Fortnite scam artists are lying to kids on YouTube in the most obnoxious way possible

>"YouTubers hungry for a quick inflation to their subscriber base are turning to Fortnite in the latest bloody bid for attention. Fortnite is played by people of all ages, but it's undeniably designed to appeal to younger people. It's a violent cartoon in a bright world where a new villain arrives with every season on the back of an in-game event to spawn an evil purple cube or cover the map in snow and ice. Fortnite is 2019's most popular Saturday morning cartoon and it's free to play and watch 24 hours a day."

>"It's these very in-game events that YouTube livestreamers are using to manipulate young and/or naive viewers in order to boost subscriber numbers and donation totals, resorting to tactics so transparently misleading and exploitative that the videos, for anyone over the age of six, are borderline unwatchable. "

>"For these livestreamers, that messaging doesn't matter. They play stupid to get around YouTube's guidelines, phrasing their stream titles as questions or vague statements that, while technically true, communicate a brash sense of urgency, especially in tandem with garish thumbnails that scream even louder. "LIVE EVENT!" and a chunky red arrow are near guarantees, while the more ambitious streamers photoshop cracks on the eye itself, or throw a godzilla in for good measure—something to really get a kid's mind turning over.

"That's not even the worst of it. The theatrics required to trick an audience into thinking something big is about to happen boggle the mind."

What do you think about this, Yea Forums? Its reminds me a bit of some Yea Forums threads.

Attached: 879.png (690x668, 423K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>What do you think about this, Yea Forums? Its reminds me a bit of some Yea Forums threads.
You don't say

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I could give less of a shit. Scamming kids from the point of video games is nothing new. My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger. Kids will soon realize that it's all bullshit and move on. Better they learn while they're younger rather than older.

>free clash of clans gem generator

Kys zoomer

>People scamming kids in what is currently the most popular game with kids besides Minecraft
Is this suppose to be surprising?

>clickbait website whines that youtubers should not be allowed to use clickbait
The ironing

clickbait article complaining about clickbait

>I could give less of a shit
Well that's nice of you

youtubers are using clickbait to try and gain more clicks

more news at 11


Isn't this what all let's players or any other fucking e-celeb has done since the beginning of time? Why does this deserve an article now?

I read the entire OP and I literally can't tell what the scam is. I'm not reading the rest of the article. Kill yourself.

>I could give less of a shit.
How cute, ESL-chan.

>bloggers who create clickbait for living crying about youtubers

wow its fucking nothing

>free clash of clans gem generator
Is this what zoomers are actually like?

>I could give less of a shit
Why do you not?

And that's a good thing

>clash of clans
>when I was younger

Attached: tailsweat.png (225x221, 65K)

>My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger
God damn I wish I applied for janny position to fucking ban you underage faggots. Get the fuck off this website

Attached: 1541307482858.jpg (225x224, 7K)

>"free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger

get off this board

>clash of clans
>when I was younger

Attached: Fenriz.jpg (390x446, 155K)

Doesn't matter, the more articles, the faster this cancer clickbait culture can get rooted out. The fact that you don't seem to care is what is letting them thrive, assholes.

>clash of clans when i was younger
this must be some elaborate bait


Technically speaking we were all younger when Clash of Clans was made.

>"free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger.

Attached: 1550041255133.jpg (250x230, 10K)

Agreed. Fuck kids to be honest

>the fuck? how is this news clickbait isn't new and you're arguably doing it
>actually check the article
>looping countdown timers
>all that fake hype in the actual streams
jesus fucking christ what the fuck

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>linking directly

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>"free clash of clans gem generator"
I did fall for Gunbound free money.

This is the height of obtuse hypocrisy. I don't know whether to laugh or just shake my head.

so whats the scam?

>putting a random countdown timer on your videos for lil zoom zoom
What the fuck

Attached: disgust.jpg (190x153, 5K)

>30 year old boomers pretending they didn't fall for Bonzi Buddi

Attached: 300px-Bonzi_Buddy.png (300x250, 69K)

>best mom eva tweet
fuck off retard

From what I gather, the scam is that the video title and thumbnail says there's something going on where there isn't, so you get scammed into opening a youtube video and your life is in shambles

why should Yea Forums be like those other two shit tier boards, HEY LET'S DISCUSS NEWS ARTICLES AND TWEETS

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go be an activist somewhere else

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>clash of clans

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>part of the comment where you said something that made me reply
my reaction of disapproval

Yeah, stupid kids watching this clickbait shit. Where were we? Holy shit the Grinch is in!??

