What does Yea Forums think about female protagonists?

What does Yea Forums think about female protagonists?

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Yeah why not? If it's a well written character I don't care afe about the gender

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Made for black men to fuck

this guy isnt in the army btw
hes literally larping


She's cute.
Can you believe Drumpf wanted to outlaw this?

>qt trap gangbanged to relieve the army men's fatigue

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>us """"army""""
Ahahahah. What an embarresment.


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finally something good to come out of the US army

>see a hot trap
>quick I must post my strawman!

I can still see he is a dude, but damn.
I feel sorry for any guy that looks this feminine

Sorry, I dont speak gay, tranny faggot.

Daniel I love you but the racial slurs and the rape jokes have got to stop.
They're offensive, and Maggie and I don't want to hear them anymore.
Also I don't want you saying "cuck" around the kids. Are you serious?
You have got to grow up or we're not going to have you over again.

Imagine bunking with her (male), good times

*tranny. These retards can't even label themselves correctly anymore.

If you let women into your military, wouldn't traps be far better because they are naturally far stronger than normal women?

>tranny frog poster on tranny defence
Every time.
Go back to resetera nigger.

Someone get me those nudes

>tfw no barracks trap to cuddle with

>Correct spelling is something only gay, tranny faggots do.
Retards. Try to seethe less, so you may type correctly.

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How do you know?

So progressive! So when do those faggot forces officially adopt lgbtqfag flag lmao?

Mom(male)? Dad(female)? Could you stop fighting for a moment? I’m gettin scared

Kill yourself tranny poster.

Hush, sweetie. You always our least favorite failed abortion child.

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Jesus, man. Do you speak English?

Idk but i rarely play games with one

You forgot your reddit frog image, degenerate fag.

You first tranny incel.

its been debunked and he stopped posting after that
also its obvious
hes weak as fuck
no way hes a javelin guy

what do you expect from frogposters

Oh, so the big deal is that that person was transitioning while serving?

Is there a reason why all traps have these disgusting tits? Is it hrt or what? I honestly would prefer them completely flat with just female face

I don't play games with female leads


Based and flatpilled

find it yourself discord tranny
nobody cares if you continue down this path and kill yourself in the end

>Is it hrt
Yup. Hormones tell your body how to develop, and when you give your body these hormones once you have passed adolescence there's only so much it can do.

Imagine having to bunk with him and you haven't masturbated seen a woman in months and haven't masturbated for weeks

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Wow ugly people exist good point good point.

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lemme see that dick
traps are ok
trannies are not
I'm bi btw, not sure if that matters

Thanks for enlightening me
Such a shame one cannot control the region of the body they are impacting. Face, hips and skin only would be dope

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noo, leave stefanie alone

no. traps are no longer traps if they decide to ACTUALLY try to be the female.

What are traps called that decide to be female

He doesn't even look female.


what is that?

Arent trannys these big disgusting guys in women clothes?

Stolen valor!!

those are cross dressers
trannies are self mutilating mentally ill people

Anytime, user. The way the body works is quite interesting.
In general I think it's just too early for this stuff, it's kind of a mess. You just need to look at the genital reassignment surgery or whatever it's called, it's an awful thing.

>I couldn't score on chicks as a fit man
>better crossdress and take it up the ass by a fucking Turk
That is some gigantic leap.

why can't he just stop at the twink stage?

could've pull poons at that point too

They're certainly a thing. As long as the game is good idgaf.

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Yes, but also anyone else who believes they are actually "the other gender in the wrong body". Traps know theyre dudes and are completely content with being dudes. Trannies hate being a dude and wish they were a woman, and will go on hormones to be as close to one as they can. Also higher suicide rates.

wow it's almost as if she is transgender......

Man such a complicated world
haha Ive seen some of these surgeries animated and know that they have been performed pre WWII in berlin. Even red that review by some dude from reddit that is often posted here, creepy shit. Still remove that dudes tits in the op and I will revoke my heterosexuality licence in a heartbeat

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remember on the battlefield you will be the first to be raped, "girl".

Don't encourage them.

Unironically pretty hot. I'd fuck him.

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it's the hrt
also they do what women do with their lips to puff them up
so it's purposeful

>female protagonists

pic related is best game ever made
has a female protagonist

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They'd probably like that.

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>self mutilating mentally ill people are allowed to serve in the army

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His last pic looks more feminine than Joost, kek

Nothing edgy about not telling a schizo to do what the voices tell him to, but go ahead and enable their mental illness instead of treating it. I'm sure they'll be much happier for it, I mean only like 40% try to kill themselves once you've cut their dicks off after all.

>they do what women do with their lips to puff them up
What's that?

>no proof

>enable their mental illness instead of treating it
your opinion is not the medical and scientific consensus, hothead

everybody knows that girls can't do shit other than suck dick

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Lmao the game barely has a protagonist at all. Might as well just be a floating portal gun

>that guy in the 3rd row who didn't even fucking shave

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Portal is ok but not that great.

you actually just spent about 25 minutes looking for proof lmao

The medical and scientific consensus has been skewed by political agendas, it's not the first time and it won't be the last.

The medical consensus is liberal biased, so automatically worthless.

Agree, that last pic completely takes the wind out of the transformation because he still has the chin and the shoulders

I think you should take your reddit trash somewhere else

you know you can't challenge the truth upfront, that's why you shitpost about it on a video game board
you are unhinged, living in a filter bubble where all you can do is deny reality

Most obvious reason? His fucking hair cut, retard. That’s not regulation.

