope he's in the pon palace

If it's not his seat wind, he may have or been waiting on a honor tile yaku

There's 3 4-6-8 sets so you have sanshoku chance on 456 or 678 assuming its still early.

just kidding I can't read

Could always be a tanki wait and there's a complete yakuhai back there.

>finally have a good hand
>get disconnected
Fuck you, game.

>Get good opening hand
>Kyushu kyuhai

obviously wouldn't have posted if it was

he closed kan'd 8 dots and then had a pair wait, so I guess either he was going for exhaustive (which game did) or he was going for the kan draw yaku

>the games have been going great
>suddenly dealer mangan

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at what point do you start going for pairs?


when I have 5 pairs I like to sacrifice them to lord tanyao.

1-shanten from chiitoitsu, not any earlier

>4 pairs in starting hand
>here we fucking go again

Attached: kujouriu-3.png (240x240, 94K)

glad I didn't toss my 7
lets see if we get a ron, tsumo or neither

Attached: D7Cg4Az[1].png (1357x309, 377K)


t. the flow

That's basically just 4 different shapes and 1235 is just 123 finished with a floating 5.


Attached: HaJCdry[1].png (1147x696, 554K)

good game

Attached: popo.png (70x70, 8K)

Should have gone furiten and chased the dream

Fuck you guys gg

Attached: nikaidoumiki-8.png (240x240, 64K)

Why do I keep getting a black screen all the time during the game needing to refresh the page?

I'm using Chrome.

stop using a botnet and switch to firefox

>or he was going for the kan draw yaku
People do that? Make random as fuck pons and hope for the last tile and wall draw.

just pon

i use firefox

Majsoul Friends Room 46373(4-Player South):

dang I haven't touched tos in ages, that game also had neat emotes

>3 sided wait on 8 tiles total
>deal into a single wait of Wind tile for 7 pair riichi
Was there any way I could have seen this coming

come on, 2 more.
Also, what are some good bgm to be played?
I was using hearthstone music but now i'm bored of it.

>7 pair

the guy that just left can come back now

Majsoul Friends Room 87154(4-Player South):

Attached: Legendary Gambler Tetsuya (17).png (640x480, 353K)

leave your room and come to


Are there 2 spots open?

my hands just won't fucking happen and it pisses me off

cause you bad

winning the dora lottery makes me feel fucking DISGUSTED

thanks user

Attached: dFULz11[1].png (1108x835, 645K)

Just put on some good vidya OST.

After two hanemans slipped through my fingers, I just gave up. Maybe I should watch some yuri shows and get a refresher on tile efficiency.

This is the closest I've ever been to 9-way chuuren in normal 4p Mahjong.

Attached: chuurip.png (1130x142, 174K)

if you've ever been tenpai for chuuren, wouldn't you also be 2 off 9 way chuuren?

Good games gents, tried feeding to make it more interesting but if wasn't enough.

Attached: mikamichiori-10yuibully.png (240x240, 84K)

That's true, but dropping a yakuman for a furiten tenpai on a double yakuman is absolute madman territory.

>tfw you get demolished and lose 97 points when you were just 13 away from advancing to the next rank

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This is some Washizu-level bullshit

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Attached: 7 pairs.jpg (2472x783, 288K)

zawa zawa

I'm at chapter 5 of the riichi book, this thing looked way shorter than it actually is.
Need a break, time for some games.

It's the opposite for me. Are you solving all tasks properly? You shouldn't only try to solve them but also understand the answers and reasoning behind certain plays.

Well, in that case you have a 9 sided wait, so it's not too unlikely too happen.

Fuck whales, at least turn off the cheats in friendlies.

Attached: 1535918784777.png (480x480, 41K)

I skipped the explanation of the last one, but I'll read it later

>tfw if this was me it'd have been 3 had dogshit

Be grateful I'm funding your game

Attached: aiharamai-4b.png (240x240, 88K)

what's that hand even?
iipeikou pinfu?

God damn. GG.

Mahjong Soul Game Log:

The ending is good.
Poor guy don't deserve it.

Yep, today really is my unlucky day. Not a single good hand at all.