>free clash of clans gem generator
>when I was younger

Attached: 175-1754450_firework-laws-and-regulations-bible-clip-art-for.png (963x951, 86K)

you should see some of the utter trash kids watch on youtube. there's a whole army of clowns that overreact and scream and pretend that the smallest most uninteresting thing is in fact extremely interesting.

when i was a kid there was a common saying that "tv rots your brain." this shit certainly does.

>implying this is anything new to any videos found in youtube

Twitch kiddies everyone.

for me it was maplestory.

i had my white maple bandana vac hacked.

stupid hacking losers >:(

yeah just figure out the casino is rigged early yknow the game corner isnt even in the remakes of lets go pika so of a bitch i says

>People use clickbait

Attached: file.png (480x360, 200K)

happened to me

Hey kid, remember: Real men fix other peoples problems

Is it a scam any time a content creator creates something for a particular audience now?

>Clash of Clans
We all experimented with mobile once.
>When I was younger
How young are we talking?
>Free gem generator
At no age should you fall for this.

I think I got baited.

People want to pay or donate what's the problem

This OP is literally a fucking advertisement.

You got baited an hour after he posted and after about 10 other anons got baited
You're dumber

Yes. It's basically today's version of calling someone a rapist, except calling someone a rapist is still in style

how do I subscribe to them?

They are just describing the YouTube formula. Literally every YouTuber does this because it is what the algorithm favours and therefore promotes.

>people in this thread acting like Yea Forums isn't 80% 16 year olds

Spoiler alert, this board is for teenagers. I'm surprised none of you can tell by the content of the posts.

I was here when I was 16, 6 years ago. Your secret club has always been a 'no girls allowed' day care centre, and it always will be. Thx 4 listening.

Give them your credit card information

This scam artist is lying to anons on 4channel in the most obnoxious way possible

uhh clash of clans came out in 2012 user...

Absolutely not new. They destroyed the PvE mode with this nonsense so now everyone would rather scam guns like it's runescape rather than actually play the game. I miss when I could just speedbuild and get comfy without finding myself suddenly in a box with some twelve year old asking for my weapons. BR has always been a cesspool but at least I could kill them, the community in the PvE mode became irredeemable after youtubers convinced the new blood that it's a trading game, doesn't matter if they add fancy bosses to it or not.

So what you're saying is if that user was 12 at the time now he would be 19? Yiu retards do realize that he's 18 years old with brain damage most likely.

EVENT HAPPENING RIGHT NOW shit has been going on for an eternity

Youtube is literally built on people who make videos with titles in all-caps with a thumbnail that has red circles, giant arrows, and maybe a couple abbreviations like WTF or LOL, only for the actual content of the video to have absolutely nothing to do with the title or the thumbnail

Attached: Kyle Behold.jpg (523x676, 92K)

this, it's exactly the type of content youtube wants and promotes

Red:Wave2:Free rune armor trimming!

>Guy I think youtube is garbage
WOW now that's journalism!

Almost as if he saw an opportunity to use Fortnite for hits

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Watching this shit is absolutely surreal. At least back in the days you had to be a bit subtle to manipulate kids, these fortnite youtubers aren't even trying. Goes to show that there's no excuse for not making money in 2019.

He could have used many more reprehensible shit YT does, but then he'd have to accuse the site itself and not some few of its users.

what the fuck is clash of clans?

>lone ESL zoomer makes boomers seethe with one post
Based beyond belief

Attached: came 2 smug.png (666x666, 28K)

a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a copy of a P2W scam

Clickbait isn't scamming. The fuck is wrong with these people.

It is.

Is it?

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>more news at 11

Not enough clickbait in that tagline. News shows are neck-deep in this shit as well these days.
>We're standing by with our exclusive report on how much damage they can do to you and your children, and we give you the weapons you need to stop them. But first, the innovative new app that'll save you money on your power bills.

>clickbait article about clickbait
We need to go deeper

based illiterate

10/10 keep up the good work user

>could give less

No, Anime Dark Souls would have been enjoyable. God Eater studio couldn't make something half decent to save their lives.

i'm 20 and i played clash of clans when i was 14
your point

>My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger.
Alright user, you got me.

Attached: I'M SO ANGRY.jpg (400x350, 36K)

Damn clash of clans dropped 7 years ago, he could of been 12 by then.

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>clickbait merchants whining about clickbait
Kids should be scammed, they are retarded little turds who deserve it.

This is garbage holy fuck

Don't forget to fuck the little boys in their boipucci.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-6-1 clash of clans - Google Search.png (590x146, 28K)

I want ESL shitskin niggers to leave this board. THIS PLACE IS ONLY FOR WHITE PEOPLE, OKAY?

>when I was younger

pls leave

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So they've just discovered click bait?

