Friendly reminder that net decking removes the majority of skill from card games and none net deckers should be put down
Card games
*net decks*
Yeah but how the fuck can you stop it.
If you play against someone with a really good deck you can't help but learn that the cards they picked are good, and would now want to use those cards in a new deck.
Real life can't be like yugioh where every person has their own personal archtype theme that only they can play.
Netdecking has never meant shit
All netdecking does is makes all the retards who do it easy to exploit with other decks that soft or hard counter them.
This doesn't apply in legacy formats though where 99% of the time the game is uninteractive, then yes everyone just plays storm or infect or w/e the fastest deck in the meta is.
Cry harder, faggot.
This is correct, optimal strategies will always be found. That being said, when it comes to MTG Arena at least netdecking is completely unnecessary to hit Mythic.
At least i don't need other people to make my deck for me
>tfw get to the top 8 of a regional with a 100% unique deck and people start copying you
it's strange being on the other side of the fence.
You don't need to net deck but its boring to play against 4 decks for the entire grind
I totally understand why people do it but it just gets fucking boring playing the same 4 decks over and over. Most of the skill in card games is deck building
Anything as long as it's not the Teferi decks.
>I lost, but it doesn't really count because he didn't make his deck himself.
If that's what you need to do to console yourself for that loss, pal, then you do you. But win-lose records do not lie and do not care.
The teferi deck. Mono red aggro. Gates deck. Amass deck. 95% of my games are against these
" I don't like net decking, it takes away skill and makes the game less fun"
Why are you like this user
Why are you mad that your shitbrew predictably lost?
Why are you a cuck for another mans deck?
>build a deck to counter a deck
>die to everything else
>try to copy a deck
>lack cards
dunno how the fuck can i win when people have shit ton of copies rares and mythics. the best i can do is mono red
That's where the TCG variability really helps, for me. I don't mind only playing against Grixis, Esper, Bant Oketra, BUG Autopilot, Mono-Blue, Mono-Red, and Reclamation (and the odd Gruul) for the most part because sometimes people throw in curveballs (like Grixis/Esper playing more midrange than control), and I like gaining knowledge and expertise. When I've played my 80 billionth match against an Esper Teferi deck and I win because I can tell exactly what the deck is going to do, it's a good feeling.
Wow, I'm surprised to hear this. After WAR I completely stopped seeing these, I assume because Esper annihilates it. Weird
Being uneducated doesn't make you smarter
Being 200+ IQ is knowing what people are playing and responding with different or adjusted strategies
Being a scrub who makes their own meme deck with no knowledge of the format they're in is on par if not worse then netdeckers, at least net deckers still have to learn how to use their decks rather then try some memey linear strategy
You just gotta try and make your deck have some way to shut down the shit everyone plays. My main deck has no good answers to the gate deck.
just draft bro
Its dropped like a rock but i still run into it a bit. I see as much as this Bant wall deck thats popping up now
Yeah learning mono red aggro is tough
>has his wins taken from him and can do nothing to stop it rather than try and move the goalposts of winning
>calls anyone else a cuck
I try to, i just wish i could draft any set i wanted to and not have to wait for it rotate off of fucking dominiara
>game with countless possibilities
>99% of players play a tier 1 netdeck
Mtga sucks because of this, I see no point in playing it myself since brewing is my main reason for liking mtg. I have to stick with shitty MTGO because of this, since top cards are expensive and there's no dailies to grind, there's far less tryhards in freeplay. And most decks I make cost pennies and end up actually cheaper than in MTGA.
Competitive mtg just sucks in general. Draft is fine though, and circumvents the problem. If you like it at least, not something I would play often.
What are you even talking about now?
Draft, sealed, EDH to an extent, and play groups that always try new stuff is the shit. Re-playing net decks is boring
I only play EDH but after moving away to a small town with 0 magic players I can't even play that anymore.
The game store in my city closed down and every one is too socially awkward to host it at their own houses. Only mtg thing that happens in my city is the odd guy selling his cards for cheap
EDH can be fun if and only if you find a consistent group of exactly 3 other non-shit human beings to play with. On paper EDH sounds like it should be the most fun format but in my experience 90% of the time it's either stupid meme shit to cheat out Omniscience or no-fun-allowed board wipes every other turn. I also really dislike that the nature of a multiplayer format discourages you from developing a board because it makes you a bigger target, and from there de-incentivizes you from playing the fucking game. For a format based around iconic creatures, the power of board wipes makes it the most creature-unfriendly format imaginable.
I only play non-netdecks. Such as Dimir Discard, Azurious Counters&Walkers, Mill, Land Destruction, Mizzet Reborn Good Stuff and Simic Aggro.
Thats the issue with EDH. Once my old play grouped banned shit like fumigate and agreed to be as aggro as possible it became much more fun
Good shit dude. I like playing against stuff like that. Makes it fun. My go to decks are Grixis pirates. Azorius mill. Boros Mentor. Jeksai Historic. Grixis Reveal in Riches and Mardu Dragons
yep. It doesn't help that this is probably one of the worst standard formats I've ever played though I haven't played standard in like 3+ years.
really been enjoying pauper and hope it becomes a real format on mtga. Made a mono black value deck and had a lot of fun.