I heard from a military friend that South Koreans usually have a designated fuckboy in their squads for such purposes.

pretty sure fags are better than women at sucking dicks too. Basically, females are only good for making offspring for men


Stefanie Joosten is beautiful, she isn't a man you faggot

You can keep throwing insults and making fun of us but that won't change the fact that gender dysphoria is and will always be a mental illness, no matter what your favorite liberal doctor tells you.


I don't blame or judge them if that's true. Living with the possibility that you might turn into mashed beef by way of 500 Koksans and rocket trucks will give you some stress.

Make sure trannies keep their wrists away from any edges lest they join a certain percentage

>f-facts before feelings
unless those feelings are yours, I get it

no thx

>I'm not in the South Korean military banging Bisu right now
What the fuck am I doing with my life..

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Funny how trannies always parade those cases around as if we somehow have a problem with trannies who do pass. No it's only your ugly insane ass we hate

You could just buy an onahole, just as much plastic.

Foolishness, user. My animes have army people with those haircuts in them all the time.



Probably killed itself by now.

My only feelings on the matter are that I'd rather help and cure people who suffer from gender dysphoria rather than mutilating their genitalia and dressing them up as some sort of circus freak.

>it's okay if it gives me a boner
I think I prefer the consistency

>trannies still trying to call other people incels
you literally changed gender because you couldn't get pussy lmao

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>Implying trannies aren't both
hella epic

God you're fucking pathetic

>What does Yea Forums think about female protagonists?

Cute girl > cute guy > ugly guy > ugly girl

Yeah, but they’ll have pussy after the surgery. They just have to keep dilating it or it’ll fuse together.

A reminder
Passes as a girl, be that in real life or just in certain flattering camera angles under 60 layers of shoop techniques. Born as a guy and still calls himself a guy.
>Tranny (MtF transgender/transsexual)
Might pass as female (chances go up considerably if they started transitioning early to avoid/offset male puberty), probably doesn’t. Born as a guy but has a genuine mental illness that causes them to believe they’re girls born wrongly into male bodies, call themselves girls and demand that others do so as well on a constant basis.
>Crossdresser (transvestite)
Born as a guy, dresses as a girl for x reason, probably still calls himself a guy but assumes a feminine alter ego when dressing like a woman (see: drag queens, okama characters like Lala from Persona 5, etc.). They can pass as female, they may not. Distinct from trannies in that they don’t always call themselves girls (if they do at all); they do it for entertainment and/or sexual gratification, not treating a disorder.

>this user has deleted their account
what the fuck, I was looking forward to that dick man

found it

What really bothers me about this is that more masculine girls and tomboys could be peer pressured into thinking they are the wrong gender.

just another youth exposed to sex too early

nothing to see here

move it along folks

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Best wearing nothing.

>actually browsing Reddit
I hope it was worth it.

>natural female breasts

What are the remaining 35 percent?

Based retard user

user, I...

the incels actually take it well past 100

I don't get it

>This is our military

If we get in a war with Russia or China we're fucked (and that's a good thing).

We know.

Yes, we know white guys are better at everything they do.

>16 different cases of real people
I believe the word you're looking for is "cherrypicking".

You're also completely looking at it the wrong way. The number is hilarious because trannies are such a small, insignificant portion of the population. meanwhile, normal white dues are a large majority.
Also trannies can be white guys aswell, retard.

female protags only work if she's sexy and slutty as fuck.

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shit taste
sluts are literally not human

I also like how *that's* the strawman, and not an incredibly rare instance of a tranny not being fuck ugly lmao.

Neither are video game characters you tranny scum. Castrate yourself.

kill yourself you fucking faggot nigger
sluts are trash and you should actually be killed today retard

>incredibly rare instance of a tranny not being fuck ugly
Kek, have you ever seen a tranny in real life?

Why yes I have, which pretty much invalidates their entire goal in and of itself

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>majority in america

Nowhere in that post did I ever once say America
I am not American. Can you read, dipshit?

they can be white but they are mostly black though

To be fair incels also include trannies.

>but they are mostly black though
I've never seen a black one, I doubt that.

And how are you going to help and cure it? Not saying genital mutilation is okay, I think it's fucking stupid, but there really are no treatments for it. Mankind right now is plagued a by quite a few incurable illnesses physical and mental both, take diabetes for example.

you are talking about American statistics, you dumbfucking retard shitskin

thats because nobody wants to see a black tranny
but they are still there and its literally the stereotype for trannies to be black

No you wouldn't, stop lying. You wouldn't do jack shit. You're just angry because you feel like your assumed dominance is being threatened.

Yes. About trannies, which are completely irrelevant to the population of white guys. I brought that up because even with a supposed "56%" of white population in America (which is still a majority btw), they're still not nearly reaching as impressive as percentage as trannies do with their sample size.
Also Europe exists, you fat retard. Which is also even whiter and also has trannies

you need to improve the medical technology until you can actually swap parts with the real thing instead of jury-rigging it. i agree that it seems like mutilation right now but i don't think just trying to convince them the problem isn't real would help either. we're getting closer to growing real replacement parts and soon sex changes might actually involve getting a real vagina+everything else instead of an inverted penis.

That's surprising to say the least. You never see talk of them, it's always the same white, pasty dudes.

>we're getting closer to growing real replacement parts
Tell me more.