The irony of this article is not lost on me

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Parents should watch what their kids do

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>>"YouTubers hungry for a quick inflation to their subscriber base are turning to Fortnite in the latest bloody bid for attention
Stopped reading there. Of fucking course it's a bong article. I never hear jack shit about Fortnite unless it involves the britbongs shitting righteous fury about it. Someone please tell me why that one singular island nation is so obsessed with this game.

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user, I think you might be retarded. The bloody there refers to a battle, not the British expletive


this is the future

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Dark Souls 3 is anime.
proof:tree blossoms and ash floating everywhere all the time like the wind never stops for some reason, anime movesets/weapons, katanas and other japanese weapons out the ass

>Clickbait websites hungry for a quick inflation to their clicks are turning to Yea Forums in the latest bloody bid for attention. Yea Forums is browsed by people of all ages, but its undeniably designed to appeal to retards. Its a bunch of retarded shitposting in a clown world where a new boogieman arrives with every new week on the back of an IRL event to spawn a new non-vidya meme to cover the board in /pol/ shit. Yea Forums is 2019's most popular Yea Forums board and its free to shitpost on 24 hours a day.

>Its these very memes that clickbait websites are using to manipulate anons and/or naive autistic men in order to boost their clicks and ad revenue, resorting to tactics so transparently spammy and exploitative that the articles, for anyone over the age of 14, are blatant bullshit not worth reading.

>For these websites, that doesn't matter. They play stupid to get around 4chans rules against advertising, phrasing their threads as if made by actual users, or using vague statements, while technically true, communicate a brash sense of urgency, especially in tandem with garish images that beg the user to shitpost in the thread to keep it bumped. "OH NO NO NO NO NO" and a screaming red Wojak are near guarantees, while the more ambitious clickbait websites photoshop headlines, or throw some buzzwords like Tranny in for good measure-something to really get an user ready to post the same canned response he posts every time one of these threads is made.

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Do you not feel even the slightest bit scummy lying to my fucking face? The queen is behind this, quit trying to suppress it

You sound obsessed

Obvious things that have occured for months are now obviously on the news... and within the next few weeks action will be taken now... hmmm..?

Remember to use a pastebin kids, and tell OP he's a faggot and should fuck off if he doesn't!
Advertisers will never stop shilling their clickbait here if you keep replying to their threads and clicking their links

Attached: Use a fucking pastebin.png (1884x768, 69K)

>First sentence is absolutely loaded with overly-dramatic language so you know exactly who the enemy is
>Second sentence is a biased opinion just shoved in there, like the author just can't stop himself
>Third sentence is more of the same.
>Fourth is an ad for the game
>Takes three "paragraphs" to actually explain what's happening, and fails to do so clearly because it's full of bias and preaching

Who the fuck writes this shit?

Attached: disgust woomy.png (594x695, 729K)

Zoomers and youtubers are cancer and deserve each other

It's the same guy that beat Sekiro with cheats, James Davenport

Zoomers are retarded.
Other news: water, wet.

how is this news, this shit has been around since youtube became the main gaming video platform

>clash of clans
so you're a zoomer?

love these shilling reddit threads about outside content, with the subject field filled, convenient excerpt, handy link included, even went as far as to create a proper thumbnail, WOW!

This kind of shit has always existed on Youtube. It's nothing new

>being this retarded

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Anyone on youtube who make content aimed for kids are most of time scummy. Either scam their audience or tries to get underage nudes

Ok, so the article basically says "YouTubers use flashy tactics to get their young audiences attention". Yes? So what?

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omg are you okay

The irony is that the article used the exact same tactic to get you to click the link and generate profit

jesus are u like 18


when I was 16 I didnt get hooked by a mobile game and wasnt a giant pussy

You are correct, but ...
>"free clash of clans gem generator"
>when I was younger
You still are young fag, come back when you're over 18.

I miss Minecraftube.

I didn't click on shit i just read the OP, even if i did click the article it would of just had more words of the same shit.

If Kyle was in BR that would actually motivate me into playing the game for more than three days.

Remember when Yea Forums would tell OP to fuck right off if he didn't use a pastebin?

This is unironically a good thing.

Kids getting tricked and learning they shouldn't trust everything they see on the internet is a valuable lesson.

zommers have to learn about scammers and liars on the internet eventually. Youtube clickbait is the least of their issues.

>My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger
>Clash or Clans released on IOS in August 2012
Either good bait or you’re 100% an underageb&.

how stupid can you be, the article makes a good point about how douchey these fake timer scams are. theres like a billion kids watching them and its just grown men trying to make money by pretending like something is happening in fortnite when thats not even how fortnite works. its fucked up, the article isnt the problem the faggots defending this as simple clickbait when its really not are

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>My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator"
Hello, you actual 15 year old.