Majsoul Friends Room 69065(4-Player South):

default rules

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Anyone got high res art of the bunny girl?

these friendly Yea Forums games have been such a crapshoot for me

Attached: Capture.png (777x543, 229K)


>literally only get bullshit matches today

Attached: ichihime-8.png (240x240, 109K)

standard hanchan
Majsoul Friends Room 82605(4-Player South):

start the game before i bully your south stats

Go home Washizu, you were in your seventies in the 1960s, you're dead

Makin' waves over there

>tfw luckshitted hard
4th won a mangan off second in the last round and pulled him down but I guess there was no way out for him

Attached: 123.jpg (1342x748, 290K)

my south is pristine!

let's play again

Attached: 1558196713774.jpg (1100x618, 84K)

Is there any better feeling?

have sex

Is there a worse feeling?

Kid, sex is like air. It's no big deal unless you're not getting any.

have sex


When's HQ Xenia image dump?

my little ponya~, my little ponya~

Did you check the Log's Wall to see if you could have tsumo'd that hand?


Attached: xenia-6.png (240x240, 68K)

What's this supposed to mean?
Ban the 1Han or go for 1Han?

real nyagger hours

smash that mf pon button

Attached: memesaintfree.png (853x438, 36K)


Attached: 1471340776099.jpg (1280x720, 176K)

newb here
what's wrong with just rushing basic hands every round if you're reasonably close to them? close the round quick before anyone gets their huge meme hands assembled, and be ahead in points

and someone ron you for a haneman then you are never going to catch up

a very fast, cheap game is upset easily by a single lucky hand. Also If the player in 4th needs to catch up, and rons someone for 1300 3 rounds in a row he's not getting anywhere.

>someone rons me for a haneman
that shit's rare tho
like it's all good and swell that the guy got lucky, but it won't be happening consistently

Calling tiles makes your defense weak, if you called 2~3 times you'll have only 8~5 tiles to defend.
If you deal into a big hand (ie: Mangan~Haneman) , there's no way you can recover if you keep playing with small hands.



Attached: __etna_disgaea_and_makai_senki_disgaea_drawn_by_metata__c242efb5e6bd0063548c695bbab47842.jpg (800x800, 364K)

fuck you I'm gonna kan and get that rinshan win!

>that shit's rare tho
not really

Mangan hands are reasonably common on a table with intermediate players. They know 1 han hands will hardly matter in the long run, which is why many won't open their hand to a single yakuhai.

Somebody should make a kan turismo shop

>Depressed because uni exams are draining my will to live
>Want to spend money as a way to feel better(i know, stupid)
>spend 20 dollars on gacha
>get this on my first summon
Well, i still acted like a whale but getting that lucky is making me forget those shitty exams

Attached: Majhong_gods_are_smiling_at_me_can_you_say_the_same.jpg (1895x934, 238K)


Attached: riichi ippatsu tsumo.png (1737x951, 1.26M)

Majsoul Friends Room 69065(4-Player South):

new round

Attached: 1558716121920.jpg (800x600, 200K)

>mahjong gods
That's just the devil tempting you

Her final bond, full body image without background and at original resolution

this kind of playstyle is only good for east games. In south rooms people take turns with mangans and hanemans, there's no way for you to catchup with cheap open hands. Also nobody plays east in gold or higher..

>They Kan
>They're not even in Tenpai



Attached: fujitakana-7.png (240x240, 85K)

Do you have a link to all of those images
I hate lurking the thread for them

If anyone could tell me the filename of the alt costume images I can rip them right now.

I'm a f2p pleb stuck in novice, so I can't help you.
For future reference: What's the base URL?

standard rules
Majsoul Friends Room 47632(4-Player South):

Oh wait, I found it anyway

Attached: zeniya_0.png (767x1163, 194K)

holy shit I love you

Attached: xenia-2.png (240x240, 99K)

Thank you very much

What's the URL?
Or is there like a wiki that details observation on how Mahjong Soul works?

I wanna be her little paypig and worship her feet!



Attached: xenia-4.png (240x240, 94K)

Finally some good luck in this game

Attached: lul.png (1156x779, 617K)

You can find this specific one at

But all images have a basic xor encryption using 0x49 that you'd have to decrypt.

I wonder why there is a Green Yakuman but no Red

whats the difference between east and south rooms

>xor encryption using 0x49
Bahahahaha, oh god, that's precious, is it 1989 still?
Thanks in any case.
Their English is... interesting.

because all red numbered tiles have a black splotch on em

The Chun and the red dora tiles are the only ones that are full red.