The only worse standard imo was when kaladesh and aether revolt were in
RTR/Theros is worse than current too imo, it was a literal two-deck format, Monoblack Devotion and Esper Control (which even then got fucked up pretty regularly by Pack Rat). I'd say the pre-ban Kaladesh shitshow that actually allowed the printing of Aetherworks Marvel and Saheeli kitty combo is one of the biggest embarrassments in Wizards' history and absolutely the worst Standard I've personally experienced.
The only problem i had with rtr/theros was fucking thoughtseize. Deck variety where i played was actually decent though.
>"playing" card games
>not investing in sealed product to make a shitload of cash on the backs on the pl*yers
I just bought a playset of each DTK fetch lands for 300 bucks and have flipped 3 of them for 50 bucks each
I think Wizards reprinted Thoughtseize in Theros because they were afraid some kind of G/X Midrange would get too strong (with stuff like Polukranos and Xenagos getting printed), but they way way way overshot and a whole block of cool creatures never saw the light of day.
Even when my playgroup banned thought seize those decks were never that strong. Wizards need to play test more
I bought two cases of zendikar back when it released, sold one of them so far and made over 3k off of it
People are fucking dumb
I remember theros being fun, polyk and arbor collosi
I really liked theros. Thoughtseize and devotion fucked it though
Do you want people to avoid building good decks on purpose? There's only so many combinations of cards that are good.
First off that's not really true, properly piloting a deck and knowing how to play matchups as well as what cards to sideboard in or out between games is an enormous determinant of the outcome of a series, if everyone could just google a meta deck and win tournaments they would, that isn't what happens at all
Secondly if you care about deckbuilding then play a deckbuilding format. The ENTIRE FORMAT of Limited is literally nothing BUT deckbuilding, and its both impossible to netdeck given the way the card pool is shared and changes from one event to another, you also get the chance to show off your deck building prowess EVERY time you enter.
People who bitch about netdecking in competitive formats just come across as whiny children upset that their OC donut steel jank shit lost to burn instead of letting them be an anime protagonist
PLAY LIMITED. it's more fun than standard and modern right now anyways
hot take: digital card games are stupid and should be replaced with full-fledged tactics games with very customizable troop loadouts
Duelyst was alright when I tried it years ago
too bad draft on mtga is also trash as you don't have to draft against real players
Actually, netdecking is what seperates good players from bad ones.
With all other factors being equal, the only difference is skill level.
No human drafters AND Bo1 games in fucking LIMITED, unironically what were they thinking
yeah but I mean more like xcom or something
>line of sight
>actual terrain
>like 5 skills per troop on average plus the basic actions like overwatch, attack, defend, etc
>average lifetime of a unit isn't 1 turn
>graphics are nice
duelyst was disappointing even if I played it a few dozen hours
>try magic arena
>dual lands are rare
>can't disenchanted cards
>10 times more expensive than hearthshit
I'm better off fucking spending money buying real cards than this stupid fucking game. Why do you retards like this when hearthstone gets shit for how expensive it is?? I just made a cheap ass red deck wins deck.
Fuck this game I'll honestly go back to hearthatone
yes it's better than this shit.
EDH is probably the best format for you if you want to try and make janky brew decks go anywhere. At least, it's been working out for me with a stupid Numot aggro thing
Card games like MTG are constantly evolving. Picking a popular deck will last you a week or so but if you arent able to adapt you will fall behind.
bait harder faggot
You need to netdeck to see what you are playing against you fucking moron. As a yr 30 old boomer that's played magic for 17 years and also yugioh its required. Then you add your own cards and sideboard on what YOU THINK would be better.
Also magic arena is fucking garbage play real magic. Hearthstone is a much better online card game.
mtg is just a much better game than hearthstone, even though the f2p model online sucks cock
You get handed out gold and wildcards so much it's really easy to make the deck you want by playing. Draft also nets you tons of cards, you can play it infinitely and it's also the most fun format.
>beginning of WAR standerd
>want to play a slow game
>add 4x teferi because they are good
>add 3feri and narset because they are broken
>need to not get memed by aggro, add kaya's wrath and cast downs, maybe come carnariums
>need to not get memed on by other control decks, add dovin's veto and thought erasure
>add x1 lili and x1 ugin for lategame
>end up with esper nigger
the truth about net decks is that they are popular for a reason. they are effective.
if you have a grasp on the format, you probably will end up with some kind of meta deck if you build decks honestly while aiming for win %
I did this with a small indie card game (300- players) and made a super degenerate deck that plagued ladder for months until the nerf. Then one day I made a deck so fucking bullshit I never even played it on public ladder for fear of ruining the game. It was a combo deck that could play with 0 interactivity and had no bad match ups except 1 obscure deck that you could side board to counter it.
I just wanted to play control and the game handed me two Teferis right off the bat + a bunch of seal aways and other U/W cards (this was back when KLD/WUZ were still legal so the deck was azorius instead of esper) so I played control. Also because at the time you either played Azorius or lost to RDW and I hate aggro brainlets.
Wow blizzard gets you gold also!!! And a free pack every 3 days!!! Wow!