Minecraft was also cancer. But, at least, Minecraft was a fundamentally better game since it relied primarily on creating and not destroying. And the whole scope of it and things you could do rewarded creativity and exploration in general.

It's more brutal if you think about it because kids are donating actual money to youtubers rather than falling for old Runescape and Maple scams which only involved mesos/gold/items.

>he didn't play corruption of champions while he was a fetus
lmao at you life senpai

I don't mean that crap. I mean the dumb LPers.

this. this is some really fucked up shit. its not a fake runescape gold generator that steals your runescape gold. this is like an actual scam

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so? when dad see the credit card bill and they get their first beating they will stop doing it

im gonna bet 10 bucks, an apple and a beer on 98% of retards replying to you being underage.
still, mods please bean him.

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what the absolute fuck is this

>out by 2012
>depending on what he considers young he could not be underage

that's not the piano ghost movie

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>ciruelo dragon in the thumbnail

>Some dumbshit zoomer stroking his cock over his sub count while reading donations.

>that face
>when western """artists""" try to copy anime

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Can this get any more ironic?

>Fortnite is big
>Clickbaiters use fortnite clickbait to get views

wow shocking

So this is the power of a (you) generator?



I am sorry, but I am going to have to do an incel fortnite. Okay, this is epic *dans so hard the sun breaks*

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>Damn clash of clans dropped 7 years ago
Time runs much slower on Yea Forums. It's like the game came out yesterday.

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>watch for 2 mins
>dude is just begging for subs the whole time
How do kids enjoy this?

>imagine writing four whole paragraphs in a news article and still not even touching on what exactly the core of the issue is.

Is he complaining about the fake livestreams that are all over youtube these days? Like the Falcon Heavy launches that were "live streamed" for about a month.

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That a horrible taste user

the absolute state of youtube

The anime big eyes style was literally copied from western art like Warner Bros and Disney, are you retarded?

Wasnt even good bait, but I guess it worked. Good job.

He’s not talking about you specifically, captain autismo.

you're not a fucking radio station and even people calling in to those are pathetic

really good bait man 11/10 well done i haven't seen this many (You)'s since april fools day

this shit was great though
not nearly as malicious as spyware today either.

Kids should start commenting Nigger in their chats. That would fix the whole problem. YT would disable the comment section and the user wont get any views.

based NIN poster

>normal people finally starting to decry the bullshit around Fortnite, something that needs to happen for Epic to get their comeuppance and vidya to move the fuck on
>v whines

Buncha slack-jawed faggots

we need a war

is this employment is in these times?

neoliberal capitalism baby

half the thread just got mad at the article title without even realizing just how shitty this is.


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Put me in the screen cap

Getting youtube subscribe is a scam now?

What is all this text... Can someone put what exactly are they doing in 3 or more words for someone that doesn't play the game?

>the retards growing up on this will one day be able to vote

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i take it back, i take it all back

i want to beat the living shit out of this guy

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go away zoom zoom

red arrows bad

I think it's more about lying. That streamers are pretending their mundane gameplay video is some kind of special event in the game to get children to watch,

Just turn the fucking game on yourself why are they watching a stream when they can do it themselves I don't understand

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What the fuck is he even saying?

none of the people that Retsuprae complained about in the past were this bad.

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It's just youtubers putting misleading labels on their boring ass streams so it looks like it's some kind of new content or exciting event in a game. To trick children into watching.

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>Like the Falcon Heavy launches that were "live streamed" for about a month
Thanks for reminding me about this. I still feel retarded for falling for that.

the 2nd video in the article makes me want to blow my brains out

youtube needs to start banning these literal faggots

And then copied back by westerners without conscious effort to adapt it to 3D graphics. This shit isn't inspired by classics of animation, it's la creatura of artstyles, western realism masturbation mixed with weeb faggotry.

Attached: 1531436061169.jpg (639x960, 45K)

thats not what it is at all
this is what it is:

watch for like a minute or two to get the picture, this isnt just your normal clickbait

>smug at anyone

Attached: peep.jpg (688x593, 40K)

Attached: timer.gif (600x300, 18K)

>out of curiosity check out some kind of big namee 'content creator'

kids only play games for le ebin moment that makes them go WOO the first time
watching an streamer gives them those moments for free + the streamer faking the same exitement + the chat doing the same, so they also gain social validation on the cool moment that it was indeed cool

>clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger

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>I could give less of a shit
Kill yourself

How have he managed to create an even more obnoxious chat than twitch?