>non-chinks dealer getting tsumo 4 times in a row
wich one of you fucker was it?

>Ah, he opened his hand and it's a good one
>I better deal into him

east - 4 rounds
south - 8 rounds

North games when?

what the FUCK was my yaku here?
it said 47 characters would give me a yaku somehow, obviously I went for toitoi but what the fuck would I have gotten it from?

Attached: Zg3IYOB[1].png (1434x154, 160K)

That gave me enough context to dig out the regular one, too.
decryption code

Attached: full.dec.png (378x1024, 90K)

>drat, he tsumo'd
>at least I'm dealer so I could offer my trifling 6000 points to his superior cock

Tanyao, you ultranyagger

a second 7 gives you the yaku that is double of the same sequence of the same suit
so, 567 and 567 (556677)
4 i dunno wtf

the basic outfit is more elegant than the lvl 5 lmao


Iipeikou is closed hand yaku. It would just be tanyao.

6 characters was in the wall

Attached: urZyo3O[1].png (1156x860, 897K)

>play tanyao so fucking little I don't even recognize it anymore
lmao thanks anons

Ah yeah, no chance of Tsumo with the current flow.
You did well

Has this work been done for the other current characters yet? Seems the v0.5.89.w varies, as does the name for the full bond URL.

Any Yea Forums room?

Majsoul Friends Room 85307(4-Player South):
Standard hanchan. Get in, pussies

Attached: a.png (255x324, 101K)

I wanted to get both, but I only ended up with desuwa. She's cute, though.

Most stuff is found on v0.5.33.w. I think most graphics are up on that chink wiki, but they obviously don't rip english stuff (like our emotes)

please stop tsumoing when I got good hands, thanks

gee gee

Attached: 1540437877969.png (719x587, 124K)

6s, sou tiles is what's being discarded.

What chink wiki?

Can't remember the url but it has all bond images and chink emotes.

Someone can probably link it.

Is there another majsoul friend room? last one is full

How do I learn to not suck

suck many dicks at once

Majsoul Friends Room 72926(4-Player East):

Come join my game, fellow nyaggers. I need to complete my daily quest.

As the ancient chinese proverb goes, suck 100 cocks as a quickly as possible.

>south = skill
>east = no skill

Attached: 1556889717618.jpg (932x495, 202K)

>How do I learn to not suck
let the beta flow resonate within you

Attached: 1557070383663.jpg (728x1057, 131K)

You must channel your inner lesbian

Attached: 1552167472908.gif (352x198, 2.32M)

My first and also probably my last.

Attached: yakuman.jpg (1180x663, 231K)

remove underwear

Attached: nadeshiko-8.png (240x240, 78K)

Attached: 1559127485776.png (239x211, 98K)

>keep drawing same honors tile I just discarded

I was wondering why I keep getting the worst starting hands these past few days. It's because, with the new girls, lots of players are spending money to try and get the new girls. And as was confirmed a few threads ago, the more you spend, the more the system favors you. Even though they don't all have the new girls, they've spent enough in attempts to get them that the system just plain favors them and hates me, who hasn't spent a penny.

I understand why, I mean, it's a good business practice. But it still ticks me off.

Attached: mudaz.png (326x506, 78K)

Majsoul Friends Room 85307(4-Player South):
Still room for one more

what the fuck was that

Fucking bullshit cats

Attached: 10088254.jpg (625x626, 40K)

>8 lone terminals and honors
I'd take that, Kokushi al lthe way.

Absolute anal annihilation

Attached: 1485307065737.jpg (500x800, 99K)

Baibai, kuso haipai!

ez orphans

>think I've got the basic rules down
>obviously not good but I guess that shouldn't matter in bronze
>try out a match against real people
>everyone uses nasty emoticons each time I do something
>don't even know what I did wrong
>always end up 2nd somehow
Will I be a mahjonglet forever?

Attached: 1533501829455.jpg (981x965, 67K)

Majsoul Friends Room 64403(4-Player South):

south standard

Attached: D76liz5UIAAllM1.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 266K)

>end up 2nd somehow
fuck off, I just got shadow realmed in east 2
imagine complaining about getting points to the next rank

There is absolutely nothing wrong with being second, no matter what others say.

The first step in any majsoul game: Mute each player.