>"free clash of clans gem generator"
get out

Attached: 1559384587305.png (894x773, 48K)

you have to be 18 to post here

If you bothered to read the article then the least you could do is link directly to the video. Pastebin would've been even better.

fuck this is some prime bait

Five-O, we got the suspect!!

Attached: 1538688066897.jpg (420x410, 17K)

The irony of a journalist complaining about clickbait is not lost on me.

Who's this cute

>chat is just spamming F

Attached: 1558772909861.gif (310x266, 132K)

>Saturday morning cartoon

Attached: 616ABB90-226F-48E3-9B0E-50293B71061E.jpg (612x612, 31K)

Attached: 1557654440769.png (640x607, 377K)

>watch for like a minute or two to get the picture, this isnt just your normal clickbait
You're right. It's clickbait on Yea Forums, and all you fucking morons are falling for it. Fuck outta here with this garbage. I aint clicking that shit nigga.

Its an old meme I think from call of duty advanced warfare where there was a prompt to press f to pay respects

It's the poster child for being a pile of dogshit who doesn't do anything except fuck around

Came here to post this.

Zealanders use it too, dickhead

kek, had totally forgotten this

Attached: pressf.jpg (800x450, 71K)

Are you 7?
Prior to the popularization of the Internet, cartoons Saturday morning were the big fucking thing for kids.
>No school, so they can just watch TV
>Was the prime time for cartoons

I know what it is, but it's not like he's dying or anything. They're just spamming for no reasons.

No, because he's not 7 he wants to know why the fuck people are calling video game a Saturday Morning Cartoon. Because he's also retarded, he doesn't realize that the person who wrote the article is making a clever comparison to the activity of children in the past.

same here. it's impossible to know what's going on by the op only. and like hell i'm going to the source read a shitty article.

Getting someone to like and subscribe is a scam now?
My head hurts.


Fuck off, shill.

>It is when you're trying to spread misinformation through artificially hype culturing

well played

It is if you are using dishonest tactics, you doofus

Apparently getting subscribes on YT, which cost no money on the viewers' part, is now a scam.

Which is odd because doesn't YouTube have a rule about clickbait shit and yet these fucks still get away with it? I know they're incompetent as shit to run their site but geez it's like they just give them a slap on the hand and think any of them will ever learn

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ethics are subjective

It wasn't always this way

Youtube only goes after republican, fringe and conspiracy videos

clickbait be clickbait, nothing new.
i hate this quality of the internet but what can you do

google earns too with the clickbaits.

moral is called subjective. ethics is more of a grey area that's been discussed in philosophy since the ancient greeks.

But why is this still a thing? Adblock pretty much kills all their revenue anyway.

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kids are too dumb for adblock

Children don't use adblock. They sit through all those fucking ad-riddled videos waiting for whatever the actual nugget of truth in the video is.

most people don't use adblock, user.

>YouTube only goes after Republican
Really? Explain why I always get shitty annoying pragerU ads then

No, back in the day there was a lot of shit to scam kids, not subtle at all, you remember maganizes selling "gamer gloves" from that avgn episode?

>real men are cucks

no adblock, they watch it on their phones, just like 99% of the thread browses on their phones

Maybe if i had access to a good photoshop program i'd be making clickbait thumbnails too

it's a long con, you wouldn't understand all the mechanics behind it

most of these thumbnails look like they're made with fucking gimp anyway

i've adblockers on phone even though i barely use it for internet. but sure 99% of people don't bother with that on phones.

my phone has an adblock...

The largest population of individuals who watch YouTube are underage.

Imagine the feeling you had for Cartoon Cartoon Fridays, the fucking wonderment of watching back-to-back-to-back new cartoon episodes or series premieres and being like "Damn, this shit's great. I wish this was every day." For these kids, it literally is every day. There are so many Fortnite and other HEY GUYS WHATS UP I'M VIDEO GAMES AND TODAY WE'RE GOING TO DO WHAT WE'VE DONE FOR THE LAST THOUSAND OTHER EPISODES.
Children eat this shit up because they crave the dopamine drip. The broadcaster overhypes the product both in advert and show to try to encourage the viewers to rise to the same level of excitement.

It's literally no different than the baby shows where they find an apple and go "RED!" and do some happy dance shit for a solid minute or when some football team scores the sportscasters going "OH MY GOD OH MY OH WOW OH WOW OH LOOK AT THE ENERGY OF THE CROWD RIGHT NOW OH MY GOODNESS THE EXCITEMENT IS IN THE AIR!."

It's all the same shit.

Do explain user, I am rather curious

Is a game journalist actually complaining about clickbait?

No, it's just that rightards make a big scene out of it like they're the only victims of censorship.
"""Weedtubers""" barely got any news time by rightards once they were kicked off.
People who make YouTube Poop and YTPMVs have been kicked off for >muh Copyright since the start of the platform.

This must be some high satire, I guess I'm too low IQ to understand.

Attached: uhh.png (744x915, 405K)

>he doesn't use ad blocker

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>Free class of clams game generator
Fucking get off Yea Forums you boomer

Attached: 1556888995876.jpg (728x729, 200K)

>A massive eye just split open on the side of Fortnite's Polar Peak

Big if true

>James Davenport
Christ, why cant that awful fag just kill himself already

I remember the first time I got scammed. I was 9 years old playing Maplestory and I fell for one of those "login to our website and get free NX cash!". I lost my innocence that day.

what's that, and what does it do

I remember the last time i got scammed, i was 24 and just bought gold in Runescape Classic ;_;


Attached: 1456414916018.png (480x280, 55K)

this post wa made 1 hour ago, the livestream is still going.

Attached: 1492782458894.jpg (701x669, 35K)

Most livestreamers usually do 12 hour days or even more.

And he's still rambling on about the same thing.

>only time i got scammed was some retard taking my adamant scimi in a trade where he pulled his shit out of the trade as it was being accepted
>had a rune scimi in my backpack
It still got to me because even as a kid I was an autistic min/maxing ass but overall it was a good way to learn the "don't get scammed" lesson

Attached: 1557627878299.png (606x334, 108K)

Underage b&

Making clickbait isn't a scam, it's fucking clickbait. The author cannot complain about people on youtube doing it in video form, since they literally wrote a clickbait article about the whole thing

>He would do it for free..

this deserved a public ban

more like GEM out

She's the poster outlander female for the save the world mode. She's pretty mean to professor utonium

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.58M)

Fuck off shill

zoomers are the worst people alive

Attached: 1558047706995.jpg (702x430, 47K)

And he's still doing and saying the same thing, going nowhere, doing nothing, holding hostage the attention of those kids.

We truly live in a weird time, don't we.

Yikes, I regret asking now. It sucks when characters only look good in fanart. I really thought Fortnite abandoned its single-player mode.

Literally would. This website is getting shittier year by year, I want to cleanse this place

Incl00d meh in ze scrnshot,

Attached: まほう少女せれな.jpg (620x581, 112K)

Congratulations for getting the best bait of 2019 so far

So many actual zoomers fell for this

Attached: based.gif (404x279, 3.24M)

give me a link brother

everything it says
when i was a kid my friends and i would paste high school essays into the "name" field or just bad words like 300 times copy pasted
so its like
"Hello, ASS ASS ASS ASS ASS" for like 10 minutes, "It's good to see you again!"
or, "Hello, The chocolate war is the shittiest book i've ever read, " etc etc. when you start the program

he had a built in calendar, some shitty jokes, could sing "daisy give me your answer true" and other dumb shit
also his laugh sound effect sample is great and still gets used today
was in custom robo, crash bash, an ICP song, and other shit i cant remember.

please die in hell zoomer

This kind of shit exists on Youtube for all demographics. The stuff like "FERRARI MADE THEIR OWN PHONE?" or "I BUILT A GAMING PC FOR ONLY $15?"

The Ferrari phone is just some offbrand phone they slapped Ferrari decals with and made 500 of to send to youtubers and press for brand recognition and the $15 gaming PC was made with a shitty optiplex given to them for free and they got a good deal for a used GPU on eBay. Youtube is quickly becoming even more retarded than actual television channels and that's hard to do.

its okay this game has other cute characters

Attached: Harvester_Uncommon.png (512x512, 129K)

Try me

>advertising for PCgamer in classic "just enough to get you to click the link" fashion
>third of the thread is just replying to bait
This thread is awful


This b8 is amazing

Attached: 1550279879747.png (800x869, 725K)

>Gaming "journalism"acting like clickbait videos on youtube is a new thing

This is as sad as Schreirs latest "this rockstar exec molested this guy 10 years ago despite being straight, married and having children, source is my ass"

Attached: 1267565992612.png (330x327, 154K)

include me in the screencap

would you prefer her in cyberpunk flavor

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 1.5M)

>gaming "journalist" accusing other of using exaggerated titles to attract attention
>also, the same guy wrote pic related

Attached: .png (682x177, 124K)

>PCGamer discovers kid youtube scams 5 years later than everyone else
Just wait till they find all the other weird shit like auto generated songs and weird graphic violence. What they're talking about isn't even that specific to Fortnight. You have those obnoxious brothers who just eat candy and they're hyped up attitudes will make you want to kill yourself. In on episode they're like "It's the subscriber challenge, think you can do it i bet you can't hit that sub button in 5 seconds" and they get millions of views.