Thats a problem, I will rank up without knowing how to play and will eventually have to leave my safe space


please come play mahjong

>tfw shadow realmed someone in east 2 earlier today

Attached: R7SRSKN[1].jpg (1109x897, 140K)

turn on chrome hardware acceleration.

>bully someone in silver so hard they d/c
>bot deals into other guy in south 4, robbing me of my first place
I'm a little mad.

Attached: nikaidoumiki-5.png (240x240, 77K)

Where did the emotes touch you user?

Attached: kujouriu-2.png (240x240, 86K)

Attached: mikamichiori-5b.png (240x240, 95K)

Where did you guys learn Mahjong, I want to join the fun before the threads get banished.

My dick. Look at how are you not supposed to get aroused when that pops up after you deal in?

Here, by actually playing the game.

Play the game tutorial then play a couple bots games 60 secs then bronze time

"Did I lose because I got bad draws like everyone does sometimes? Or am I actually awful and every time I won before was good luck?" How do you deal with it?

Just remember, you could always be calling more.

Attached: call rate.png (1240x824, 744K)

I don't like this hand

Attached: tESS8em[1].png (1065x145, 102K)

Majsoul Friends Room 12402(4-Player South):

south standard

>iishanten with chance of iipeikou
Looks nice 2bh, could get a tanyao on it too

Pretty standard desu.

It was a rainy night, the dudes challenged me to a rigged game of chicken.
I ended up driving the car over the cliff full speed to get enough distance from the rocks in the shallow waters, I survived due to that, the other guy was not so lucky.

I swam to get away from his friends and ducked into a seedy mahjong parlour. I played mahjong in place of an indebted bum against a bunch of yakuzas he owed money. This is where my descent into darkness began.

Underaged b&

Attached: xenia-0.png (240x240, 94K)

Attached: 1552221373443.png (372x334, 134K)

Drop the 1M if you get Pin tiles.

thank you

Majsoul Friends Room 26579(4-Player East):

One more friendly and I get my welfare coppers

Read up Impostor Syndrome if you're high-ranked, if not read up on Dunning-Kruger instead.


Attached: realakagi.jpg (184x184, 13K)

mahjong is super interesting

Attached: 1535383295113.webm (1280x720, 1.18M)

thanks for a swift death

Kana is always 4th for some reason. This Yea Forums meme about lucky gamer gurl hands doesn't work.

Attached: toppu idoru kana chan desu.jpg (1435x780, 185K)

Give her to me if you don't want her, then ;_;

That doesn't look like mahjong to me

What did she mean by this?

Attached: Cunny.png (331x422, 250K)

Wait, you can't play mahjong with only 2 people.


Attached: icrbZPL[1].png (674x508, 305K)

just end me

Attached: 1559409392085.jpg (720x720, 111K)

I'm not even getting breaks in Yea Forums games.

Attached: 1536534533114.png (278x263, 63K)

Oh, I thought you were dealing in on purpose.

Attached: 1472602854703.png (588x598, 402K)

>Wait, you can't play mahjong with only 2 people.
actually you can.

>from the depths of shadow realm
>kukushi is only 0.000000000019283893289%

Attached: 1470982134191.png (279x258, 77K)

I probably do get 4th/negative more than most people.

Attached: kanachandess.jpg (2257x892, 243K)

I think she means a game of sex (without cheat codes)

Don't be that person, source

If other japanese boardgames, like Go or Shogi, got a gacha variant with anime ladies, would those reach similar levels of attention?
Or is mahjong just so much more popular?

>manage to ron a 2 red open tanyao final round
>barely sneak past two from last place

Attached: QSIRvan[1].png (781x601, 315K)

Who would want to play Go or Shogi? A computer?

Mahjong is a lot more popular. It hits a sweet-spot between complexity and luck.
Incidentally, Akagi is arguably more popular than Saki.

Mahjong is definitely more popular outside of Japan.
Also, it's more suited for these games because it's simpler and less boring.



>would those reach similar levels of attention?
No and here's why:

>luck element of mahjong means even weaker players can sometimes win big while perfect knowledge games like Go and Shogi means they get completely destroyed by better players
>It also means comebacks are possible in mahjong adding to the fun of both playing and watching, once someone is far behind in chess/go/shogi it usually ends in concede because the situation is unwinnable
>mahjong is way faster, you can play a whole hanchan in less time than some go games.
>even though the rules are a bit different Mahjong has wide appeal with Chinks as well as nips (technically Go does as well but it's too big brained for most people) giving them a much wider audience.

who here /speed/

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-02 MahjongSoul.1.png (766x301, 84K)

>delare turn 3 riichi because nyaager
>later on south player has a concealed kan of my winning tile
>game ends in draw with everyone but south in tenpai

Attached: a7e40a6c78415205637a654fd12ee46e.jpg (580x819, 444K)

I like shogi
I got into both mahjong and shogi through yakuza games, even though I never really played a mahyong game in yakuza

Host here. Good game everyone.