I can tell you're a NEET because you don't know what hustling looks like. The kid is killing it on that livestream. Farming followers, growing his discord community and reading donations. This is what working looks like whether you like it or not.


It has other characters that might interest you

Attached: 1547498093535.png (795x873, 235K)

What does that have anything to do with what I posted.

They all look like shit except for the slampig.

Technically speaking, I was a full-grown adult when CoC came out. I also have never played that bullshit phone-babby "game".

What the fuck am I looking at even?

>And he's still doing and saying the same thing, going nowhere, doing nothing, holding hostage the attention of those kids.
this should be a Yea Forums banner

I really didn't though. Not everyone is a doddling, bumbling idiot from the word "go".

>Evelynn is just Mari's head transplanted on a soldier body
>Powerchord is another, seperate character who is apparently Penny's sister

I want them to make Powerchord a hero already so I can keep hearing what they call each of the ghostie ghoulies in british fortnite

>What do you call the ones that throw skulls [Lobbers]?
>Oh, you mean Skulloobers.
>How about the big ones that charge [Smashers]?
>Big'un Blasters.
>And the ones dressed like baseball players [Pitchers]?
>We don't have those. We have Cricket Creepers.

Attached: file.png (1300x738, 2.08M)

That's penny - she's pretty good too

I really don't care for Save the World. It's a grindy slug of a game with occasional decent writing

Attached: 1541934577568.png (1024x576, 184K)

>guys this is insane
>suscribe pls every 10 seconds

>discover normalfag sphere of the internet
>modern news outlets, normietube, normiebook, plebbit
WOW! Everything is full of clickbait!

Attached: 15812346519807.jpg (1806x1702, 1.48M)

He literally says subscribe and turn on notifications every 10 seconds

>the mobile games generation is able to post in this site now

Attached: 1522482080338.gif (148x111, 264K)

How is this entertaining in any way? I know little kids aren't the most sophisticated, but I can't see what they get out of this at all.

I can't stop watching this.
Its amazing

It really is, he's repeating the same thing every 10 seconds it may be on a loop

fixed that picture for you

Attached: Gaming journalist.png (619x598, 415K)

Because the human mind is wired to somewhat like repetition. It is how toddlers learn and how grug works, therefore liking repetition is a desirable trait and is likely to get passed on. Zoomer youtubers figured this out and are using it to get money from kids.

A video costs no money to subscribe to wtf

I kinda like the part where he says "you guys are literally insane", which might be more accurate than intended.

I think I just saw the loop


really solid bait, good job user

please put some anime feet in the screencap for me

>This is insane guys
>This is going to be insane
>Insane, for real
>This is insane

For once I agree with you, clickbait-san


it's all so tiresome

Attached: 1554988763758.png (224x224, 104K)

>spam in the chat or get demoted

Attached: 1540418376130.png (498x325, 207K)

The constantly resetting 5 minute timer is genius

fucking kek


>that timer in the lower left that just keeps resetting to 5:00

Attached: 1526702250167.png (1280x913, 956K)

yep. And the bot spamming in chat how he got a mod


wait guys

I feel bad for these kids. They're basically having their childhood stolen from them. In 20 years, will they feel nostalgia for spamming F in chat at the command of a looped audio track? Really, this is sick.





BASED Zoomer baiting all these faggots

Attached: Based Varys.jpg (615x678, 73K)


I feel really old watching this

Attached: 1557106219624.jpg (640x400, 28K)


Post yfw in a couple years, kids who grew up playing Super Mario Run, Fire Emblem Heroes and such shit will be old enough to shitpost here and decide the majority opinion of Yea Forums.

>implying the kids of today will want anything to do with this antiquated looking website
4channers are an aging population.

>vidya game journo of all people complaining about youtubers making clickbait videos
How is this a scam? What does the kid lose besides couple seconds of his life?

>eternal summer will end

Attached: 1342119454367.gif (250x235, 531K)

What's more precious than the moments of your life? You can always make more money, never more time. I always hang up on telemarketers right away because I'm not wasting any of my time politely listening to their spiel.

Anyone remember what Tornado Kick's preliminary potency was in test builds for HW? Wasn't it like 800 potency? Why did they do nothing to make you want to use Tornado kick in ShB?

Attached: file.png (483x251, 184K)

Its summertime and you know what that means!

>watching cucked clint

>source is my ass
this might be a reliable source, ironically.


Their site still gets a hit which is given to the advertiser you fucking moron. You cheat the ones who are paying for ads but the website still counts you as a visitor.

gaming journalists need to take a good look in the fucking mirror. That entire article is a big fat nothing at all. There's no lies pointed out anywhere in the video. Entire headline is clickbait.