I wish I could play Go but I’m too much of a brainlet to understand how to play.
I love mahjong tho

What does dealing into something mean, exactly?

I really like the four player aspect of mahjong, creates a bigger community around the game and you end up seeing the same people a lot. It also makes the actual games more fun cause you can share in big moments with three others. That's also why I think MS has so much more appeal than tenhou, just adding emotes makes the experience a lot more human.

When someone uses one of your discards in their winning hand.

These threads were the thing that finally pushed me towards learning mahjong. I just wish the same would happen for the other games. Go in particular still feels like it requires some alien genius to even play at a basic level.

>>later on south player has a concealed kan of my winning tile
It was either that, or discarding it.
Sounds like you got outplayed.

Go is even easier than mahjong. All you do is mark your territory with your tiles. If completely you encircle opponent's tiles, you can take them.

It's really just the same principle as mahjong - play a bunch of games and start recognizing patterns. The only downside is that a game of go takes forever to conclude compared to mahjong.

>Majsoul Friends Room 34275(4-Player South):

Of course, the only remedy of being a shitter as to just push through. But playing with other complete newbies fosters an encoraging atmosphere, which these threads have been exellent at providing.

Go is the exact opposite of mahjong
>early mahjong: wtf all these yaku i can't memorize all of them
>late mahjong: i fucking love pinfu
>early go: eh it's just othello what could go wrong
>late go: so should i start from 3-4? how about 4-4? no, wait, how about 5-5?

>two off from a daisangen
>some fuck tsumos a seat wind

Attached: 50080130_1500498940052539_237119287378380680_n.jpg (335x419, 37K)

Let's be real, that daisangen wasn't gonna happen anyway

Go, Chess and I guess Shogi but I never played that all have "openings" that you pretty much have to do if you're playing against someone who knows them. That's how the AI beat the best players, there are certain opening patterns that are just straight up better than others so they cut the possible game patterns a lot.

Fan animation from that one mahjong manga with the magical lesbians, Saki.

Attached: x1.jpg (993x1401, 674K)

Sorry about hopping off, high priority interrupt got in

I can dream, user.

Attached: 1546200215662.jpg (467x700, 79K)

>Every time I click a room it's full
>Make one and it takes so long to fill people leave

This is why I have self-esteem issues

Attached: fujitakana-3.png (240x240, 96K)

Make one i'll join you

What are some good resources to git gud other than

he literally made one, read the post he quoted

Learn to not cling to life.

Just play

but that one was full....

Formerly /luck/

This mahjong looks very tanoshii

I don't like that meme, puts pressure on me and I can't even get out of Silver hell for weeks now

Attached: fujitakana-8.png (240x240, 81K)

Before this year most people face planted on tenhou or the easily found "riichi flash game" until they figured it out.

Just learn the yaku and don't put yourself in furiten, other then that grind grind grind.

Only chink idols are good, Yea Forums is just trying to mimic their style but fail to be a proper vessel.

Attached: fujitakana-11.png (240x240, 90K)

>right pons dora
>I keep contemplating if I should fold
>get into damaten for ittsu
>right kans
>I pull out 3p for ryanmen
>fuck ittsu, let's check out that ura dora full retard mode
>they actually keep kanning after riichi
>0 ura
I feel bad for the nyagger but pushing a 1 han hand was a mistake from the start

Attached: next hand he was banished to a shadow realm.jpg (1328x750, 315K)


Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.png (324x134, 35K)

Please delete this and by delete I mean hotglue and send me pics

Attached: aiharamai-chunjie.png (340x340, 145K)

>tfw too stupid to memorize yaku and I always have to riichi because lmao no yaku

Who cares about yaku? Speed is most important anyway

>no riichi for the chance of direct hit dealer haneman comeback

Absorutery shamefur

Attached: kaiji.jpg (519x253, 43K)

based hotglue poster

Just remember tanyao.