All it says is that youtubers think something big is gonna happen soon. And that in itself isn't lying.

And fuck you OP for linking to the article instead of using archive.

I haven't seen bait this juicy in years. Good God.

Attached: 1557529411510.png (335x286, 43K)

Watch the compilation guys, it's hilarious

Kids below the age of 17 shouldn't use internet at all

You use the term "4channer" and then say that being user is an aging population. This is ironic in of itself.

B A S E D anons proving they're just as gullible as the audience of the streamers OP mentioned

Attached: gheb.png (372x416, 52K)

Fucking gross, why do normies ruin everything

Explain how Youtubers made it seem like a trading game. I don't play or watch anything related to FN but this sounds interesting.

Being excessively concerned with using the "correct" lingo is a huge sign of a newfag. What's a better way to refer to users of this site then? "Yea Forums users?" Too clunky. "Anons?" Too generic.

I like where this is going...

Attached: 1552071673114.png (900x820, 494K)

Did they just discover what clickbait is?

You're literally pic related in action.

Attached: 1395220567865.jpg (1215x324, 102K)


Please point out where I brang "real life shit" here in any way.

Did you just read the first two paragraphs and then instantly respond?

>sub counter go up and down randomly
>"Don't forget to steal your parents credit card"
>IT it happening!!
Clickbait doesnt even compare to this

was Fleck's response supposed to hurt?
cause it just made Eurogamer's dick logic stronger
>even you shitlords do more damage than this


Bring - Brang - Brung

christ almighty what the fuck why

Attached: 1553137443232.jpg (1157x749, 88K)

>I could give less of a shit
Oh so you give a shit? Dumb fucking Americans.

I think the youtube community is actually as retarded as facebook and I always considered facebookers as the stupidest online people in existence. It's just that youtubefags are more annoying, facefuckers at least stay in their echo chamber, youtubefags will flood the whole internet with shilling for their e-celeb idols.

>Fags spend a whole month indoctrinating children

>Try to convince kids that they are another gender trapped in their bodies and give them drugs before they hit puberty or can consent from a legal perspective

>Kids get groomed all day every day by groups who run discord servers

Oh no someone might have lied for a click about fortnite how terrible will someone think of the poor children.

>people trick kids for profit on the internet

wow shocking

This is what we have learnt: zoomer are cynical as fuck.

Attached: 1543802969235.gif (400x300, 22K)

>All these SEETHING moralfag replies
Fuck kids. They should be executed.

fuck Chinknite and Fuck zoomers

>feels the need to mention trannies and seethe about them when they're completely irrelevant to this thread
fuck off back to hell

Attached: EqLkm5l_d.jpg (500x403, 18K)

This coming from PcGamer who loves to post those god awful click bait articles like any other gayming "journalist" site out there

>Started streaming 23 hours ago
Wait, what?

Attached: 1539422512481.png (190x193, 58K)

child abuse is child abuse

How is "pls don't bully your tranny friends to reduce the chance of them killing themselves" child abuse, or relevant to the topic

Just five more minutes until... nothing.

That description
>stream may be looped if I'm asleep
The guy is a genius

Youtubers taking advantage of children to make money what else is new this has been going on for 7+ years


Attached: 1481323040520.jpg (600x396, 45K)

>clash of clans


you know it came out 8 years ago

oh shit are you the first person to realise this?

How's about consent means more than just sex and if children do not have the faculties to consent than neither should they be subjected to mutilation at the hands of their guardians.

This thread is about exploiting children and Trans and gays have a massive problem with it so they bear mentioning.

Kill yourself

>he blacked out his stream
Wow, this shit keeps getting better.

Attached: 1500498637257.jpg (950x475, 641K)

What is his end game? According to his twitter, monetization isnt enabled

Who needs money when you have an army of drones ready to kill at your command ("SHOUTOUT")

Stop shilling your shitty articles

>My ass would always fall for the "free clash of clans gem generator" when I was younger.

Attached: 1456173406274.gif (515x380, 3.01M)

>everyone kill each other
uhh guys?

>Game that scams kids is surrounded by youtubers that scam kids
Wow, very cool game, thanks Epic.

Attached: 1556310644890.png (696x493, 335K)

It's the little brainlets fault they're retarded

So many seething replies.

Lol oldniggers just realized clash of clans is seven years old and that their pacemaker can’t get them going much longer. Get off my 4channel gramps, the internet belongs to the YOUNG!

He really does look like a child molester

He finally revealed his true endgame.

I ate beans and I've been farting non stop

Jannies can't ban newfag

That’s a lot of fucking words to say “clickbait”.