Should i watch akagi or kaiji first?

It doesn't matter. Pick it at random.

I just had a situation where I could get a dealer haneman with a tsumo, or I could have stayed in tenpai and waited for a 1 man to complete my nine gates. The problem was someone else was in tenpai. Did I do the right thing by taking the haneman?

i guess i'll just throw a dice to decide then

Watch akagi if you want to watch a mahjong anime and kaiji if you want to watch a man having multiple emotional meltdowns in a single night.

"Good" players will tell you you made the right choice, but God was giving you a shit test and you failed so you should just neck yourself desu.


Kaiji for the despair
Akagi for 'that' melancholy

Can you rank down or do you just lose points within a rank? For example, I'm Novice 3 and I had two games where I got third and stayed Novice 3 despite sitting at 0/200. Does that change later on?

You probably made the right decision user, don't let this faggot make you feel bad.

Attached: [He Loves It].png (328x300, 81K)

Expert and above

This censoring joke has gone too far.

>should I win the match instantly or go into furiten to have a chance to win the match?

>majsoul is great, but how do I make it as ugly as tenhou?


but I'll be a yakuman virgin forever at this rate

that particular part of furiten is fucking bullshit I swear to god

>win the match with style

Attached: 76B3A1D9-BF81-427D-8758-7503E69BE4FC.png (581x342, 121K)

Do you honestly expect 3 or 6 man from his hand? Damaten was the right decision.

Attached: fujitakana-6.png (240x240, 82K)

Just check the logs and see if you could've actually won with 9 gates.

In a vacuum, you probably made the right choice but damn you're gonna feel like shit if you look at the wall and somebody was liable to deal in.


Attached: Capture.jpg (3463x1914, 738K)

It's not about what I expect, it's about destiny. You fucking jadies wouldn't understand.

Maybe I should be a paypig too.

no you dumb fuck

>deal in.
>after discarding a tsumo


Attached: aiharamai-6.png (240x240, 91K)

Attached: 1557084436437.png (431x330, 68K)

>Even if you have 40,000 points, you can still lose
This game is alright

My only yakuman was with the cat

when you try your best but you don't succeeeeeed

Attached: aaaaaaaaaaa.png (297x138, 34K)

Believe it or not. I got kaavi with my first ever 50 star dust ticket yesterday . After this counted yakuman, my luck is probably dry now.

Sometimes it's about finishing your hand the fastest to cuck other players. In my opinion, waiting for Man tiles is no more than a meme because those are always the least discarded.

Today I held some guy's last dragon wait and it went to draw. Not today for that guy at least.

>waiting for Man tiles is no more than a meme because those are always the least discarded.
what, why

This is what you deserve for not praying to Lord Tanyo.

Attached: 1558678166442.png (363x364, 139K)

When you're that close, you should play east games since you don't need many points.

>Someone is in riichi
>Open Kan
>Guy across from me deals into riichi into next turn
>He was already in 3rd
>Because of the kan ura dora, he gets sent to the shadowrealm
I'll stop doing it when it stops being funny.

Attached: Alice Maid That's the stuff.png (262x523, 151K)

Because of the Auto Sort. The player would've been lucky to either draw the tile himself, or ron it off of a player that was unfortunate (or stupid) to discard the tile while attempting Betaori.

Attached: nikaidoumiki-10.png (240x240, 83K)

Will life get any better?

Attached: Selection_015.png (780x231, 48K)

I say let them do it when I'm in Riichi. More possible Dora for me.

I should not have avoided the shadow realm like this, but I'm not complaining.

Attached: avoided 4th.png (1661x937, 1.4M)

>declare riichi
>get double ron'd immediately

Attached: 1469598969465.png (832x868, 371K)

Getting 3rd place back to back isn't all bad. at least you didn't lose too many points.

Free avatars lose to the paid avatars again


Attached: fuck.png (794x210, 73K)

>And as was confirmed a few threads ago, the more you spend,

Here you go. This should get you started.

Attached: Yaku List Printer Friendly.png (2600x1750, 559K)

Nigga I ain't got no points to lose

Attached: Selection_016.png (317x154, 29K)


Someone make a room. I'm tired of getting sent to the shadow realm.

white on black is awful to read

At what point should you consider a hand worthy of becoming 13 orphans anyway? I sometimes feel the urge but always stop myself